Update - Wednesday, June 10
Korea Service Migration
* Migrated Korean accounts to the North American servers.
(Happened to be in gtob ID1 right after the update. Watched as everyone circled Kun Shao, /rank /rank /rank.... then nothing after the timer. Was pretty flippin funny *g*)
Side note, the GvG map rotation has also been updated, but isn't documented on the website.
* Migrated Korean accounts to the North American servers.
(Happened to be in gtob ID1 right after the update. Watched as everyone circled Kun Shao, /rank /rank /rank.... then nothing after the timer. Was pretty flippin funny *g*)
Side note, the GvG map rotation has also been updated, but isn't documented on the website.
Cale Roughstar
lol... have to wait another 24 hours to get my free money >.<
Regina Buenaobra
We're doing some backend work on the Xunlai Tournament House, so the points will not be ready tomorrow as planned. We're very sorry about the inconvenience. We expect to have the Xunlai points distribution available next week.
Regina, how about the skill update?
youve only had two weeks to generate the points, i mean great bit of planning thar

We're doing some backend work on the Xunlai Tournament House, so the points will not be ready tomorrow as planned. We're very sorry about the inconvenience. We expect to have the Xunlai points distribution available next week.

Helix Dreadlock
That explains it! thanks for the info Regina!

Khazad Guard
youve only had two weeks to generate the points, i mean great bit of planning thar |
Seraphim Angel
We're doing some backend work on the Xunlai Tournament House, so the points will not be ready tomorrow as planned. We're very sorry about the inconvenience. We expect to have the Xunlai points distribution available next week.

Thanks for the info!!!
cool update.
will tomorrow have skill updates or just free tournament reward points?
will tomorrow have skill updates or just free tournament reward points?
cool update.
will tomorrow have skill updates or just free tournament reward points? |
Kumu Honua
Does this backend work include fixing the problem with it's complete lack of ability to handle any sort of load placed on it a few hours before deadlines?
Wish Swiftdeath
wow thats...erm crappy
hopefully knowing anet they'll give us double zkeys given their tendency to screw things up
hopefully knowing anet they'll give us double zkeys given their tendency to screw things up
I supose the skill update will still be tomorrow as planned, Regina would have said otherwise.
Trinity Fire Angel
yeah... but will there be an update tomorrow or not? currently i spend all day checking the forum to see if there has been an update. can they just tell us if they are updating or let us all just hang on a limb to see if there will be one?
Shayne Hawke
More delays! Woohoo!
I'm just going to get in early and say it;
Stop complaining about points being delayed, they're free, and you did nothing to earn them.
Stop complaining about points being delayed, they're free, and you did nothing to earn them.
Chicken Ftw
Yeah, it's kinda silly to bitch about free gold.
But how else am I going to get those items that I have absolutely no need for, never want (just plan on selling), did no work for and other than placing random names in random positions under my account name have absolutely no entitlement too since I HAVE TO HAVE them right now????
Umm, yeah its just fine with me to wait a little longer, for goodness sakes if I really needed them right now I would just go earn them myself or farm the gold to buy them right now. A bonus for doing nothing shouldn't be complained about.
Hopefully all the bugs and kinks related to recently instituting the new xunlai house will be ironed out with this tournament rewards point round and it will be all smooth next time around...
Umm, yeah its just fine with me to wait a little longer, for goodness sakes if I really needed them right now I would just go earn them myself or farm the gold to buy them right now. A bonus for doing nothing shouldn't be complained about.
Hopefully all the bugs and kinks related to recently instituting the new xunlai house will be ironed out with this tournament rewards point round and it will be all smooth next time around...
The Air Revenger
things like this are really making me think about GW2(if it evercomes out) i dont care if i didnt get my points to day im just mad because it seems Anet cant do anything on time and if they knew they werent going to be released they should have told us like a week ago so there wouldnt be any QQing now.
things like this are really making me think about GW2(if it evercomes out) i dont care if i didnt get my points to day im just mad because it seems Anet cant do anything on time and if they knew they werent going to be released they should have told us like a week ago so there wouldnt be any QQing now.
Excuse me, but your Entitlement Complex is showing.
Karate Jesus
All I can say is....
I just won $5. I bet a friend that the tourny points would be late the first time after the new XTH went into affect. He actually believed that the new system would make it better. Cynical realism pays off again!
Oh, and did Regina actually say if the skill update would be on time or not? If it's late, I win another $5
I just won $5. I bet a friend that the tourny points would be late the first time after the new XTH went into affect. He actually believed that the new system would make it better. Cynical realism pays off again!
Oh, and did Regina actually say if the skill update would be on time or not? If it's late, I win another $5
Wish Swiftdeath
The problem is that everything is delayed not just the XTH, it happens with EVERYTHING.
TBH wish they didn't give out the XTH at all, it just inflates the price of everything.
TBH wish they didn't give out the XTH at all, it just inflates the price of everything.
No one else got their points today?
Because I got 112 points today.
Because I got 112 points today.

