Heavy Equipment Pack. Possible on a single character from today.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Supermans Crystal Palace

Legion Of The Dark Sun

Looking at the official wiki this morning I see that todays rewards (16th May) push the zoin count past the 15 gold needed to acquire the Heavy Equipment Pack if you were using a single player only. 24 days 72 challenges. Not something that I did myself (my biggest pack is 10 slots) but did anyone actually do all the involved challenges to get the pack on a single character.?

I think they should start to become more common soon. I have seen a couple for sale but people who play a lot should start to get them soon and people who play casual will be waiting till christmas lol..

Of course there is always the people who could care less and thats fine too.

Just curious.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



Originally Posted by Nanood View Post
Of course there is always the people who could care less
Count me among that number. I'll be getting the large packs. 45 slots > 20. I have 2 so far.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005


Good for them.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

It was possible from the day they made PvP daily repeatable. HA and GvG quests with all bonuses give 350 zcoins.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


Originally Posted by Alleji View Post
It was possible from the day they made PvP daily repeatable. HA and GvG quests with all bonuses give 350 zcoins.
And that's the only sane way people have gotten everlasting fireworks already.

Icy The Mage

Icy The Mage

Forge Runner

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Originally Posted by FoxBat View Post
And that's the only sane way people have gotten everlasting fireworks already.
Because you can get them from the traveler's gifts :P

Shayne Hawke

Shayne Hawke

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That would be true assuming that each quest could only be done once per account, and someone was to complete each of those quests to their maximum. Since the PvE quests can each be done once per PvE character, and the PvP quests are repeatable, it would have certainly been possible for someone to have gotten the Heavy Equipment pack before today. Probable, maybe not, but certainly possible before today.

street peddler

street peddler

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2007

why rush when its obvious they designed it so that you would be grinding all the way until GW2 is released.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by street peddler View Post
why rush when its obvious they designed it so that you would be grinding all the way until GW2 is released.
I'm pretty happy with my 10-slot packs on every character.

I sold one 15-slotter, but now I think I'm just gonna stockpile the coins and wait for some other cool rewards to come out, maybe in the next content update, rather than just converting them into ectos.

Zahr Dalsk

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2007


I might buy a pack once they've become common and cheap. However, I don't actually need one, or indeed, even particularly want one.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2008

Wolfenstein: Goldrush

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I have 2 heavys already, 1 from Doing PvE quests on 3 chars, and the rest from HA repeats.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by Alleji View Post
I'm pretty happy with my 10-slot packs on every character.

I sold one 15-slotter, but now I think I'm just gonna stockpile the coins and wait for some other cool rewards to come out, maybe in the next content update, rather than just converting them into ectos.
Hmm good point. The zoins are something that a.net could expand on if they want to.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2007

Originally Posted by Alleji View Post
It was possible from the day they made PvP daily repeatable. HA and GvG quests with all bonuses give 350 zcoins.
was always possible from rerolling pvps



Lion's Arch Merchant

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Order of the Immortal [Vamp]


Originally Posted by jackinthe View Post
was always possible from rerolling pvps
actually it wasn't possible till they fixed the bug allowing us to put zcoins in storage.

Gerroh Darksyde

Gerroh Darksyde

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I'll be getting one, though only through my own earned Zcoins, and only through my normal play rate(Which is pretty casual). I don't care enough about anything in GW to bother grinding for it.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Shayne Hawke View Post
That would be true assuming that each quest could only be done once per account, and someone was to complete each of those quests to their maximum. Since the PvE quests can each be done once per PvE character, and the PvP quests are repeatable, it would have certainly been possible for someone to have gotten the Heavy Equipment pack before today. Probable, maybe not, but certainly possible before today.
That's why he said "if you only did the quests on one character."

