Your Wings Await!
Not just the CE, also the first run SteelBook Edition (which seems to be the name for standard).
If there is no expansions for GW1 and GW2 is still a year off then it's good business sense to try and get current GW players to try another NCsoft game instead of going to another company. If they only play the first month it's still sales for them and if they play longer it keeps players occupied/distracted so they wont whine as much about "Where's my GW2?". Now to find which of my friend's are getting Aion and don't play GW....
If there is no expansions for GW1 and GW2 is still a year off then it's good business sense to try and get current GW players to try another NCsoft game instead of going to another company. If they only play the first month it's still sales for them and if they play longer it keeps players occupied/distracted so they wont whine as much about "Where's my GW2?". Now to find which of my friend's are getting Aion and don't play GW....
Asia Skyly
I'm fairly sure it's bad business to bully your most promising subsidiary, whom your future is largely weighted on, into doing things they don't want to.
I see it in the business I am in, not all decisions made make sense or are right.
Did they bully ANET into doing this or was it something ANET thought it would be something with some benefit to them (the company as a whole)? We will never know for certain.
What we know for certain is that the issues that exists with GW1 are not getting the attention they deserve as the resources are allocated elsewhere: Wings for Aion promotion, GW2, etc.
I guess it just hurts to see the game I love fall by the waste side.

Divine Ashes
I for one think this is incredibly cheesy. Wings have no place in Guild Wars outside of paragons. Not only from a lore and story standpoint (ummm...why would players be able to randomly sprout wings now?), but it's such an obvious marketing ploy.
I am not only NOT buying Aion for the wings, but I've lost some respect in ANet/NCSoft as well...
I am not only NOT buying Aion for the wings, but I've lost some respect in ANet/NCSoft as well...
Omg...they're kidding right? Lol
Yeah, not dropping 50 bucks on a game I wont play just for wings -.-
Yeah, not dropping 50 bucks on a game I wont play just for wings -.-
GW2 cannot come fast enough... |
And this one makes the asumption that in business all decisions are good decisions done with foresight and long term planning.
I see it in the business I am in, not all decisions made make sense or are right. |
Apples/Oranges. You don't get to the top of a company like NCSoft if you are an idiot. In fact you don't get to the top of a company like NCSoft unless you are eminently qualified in all aspects of your field.
What we know for certain is that the issues that exists with GW1 are not getting the attention they deserve as the resources are allocated elsewhere: Wings for Aion promotion, GW2, etc.
I guess it just hurts to see the game I love fall by the waste side. ![]() |
Not exactly very resource heavy.
You guys are all a bunch of commies... 
Seriously, it's a wing emote, and it doesn't even transfer to GW2. If you're buying Aion anyway, great, but not many are going to buy Aion JUST for a wing emote in Guild Wars.

Seriously, it's a wing emote, and it doesn't even transfer to GW2. If you're buying Aion anyway, great, but not many are going to buy Aion JUST for a wing emote in Guild Wars.
I was not aware that "Steam" was a physcial retailer, as I understood it they are digital download only. But to quote the page; "This is the only way to receive the Aion wings emote for Guild Wars, as the emote is not available via digital download."
What if you pre purchased on steam?
Can you still get the Wings? as it mentioned NA and EU retailers. |
Q: How do I get the Aion wings emote on my Guild Wars account? Is there any other way to get the Aion wings?
A: Players who purchase an Aion Limited Collector's Edition or a first run SteelBook Edition at retail will be rewarded with an Aion wings emote code. This is the only way to receive the Aion wings emote for Guild Wars, as the emote is not available via digital download. Click here for a list of locations that carry Aion.
EDIT: KZaske beat me!
boris the blade
No1 will buy Aion for wings in Gw. This move was just to stick out AION emblem and send the ppl there. GG Anet you make me think twice before i'll buy gw2.
Originally Posted by boris the blade
No1 will buy Aion for wings in Gw
boris the blade
No1 will buy Aion for wings in Gw. This move was just to stick out AION emblem and send the ppl there. GG Anet you make me think twice before i'll buy gw2.
Look, NCSoft had City of Hero and Lineage trial cards in the original Guild Wars Prophecies box!
Cross promotion is nothing new. If you are going to give up on GW2 just because NCSoft is advertising Aion, well good luck to you finding any company that does not cross-sell!
Tom Swift
1: how long does the actual emote last? if it is only a few seconds then why bother?
If it is until you zone it might be nice.
2: Not sure what the point is. If you use it in explorable areas there won't be many people to see it in conjunction with the really nice armor graphics. If you use it in town it's going to look pretty cheesy in conjunction with the low quality armor everyone else will see on your character.
3: No different wings for different professions
so everyone will look that same.
1: how long does the actual emote last? if it is only a few seconds then why bother?

