Hard/annoying/time consuming elite skill captures in your opinion?
Now that I've unlocked all normal skills and items (except for most runes since I don't use most runes), I've moved onto elite skills. I usually just capture them in PvE since I don't want to waste faction but not now. Before I start though, any skills (skill's bosses) that are harder to get, annoying, or time consuming? I'd rather get those with faction and save my time. For example, I consider the Mesmer's Construct an annoying boss due to the location (must face other bosses before you get to it and small space to fight) and proximity to like 3/4 other groups roaming the area. Just your opinion. Until this thread gets filled up I'm gonna have to check everything individually lol. Don't tell me any Mesmer or Ritualist bosses though since I've done all of those.
(Some of you must be thinking "Why waste faction on skills when you could have Zkeys?", but I don't care about gold or titles).
(Some of you must be thinking "Why waste faction on skills when you could have Zkeys?", but I don't care about gold or titles).
Anything in proph was annoying due to the random spawns
Black Metal
I'm staring this right in the face. I'm playing with my 2nd acct, and I need elites to put on my heroes, so might as well cap them all.
Many Proph elites only occur in bosses in Ring of Fire missions, and they may not spawn at all (there may be 4 boss spawn points which may spawn any one of 8 bosses). And you may have to fight to some far-away corner, being Ring of Fire many enemies pack Meteor Shower so your heroes and henches just love to sit in those, just to find out the boss didn't spawn at all in your instance.
Many Proph elites only occur in bosses in Ring of Fire missions, and they may not spawn at all (there may be 4 boss spawn points which may spawn any one of 8 bosses). And you may have to fight to some far-away corner, being Ring of Fire many enemies pack Meteor Shower so your heroes and henches just love to sit in those, just to find out the boss didn't spawn at all in your instance.
Don't forget that there is a chance that a boss might not even spawn at that point
Most annoying: Maxine & Harn Coldstone - They patrol around and you won't get both it's either one or the other. (usually the one you don't want - hehe!)
Most Prophecies bosses are a pain (annoying) because of the random spawning, especially in places like Mineral Springs and Snakedance. Here's a tip: Cap CORE elites in either Nightfall or factions - makes things just a tad easier.
Most Prophecies bosses are a pain (annoying) because of the random spawning, especially in places like Mineral Springs and Snakedance. Here's a tip: Cap CORE elites in either Nightfall or factions - makes things just a tad easier.

Voodoo Rage
Feast of Corruption has a single spawn but it is quite a hike. I remember that one being a pain time-wise. Otherwise I actually got pretty lucky with my spawns in Prophecies.
Yes, as mentioned, get all your cores elites first. Also don't forget a lot can be captured in Eye of the North too. I also regret finishing the Path to Revelations quest chain without capturing all those elites (from those Facet) which several were difficult spawns otherwise.
Yes, as mentioned, get all your cores elites first. Also don't forget a lot can be captured in Eye of the North too. I also regret finishing the Path to Revelations quest chain without capturing all those elites (from those Facet) which several were difficult spawns otherwise.
I had a thread I made a while ago discussing the capturing of Xinrae's Weapon in Depths of Madness and how much "fun" it is to go out to capture that elite skill.
Well te random spawn in miniral springs can be countered by taking that one Titan quest that takes place in miniral springs, the downside is that titans are more annoying to kill than birds, the upside is that it stops the random spawns
Mineral Springs, fevered dreams, Aura of the Lich
any caps in lsland of fire is annoying to me, but meh its gw what can ya do??
til d3 comes out
til d3 comes out

