Sept 1st Update
drunk n angry
how i wonder did they "fix" this known "bug" LOL. i really dont understand how they would of done it. further more random pvp does that include jq? cuz it was fun to take a full group of necro bombers into jq and just blow shiz up LOL.
I would like to take a moment to laugh at all the noobs who argued that syncing was not a bug.
nanase ren
LOL it aint fixed u can still sync
Master Ketsu
TA is seeing more activity. Hopefully anet realizes that TA doesn't need to be deleted anymore now.
I would like to take a moment to laugh at all the noobs who argued that syncing was not a bug.
So I don't laugh at people who say its not a bug...I laugh at people who listen to everything Anet says and completely forget the past.
Master Ketsu
TMK Anet never specifically stated it wasn't a bug. Anets stance on syncing was not that it wasn't a bug ( which would imply that it is an intended feature ) but that syncing didn't exist. What AP is saying in that quote if you brush up on English comprehension 101 has very little to do with declaring a bug and a lot to do with denying that it can be reliably repeated ( which we all know is false ).
The only change of mind Anet did was acknowledging that syncing exists. It is just another issue in the long line of issues where the community knows about something ages before Anet does.
The only change of mind Anet did was acknowledging that syncing exists. It is just another issue in the long line of issues where the community knows about something ages before Anet does.
Hmmmm.... if synching is still possible, then maybe it's time for a suggestion:
Implement like so:
1. Universal queue across all districts.
2. When players hit "start" they receive a random wait from 0-5sec.
3. At the end of the random wait, they are placed at the end of the queue.
4. After placing in the queue, the traditional team matching timer starts.
5. From the player end, they should just see the old 30sec timer replaced with a new random 30-35sec timer.
There. Problem solved.
Implement like so:
1. Universal queue across all districts.
2. When players hit "start" they receive a random wait from 0-5sec.
3. At the end of the random wait, they are placed at the end of the queue.
4. After placing in the queue, the traditional team matching timer starts.
5. From the player end, they should just see the old 30sec timer replaced with a new random 30-35sec timer.
There. Problem solved.
TMK Anet never specifically stated it wasn't a bug. Anets stance on syncing was not that it wasn't a bug ( which would imply that it is an intended feature ) but that syncing didn't exist.
The only change of mind Anet did was acknowledging that syncing exists. It is just another issue in the long line of issues where the community knows about something ages before Anet does. |
But yes, they did deny it existed didn't they LoL. Thanks for reminding me that it is even more stupid than I realized.
how i wonder did they "fix" this known "bug" LOL. i really dont understand how they would of done it. further more random pvp does that include jq? cuz it was fun to take a full group of necro bombers into jq and just blow shiz up LOL.
if(player1 AND player2 pressed join within <0.5secs of each other) {
place player2 in different game
or in other words, if two or more players pressed join within a certain time frame, the game will make sure they will never be placed within the same game. the easiest way to do so is artificially add a second or so to each successive player's join time so the old "sync" mechanic never kicks in, and cascade down for all players.
might not be the most elegant of solutions, but its the one that i would use.
Aera Lure
Should have been fixed *eons* ago, before the time Anet took the stance that there wasnt even a problem, which itself was eons ago. Not to mention the reports that it still hasnt been fixed anyway. Well, its the thought that counts.
I have not played in some time for various reasons - but wow, the *finally* fixed this one.
Really, this pretty much killed a fairly casual form of PvP for how long?
I like a lot of the fixes I've reviewed since I went elsewhere for a bit, may try it again for a while.
Really, this pretty much killed a fairly casual form of PvP for how long?
I like a lot of the fixes I've reviewed since I went elsewhere for a bit, may try it again for a while.
I don't dislike this fix, but getting teamed up with people from american and european districts isnt fun.
I think we should just have all asian and international districts team up, and the euro/american districts.
So that you basically have a RA for the PvE crowd, and one for the PvP crowd.
Or, have 3 districts: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced. Maybe decided on the amount of gladpoints or balth faction you have?
Having to play with mending wammo's and ele's with bows will cause a lot of rage by the ID/KD crowd, which isnt fun for either you or the wammo.
I think we should just have all asian and international districts team up, and the euro/american districts.
So that you basically have a RA for the PvE crowd, and one for the PvP crowd.
Or, have 3 districts: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced. Maybe decided on the amount of gladpoints or balth faction you have?
Having to play with mending wammo's and ele's with bows will cause a lot of rage by the ID/KD crowd, which isnt fun for either you or the wammo.
Ra sync gone wooohoooooooo
Martin Alvito
might not be the most elegant of solutions, but its the one that i would use.
Any non-deterministic mechanism is going to require the server to do a lot of calculating every 30 seconds, which isn't a great idea. In principle, it would be easy to whip up some code that would randomize any given list of players. Only difference between this task and shuffling a deck of cards is that you tell the computer to read the size of the deck from the length of the list of players.
But doing so requires moving a lot of zeroes and ones around, so you'd either need longer match timers, more processing power on the server side, or both. Neither of which is appealing from the developer side; both cost money. (One labor, one hardware.) There is of course a third alternative, namely degrade server quality further, but let's not go there.
