Commission - Closed: Qing's Commissions
I'll wait, don't worry. Real life takes priority.
@InfestedHydralisk - back to the game and earn some gold.
@InfestedHydralisk - back to the game and earn some gold.
Originally Posted by Darcy

@InfestedHydralisk - back to the game and earn some gold.
But Starcraft 2...

i adore your art! Cant help but to beg you to do a commission for me!
and yes, i realise you have loads to do first, so im not gnna nag you about it taking long =] As others said, real life comes first ^^
Name: Nakashima Miharu
Type of portrait: Full Body - Full colour
Style of portrait: semi-realistic

Personality: Miharu is a girl that knows what she wants, and when she wants something, she'll get it, no matter what it takes. She's tough, and never gives in. She is surprisingly caring for her friends, and would go trough hell and back for them, she is very loyal to those she cares about. Her favorite element is Fire, altho she also loves to play around with earth every once in a while. She carries around a heavy burden every step of the way, born in ascalon, she's seen many friends being ripped apart by the charr. She will never fully be able to forgive the charr for what they have done, and puts her anger into her quests. She's travelled troughout all of Tyria, Elona and Cantha, giving help to those in need, trying to save them from having to carry the same burden.
and yes, i realise you have loads to do first, so im not gnna nag you about it taking long =] As others said, real life comes first ^^
Name: Nakashima Miharu
Type of portrait: Full Body - Full colour
Style of portrait: semi-realistic

Personality: Miharu is a girl that knows what she wants, and when she wants something, she'll get it, no matter what it takes. She's tough, and never gives in. She is surprisingly caring for her friends, and would go trough hell and back for them, she is very loyal to those she cares about. Her favorite element is Fire, altho she also loves to play around with earth every once in a while. She carries around a heavy burden every step of the way, born in ascalon, she's seen many friends being ripped apart by the charr. She will never fully be able to forgive the charr for what they have done, and puts her anger into her quests. She's travelled troughout all of Tyria, Elona and Cantha, giving help to those in need, trying to save them from having to carry the same burden.
hey can u draw a WoW char for me?
i will pay in guildwars ingame name: Caramel Lea
type : full body, semi realistic, full colored
pictures: 1 2 3
will pay u ~50k if thats ok (tell me if u need more
i will pay in guildwars ingame name: Caramel Lea
type : full body, semi realistic, full colored
pictures: 1 2 3
will pay u ~50k if thats ok (tell me if u need more

Would be nice if you could give confirmation that you will or wont do my comission ^^
Qing Guang
Sorry, I thought I had closed this. Art school kind of drained most of my desire to do art outside my classes... IT IS A CREATIVITY VAMPIRE, I TELL YOU!
But! Anybody who already commissioned me and I didn't get around to it, if you still want me to do the piece, I will over my break next week. Murke, I totally have not forgotten about our art trade and I have got the lineart drawn out; it'll be done by the end of next weekend.
If I don't get a lot of people who still want a picture from before, I'll open up for a couple of fresh ones, just for the break.
So no! I'm not dead! Just tired! But I desperately need to do some non-school-related drawings over break and I want to get some more digital practice. So yeah.
But! Anybody who already commissioned me and I didn't get around to it, if you still want me to do the piece, I will over my break next week. Murke, I totally have not forgotten about our art trade and I have got the lineart drawn out; it'll be done by the end of next weekend.
If I don't get a lot of people who still want a picture from before, I'll open up for a couple of fresh ones, just for the break.
So no! I'm not dead! Just tired! But I desperately need to do some non-school-related drawings over break and I want to get some more digital practice. So yeah.
Yay! Our artist is aliveee! ^^
I'd still love the pic i requested, but only if youre up to it of course, schoolwork always comes first, as does ur own health and desires =]
I'd still love the pic i requested, but only if youre up to it of course, schoolwork always comes first, as does ur own health and desires =]
Qing Guang
Here's my half of the art trade with Murke, finally. Sorry it took like half a year to do... The pose isn't particularly exciting, but it seemed to fit with the personality she has going from the other pics of her. Necrotic armor is crazy to draw!

MariskaAmy, I'll do yours next.
Since nobody else renewed their commish, I'm take one more new commish (or a renewal) if anyone is interested.
Here's my half of the art trade with Murke, finally. Sorry it took like half a year to do... The pose isn't particularly exciting, but it seemed to fit with the personality she has going from the other pics of her. Necrotic armor is crazy to draw!

