R/A Nerf Set for Tomorrow (and probably the update)
The funny thing is, even though they're "nerfing the R/As", they're probably going to still miss the entire point (that is, the skills they buffed in the last update are a major part of the problem). They're probably going to go off and do something stupid like nerf Death Blossom.
why else would rangers have escape and expertise? they are experts with weapons, but broken chains are bad, which is why i hope they fix the attacks, not the core of the build(escape/expertise template).
A.net giveth, A.net taketh away
Lets wait till the actually update before we complain about what is done. Speculating is one thing. Getting angry at the exact nature of the speculated solutions is another.
Lets wait till the actually update before we complain about what is done. Speculating is one thing. Getting angry at the exact nature of the speculated solutions is another.
nerf nerf nerf
why is everyone here on the forums nagging about nerfing? i never hear the word buff around here which is strange nerf flare pl0x |
But R/As are getting a lil out of hand, i don't mind seing one or two every 5 matches, but two in every match is abit annoying.
I'm glad. It's a really boring build all around.
Not sure what it says about the game when they try to buff assassins and rangers end up being the ones who benefit.
Not sure what it says about the game when they try to buff assassins and rangers end up being the ones who benefit.
The Drunkard
Don't think that nerf is here already. At PAX they told they wanted a solution which nerfed SF but also stimulated people to group for UW and other high-end areas, gl on finding that.
~Mylina |
For 7...15 seconds, your deadly arts skills cast and recharge 25% faster. You attack and move 25% slower
UWSC gets crippled, people can still SF going as a/me and using cons, and SF stays as it is. That wasn't hard now was it?
It's nice to see that the R/A abuse is getting looked at, but it would also be nice to review the dervish pvp buffs as well (I'm looking at you, armor of sancitity). There should be no reason any caster proff. should have access to a spammable defy-pain enchant.
[QUOTE=keli;4857437]Because you don't understand GvG. FA is not pvp its pve...
we have a winner! Those stupid r/a's I consider far worse them the mindblast eles. They move to quick which lets them have control of the mapand they have way I mean way to much dmg.I really hope this build is fixed. But I would like escape changed not nerfed to oblivion.
we have a winner! Those stupid r/a's I consider far worse them the mindblast eles. They move to quick which lets them have control of the mapand they have way I mean way to much dmg.I really hope this build is fixed. But I would like escape changed not nerfed to oblivion.
Commander Kanen
R/A's have been around for ages. they just never made it so big because there was better builds to pick from. now these so called "better builds" got hit by the nerf bat and thus the older builds are back in play.
Buff other skills. stop trying to nerf everything.
Buff other skills. stop trying to nerf everything.
I heard only Fox Fangs was buffed last update and then we're seeing R/As all over?
Nimble Night
you heard wrong
Ginger Hunter
I heard only Fox Fangs was buffed last update and then we're seeing R/As all over?
Just went down the list of GvG's on obs and pretty much every match had an R/A so yeah...
Oh Fox Fangs, Jagged and Black Mantis Thrust. Only those 3 and R/As popped out like pancakes and people are even complaining about Escape?
Eddie Frenzy Spam
That wouldn't fix it. I've ran it before with Backbreaker with equal success, it's slightly harder as you have to build adrenaline but it's just as imba and nearly as brainless. There's also grapple.
Thamior Shamus
we have a winner! Those stupid r/a's I consider far worse them the mindblast eles. They move to quick which lets them have control of the mapand they have way I mean way to much dmg.I really hope this build is fixed. But I would like escape changed not nerfed to oblivion.
However sway is a piece of crap build. Hooray for a better HA meta! hopefully...
Fate Crusher
Oh Fox Fangs, Jagged and Black Mantis Thrust. Only those 3 and R/As popped out like pancakes and people are even complaining about Escape?
Please observe and realise that 5 R/As with an order necro and 2 monks is more than enough to roll and conquer any ballanced build in GvG if done right... these teams can effectively split 3 ways.
GL versus that.
Sway in HA with these R/A is still a joke with these things. it's quite easy to get rid of, but when it is 5 R/As.......
I'm very happy to see this "nerf" go ahead. But i would prefer it if they adjust escape, because the sin chain can still be good enough for assassins to keep a viable spot in PvP (at least in 4v4...). I always thought that if escape were to recharge your attack skills, then the build would be ruined but the chain can still be used by more vulnerable classes (sins).