As with most business problems, this one boils down to money. A good solution to the problem is infeasible because it is costly. Bad solutions still cost money (labor) and are publicly embarassing when they fail. Best practice is to leave the problem alone unless you're willing to sustain the costs necessary to fix the problem for good, because money thrown at deterministic solutions is money wasted.
"Kun Shao has gone on vacation until the Xunlai Tournament House is able to distribute points for the month of May."
Why is everyone talking about this being "borked", or possibly hinting at permanent removal of XTH, or whatever other bullshit people are saying because of this? It says he is being removed UNTIL the May points are distributed. They just don't want this NPC lurking around with no use. It confuses people who are still trying to get their long lost points. They can reduce internet traffic by removing him because now it'll be one less NPC in a district, and people won't be talking to him daily to see if they got their points yet. Anet said nothing about permanently removing XTH, and if the person talking about "borking" Kun Shao could explain what the hell they're talking about, that'd be nice.
Why is everyone talking about this being "borked", or possibly hinting at permanent removal of XTH, or whatever other bullshit people are saying because of this? It says he is being removed UNTIL the May points are distributed. They just don't want this NPC lurking around with no use. It confuses people who are still trying to get their long lost points. They can reduce internet traffic by removing him because now it'll be one less NPC in a district, and people won't be talking to him daily to see if they got their points yet. Anet said nothing about permanently removing XTH, and if the person talking about "borking" Kun Shao could explain what the hell they're talking about, that'd be nice.
Eh I don't know if I want the sync gone for DA. It's fun to try and see how many times I don't die, versing [Ball] players and [NuDe]'s or [SuB]'s.. the latter being the hardest team I've ever faced. Because those 2 first guilds are humans still and make mistakes or get tired etc, but those SuB guys are like robots.
Anyways, I barely ever faced sync in RA. I also enjoy the extreme anger RA in AD gives me and would like that to stay.
Anyways, I barely ever faced sync in RA. I also enjoy the extreme anger RA in AD gives me and would like that to stay.
Any non-deterministic mechanism is going to require the server to do a lot of calculating every 30 seconds, which isn't a great idea. In principle, it would be easy to whip up some code that would randomize any given list of players. Only difference between this task and shuffling a deck of cards is that you tell the computer to read the size of the deck from the length of the list of players.
Anyways great update Anet!
Test Me
Actually, ANet argued for the LONGEST time that it's not a bug, that it was just part of the game.
Syncing Random - Our server programmer has been investigating how to fix this age-old problem of organized teams appearing in Random Arena, and we’re hoping to have the results in time for this build. |
Fril Estelin
Ah ah!
very kool, now i can finally have the courtesy of landing in a team full of Americans. a thing I could luckily avoid by going to other districts.
at least there wont be many perfect synch teams anyore tho....i wonder if it outweighs the evil named above...
at least there wont be many perfect synch teams anyore tho....i wonder if it outweighs the evil named above...
if that likelihood gets reduced down to around 10%, even with perfect timing, then i'd say anet has done a good enough job. there won't be anyone attempting a sync with that kind of success rate.
I Am Not Ok
gg for killing sync teams... took u long enough
wut !
I haz a smile nao
I haz a smile nao
I would like to take a moment to laugh at all the noobs who argued that syncing was not a bug.
Also I'd like to take a sec and laugh at people who need a buddy (or even buddies) to win in a random competition. How bad can you get at the game?
Hope that doesn't somehow coincide with Vizunah Square syncing. That'd be depressing. :P
so we cross our fingers, toes, eyes etc and hope it all works (and that nic's rosetta stone lessons have been going well for him...maybe yakkington is teaching him)....
* Nicholas the Traveler has been brushing up on his language skills. |
M @ T
Am i the only one that wonders what has been changed in his "language skills"?

On the subject, it's nice to not have sync teams any more and i can't wait till RA is oldschool again without going to TA after 10 voctories
"Kun Shao has gone on vacation until the Xunlai Tournament House is able to distribute points for the month of May."
Why is everyone talking about this being "borked", or possibly hinting at permanent removal of XTH, or whatever other bullshit people are saying because of this? It says he is being removed UNTIL the May points are distributed. They just don't want this NPC lurking around with no use. It confuses people who are still trying to get their long lost points. They can reduce internet traffic by removing him because now it'll be one less NPC in a district, and people won't be talking to him daily to see if they got their points yet. Anet said nothing about permanently removing XTH, and if the person talking about "borking" Kun Shao could explain what the hell they're talking about, that'd be nice. |
''At this point you may be saying, "Cool, thanks for the extra points, Linsey, but when will the XTH come back online so I can make my predictions?"
Well, that’s still up in the air. We believe that the bug which caused errors in the distribution of points has been identified and fixed, so we’re now preparing to move into the testing phase. We’ll be simulating the Live environment internally and putting the system through rigorous stress testing to see if the fix took. If it did, then yay happy fun time, the XTH will go back up, and hopefully we'll never have to touch it again.
