My experience:
My friend Elnore invited me to do Vloxen HM with my infuse spam, so I came with Z-quest. Unfortunately we only had one person who was a guildy, the rest were pugs and that made me go So for 10 minutes we set up build and everything. We had 1 Imbagon, MS assassin, Hundred Blades warrior, AP necro, Enduring scythe warrior, some holy scythe dervish, Ele healer and Infuse spammer.
Sounds good right? RIGHT! We beat the dungeon in less than 20 minutes! We rolled the mobs without pulling. The dungeon was suppose to have a lot of rezes but we killed so fast that dead men can't rez. The end boss took us ~1 minute because we had all the physicals (5) with great dwarf weapon. Zoldark couldn't stand let alone cast a spell. We breezed the entire thing with only 3 deaths (1 death by boulder ) That was my best PuG ever as we didn't even stop to rest between fights and had essence of clarity (which helped us beat it so fast).