You do realize how selfish and elitist you sound? You are basically arguing that want SF nerfed so that your phallic sword looks even bigger than it already is. You are basically arguing that the economic classes in GW should be even more stratified than they already are.
Further, I'm arguing that SF is stratifying your game further. It makes the super-rich just that much wealthier for every hour that players are out there farming ecto. The game isn't printing more limited items, it is printing more ecto, and people value ecto. As a result, the limited items become more valuable (and harder to acquire) as more and more ecto gets dumped into the system.
This is counterintuitive, and you're not the first person on these boards to have difficulty accepting the argument. I've argued the same about the great zkey giveaway that is XTH; the recent run of inflation started when zkeys were getting printed like mad and before UWSC really took off.
You would intuitively think that if the game designers make it really easy to get money, the skewed distribution of wealth in the game would ease. In reality, an easy money regime makes it much easier for players that make a living from buying low and selling high to acquire wealth. An easy money regime incentivizes farmers to sell lower in order to get back to farming sooner, and continually gives buyers more currency with which to bid. But the number of ectos that a farmer can make in any given period of time remains the same...
The upshot is that the traders win big when in-game currency is easy to get.
A full HOM is still full no matter how many other players have it.
There is more than one reason to want to max title tracks/own something/dedicate something/fill your Hall. One is to distinguish your accomplishments from those of others. Another is because you are completionist and want to do everything the designers put in there. These are both human motivations underlying the same set of actions.
Again, accept that my preferences are RIGHT and all others are WRONG!
I recognize that you're a completionist and want to do everything that there is, but it isn't a realistic goal. There are only a bit more than two dozen mini Kanaxai's to go around and a lot of completionists out there...
The upshot is that doing so is attainable, but not without considerable sacrifice, the ruthless pursuit of the efficient use of your time, and absolutely no scruples. ('Sup, Wasabi.)
Lastly, you do realize how radically different your arguments are compared to others wanting SF nerfed, right? I could quote innumerably from this topic alone people implying that SF users are selfish elitist brats, whereas you seem to imply that SF users are ordinary treadmill lemmings.