Ariena Najea
We're doing some backend work on the Xunlai Tournament House, so the points will not be ready tomorrow as planned. We're very sorry about the inconvenience. We expect to have the Xunlai points distribution available next week.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Agreed. You, me, and Mithran are lonely bastions of realism fighting the war against mindless QQers.
Meh, slightly upsetting but nothing to do but roll with the punches. All the bitching in the world wont make our tourny points show up tomorrow.
oh well thanks regina for letting us know i was wondering whay they would release an update today and tomorrow guess they arent gonna release the points
Ratson Itamar
Who cares about the points, I just hope the skill update is going to be good (great even?). A change and attention to PvP would be very much welcomed.
things like this are really making me think about GW2(if it evercomes out) i dont care if i didnt get my points to day im just mad because it seems Anet cant do anything on time and if they knew they werent going to be released they should have told us like a week ago so there wouldnt be any QQing now.
Well if you did get points today they cant have been this months because firstly as Regina already explained they will be a week late and secondly even if they were gonna be on time you wouldn't get them till tommorow anyways.
Deathaxe Raizer
Is there going to be a skill update, or will Arena.Net continue to disappoint the player base even further?
Thanks for the information Regina. I think it is sad to see all those players complain about Anet 'not doing things on time', 'not being ready', 'delaying everything'. But the problem lies with those players, and their I want it now! attitude.
Thanks for the information Regina. I think it is sad to see all those players complain about Anet 'not doing things on time', 'not being ready', 'delaying everything'. But the problem lies with those players, and their I want it now! attitude.
And then they became monthly?
And now the monthlies are getting delayed? And when they do arrive they show how out of touch with the game the devs are.
It's their game.
They can do with it whatever they want.
But the question that arises is - with no new content and consequently people losing interested not only in the game but also the franchise - can they afford this?
They seem to think that they can.
Me? I can't wait to get my hands on D3!
Agreeeeeeeeeeeeeed. Less QQ is key!
But the question that arises is - with no new content and consequently people losing interested not only in the game but also the franchise - can they afford this?
They seem to think that they can. |
I for one am able to put this game aside when it starts to bore me. I play other games too, and will play other games than Guild Wars in the future (like, indeed, Diablo 3). However, Guild Wars has made such a big impact on me I am sure to log in with every major update, and I am sure to buy and play Guild Wars 2.
I can't speak for the masses of course, but if I can choose between getting jaded over this game/franchise by keep playing this game everyday in hope of a revitalising update, or I can put it aside for a bit and enjoy other games, I know what to do.
Archress Shayleigh
...next week?!1 i want my XTH pts... naw! lolz anyway hurry up, thnx
I think this was made clear the moment GW2 was announced. They do want to continue the Guild Wars franchise, just not with the 'new campaign every 6 months model'. Some people are still stuck in that phase, being accustomed to a new content injection as soon as the excitement of the last update started to dwindle.
I for one am able to put this game aside when it starts to bore me. I play other games too, and will play other games than Guild Wars in the future (like, indeed, Diablo 3). However, Guild Wars has made such a big impact on me I am sure to log in with every major update, and I am sure to buy and play Guild Wars 2. I can't speak for the masses of course, but if I can choose between getting jaded over this game/franchise by keep playing this game everyday in hope of a revitalising update, or I can put it aside for a bit and enjoy other games, I know what to do. |
But bolded the main point.
The game still bores you.
And that's why I have no issues with people stating that. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to sugar-coat the truth or simply shut up when things aren't going the way that they should.