2: Not sure what the point is. If you use it in explorable areas there won't be many people to see it in conjunction with the really nice armor graphics. If you use it in town it's going to look pretty cheesy in conjunction with the low quality armor everyone else will see on your character.

3: No different wings for different professions

Bought the game in ncsoft store and..
pretty bad that it's not available via digital download... |
I bought the CE (!) directly in NCsoft's store with my connected NCsoft Master Account.
But I get no wings. Not for the digital download versions.


After the last CB weekend I got sceptical about Aion's longevity and content, I wished I could at least get the wings for GW when I decide not to subscribe to Aion.

Asia Skyly
You don't get to the top of a company like NCSoft if you are an idiot.
The time involved designing these things might have been minimal (and how would YOU know?). It still does not changes the question of what the focus is. The focus is NOT GW1. That, is what is clear from this promotion. Their focus is AION.
For me it depends on how it works in game, if its like a /dance emote that ends when you start moving, then there is no way I will get it, BUT if you can walk around, outposts, arenas, and zones with wings out indefinitely, then I would consider it.
this is ftw il ove it lol im going to pwn the mctiggers in ha now take my accoutn and sit on the birdge with my wings spread for hours
Looks cool hope they make a fluff fluff noise when you walk with them and then annoy people to death so they nerf them in the end.
Poor addition IMO
Id rather have a pepsi or coke sign over my head in town
Poor addition IMO
Id rather have a pepsi or coke sign over my head in town
For me it depends on how it works in game, if its like a /dance emote that ends when you start moving, then there is no way I will get it, BUT if you can walk around, outposts, arenas, and zones with wings out indefinitely, then I would consider it.
Its pretty much flapping for a few secs then poof.
This is will be my last post on this, but that too is not true. Being the leader of NCSoft and having a vision that favors ANET are not the same thing. It has nothing to do with your definition of an idiot either. The person can be brilliant, but the "vision" of the company might be such that ANET might become expendable, secondary or not as important to the NCSoft goals.
To be honest you could have defeated my fairly flaky argument with two words:
Richard Garriot
The Air Revenger
they took time to make a crapy emote
they took time to make a crapy emote
Theres a short video of the wings here:
Its pretty much flapping for a few secs then poof. |
Meh, I hate the look of the Aion wings anyway.
It does worry me a bit (just a bit) NCsoft would pimp GW to sell Aion. I generally assume NCsoft is smart enough to let Anet do its things without interference. This isn't huge, but give'm an inch, they'll want a mile.
What's kinda funny about trying to get GW players into Aion - characters are pretty much the exact opposite in these two games. Aion - tons and tons of cosmetic choices/variety, nearly zero choice in character mechanics (once you choose a class). GW - just some basic hair, height and face choices (tho they still look good), but a vast number of skills and builds.
It does worry me a bit (just a bit) NCsoft would pimp GW to sell Aion. I generally assume NCsoft is smart enough to let Anet do its things without interference. This isn't huge, but give'm an inch, they'll want a mile.
What's kinda funny about trying to get GW players into Aion - characters are pretty much the exact opposite in these two games. Aion - tons and tons of cosmetic choices/variety, nearly zero choice in character mechanics (once you choose a class). GW - just some basic hair, height and face choices (tho they still look good), but a vast number of skills and builds.
Bob Slydell
Oh so Guildwars players that want something thats a part of GW in the GW game itself have to buy Aion to get it, wonder how many more things anet will release that require us to buy games that aren't gw.....
Terrible idea.. watch people QQ so much like the BMP that they will make it available to buy in the online store...
Wonder how many people will /aion when they kill someone in PvP, lol...
Terrible idea.. watch people QQ so much like the BMP that they will make it available to buy in the online store...
Wonder how many people will /aion when they kill someone in PvP, lol...
Sir Cusfreak
I love ANET. I really do. They're good folk, who made a good game, and I think they've tried real hard to be good to us.
But GOD how I *HATE* NCSoft. Wretched devils. selfish, greedy, black-hearted, and without a soul. They have come to invade, to ravage, and to consume all that is good and right in the world.
I'm mostly kidding, (sorta) But seriously I wish they'd just, like, rent a billboard, or something, and piss-off with this nonsense. (Then, they should pass a rope around the office and take turns hanging each other from said billboard, and the last one can jump.)
God, with ideas like this, its no wonder thier marketing manager left - he probably didnt want to be blamed for this idiocy.
But GOD how I *HATE* NCSoft. Wretched devils. selfish, greedy, black-hearted, and without a soul. They have come to invade, to ravage, and to consume all that is good and right in the world.
I'm mostly kidding, (sorta) But seriously I wish they'd just, like, rent a billboard, or something, and piss-off with this nonsense. (Then, they should pass a rope around the office and take turns hanging each other from said billboard, and the last one can jump.)
God, with ideas like this, its no wonder thier marketing manager left - he probably didnt want to be blamed for this idiocy.
Shadow Kurd
No thank you Anet, or better yet, GTFO Ncsoft.
Bob Slydell
I love ANET. I really do. They're good folk, who made a good game, and I think they've tried real hard to be good to us.
But GOD how I *HATE* NCSoft. Wretched devils. selfish, greedy, black-hearted, and without a soul. They have come to invade, to ravage, and to consume all that is good and right in the world. I'm mostly kidding, (sorta) But seriously I wish they'd just, like, rent a billboard, or something, and piss-off with this nonsense. (Then, they should pass a rope around the office and take turns hanging each other from said billboard, and the last one can jump.) God, with ideas like this, its no wonder thier marketing manager left - he probably didnt want to be blamed for this idiocy. |
A: The Aion wings emote for Guild Wars will be available on Tuesday, September 22, the day of Aion's North American retail launch. |
Why don't we just put up Aion billboards in Kamadan while we're at it?
also, maybe a pop up every 30 mins that reminds you to go buy aion. i played the chineese beta of aion, and while its an ok game, its still p2p. in no way is anyone going to spend a lot of hard earnt cash on an emote. if you were interested in buying aion, you surely would have done it by now, especially with the whole special edition thing.
and what if you have just bought the pre order pack etc? or pre ordered the normal game. do those players now get shit on? should have been something they offered to everyone who bought aion imo.
this is surely anet grabbing us by the ankles and squeezing every last peice of shit out of our ass so they can have it... or is that the other way around?
Oh so Guildwars players that want something thats a part of GW in the GW game itself have to buy Aion to get it, wonder how many more things anet will release that require us to buy games that aren't gw.....
Terrible idea.. watch people QQ so much like the BMP that they will make it available to buy in the online store... Wonder how many people will /aion when they kill someone in PvP, lol... |
/aion emote : 9.99$

