First off, i do not play a Dervish, so it is hard for me to understand if there is actually something broken or not; mainly because die-hard dervishes say there is nothing wrong with them, where others claim they are not even worth a character slot...
But, if it is indeed the case that R/D, W/D and A/D using a scyth are better at Dervishing then a D/* is with a similar build, then clearly something is 'wrongish',
Analysis 1
as i would emagine the primairy profession to be the better at using its skills, then using these same skills as a 2e profession
(this is mainly how i understand the Prophecies professions to work) ...
Analysis 2
Then it is also the case that, as a */D, you can't get the attribute beyond 12-ish, where a D/* would be able to get said attribute to 16+, if anything, this should make the difference between damage/effect output of the skills used.
Analysis 3
Given the Scyth is the weapon for the Dervish, i would conclude that the primairy attribute 'mysticism' (not available for */D) should give a buff to the Dervish that makes it better at Dervishing; From what i read in thread
s sofar, this should be Scyth using and Enchantment Jugling (casting/stripping)
*correct me if i misunderstood*
Solution Scythbuff?
Sofar i understand weapons to be mainly the same in set-up, meaning, all melee weapons have similar buff upgrades, as do casting weapons; so i see no real need to make a Scyth a different weapon in relation to its use... Each melee weapon comes with a set of skills and the upgrades used are largely depending on the players preferences, and in some cases the preference for the build this player runs (be it vamp/ zeal/ penetrating/ damagetype) ... From this i would say giving the Dervish a buff to Scyth damage output on say mysticism, would make it viable to also add this buff to say Tactics for using a melee weapon as a worrior
... or a buff to the damage of Axe/Sword/Hammer's, depending on the lvl of the attribute (which to me sounds silly, as this relation is currently allready there, through the skills in the attribute catagory) ... so, /not signed for buffing the Dervish in this way..
Sollution Enchantment buff?
The Enchantment Jugling then becomes a way to buff the Dervish, if indeed the current jugling is 'broken'; unfortunatly i lack experience in dervish use to know if a buff here would fix things. But since the Mysticism attribute is currently related to this jugling and the bonus to this is related with HP/E management (which indeed makes it a harder profession to play, and perhaps not the best choise for a newer player, but it could be the next challenge for a long time Warrior). A Buff here might be viable ... But, as this is HP/E management this will not solve the Damage Output 'problem' as is currently put forth as the main problem, in relation with 2e prof. */D Dervishes.
** So perhaps the Dervish needs some more Enchantments and or strips to further its speciality in this damage/buff niche?
Solution Attribute Points
So from this i must conclude that if there is truely something wrong, the sollution must be found in the scaling of effect/output of the skills related to the attribute lvl. As apparently raising your scythmastery to 12 makes it to powerfull when being used as a 2e prof. To me this would mean scaling down the effects/output for <12 attributed, and keep the 12+ as it is now ... Mainly meaning a Nerf to the 2e prof. /D builds;
Kindoff disappointing to me
to draw this conclusion, as a Buff sounds way more positive then a Nerf; but from this analysis i can't find an other simple way to give 'Dervishing' back to the Dervish, in relation to the */D builds that are said to outdervish them...