Banned. Correct or Not
Helix Dreadlock
Imo, he had it coming. It's not hard to trade them 23 (or whatever amount for 100k) at a time. 3 warnings means he had it coming. It is not your responsability to protect idiots like this, and if he had the ectos, he probably knew what he was doing. I'm not saying your innocent either, but you have a cleaner slate by a fricken longshot. I feel for ya. Oh, and btw, a 2 week ban isn't so bad.
Tar Ionwe
The only thing that is binding in this game is you pushing that accept button... just because you say, "I'll play you x amount" doesn't bind you to it. The final binding thing is the accept button.
It's unfortunate you got banned for some else' mishap.
You should have screenshotted your end, sent it to support to show you were trying to do the right thing, and gotten the ban reversed.
As it stands, oh well. I'd talk to support and explain it. We can't help.
As it stands, oh well. I'd talk to support and explain it. We can't help.