I side with the Aura of the Lich people, but between the random spawns, and some only being available inside missions, just about any prophecies elite is a pain.
Anything in a large area of Prophecies.
capping elite skills in proph /fail
capping elite skills in proph /fail
Most prophecies caps, I remember capping Ether Prodigy was a slut. So was punishing shot and practiced stance.
Dont Nerf The Perma
I think the most annoying skills I had to cap were the ones in mineral springs. its far off, its huge, and it has a load of dif spawn point locations for bosses along with the fact that that boss may not ALWAYS spawn.
Anything in Mineral Springs, most things in perdition rock, every skill you have to go into a mission in order to cap. (AotL and restore condition, I'm looking at you.)
Xinre's weapon was also a pain, as well as several of the skills in Crystal Overlook.
Xinre's weapon was also a pain, as well as several of the skills in Crystal Overlook.
I managed proph fine, I did proph first on my elite skill hunter title list. This made proph seem normall and NF/Fac seem easy.
Why not just cap them all? That way you get the skill hunter title while unlocking skills for PvP/Heroes.
Why not just cap them all? That way you get the skill hunter title while unlocking skills for PvP/Heroes.
I really had a problem capping life barrier. I remember going in and out of that zone 15+ times.
Some of the end of nf elite were kind of a pain, but the rest were easy peasy.
Some of the end of nf elite were kind of a pain, but the rest were easy peasy.
This. Especially Mineral Springs and Ice Floe to name a couple of areas.
I think the most annoying skills I had to cap were the ones in mineral springs.
Oh, by the way, I had no problems with Aura of The Lich lol. First try, it was nothing. Good PUG too.
Don't care about titles, nor do I have the gold for that anyways.
Dont Nerf The Perma
really? forgot I had that quest actually. usually pick them up in bulk and leave them there forever till I feel like trying some. with no titans I may just go back! I have had very good luck with random spawns. I think there was maybe only 1 time when a random styel boss hasn't' spawned for me.
any caps in lsland of fire is annoying to me, but meh its gw what can ya do??
til d3 comes out ![]() |

