Originally Posted by Martin Alvito
Correct, but the externality is that the massive influx of goods makes it continually more difficult for different players to acquire them from their present owners. If you're like me, and you have the rare items, it's great. You make money at no time cost. But that's probably not a set of players we want to be rewarding.
If you curb the rate at which ecto is produced and permit the economy to produce more of the consumables that people want, this is Pareto-improving for everyone except owners of rare items that want to sell them. So you're harming a very small group of people (and not by making them take losses, just by cutting the rate of gains) to make everyone else better off.
Which eventually drops all of you into the rare mini market...and then things just get ugly.
I am guessing that A.Net hopes that by the time that happens, GW2 will be out.
What we are seeing is a company breaking an already broken game even more in hopes of squeezing the last ounce of fun from it.
And then just dispose of it.
Is that a recipe for disaster?
Of course.
But hopefully once that shit hits, I'll be playing D3 or potentially GW2.
It's their game and if they are too lazy to fix it - so be it.
But right now, I'd rather have a broken GW where I am having fun than a broken GW where I am not.
Originally Posted by Martin Alvito
There is something to be said for unstable metas. The whole point of having all these skills in the game is to use them. Diablo 2 has what, a dozen or so efficient archetypes that see play across a half-dozen classes? We have one. (If you count H/H Discordway, two.)
I can get that (and the experience is more satisfying) in any quality early or late 90's CRPG you care to name. We're past the point where global optima are acceptable in game design. It's not plausible to redesign the monsters to deal with SF; people have already demonstrated that they can get around even deep, monster-skill strips that burn SF. SF needs a nerf so that players are compelled to develop new solutions.
And yes, if 605/smite turns out to be the universal solution, it would then need a nerf. Same for Obs Flesh.
My problem is that this demands actions on A.Net's part.
And I don't feel we'll see that.
That's why I'd rather stick with the broken mechanic I know, than a new broken mechanic that might not have the positive effect that the currenct mechanic has.
I am really afraid we'll see them smiter's booning it and state that they'll get to fixing the core issue IF they'll have the time.
You're still looking at A.Net as being a glass that's half full.
And I just see them being full of it.
Originally Posted by DreamWind
The game is not and was never about new content.
Well, since their business plan was to pump out new content every 6-12 months and expect people to pay for it, I'd imagine the game was about new content.
Originally Posted by DreamWind
Remove the promotion of and the desire for the unhealthy behavior.
I imagine A.Net can only work on the promotion of unhealthy behaviour.
The desire comes from the users, and A.Net can not control that.
But other than that, yes.
Originally Posted by Jeydra
@upier - I'm not going to agree with you for fundamental reasons. I believe the casual player has all he wants from the game already. Max armor, skills, not-too-much grind required to hit effective levels for PvE skills, perfect equipment. Maxing Drunkard / Sweet Tooth / Lucky / Unlucky etc. is just icing on the cake. Doing it gains you nothing except prestige, losing it loses you nothing except prestige either. If you are aware of the amount of work and time you have to spend to max them and still want to do it then go ahead; if you don't then don't. Simple.
You seem to be arguing that people like you, who otherwise cannot amass 200k to spend on Lucky / Unlucky, should be allowed to max the titles anyway. I don't care to be honest. You don't play enough, so you don't get to max the titles.
Whine and cry and complain about the game being badly designed and that you need Shadow Form to bypass the gold requirements, you still are as effective on the battlefield as the next player, and the % boost to retaining Lockpicks / salvage items with a max Lucky title is hardly going to compensate the money you have to sink into maxing those titles. I see no reasonable grounds for complaint, and so I'm not going to agree with your stance ... which also means we're done, we disagree on this fundamental point.
I guess YOUR problem by taking this stance you are taking away achievable goals from the population that you want to party with.
Farmers do not party with you.
And they won't.
But there is a group of players that would potentially play the game, if playing the game would enable them to achieve certain goals. And you are denying them of this option. Which either means they need to resort to farming, which means you won't be playing with them, or they give up the idea of these goals. And if that happens, it's my guess that you won't get the option of partying with those players either.
I don't think that you'll be able to have your cake and eat it too in this game.
Originally Posted by DreamWind
This to me is one of the biggest mindset flaws in the game. Who said everybody should be entitled to complete elite areas? They are called elite for a reason. It is either you get better or you shouldn't be able to get the rewards from it...its that simple. Having the company introduce stuff that allows everybody to do elite areas makes the areas not elite anymore. Talk about bad game balance.
The problem with certain elite areas is that they offer reward that are quite out of touch with the non-elite areas while being completely in touch with some of the other additions to this game.
How many people would care about farming UW if normal play though the game would give you enough resources to follow certain goals?
For instance, I was doing FoW HM and each time I got to the chest, I crossed my fingers and prayed for an Obsy Edge. And once I got it, I sold it instantly and bought myself some pretty things I actually wanted!