Originally Posted by Winnies Bro
free runner, YOURE NOT READING ANYTHING I SAY, not the other way around!
also you lot are saying that we dont know the ancient dragons are evil, true...but...whats more likely? huge ancient not-sentient(unlike glint, whos good) with "untfathomable magic"(from the wiki) also on ogdens benidection it says "And the greatest threat of all has yet to come" the cutscene shows primordus opening its eye in a scary way. im gonna go look up the vid on youtube.
Possibly a misunderstanding. The Dragons do cause destruction. They are "bad guys" to us (at least initially). Nothing says they are unintelligent. Nothing says they are
evil. Just the antagonist (that would be who we fight).
Tell him yourself.
Originally Posted by Nodakim
Did the Searing and the destruction of Orr cause the dragons to awaken?
Unknown. Possible. Despite the 50+ years since the Searing since the first Ancient Dragon (Primordus) woke up. I'd say it is possible that they, and other worldly events, woke up the Great Destroyer, which woke up Primordus. And Primordus waking up caused the others (indirectly) to wake up.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
The way I read the Movement of the World article made it pretty clear that Elona and Tyria will be in GW2, with Elona being a more elite/end game area (since that is full of undead) and Tyria being the main setting of the game (since that is where all the main races homelands are and would be the main location for any sort of race war).
Cantha looks to be cut off.
Now... why would somebody do that? For the most obvious reason, A.net would save Cantha for the first or maybe second GW2 expansion/chapter.
Personally, I agree that Tyria and at least some of Elona could (and possibly will) be in the first game. They made Cantha more of "no access" and Joko more of "threat once the dragons are dead/mostly dead" by how I understood it.
Originally Posted by Winnies Bro
The reason i think all 3 current continents will be included in the base game is because the storyline of gw2 includes the entire world. evryone seems to think that just because we dont know that the dragons will awaken in cantha and elona and that they are cut off means that they have practically nothing to do with the story.
No one has said that...
Originally Posted by Winnies Bro
konig and others said that cantha will be very unimportant in the storyline because at the moment we know of no trouble in that location;
No I never said that. I said they will not be in the game
initially - that means at the beginning, or start. This is why Free Runner said you only take parts of what you read.
Originally Posted by Winnies Bro
they are sent away from cantha to tyria(they are not killed by the undead dragon and his minions cos they go to tarnished coast/muguuma jungle instead of kryta, that is how we know anything about cantha.
Wrong, that happens before the Orrian dragons wakes up. They head to Kryta. and the dragon blocks off the maguuma and tarnished coast as well (unless you go way west - which is off the map currently).
Originally Posted by Winnies Bro
writing that made me think... from the way the canthan part of the movement about the emperor was written in was like they didnt just kill off all the non humans, they just...made them leave and fought them off... the question is, where did they go???
Was said - Kryta. If I remember correctly, Kryta is now a refugee nation for both humans and non-humans. And those that were chased off (and I think the emperor also killed some, the others fled) also seemingly went to Elona. If I remember correctly. Also, Cantha is used for the name of the empire, and the continent - just as Tyria is the name of the continent and world. So there may still be some non-human sentient races on the continent, just not in the empire.
Originally Posted by Winnies Bro
prehaps to the south of cantha, makes for a whole new continent and story! btw, all non-human races including TENGU, they are sentient, unlike all of the other non-humans of cantha(i think).
Also includes Naga, Yeti, and Dredge.
Originally Posted by Winnies Bro
The tengu wouldnt be happy about that... perhaps they have a plan, a new civilisation and their own huge land... prehaps they wage war against the humans... perhaps they are a playable race!!!!!!!
Being territorial, they wouldn't be happy about that. However, creating a war from the south, you're just making things up.
Originally Posted by Winnies Bro
I know this doesnt really say that cantha and elona wont be expansions but i just think that they will be part of the main game.
Highly unlikely for Cantha. It would be a very very big game if so. Say, combine all four games we currently have. You are basically wanting that as the initial game.
Sure, I'd like that too (especially if it was minimal maps), however it would not be beneficial for business and would possibly mean adding on 3 more years for the development of GW2 from the estimated date of end of 11 beginning of 12 - which would mean 2015 if all three continents are added. More or less.
Originally Posted by Winnies Bro
Mordakai, i am a boy and i do read all the posts then i post as you said and i dont just write anything i say. people shoudlnt be annoyed just because people have talked about hw2 before cos their is lots to discuss!!!
And all that "lot" has been discussed almost to the point where people decide what each and every word means.
Just wait for the three books to come out before posting more on GW2. Please. Save yourself from a possible ban and from being flamed and called a troll. (and take some writing lessens, walls of text is annoying, especially with bad grammar)