Captain Bulldozer

Captain Bulldozer

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Servants of the Dragon Flames [SODF]

I got my first Heavy pack today. I didn't get a single coin from PvP, but I did repeat various missions/bounties on each of my 10 characters, and skipped others. I pretty much ignored every quest that had a reward of under 50 copper, as well as any that would take more than 30-40 minutes to complete. Now what I'm really wondering is if I'll have the drive to get a 2nd heavy pack...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

got a ten slot pack in 1 day of doing the ha quests. all I need.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



I haven't done very much of the zquest stuff, but I had enough to get 3 10-slot bags. Truly, most of my characters need only a 10-slot. Only my monk truly requires more than that.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005

I doubt anyone who cared about getting a heavy pack would do it by all quests on 1 char.
Not only there were plenty of far more efficient ways to get the ZCoins, even without touching PvP, also getting a Heavy as your first bag is also a pretty bad idea - Why not go for a Large and 10 Light for all chars on account, or 2 Larges+5 light instead? The Heavy pack is something to do when you already got everything else, a pretty long term goal.


Frost Gate Guardian

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Originally Posted by careyt View Post
actually it wasn't possible till they fixed the bug allowing us to put zcoins in storage.
This, I got my heavy equipment pack like 2 days after that.

Also, I doubt that anyone who gets the pack today got it because they did all the quests every day.



Grotto Attendant

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The German Order [GER]


Originally Posted by Yawgmoth View Post
Why not go for a Large and 10 Light for all chars on account, or 2 Larges+5 light instead? The Heavy pack is something to do when you already got everything else, a pretty long term goal.
Technically, upgrading to heavy pack from light/large wastes zoins.

If, I for example get large pack today, I will be 5 gold zoins shot for heavy bag; that's 20 more days till heavy for me (a bit more with 'having life').

Ofc, I do not 'farm' zoins, but rather take quests as excuse to finish up NM protectors for my secondary chars.

Sword Hammer Axe

Sword Hammer Axe

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Look up.

Kurzick Conflagration Unit [KCU].


I'm getting it. I just play when I feel like it and so far I got 5 gold coins. I don't really care how long it takes anymore. I mean I play to have fun and doing missions are fun I think ^^

Shadowspawn X

Shadowspawn X

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Originally Posted by Yawgmoth View Post
..also getting a Heavy as your first bag is also a pretty bad idea - Why not go for a Large and 10 Light for all chars on account, or 2 Larges+5 light instead? The Heavy pack is something to do when you already got everything else, a pretty long term goal.
The heavy bag should be gotten as soon as possible why drag it out forever? Once you get your heavy bags the zquests become obsolete for pve, I think people want to reach that point as fast as possible not make a career out of doing stupid zquests with insanely low rewards.



Underworld Spelunker

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Originally Posted by Yawgmoth View Post
I doubt anyone who cared about getting a heavy pack would do it by all quests on 1 char.
Not only there were plenty of far more efficient ways to get the ZCoins, even without touching PvP, also getting a Heavy as your first bag is also a pretty bad idea - Why not go for a Large and 10 Light for all chars on account, or 2 Larges+5 light instead? The Heavy pack is something to do when you already got everything else, a pretty long term goal.
Because they can't be upgraded like the 5..10 slot bags.
If you plan to get 20 slot bags inyour characters, getting the rest just hinder you from getting the bigger ones.

If the items in collectors were the upgrades to transform each bag into the bag of the next size, then people could get the 10 slot bag knwing they can turn it into a 15 slot bag later.

Being fixed that way, getting a 10 slot bag is like getting a an armor with 30 AL when you are level 20 and can get an armor with 60AL, you can't upgrade it, so why get less when you can get the max?

People wont complain so much if the prices were lower, and much less people would complain if they were upgradable.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Bellevue, WA


You really aren't losing that much by upgrading in steps rather than waiting for the largest bag.

You lose out on 1 coin if you get the 10-slotter as soon as you can, rather than waiting until you can spend 5 coins for the 15-slotter. That's only adds 20% longer onto the total time, and in the mean time you do get to enjoy that extra storage, which by itself does have some intangible value in terms of convenience and time saved moving stuff around.

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


I will need at least 9 zoins to get my 1 large and 4 light - but I am debating over whether I would just go for 6 more to get the heavy. At my rate, i can get 1-2 coins a week - depending on how much free time I get and how many quests are runnable. The UW quests have been a godsend since most of them could have been run in a few minutes letting me do other stuff and the charged blackness was great - 15 minutes for 105 zoins, just in a regular and not meta group. I think this week I spent a solid two hours doing those to get 2 gold coins!

