Originally Posted by glacialphoenix
No offense intended, but I think you would have a lot more gaps to cover than you think there are. I'm not saying it most definitely won't work, but - you know, if you just took each GW class and said "OK, this is the D&D equivalent" like you just did... that doesn't do GW justice.
Sure I do and sure it does. A ritualist isn't going to take on the traits of the spirits it summons like vestiges do, but the mechanics behind how a binder works will be just fine for making a ritualist work in the game. Tweeking the mechanics/rules/crunch to fit more of a gw styled game will help sell that and filling in the gaps will make it air tight.
My examples were just that, not direct conversions as how they would work. But you don't have to create a completely new rules system just to make a game work. In the game itself characters don't know what levels are, or hit points or saving throws. They only know that they have learned many things, can take a hit and don't catch colds as often as everyone else.
You take the mechanical ideas of how each base class works and modify it into a new class for the gw conversion. So a paragon with incarnum ideas won't manifest soul energy into visual soulmelds, but a paragon would be able to manifest energy into shouts much like a barbarians warcry, although a paragons shout would have a more supernatural aspect to it as they have found a inner strength to draw from, like a mystic. The clerical aspects of a paragon would also operate like a mystic, power from within.
The hardest part about making rp conversions is not the mechanics (crunch), its the layers of detailed fluff. Anyone can make a rules setup with classes, spells items and all that. Making a fully inhabited world come to life is a completely different thing.
As for the races, thats easy too. You take a base race, say Human and apply a gw template to it. Tyrian, Krytian, Magnum, the desert folk, elonian, canthian. Templates are just a layer of detail you place over the base.
You could even have sub racial qualities and racial levels like monsters. every third racial level, a player could choose to take a sub racial level. This is like a base class + a template + a minor template. So that tyrian warrior can gain additional benefits/qualities like a faster runner for example. +10 movement speed ontop the the base movement speed of 30-40.
I doubt most people will follow what I'm saying unless they enjoy being a GM/DM but its very simple once you've done it for a while.
Tweek the crunch and house rule the gaps. Easy. Atleast for me it always has been in the 15+ years I'v been designing campaigns.