I think my brother wanted to play Aion, so maybe I'll take advantage of that to get myself a pair of wings. Either way, I'll find someone to take the game off my hands.
dayum they look goddamn awesome, but screw that, i don't want aion.
It's just advertising. I see wings all the time on my Paragon or /P. Now there will be Aion wings on other people in outposts. It's not a big deal.
Apollo Smile
Considering I already preordered Aion at Gamestop this is just icing on the cake.
Very cool!

Im going to start saving paragon tomes, then anyone who is depressed shall gather in a great celebration of the paragon. 
Aria Skilz for the win bahbey

Aria Skilz for the win bahbey
Not sure what to think, other then who didn't see this comming? its really funny, but oh well its not really that special.
And people complain that guns don't fit into GW?
Very tacky looking, never understood the facination with people wanting wings on their characters like this. Seems like a good way to sell Aion though, I'm sure there will be those who get it just for this now. I'm glad they don't carry over to GW2 at least.
Very tacky looking, never understood the facination with people wanting wings on their characters like this. Seems like a good way to sell Aion though, I'm sure there will be those who get it just for this now. I'm glad they don't carry over to GW2 at least.
I want those wings
but I already purchased the digital version. OH my gosh AION is awesome and wonderful and and lol Played in closed beta and am now waiting impatiently for open beta.
And flying? oh yes it's great!
If you like a mix of PVP and PVE you will love AION. It's worth the money and the P2P fee it really is.
GW 2 is in the works for real
and as far as I am concerned NCSoft has some great games.
And flying? oh yes it's great!
If you like a mix of PVP and PVE you will love AION. It's worth the money and the P2P fee it really is.
GW 2 is in the works for real