If you can't get the elites, a cheap way would be to run zaishen elite with a trapper build and pick up your 6k needed for unlocking skills to that area. If you're capturing to gain for yourself instead of heroes, best of luck to ya.
At least half the Prophecies spawns who REFUSE to spawn where you want them. Especially when they're the only bosses with that skill. (RC, I hate you. I had to cap you because my monk was my first character; did you have to make it so dratted annoying?!)
I actually like the Mineral Springs spawns compared to most of the other Proph ones. They're definitely going to turn up. Getting there is annoying, but 1. The main run factor is getting to Granite Citadel. Once you've got there, Tasca's Demise isn't really all that hard to run through. 2. they're guaranteed to spawn. Which is more than you can say for at least half the South Shiverpeak bosses. Or the ROF bosses. (Spindle Agonyvein, I'm still looking at you.)
I actually like the Mineral Springs spawns compared to most of the other Proph ones. They're definitely going to turn up. Getting there is annoying, but 1. The main run factor is getting to Granite Citadel. Once you've got there, Tasca's Demise isn't really all that hard to run through. 2. they're guaranteed to spawn. Which is more than you can say for at least half the South Shiverpeak bosses. Or the ROF bosses. (Spindle Agonyvein, I'm still looking at you.)
shield of deflection (mo)....gale never spawns for me in the first spot, and my 2nd monk never got to the other side of the island past all the imps...grrrr. So she STILL has one lone signet of capture waiting to cap that one....for 2 years now.
yeah the ring of fire mission ones are the worst because of the 'lack' of spawning of the bosses. (perdition rock has some nasty ones too, and now that you can only bring 3 caps at one time---cap wisely!! my poor e/me had to cap 2ce since there are 6 possible caps there...3 me and 3 ele...ugh)...its lots easier now that some have been moved up to 'core' status, but still.
yeah the ring of fire mission ones are the worst because of the 'lack' of spawning of the bosses. (perdition rock has some nasty ones too, and now that you can only bring 3 caps at one time---cap wisely!! my poor e/me had to cap 2ce since there are 6 possible caps there...3 me and 3 ele...ugh)...its lots easier now that some have been moved up to 'core' status, but still.
So true! I just uncovered Mineral Springs today on the map for my final Mesmer elite (had 2 I never got around to doing) and for some other elites as well, but got so fed up with the area and Titans roaming EVERYWHERE that I just quit and faction'd the skills.
Some elites that I had to resort to using faction/tomes:
-Thunderclap, or anything else from the Mursaat bosses, since they never seemed to spawn for me
-Feast of Corruption, didn't feel like making the long hike
-Xinrae's Weapon, though I later found out how easy it was to cap
At least in Mineral Springs, all six bosses are guaranteed to spawn, just not in the same spot. Also gives you some Avicara Scalps to sell this week.
Abaddon's Mouth had some annoying elites. But I still got them all to spawn.
Hell's Precipice wasn't so bad. They all spawned for me.
Yes it is annoying, or challenging depending how you look at it.
I liked the random spawns of some prophesies bosses, pve is predictable enough and was pretty disapointed when the random spawns didnt carry on into later games.
Hoping for much greater variation in GW2
I liked the random spawns of some prophesies bosses, pve is predictable enough and was pretty disapointed when the random spawns didnt carry on into later games.
Hoping for much greater variation in GW2
Fevered Dreams/Restore Condition since the only place to get those is from dryder bosses in Abaddon's Mouth. They are way on the other side of the map from the start point, so you gotta fight your way there (at least twice, unless you happen to be a monk or mesmer and you get really lucky), wading through lava, fighting through meteor shower and mursaat (better hope you're infused), and then, of course, the boss you need might not even spawn! Happened to me three times for RC, but I did get FD on the first try - still, that's 4 trips through that crap... not fun.
Those were definitely the most aggravating. I honestly enjoyed getting Feast of Corruption since I just made it part of the 'droks run' vanquish. Mineral Springs caps were a little monotonous, but otherwise not too bad. Outside of Prophecies, I don't recall any cap being any problem at all. I got proph out of the way first and the rest was smooth sailing.
Those were definitely the most aggravating. I honestly enjoyed getting Feast of Corruption since I just made it part of the 'droks run' vanquish. Mineral Springs caps were a little monotonous, but otherwise not too bad. Outside of Prophecies, I don't recall any cap being any problem at all. I got proph out of the way first and the rest was smooth sailing.
To cap UA, i killed all boss groups and the monk boss was at the last group i killed >.>
Restore Condition and Feast of Corruption. Two hard to reach places.
Master Ketsu
Punishing shot was my hardest cap, and this was back in the day when prophecies was all there was and Punishing shot was meta, so I needed it if I wanted to GvG with my PvE main char ( see avatar ). It just had to be in the middle of that huge run...
Squishy ftw
I wasted the most time on Oath Shot. Neither of those idiot bosses wanted to spawn, I wasted at least 2 hours before finally running into one of the bosses.
Pre-Nightfall, the most irritating elite cap for me was "Ride The Lightning" in the explorable Unwaking Waters, with the boss being at the other end of the said area Kunvie Firewing. Armed with an army henchies.. it was..suicide. And time consuming. I believe back then.. there was no option to flag henchmen etc so follow you they did into the jaws of annihilation.
I didn't really have any problem with Mineral springs actually, but I do remember Ring of Fire and Snake Dance, especially the latter.
Fevered dreams I think was the hardest its miles to get it and I think you had to kill a level 29 monk boss on the way.
I did it back when there were none of these fancy "heroes" so it might be easier now.
I did it back when there were none of these fancy "heroes" so it might be easier now.
Set yourself a time limit that would be the maximum amount of time spent to cap one skill. Then estimate whether X skill is within that timeframe before you cap it, if not move onto the next skill.
That would probably count most of the Ring Of Fire out. Along with Mineral Springs and Snakes Dance.
That would probably count most of the Ring Of Fire out. Along with Mineral Springs and Snakes Dance.
Mineral Springs and Perdition Rock were very very annoying.
Factions and Nightfall are quite easy compared to Prophecies.
Feast of Corruption was funny
Factions and Nightfall are quite easy compared to Prophecies.
Feast of Corruption was funny

Any elite skills that can only be capped in the last three Prophecies missions, from a Mursaat/Jade/Titan boss that may or may not spawn, if you forgot to bring a cap sig, they'll spawn.
I cap the ones in places my character has been. But, for example, my mesmer hasn't even gotten to Vabbi in Nightfall. Therefore, if I want a late-NF mesmer elite, I'll use a tome rather than a cap.
Pip Squeak
The hardest (and most annoying) are the elite skills in proph and the ones in the Realm of Torment. Proph elites usually require the boss you want to spawn and they usually have 4 spawn locations. Sometimes the boss you want doesn't even spawn! 
Realm of Torment is just party-wipe area and the environmental effects are annoying.
Cap core skills in Factions, Nightfall or EotN and attempt to avoid capping in proph if you prefer to keep you're sanity

Realm of Torment is just party-wipe area and the environmental effects are annoying.
Cap core skills in Factions, Nightfall or EotN and attempt to avoid capping in proph if you prefer to keep you're sanity