Been playing since release (though with some serious breaks) and I never really cared that much about titles. I put in my share of GW hours (/age haunts my nightmares) and I only vaguely started looking at titles with the introduction of the HoM.
That having said, the unlock system is really rather silly either way. At first sight it's only rational that those that max GWAM should get something in return but on the other hand: titles really are just an arbitrary ways of measuring involvement. It might not be fair if GWAM maxers never get anything extra but the same could be said of those that have been playing since launch. I consider myself an old-school GW player and have seen this game change a hell of a lot over the years, and despite many frustrations, I stuck by it. Isn't that an accomplishment as well? Isn't there an argument to be made that this loyalty should also be rewarded with GW2 unlocks?
Similarly, back in the day there were tons of people just playing the game to help others. I know a couple of guys that just spent entire weeks sitting in Thirsty river or THK dragging noob team after noob team through the 'hardest' missions of prophecies. An accomplishement that has gone completely unnoticed and will not translate into any extra goodies for GW2. Just because the game recognizes a couple forms of merit doesn't mean that it is rational to expect those forms to be rewarded while a lot of others are being completely ignored.
Whatever is going to happen with the HoM, it isn't really about being fair and giving everyone their due. HoM has a bigger impact on GW1 play then it will have on GW2. At the moment GW rewards one arbitrary way of playing over a couple of others. In my book, GWAM maxers aren't any more entitled to some rewards then the examples I just gave but that hardly matters in the big scheme of things. Most likely there will be some rewards for every visual accomplishment in the HoM. I honestly don't expect those rewards to even come close to being 'fair' compared to the work involved to get them but as I said, I don't think 'fairness' comes in to play at all...
My guess, given the specific structure of the HoM: every filled monument will give you one unlock: an extra set of armor, a special pet or Hero-type-guy, a unique mini-pet, a kick-ass blade of awesome or a title only you get to show.
Heck, you know what would be cool? A mini-pet Hero customized with my armors wielding a fiery dragon sword! Sweet... Maybe I should start maxing some titles after all...
Hall of Monuments titles