MariskaAmy, I'll do yours next.
Since nobody else renewed their commish, I'm take one more new commish (or a renewal) if anyone is interested.
Welcome back Qing
Real life always takes priority!
But if you're up to a few commisions, I would still like one.
Since you've done an Ele already, lets go with Rit
Style: Semi-Realistic
Full Body
Full color
- Close up without headpiece(eyes are a bright green)

But if you're up to a few commisions, I would still like one.
Since you've done an Ele already, lets go with Rit

Style: Semi-Realistic
Full Body
Full color
- Close up without headpiece(eyes are a bright green)

-With Headpiece

- Full body screen
Qing Guang
Aight, frostkisses gets the other slot.
...your rit looks exactly like mine. That's the second clone I've seen in two days. *cry* Qing isn't unique anymore! (though considering that only like 3 of the rit faces don't suck, I guess it makes sense...)
I can draw her with the hat and the modifications you mentioned, soon's I finish the other piece.
But first, off to Slaver's Exile!
...your rit looks exactly like mine. That's the second clone I've seen in two days. *cry* Qing isn't unique anymore! (though considering that only like 3 of the rit faces don't suck, I guess it makes sense...)
I can draw her with the hat and the modifications you mentioned, soon's I finish the other piece.
But first, off to Slaver's Exile!
I'm still in line from last year. Don't forget me.
(Sorry I missed your return, but my mom was in the hospital and then rehab so I wasn't monitoring Nolani or even modding very much. She's home and doing great now, so I have free time.)
(Sorry I missed your return, but my mom was in the hospital and then rehab so I wasn't monitoring Nolani or even modding very much. She's home and doing great now, so I have free time.)
Qing Guang
Okay! Well I will squeeze you in there.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Greatly appreciated. My post is #59 on page 3. And I am assuming that prices have risen, which is not a problem.
Qing Guang
Actually they haven't. I'm doing pretty okay on cash atm so I see no need to charge more

Yeah I was very unimpressed with the rit faces
just means we have good taste is all lol!
and great! cant wait to see some new stuff from you

just means we have good taste is all lol!
and great! cant wait to see some new stuff from you
Ohh that nerco turned out great ^^ Great job, as always!
Qing Guang
Aight I am working on getting MariskaAmy's lineart banged out; hopefully I'll get that pic done today. Darcy, I'm fitting you in after that since I've kept you waiting so log.
frostkisses, do you want your rit in an action pose or something more "mysterious and calm"? I took some reference shots of both casting animations and the dance (I could also look up something if need be), but I'm not sure what would be best.
EDIT: Decided to double post. So sue me.
frostkisses, do you want your rit in an action pose or something more "mysterious and calm"? I took some reference shots of both casting animations and the dance (I could also look up something if need be), but I'm not sure what would be best.
EDIT: Decided to double post. So sue me.
Qing Guang
Finished MariskaAmy's piece!
I took like 50 screenies of my own ele doing various casting/attack animations and finally got the idea to change up the angle... I'm quite fond of the dramatic look of this one. It might have been better if I had kept the original lighting (coming over her shoulder, so most of the torso was in shadow) but whatever. I was very glad that I took the shots in my Tyrian armor, because while doing this I realized that Tyrian and Obby have almost exactly the same silhouette (check out the placement of the epaulettes, etc - the main difference is the really weird cut of the boots). The staff was a little trickier as I had been using Kerssh's Staff, which curves right along the arm, so I had to guess where the staff would actuallly go. And her other hairbun really is completely invisible from that angle. It made me sad but I'd have to really shift it to have it show up. In the end I think everything worked out pretty okay.

Darcy, I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to get done tomorrow given that it's my aunt's birthday and I also have to pack up to go back to school from her house. But I will definitely get it done this weekend, and hopefully start (maybe even finish) frostkisses' commish.
I took like 50 screenies of my own ele doing various casting/attack animations and finally got the idea to change up the angle... I'm quite fond of the dramatic look of this one. It might have been better if I had kept the original lighting (coming over her shoulder, so most of the torso was in shadow) but whatever. I was very glad that I took the shots in my Tyrian armor, because while doing this I realized that Tyrian and Obby have almost exactly the same silhouette (check out the placement of the epaulettes, etc - the main difference is the really weird cut of the boots). The staff was a little trickier as I had been using Kerssh's Staff, which curves right along the arm, so I had to guess where the staff would actuallly go. And her other hairbun really is completely invisible from that angle. It made me sad but I'd have to really shift it to have it show up. In the end I think everything worked out pretty okay.