However… (You knew there would be a "however," didn’t you?) Should it fail the stress tests, it would mean the fix didn’t take because the bug goes deeper than we hope, and that would be Very Bad. If that is the case, we will be faced with a high probability that this bug is not something we can fix. Nor can we redeploy the Xunlai Tournament House with this database bug outstanding. So, let’s all keep our fingers crossed, and I'll keep you updated on how the testing is going once it gets underway.''
"Kun Shao has gone on vacation until the Xunlai Tournament House is able to distribute points for the month of May."
Why is everyone talking about this being "borked", or possibly hinting at permanent removal of XTH, or whatever other bullshit people are saying because of this? It says he is being removed UNTIL the May points are distributed. They just don't want this NPC lurking around with no use. It confuses people who are still trying to get their long lost points. They can reduce internet traffic by removing him because now it'll be one less NPC in a district, and people won't be talking to him daily to see if they got their points yet. Anet said nothing about permanently removing XTH, and if the person talking about "borking" Kun Shao could explain what the hell they're talking about, that'd be nice. |
There is still a chance that the XTH may not return, or at least be postponed indefinitely if the bug fix does not correct the problem, and Linsey is the one who said that.
Xunlai Tournament House Update We now have an accurate list of XTH winners from the May monthly predictions and are in the planning stages to distribute those points. We’ll need to deploy some new code to upgrade the system, which requires a bit of delicate timing. Part of this deployment must occur through a build, but some of it will happen automatically on the servers. During this time, if anyone speaks to Kun Shao, it could disrupt the system and garble up the list. To address the issue, we’ll be doing this in three stages: first, a Live build to remove Kun Shao from outposts to prevent him from interfering; then, a second build to deploy the upgraded code and distribute the points; and finally, a third build to reintroduce Kun Shao so that you may redeem those points. As a thank you for all your patience, we’ll be giving everyone on the distribution list a free bump to the next-highest reward bracket. At this point you may be saying, "Cool, thanks for the extra points, Linsey, but when will the XTH come back online so I can make my predictions?" Well, that’s still up in the air. We believe that the bug which caused errors in the distribution of points has been identified and fixed, so we’re now preparing to move into the testing phase. We’ll be simulating the Live environment internally and putting the system through rigorous stress testing to see if the fix took. If it did, then yay happy fun time, the XTH will go back up, and hopefully we'll never have to touch it again. However… (You knew there would be a "however," didn’t you?) Should it fail the stress tests, it would mean the fix didn’t take because the bug goes deeper than we hope, and that would be Very Bad. If that is the case, we will be faced with a high probability that this bug is not something we can fix. Nor can we redeploy the Xunlai Tournament House with this database bug outstanding. So, let’s all keep our fingers crossed, and I'll keep you updated on how the testing is going once it gets underway. |
@Fril Estelin: Yes, I'm fairly certain they've thought of that, too. Or at least I hope they have.
I wonder how many RA players are playing gw pvp for 4 years. My guess is that most of RA people plays pvp shorter than 1 year. I thought RA was for pvp newbies. Who would be masochistic enough to play RA for 4 years???
according to the wiki it's still possible.
I don't dislike this fix, but getting teamed up with people from american and european districts isnt fun.
I think we should just have all asian and international districts team up, and the euro/american districts. So that you basically have a RA for the PvE crowd, and one for the PvP crowd. Or, have 3 districts: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced. Maybe decided on the amount of gladpoints or balth faction you have? Having to play with mending wammo's and ele's with bows will cause a lot of rage by the ID/KD crowd, which isnt fun for either you or the wammo. |
RA isn't about having a 100% optimal team, it's about doing the best with what you got and try and have some fun - you will meet good, bad and inexperienced players, DEAL WITH IT. I know I like the challenge to monk for the occasional Flare ele, sometimes the other members of the team are good enough that it doesn't really matter.
And to be honest MOST of the teams I get are good enough, there are lots of cookie-cutter builds and this huge number of wammos some people mention is nowhere to be seen. I RA (nearly) daily.
Other day I played with an ele and gave him advice about running away from melee, from AoE, in general, not stand in there taking damage just because he got a Monk, etc, esp. because my Energy has limits. He took the advice nicely, was thankful and sent me a few whispers later. Seriously this is far more rewarding than raging at someone or never explaining what they are doing wrong.
I don't know what's wrong with you all who RA and expect a perfect team, you are totally setting your expectations wrong.
Yeah and they only show up in RA, right? Because only RA is bad...
*goes to massively talk to kun shao*
Sankt Hallvard
And to be honest MOST of the teams I get are good enough, there are lots of cookie-cutter builds and this huge number of wammos some people mention is nowhere to be seen. I RA (nearly) daily.
I don't know what's wrong with you all who RA and expect a perfect team, you are totally setting your expectations wrong. |
RA is full of wikibuilds, unfortunately that includes a lot of r/a's atm. The wammos are incredibly rare.
If you, however, aim for glad pts in RA you need to keep trying till you find a "perfect team". I can't remember the last time I went 10 wins without encountering at least one such "perfect" team, so unless you can match that you'll likely not make 10.