Your Wings Await!
This is pretty lame. Not only is the animation really short, it's a reskinned paragon animation as well.
Also do you honestly expect people to play both Aion and Guild Wars?
Also do you honestly expect people to play both Aion and Guild Wars?
people remeber this is boxed version only
If I was going to buy Aion, I'd play Aion lol. I don't see how getting wings for GW makes any sense here. The wings aren't even available till the day of the Aion launch correct? And I would assume most people wouldn't even be bothered with GW at that time. A very weird decision indeed.
akio pwns
wow... just by reading most of these posts i can see how anet sustains its standings in the MMO/RPG competition. They like to milk money from you (people) impressed by pretty colors.... tell me how is this gonna effect gameplay? does it give you a boost? no. It shows your a sucker for flashy items. Thats just good marketing to 14 year olds.
Wow,,, Anet,,,, this is absolutely PATHETIC. Instead of giving us a new content update, you give an opportunity to buy an EMOTE in gw for 60 US dollars? This is just disgusting promotion. Give,,,, more,,,,CONTENT UPDATES, not freaking emotes that will be spammed more than Zrank.
This is so monumentally stupid I can't find anymore words to describe it, this disgusts me to the point of not wanting to play GW atm,,,, im going to play Cod4.
This is so monumentally stupid I can't find anymore words to describe it, this disgusts me to the point of not wanting to play GW atm,,,, im going to play Cod4.
This is pretty lame. Not only is the animation really short, it's a reskinned paragon animation as well.
Flipping your opinion when it suits to prove your point doesn't really lend much credibility to your argument.
Also do you honestly expect people to play both Aion and Guild Wars?
It's not like your Guild Wars account is going anywhere, even if you switch games. Benefit of a non-subscription mode.
Guys it's just wings, nothing to make a big deal about. The chances of me buying Aion because of this promotion are still at 0% and will stay that way unless the game suddenly decides to get rid of it's monthly fee.
Chicken of the Seas
IMO, the emote looks really dumb. Its short, and from the angle that the video is shot at it looks really weird.
Won't people that play Aion be too busy playing Aion to enjoy a crappy GW emote? Considering the fact the Aion should be more important since they'll be paying monthly for it.
When I first saw the picture of it I thought it looked kinda cool, but I thought it was going to be something that would just be on your character and not flap or anything for like 30seconds or so on your character while you walk around and stuff. That would be cooler, but still not worth the money IMO. (Assuming you'd just buy the game for the wings).
Great, and I thought the spam /fame spam was bad.
Won't people that play Aion be too busy playing Aion to enjoy a crappy GW emote? Considering the fact the Aion should be more important since they'll be paying monthly for it.
When I first saw the picture of it I thought it looked kinda cool, but I thought it was going to be something that would just be on your character and not flap or anything for like 30seconds or so on your character while you walk around and stuff. That would be cooler, but still not worth the money IMO. (Assuming you'd just buy the game for the wings).
Great, and I thought the spam /fame spam was bad.
Angel Killuminati
wow... just by reading most of these posts i can see how anet sustains its standings in the MMO/RPG competition. They like to milk money from you (people) impressed by pretty colors.... tell me how is this gonna effect gameplay? does it give you a boost? no. It shows your a sucker for flashy items. Thats just good marketing to 14 year olds.
Frankly, I have the entire GW series of games, which I play, but buying some other game for some wings isn't worth spending money on. The wings will raise, then fall, some will say "How did you do that?!"...then boredom sets in, you've bought an entire new game just for the wings, and Anet smile.

I feel like the only person who flat out does not care one bit about Aion. These wings... what's the point?
If I can find a picture of Rainier Wolfcastle saying "Da Goggles Do Nothing", that's a good example of what I want to say right about now.
If I can find a picture of Rainier Wolfcastle saying "Da Goggles Do Nothing", that's a good example of what I want to say right about now.
Karate Jesus
Basically all I see this doing is bugging me. Not because I wont be buying Aion, or because I'd be jealous, or because dumbshits will try to use it to show off. What's going to bug me is that 100s of people will be spamming all chat with "HOW U DO WINGS EMOTE?!".
Plus, are we that dead of a game that NCSoft feels the need to send the vultures in to pick at our bones for more Aion players?
Plus, are we that dead of a game that NCSoft feels the need to send the vultures in to pick at our bones for more Aion players?
Well i was a bit harsh in the post but honestly, I believe that this is just a ploy for people to buy Aion, so it would be for the emote.
There is no real benefit to getting the wings, other than the pleasure it gives you. If that pleasure isn't greater than the displeasure of losing $60 then surely it's a fairly obvious choice?
I was kinda annoyed until I saw the emote. It looks terrible, I'd laugh if someone tried to flash them and look cool.
I am pretty disapointed that this is what has been going into Guild Wars for these last few months though instead of something useful like a content update.
I am pretty disapointed that this is what has been going into Guild Wars for these last few months though instead of something useful like a content update.
A ploy? They aren't exactly tricking you into it. If you want the wings that badly then you buy Aion CE, if you don't want them that badly... you don't. It's a simple choice.
There is no real benefit to getting the wings, other than the pleasure it gives you. If that pleasure isn't greater than the displeasure of losing $60 then surely it's a fairly obvious choice? |
I'll ask again, how is this any different then getting an minipet promotion code by buying a magazine?
I'm getting Aion anyways. This will be cool and it's a nice bonus.
I don't see why GWGers are complaining so much.
Obviously NCSoft worked a deal with ANET, which means ANET makes more money, which means WE, THE PLAYERS, will be getting better content updates.
It's win win because it's a bonus, finances ANET, and with the money they're getting, we'll be able to get better quality updates.
I don't see why GWGers are complaining so much.
Obviously NCSoft worked a deal with ANET, which means ANET makes more money, which means WE, THE PLAYERS, will be getting better content updates.
It's win win because it's a bonus, finances ANET, and with the money they're getting, we'll be able to get better quality updates.
El Presidente
Your Wings Await! $69.99 for the CE of a game I have absolutely no interest in playing? My wings will be waiting forever...
Minako Sawai
It is a little bonus for those us playing both Aion and GW, what is the big deal. They'll probably do something similar in Aion when they release GW2.
It is an emote for crying out loud. Oh, and it might bring in a few new people to GW1 too. But we wouldn't want that, let's all just whine about how this ruins GW1. Boo hoo hoo.
No wonder Guru is known as QQ central.
I do wish the wings just popped out like the drawing on the GW website, the animation didn't look too great.
It is an emote for crying out loud. Oh, and it might bring in a few new people to GW1 too. But we wouldn't want that, let's all just whine about how this ruins GW1. Boo hoo hoo.
No wonder Guru is known as QQ central.
I do wish the wings just popped out like the drawing on the GW website, the animation didn't look too great.
I actually wish the wings were permanent, but that could cause insane clipping issues Q.Q
I'm sorry but this thread is anything but constructive, and will continue to go downhill.