Darcy, I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to get done tomorrow given that it's my aunt's birthday and I also have to pack up to go back to school from her house. But I will definitely get it done this weekend, and hopefully start (maybe even finish) frostkisses' commish.
No problem, Qing, whenever you have the time. That is a fantastic drawing for MariskaAmy. One of your best.
Amazing job, couldnt be happier with it =]
I believe you still have my IGN, but it might be more effective if we decide on a time to trade due to the timezone differences. I can be on from 10 am to 10 pm GMT+1 all day when i want to, I just never am, so tell me when to hop on and i will
Amazing job, couldnt be happier with it =]
I believe you still have my IGN, but it might be more effective if we decide on a time to trade due to the timezone differences. I can be on from 10 am to 10 pm GMT+1 all day when i want to, I just never am, so tell me when to hop on and i will

Whichever inspires you more Qing 
Great job on Mariskas!

Great job on Mariskas!
Ohh now im just itching to jump back in line for another one haha xD But prolly wont be a good idea seeing how ur swamped and i dont want to add to any stress =P
Qing Guang
Hrm. Well I managed to get together the blueline of Darcy's piece (ie second stage, after redline layout), but something just looks wrong. As it's almost time to leave for the train I'll leave off for now, and I'll drop this up here.
Looking at the small image, I'm wondering if her legs are angled too far back. But I'm also having a lot of trouble with perspective on the leg, especially the armor pieces. As it is her left foot is a stand-in.
If anybody has any suggestions as to how to fix this, that'd be greatly appreciated.
Oh, and ignore the face - in the blueline it's usually just a kind of mock-up.

EDIT: Wow, I just realized how small the picture is. I might need to redraw the whole dang thing.
EDIT 2: Aaaaand her axe arm is way short. I'll deal with that but I don't think it's the main prob.
Looking at the small image, I'm wondering if her legs are angled too far back. But I'm also having a lot of trouble with perspective on the leg, especially the armor pieces. As it is her left foot is a stand-in.
If anybody has any suggestions as to how to fix this, that'd be greatly appreciated.
Oh, and ignore the face - in the blueline it's usually just a kind of mock-up.

EDIT: Wow, I just realized how small the picture is. I might need to redraw the whole dang thing.
EDIT 2: Aaaaand her axe arm is way short. I'll deal with that but I don't think it's the main prob.
Im a total noob when it comes to drawing, so dont bite my head off if what im saying makes no sense.. But it seems to me like her legs are too long to fit the torso, especially when you look at the (for us) right leg and then look at her torso. But like i said, could be totally how thats supposed to be, just wanted to try and help out ^^
I really like it. I like the long legs. And I can't say they look off. Looks just fine imo, perhabs her hough could be a bit thicker, but other then that, looks good.
But yeah.. the arm holding the axe is pretty off xd
But yeah.. the arm holding the axe is pretty off xd
I'd like to get a commission from you, if possible ^^
Full-body, full-color, so 20k+tip.
I'd like my Paragon, Marjani Asha.
She's the older half-sister of Farai, my Dervish, and the two couldn't be more different in personality. Marjani is rather silly and never takes things seriously, and is quite the joker. She travels and fights more for the fun of it, and also because she can't stand to have her little sister show her up.
As far as pose goes, something either casual or actiony works ^^ she uses the Darksong and an Aureate Aegis dyed to match her armor.
Full-body, full-color, so 20k+tip.
I'd like my Paragon, Marjani Asha.
She's the older half-sister of Farai, my Dervish, and the two couldn't be more different in personality. Marjani is rather silly and never takes things seriously, and is quite the joker. She travels and fights more for the fun of it, and also because she can't stand to have her little sister show her up.
As far as pose goes, something either casual or actiony works ^^ she uses the Darksong and an Aureate Aegis dyed to match her armor.
I'd like a full body full color commission as well, whenever (and if) you choose to accept.
I would like one of my character Dervish. For the pose, either holding a giant scythe in one hand (like gandalf holds his staff) or actiony. Whatever you think would look cool.
I would like one of my character Dervish. For the pose, either holding a giant scythe in one hand (like gandalf holds his staff) or actiony. Whatever you think would look cool.
Qing Guang
Oh maaaannnnnn more commissions. Well, I'mma cave here and add y'all to the list because I want the money and 'cause your charas are so pretty and I haven't drawn a derv or para before aside from my own.
But no guarantees on when it gets done, as I'm back in classes now. I'mma try to finish Darcy's over this next weekend but Sunday is my birthday so I prolly won't be drawing then. Friday afternoon I usually don't do work, though, so maybe I'll try and finish it then before D&D. At least with my price tag, if you forget and spend it before I get to you it's pretty easy to farm up again, na?
Soyeah. I'll try to make time.
But no guarantees on when it gets done, as I'm back in classes now. I'mma try to finish Darcy's over this next weekend but Sunday is my birthday so I prolly won't be drawing then. Friday afternoon I usually don't do work, though, so maybe I'll try and finish it then before D&D. At least with my price tag, if you forget and spend it before I get to you it's pretty easy to farm up again, na?
Soyeah. I'll try to make time.
Flying Ninja Monk
Love a
At the moment I don't have time to post a screeny P: But you're awesome!
Love a
At the moment I don't have time to post a screeny P: But you're awesome!
Originally Posted by Tommy's

