@Toxic onyX: Yeah thanks for the uncalled for flame, you're obviously very grown up. Very adult way of having a discussion...
I was talking about the SF SKILL, not the A/E build. There is nothing wrong with the skill itself. The
build could be fixed by changing any other skill in the bar if it's not what anet intended to be, or by changing the missions that are being speedcleared.
This is just ONE profession that can do something "broken", with just ONE build. Ursan allowed EVERY profession to breeze through any mission easily in groups.
There's a difference between playing PvE in groups or playing solo.
Of course ursan didn't work in PvE when playing solo with H/H. It required a group as you yourself explained. Still, anet nerfed it, because
everyone was running ursan.
A/E permasin works ONLY for farming, running and the occasional speedclear, ONLY on assassins. That's certainly not 90% of the game. Any other proffession can't use SF in this way, reducing that percentage even more by 1/10th. That makes it less "broken" imo.
New broken-balace-o-meter:
Ursan: allowed ALL professions to breeze through ALL chapters 100% of the game. Logically Anet fixed the skill.
A/E permasin bar: allows ONE profession to SOLOFARM (no effect on PvE), RUN (little effect on PvE as there are many more running builds for many professions), or speedclear a small percentage of PvE. That last bit might need a fix, but that doens't automatically mean SF needs to be addressed. I was simply saying a solution could also be found in the missions that are currently being speed-cleared or in another skill from the permasin bar.
Maybe that's a bit clearer. I'm sorry if my previous post might have been unclear to you.
But tbh, I kinda dislike the way you handle a discussion, so I'm not gonna bother explaining myself to you anymore.
@faraaz: good example

good post