Ridiculous lag
Momoka Chan
WTB Server Maintenance.
Seriously, the lag is out of control.
Seriously, the lag is out of control.
How many of you have contacted support directly with your lag issues? My lag has been resolved, once again with the help of support. It took several days, lots of emails, try this, try that, etc. Now I can play in America again.
Asia, nice place to visit, don't want to have to stay there.
Asia, nice place to visit, don't want to have to stay there.
First time in 4 years I'm getting err7's... This is getting out of hand.
How many of you have contacted support directly with your lag issues? My lag has been resolved, once again with the help of support. It took several days, lots of emails, try this, try that, etc. Now I can play in America again.
Asia, nice place to visit, don't want to have to stay there. |
or in other words, they kept you busy, chasing phantoms, until the problem went away by itself. yeah, that's a very common tactic. i'd personally skip the calls though.
Actually, through the process of elimination, we found my recently updated anti-virus program did not like GW.
Regulus X
WTB Anet paying their Internet Service Bill. :P
ll Jamie ll
How many of you have contacted support directly with your lag issues? My lag has been resolved, once again with the help of support. It took several days, lots of emails, try this, try that, etc. Now I can play in America again.
ANet say they can't find anything wrong at their end, i say delve deeper.
Lol, everyone suddenly experiencing lag after an event starts probably has to do with all those people's ISP, yes
. Can't be anything on GW's side, can it?

Lol, everyone suddenly experiencing lag after an event starts.......
But I am not going to argue with anyone about who's at fault. Like my ISP said, "Nobody wants to admit their system has a problem." That includes you, your ISP, Anet's ISP, or any of those little stops in between.
I hope your "finger pointing" gets rid of your lag problems.
Well if Arenanet would stop testing while we are playing we wouldn't have that much lag. :P
I get lag problems all the time since Christmas, after a couple of months of a ping between 64ms and 15k at a moment's notice I contacted support and told them it had been going on for a few months. They helpfully suggested that these problems go away usually after a couple of days and that I should wait.
So after those few days, during which it miraculously hadn't cleared itself, they ran a few tests and told me in no uncertain terms that it wasn't anything to do with them and most certainly it is either my ISP or my line. My ISP disagrees and the company supplying my line disagrees.
Now, obviously I am in no position to say who is actually at fault, what I can say is that my ping at the raptors is currently constantly over 1k and elsewhere in the game it fluctuates between 63ms and about 2k. Oddly enough this only occurs during events where people are farming items, any other time and the ping in the raptor cave is usually about 120-300ms.
One can only assume then that the majority of England's GW players use my Internet connection to connect to GW.
So after those few days, during which it miraculously hadn't cleared itself, they ran a few tests and told me in no uncertain terms that it wasn't anything to do with them and most certainly it is either my ISP or my line. My ISP disagrees and the company supplying my line disagrees.
Now, obviously I am in no position to say who is actually at fault, what I can say is that my ping at the raptors is currently constantly over 1k and elsewhere in the game it fluctuates between 63ms and about 2k. Oddly enough this only occurs during events where people are farming items, any other time and the ping in the raptor cave is usually about 120-300ms.
One can only assume then that the majority of England's GW players use my Internet connection to connect to GW.
Since event started I've been getting horrible 5 digit ping spikes. I'll d/c every now and then and I won't be able to reconnect for like...5 mins or so. What gives?
ll Jamie ll
II Lucky Charm II
You can try reseting your modem until you get the best possible latency. Different IP makes a difference in your latency. Simple things to do to reduce lag or the slow down of your internet connection:
1) scan for viruses
2) stop anything that connects to the internet (Instant messenger, AIM, youtube)
1) scan for viruses
2) stop anything that connects to the internet (Instant messenger, AIM, youtube)
Nope, still bad. I'm freezing and warping all over the place. It's only in GW my internet is fine.
Karate Jesus
I just lag spiked and ERR 007'd. Got back on to check with my guild. All of them did the same thing...and half the people in the outpost I was in did too. Wtf is going on?
El Presidente
same...2 dc's when not lagged/frozen.
Karate Jesus
I was frozen in a HvH yesterday. This is starting to piss me off. Btw, my internet is fine, my modem is fine, and I just tried playing another online game and it's running fine. It's on GW's end, not mine (oh and I'd only been playing for 10 minutes).
On a side note, watching half the people disappear out of Kama ad3 was funny earlier.
On a side note, watching half the people disappear out of Kama ad3 was funny earlier.
Its 2:33 est whole party dc'd out of a SoOsc and my friend was in Kama ad1 and said half the ppl just disappeard. anyone else having problems atm?
Yep. I'm getting it worse than I have for a long time. Just keep lagging over and over so i decided to go sit in my guild hall.
idk maybe arena net is having server problems?
ive been disconnected 4 times in under an hour
ive been disconnected 4 times in under an hour
Karate Jesus
I'm having the same thing, but I suggest you comment on the 2-3 other threads already about lag. I'm sure this one will get closed.
Neo Nugget
ll Jamie ll
Well, im just sitting in boreas seabed asian district doing nothing, no lagg atm... something will happen if i go elsewhere though.
This has been happening for too long.. are arenanet just putting it down to us having 'rubbish conections'?
This has been happening for too long.. are arenanet just putting it down to us having 'rubbish conections'?
I'm also dcing multiple times, err 7's, but my internet is just fine, in the last hour. I can't even set up my heroes
I'm not even gonna try to go out and do something.
Edit: It had improved over the last few weeks with a few hiccups here and there, but today is significant.

