♥ Painted Chibi (transparent background) : 15k new!
If this is the one before you start talking about your post, then yes, I want this, please.
-I'd like it in the same character position as the one at the top of this post, yet isn't required.
-Blue eye's, please.
-Same armor as in my attachments, same colors (black) as well, please.
-Same hair as in my attachments.
-Same mouth as your Chibi at the top.
-The little strand of hair over half the right eye, please.
-Not as big rosy cheeks, please, preferably not at all..
-I'd prefer no Signature at the bottom, or at all. If you need to put it just to show that you made it, it's fine, but if not, the please do not.
-IF I can get a background, I'd prefer that and pay extra as well... I don't know what would really look good, so maybe just pick something easy, yet that looks good with the rest of the photo if you can?

-Fully Colored, please.
-Miniature Polar Bear in her arms, please. (Willing to pay extra for this).
-I'd prefer no Signature at the bottom, or at all. If you need to put it just to show that you made it, it's fine, but if not, the please do not.
-If you can't put the Polar Bear in her lap sitting down, it's fine. If you need to, have her stand up, but I would definitely like the Polar Bear in her arms.
-Hmm... If you could, maybe have "RH" on her foot like the top one to show that this character Chibi is of me, kinda like you did with Shala's. If not, it's fine.
Yes, I am picky, so whenever you get the chance, give me a price, and I am willing to pay. Please PM me In-game at Renewing Harmony, or post on your first thread of who you are doing, or a list of when I am, please.
I have much time, so please, take your time. Thanks and can't wait!
Will pay any amount that sounds right and that you'd ask of all customers. Thanks!