I hope ANET continues to release more quests like that, but i doubt it. So far I have 7.2/9, so im getting there O-o. Heavy packs just don't seem to be getting any cheaper though it seems to level out at 80e, but perhaps it may lower just a little eventually.



Underworld Spelunker

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Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


Originally Posted by Gigashadow View Post
You really aren't losing that much by upgrading in steps rather than waiting for the largest bag.[...]
When I get a gold coin in one-two weeks, one coins less means one week more.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by MithranArkanere View Post
When I get a gold coin in one-two weeks, one coins less means one week more.
It's all relative. If it's going to take you 15-30 weeks, what is one more week?



Underworld Spelunker

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Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


One week less I can use it.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Bellevue, WA


Then it's also 15-30 weeks you don't get to use a smaller bag, while you are waiting.

I accumulate coins at a slow rate too, it'll probably be many months before I get the 15 slotter, so I'm going to get the 10 slotter as soon as I have enough coins.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2008



My Nec needs a Equipment pack of 40 slots.
Got 4 armors+1 on me and various weapons.

I Jonas I

I Jonas I

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2008

I am saving for a heavy pack so I can buy PvP armor for my PvE necro. With a few shield sets, a few different headpeices and the standard 40/40 curses and now 40/40 soul reaping sets, I will need every bit of the 20 slots a heavy provides


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Nodakim View Post
My Nec needs a Equipment pack of 40 slots.
Got 4 armors+1 on me and various weapons.
I have 9 armors + 1 on me and my 15 slot pack is full of weapons and shields, and I'm just fine...I just keep a tab open in storage in case I need to use the character for anything.



Jungle Guide

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Warrior Nation[WN]

Originally Posted by Nodakim View Post
My Nec needs a Equipment pack of 40 slots.
Got 4 armors+1 on me and various weapons.
I need a Heavy Equipment bag for my Necro and that would only cover 5 of my 6 armor sets. Now that I have 55 armor, Curses, Blood, and Death armor, high HP armor, and high energy armor I need to get or make decent weapons so I can PvP the right way. ^_^ Cuz I'll need something to put in all the empty storage slots.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Five of my chars have at least four sets of armour. So I'm getting the heavy on those. On the others I might get the large (they're mules). Anyway I'm on 11G zcoins and counting!

Joseph Rejekt

Joseph Rejekt

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Absence Of Light


Originally Posted by FoxBat View Post
And that's the only sane way people have gotten everlasting fireworks already.
Actually, people have been getting them before they were able to afford the z quests. I've seen a few sold ever since Nicholas the Traveler came around.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2006

I'm gonna work towards a heavy equipment pack on each of my characters. I've already got 1, and that combined with the free storage pane will handle me for quite a while. I figure if I can <b>average</b> 150 copper coins a day, over a year that's 7 heavy packs. And I'm only gonna do the quickie z-quests from now on, or arenas I used to do b4.

If I don't happen to be playing in a year, well I guess I won't need them.

Crom The Pale

Crom The Pale

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Ageis Ascending


I haven't been grinding them out but have done enough to get 6 gold coins so far. I will get one heavy for my main char so I can clean out one pannel of storage that is full of armor. The rest of my chars will likely get 10 or maybe 15 slot packs.

Since its very simple to farm the small packs in pre you can equip every char with one for free to expand your storage a bit until you farm what you need.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005

Farming small packs in pre = wtf? It's 50 flowers, ~30 minutes, why would anyone want to do that and then spend some more effort transfering them to post when farming 2.5k gold takes a tiny fraction of the time? Or getting 50 bronze coins for a simple zquest.

First thing I did was getting the 10-slots for all my chars and mules, now I'm in the process of getting 15-slots for the more heavily played chars. Seems the most logical way to go, giving most space for least effort. I won't even think of getting a 20-slot for own use before getting a bunch of those, and that's won't happen soon.