perhabs her hough could be a bit thicker,
Whats a hough?
looking forward to seeing it finished.
looking forward to seeing it finished.
Flying Ninja Monk
Well then
Where to start?
I'd like a full color full body pic of my monk if that's possible
Attachment included
I couldn't choose which armour set to ask you to draw, so just pick one which you prefer
I'd like an action pose, not necessarily a standard GW one.
Okay then...Blue Screen of Doom is an evil, villainous monk - I actually made a story about it - but basically she was an abused slave who flipped and became a Sauran-worthy evil villain. Anywho - she's got attitude and i'd like the pic to show it if possible!
(Psst. Pink is attitude.
And manly.
Yes it is!)
Where to start?
I'd like a full color full body pic of my monk if that's possible

I couldn't choose which armour set to ask you to draw, so just pick one which you prefer

Okay then...Blue Screen of Doom is an evil, villainous monk - I actually made a story about it - but basically she was an abused slave who flipped and became a Sauran-worthy evil villain. Anywho - she's got attitude and i'd like the pic to show it if possible!

(Psst. Pink is attitude.
And manly.
Yes it is!)
Originally Posted by Aeronwen

Whats a hough?
According to my online translator its the back of the knee
According to my online translator its the back of the knee

Not so sure about that.
Yes, he is sure.
Qing Guang
Just a quick update, since it's been a looooooong time since I posted:
Yes, I'm still alive.
Yes, I still intend to do all the commissions I currently have.
No, I don't know how long it will take me.
My Drawing 102 class is over for the year (aside from a few hours' worth of tweaks to my final, and then showing it to the teacher), and that was what was eating most of my time. I've still got to work on my Writing I final paper and I'm not yet done with my finals for Licensed Image or 2D Design, but those will take a bit less time and effort (and the LI project is due Tuesday, so...). So I intend, with my extra 6 free hours a week, to get back to work on these. I will however also have to focus on packing up to go home, so a lot of them will not be done until the summer.
Yes, I'm still alive.
Yes, I still intend to do all the commissions I currently have.
No, I don't know how long it will take me.
My Drawing 102 class is over for the year (aside from a few hours' worth of tweaks to my final, and then showing it to the teacher), and that was what was eating most of my time. I've still got to work on my Writing I final paper and I'm not yet done with my finals for Licensed Image or 2D Design, but those will take a bit less time and effort (and the LI project is due Tuesday, so...). So I intend, with my extra 6 free hours a week, to get back to work on these. I will however also have to focus on packing up to go home, so a lot of them will not be done until the summer.
Hope you passed everything.
Qing Guang
Okay okay okay I'm beginning to sound like a broken record here.
But I'm alive and yes I will still do all your commissions.
Things I currently have been doing that are not commissions:
- Trying to find a job (EURGH)
- Dealing with a medical insurance issue
- Getting back in contact with old friends
- Trying to level a new WoW character (yes, I'll fess up to this, I have had some free time) to play with some old friends
- Putting off dealing with fixing the lineart for Darcy's pic (this tends to happen whenever I get stuck on something, be it a drawing or a game)
However I will force myself to finish at the very least Darcy's commish by the end of next week, unless I suddenly and magically get hired and have to work several hours a day (yeah right). Maybe then I will be back in the commishly mood and will binge on drawing and get them all done in a week. Maybe I won't, and I will only do one a week or something. But I WILL work on them, because it's not fair to y'all that I put them off this long.
But I'm alive and yes I will still do all your commissions.
Things I currently have been doing that are not commissions:
- Trying to find a job (EURGH)
- Dealing with a medical insurance issue
- Getting back in contact with old friends
- Trying to level a new WoW character (yes, I'll fess up to this, I have had some free time) to play with some old friends
- Putting off dealing with fixing the lineart for Darcy's pic (this tends to happen whenever I get stuck on something, be it a drawing or a game)
However I will force myself to finish at the very least Darcy's commish by the end of next week, unless I suddenly and magically get hired and have to work several hours a day (yeah right). Maybe then I will be back in the commishly mood and will binge on drawing and get them all done in a week. Maybe I won't, and I will only do one a week or something. But I WILL work on them, because it's not fair to y'all that I put them off this long.