Purple or Gold?
If someone offered you an item that was purple, yet exactly the same skin as it's gold counterpart, would you buy it for the same price? |
The only thing I have that is purple is a 14^50 Crystaline. And i didn't pay anywhere as near as I would have compared to a Gold with the same stats.
Unreal Havoc
Now that I agree with. And others may feel the same way about the skins, or even purple vs. collector/weaponsmith versions. It's all subjective, and in the end, you're ridiculing others just because of perceived value.
Stop asking why and just be happy with cheaper grapes. They great for most people, and the higher priced golds are great for those anal retentive collectors who will pay to have them. Ey? |
Calling people names because they choose to pay more "imaginary" money is dumb. |
Certainly these people can't be that much of a "clownshoe" since they were smart enough to make the money in the first place to a point where the premium prices of gold are no longer an issue. |
There's nothing "smart" about farming (except perhaps the one person who thought up a particular farm), power trading, or doing XTH predictions, because anyone can do it.
Like the guy above me said. Stop asking why. |
It's a psychological thing that I can't really understand, even for myself. Even if a purple item has the same stats, better req and same skin as a gold, I'll still get rid of it and keep the gold item. When the game was new, and before inscriptions and greens, I had no problem with a purp, because golds were truly rare back then, and I didn't have a lot of coin to spend on toys. Now it's stupid easy to get rich, rares are in abundance, so there's not much point in sporting anything but the best.
The color doesn't matter to me, it's the mods and max dmg the weapon and or item offers.
A while ago, when I was doing CoF with a friend of mine, I got a lesser scimitar, and it was a purple yet it was maxed out in dmg. The reason why it's purple, is due to the non-maxed out inscription. So what I did was add on Strength and Honor, 30hp, and a 20/20 mod. Used it for a while then sold it to an alliance member.
Goes to show that items despite their color can be very useful, and if it's a rare item/weapon, that isn't maxed ,yet the value comes in it's skin I'd probably use it on a hero or even sell it to another player who would want it more. But other then that I will stick to the max weapons, with the good mods, the requirements aren't such a big issue, but it's a good thing when they're low.
Though, when it comes to drops, I do much prefer to get a Gold, then anything else. Why? because it's the price and a point toward wisdom. Yeah, it is nice to get a perfectly maxed out item/weapon when it's not gold; like blue or purple.
A while ago, when I was doing CoF with a friend of mine, I got a lesser scimitar, and it was a purple yet it was maxed out in dmg. The reason why it's purple, is due to the non-maxed out inscription. So what I did was add on Strength and Honor, 30hp, and a 20/20 mod. Used it for a while then sold it to an alliance member.
Goes to show that items despite their color can be very useful, and if it's a rare item/weapon, that isn't maxed ,yet the value comes in it's skin I'd probably use it on a hero or even sell it to another player who would want it more. But other then that I will stick to the max weapons, with the good mods, the requirements aren't such a big issue, but it's a good thing when they're low.
Though, when it comes to drops, I do much prefer to get a Gold, then anything else. Why? because it's the price and a point toward wisdom. Yeah, it is nice to get a perfectly maxed out item/weapon when it's not gold; like blue or purple.
Wish Swiftdeath
If it doesn't cost at least 50k i won't use it.
In all seriousness I like the gold writing and I feel inferior for having a grape... yes it's stupid but I have like an OCD - one grape in my inventory and i either put it in xunlai or get a gold version.
In all seriousness I like the gold writing and I feel inferior for having a grape... yes it's stupid but I have like an OCD - one grape in my inventory and i either put it in xunlai or get a gold version.
No i wouldnt. because i refuse using inscriable items. so with purples i couldnt be able get same stats as with golds.
pumpkin pie
I use collector's weapons a lot
if it fits the job, i use it.

if it fits the job, i use it.
It's the fact that, they are rare, that makes the golds worth more than the purples. Purple is uncommon, gold is rare. Rarity adds price. I use rare, because it's rare. I like rare. I don't use purple, because purple letters are ugly, vanity issue mostly. But that's what GW is, a vanity issue.
Well, last 100 visits I paid to my friends the Vaettir, Purple were actually more rare, XD.
I got mainly whites and golds.
HM and HM farmings messed rarity a bit.
I got mainly whites and golds.
HM and HM farmings messed rarity a bit.
I would not buy it for the same price as a gold item that is for sure.
I think lots just consider having it in gold as a status and everyone just rolled with it.
However there are people that won't use any purple items. I for one don't care, I even have blue items max, perfect that I use with issues.
I do sets of weapons on my warrior:
White Reaver---------Anceint-------------Piercing
For the Fellbalde set:
The first one (furious) is gold old school that I bought back in the day for 100k+20e but the other 2 are req9 purple insc ones that dropped for me.
The Dwarven axe for example is the craftable one from central chamber, I don't care if it is blue.
However I won't pay some money for a purple like a gold one, just because that how it is happening in GW.
I think lots just consider having it in gold as a status and everyone just rolled with it.
However there are people that won't use any purple items. I for one don't care, I even have blue items max, perfect that I use with issues.
I do sets of weapons on my warrior:
White Reaver---------Anceint-------------Piercing
For the Fellbalde set:
The first one (furious) is gold old school that I bought back in the day for 100k+20e but the other 2 are req9 purple insc ones that dropped for me.
The Dwarven axe for example is the craftable one from central chamber, I don't care if it is blue.
However I won't pay some money for a purple like a gold one, just because that how it is happening in GW.
Darth The Xx
For me personally, I hate purple weapons. I did buy a purple greater guardian spear and I soon regretted it, reason being? every time I mouse over it it looks so mismatched with the gold text of the shield. Me being a caster having lots of shields it does piss me off so I don't buy purples anymore.
As for items having the same stats, this is true, some people don't mind having basic skins with max stats and that's good for them. While my Voltaic Spear and your Suntouched Spear but have the same stats and perform just as well, the Voltaic looks cooler in my opinion hence why I use it, and not the suntouched I don't see how this is so hard to understand.
As for items having the same stats, this is true, some people don't mind having basic skins with max stats and that's good for them. While my Voltaic Spear and your Suntouched Spear but have the same stats and perform just as well, the Voltaic looks cooler in my opinion hence why I use it, and not the suntouched I don't see how this is so hard to understand.