Originally Posted by JaiGaia
Wow just wow, SERIOUS BUSINESS here guys ... This is not the first person that has left or been forced out of the position. Garriot and Chris more recently. Something is definitely brewing over in the main NC offices.
I don't think we should link Jeff Strain with Richard Garriot. Speaking of failures, Tabula Rosa was a failure. Bad numbers at launch, never could pick up a decent base, ended up being canceled. So, should they keep Richard around? Why?
Now, Jeff Strain is another matter: successful Guild Wars, great visionary, ability to translate those visions into reality.
I love to speculate, so here's my thoughts on why Jeff left NCSoft. This is a guy who left Blizzard before their biggest title ever: World of Warcraft. He could have ridden that gravy train until he died. Same with NCSoft, they are making money right now, he would be set for life.
I think he doesn't want to sit on already successful games (or game companies), he wants to make new ones. So, we'll see where he ends up, but I predict we haven't heard the last from Jeff Strain.