Edit: It had improved over the last few weeks with a few hiccups here and there, but today is significant.
El Presidente
Pretty much very minimal lag and/or disconnects in 4 years; now, I've had many freeze ups and 8 dc's in the last hour alone and countless in about the last month or so.
It's really become a royal pain (for me) and coincided when they switched Korean accounts to the American servers...
It's really become a royal pain (for me) and coincided when they switched Korean accounts to the American servers...
Regina Buenaobra
We're having our team look into this. If I can provide info for you, I will let you know what the issues are. Thanks.
El Presidente
Thanks! Whatever it was between 1-2 pm CST (at least for me) seems to have cleared for now. No lag, etc. in the last hour. *knocks on wood*
Game is not playable in PvP with all this lag. 
Hope Anet fixes it fast so I can play some more AB.

Hope Anet fixes it fast so I can play some more AB.
I'm not boasting here but I'm just getting usual lag and no one else in my guild or alliance is getting feezes or d/c's. I've seen people complaining about it lots in JQ Local though, but then again, they complain about anything there.
Day before yesterday, I was hit by a lag spike so hard that my game essentially froze. Every few seconds, it would thaw just enough a drop would show in the chat log, but the actual screen didn't reflect it. Pings were astronomically high. Then it cleared (after about two-three minutes?) and the game ran perfectly fine.
I've been using the International districts lately for less lag. The American servers must be smoking, they're so busy (and ludicrously laggy!). Seems like we have lag creep now seeping into International, though.
I've been using the International districts lately for less lag. The American servers must be smoking, they're so busy (and ludicrously laggy!). Seems like we have lag creep now seeping into International, though.

Edit... >_>
Peer Guardian somehow put NCSoft Interactive on a list to be blocked.
Peer Guardian somehow put NCSoft Interactive on a list to be blocked.
about a week and a half lag free and since the last hour (2-3 am Cst) a shitload of 30k lag spikes, freezing in game @ tanaki temple. ping plotter showed nothing on my end. really annoying.
on sunday i was dc'd 23 times,6 lag spikes,usual lag and 5 error codes. and this was just me! everyone in my allaince and my guy and his allaince had issues too. and i checked on my end my interent was working fine. on monday had a few lag spikes but other then that fine.

Hanging out in presear Fort Ranik, couple nights ago, watching people vanish in groups, then complain about dc's when they return. For once, I am not having to deal with major spikes as I had in the past.
Rocky Raccoon
Played AB all weekend with only 1 match with any lag at all. Is there any thing in common with those who are having problems?
well my allaince is mostly europe part and i'm in florida. my guy's allaince is mainly all over usa with a smashing of over seas peeps.