Commander Kanen
Reminds me of when touch rangers first came out. just like this a simple spamable build that pissed people off.
just lol.
just lol.
I see what you did there.
No really, they are easy to kill with the right build i agree with that. I heard diversion was a non elite btw. Yes. But also... :breath: they are annoying with the wrong build. |
That doesn't mean we should nerf everything.

We've known that the skill balance was going to be tomorrow for at least a week, and we've had a pretty good sense of what's needed changing for a while now.
Oh and btw glad they are nerfing rangers they've had it too easy for four years as it is.
Hallelujah. About time R/A build was nerfed. Now most people without a brain won't be playing Random Areans anymore. |
Reminds me of when touch rangers first came out. just like this a simple spamable build that pissed people off.
just lol. |
A.net doesn't give a crud about touchers, because real PvP has no place for 'em. The game is not balanced around RA/TA/HB/AB/or FA. PvP has always been balanced with a focus on GvG and HA. Whether you like that or not, that is what A.net's stance has always been.
nerf nerf nerf
why is everyone here on the forums nagging about nerfing? i never hear the word buff around here which is strange nerf flare pl0x |
Lets say you have a skill "Kill enemy team".
Then you have one "kill half the enemy team".
Then you have one "kill 1 member of the enemy team".
And at the end you have one skill "deal 50 damage to target enemy".
The first 3 are basically the same with different numbers. The 4th is quite a different skill.
The first 3 skills any monkey can use and achieve something. The last skill achieves nothing on its own - you need to know how/when to use it. Considerations like cost, recharge, casting time needs to be considered.
Evidently, if everyone had the skill "kill enemy team" the fastest to press it (or the person with less lag) would win. But then there is no point on having a complex game in the first place is it?
Very efficient skills are simply to easy to use and make conditional skill pretty much obsolete.
The power creep that everyone talks about happened because of the imperative of Anet selling the new chapters. To make people buy the new chapters they decided to increase the power of the MOBs (size and level) and create new more powerful/efficient skills to allow players to beat those new mobs (or just plain stupid ones like obsidian flesh and its "new" souped up version SF or Ursan, etc).
After a point they decided to restrict the most powerful skills to PvE only, but the damage has been done to PvP. And really, to PvE as well, because it isn't really fun playing with obsidian tanks (unless what you want is the shinny things and not to actually play), take 500 damage in one hit or kill the enemy in 1 sec.
Basically, more powerful skills reduce the complexity of the game, and clever cunning tricks are overwhelmed by absolute numbers.
A complex game keeps the interest for longer.
Sankt Hallvard
Sankt Hallvard
You could just completely alter the functionality of stonesoul strike you know. Target foe loses 1..5 energy or what not, or just smiter's boon it. It would completely end the retarded shovespike build and "legit" wammos can still use bane sig and holy strike.
Martin Alvito
nerf nerf nerf
why is everyone here on the forums nagging about nerfing? i never hear the word buff around here which is strange |
But a small number of OP skills wreaks a lot more havoc than having 50% of the skills in the game be worthless. 50% of 1000 skills is a lot, right? Enough to have diversity, anyway. But if four or five skills are OP, they grab their half-dozen best friends on every bar and the other four hundred skills we could be using never see use.
You only hear people asking for buffs when the game has been balanced for a while and becomes stale. That definitely isn't the case right now in PvE or PvP.
Life Bringing
three years ago.
Escape and Lightning Reflexes needs a dire nerf; so long it stays in its current state, any buffs made to melee skills will be abused by rangers more than the aimed profession instead.
Life Bringing
Classic Anet nerf is anticipated.
For 1...7 seconds, you move 33% faster and have a 75% chance to block attacks. All your attack skills are disabled for 10 seconds.
For 1...7 seconds, you move 33% faster and have a 75% chance to block attacks. All your attack skills are disabled for 10 seconds.
Master Ketsu
I will watch as they nerf escape and ignore everything else.
Then laugh as R/A still lame halls using a sin elite.
Then laugh as R/A still lame halls using a sin elite.
You only hear people asking for buffs when the game has been balanced for a while and becomes stale. That definitely isn't the case right now in PvE or PvP. |
At this point in time, much as I'd like to see "good" skills like evise back in the meta, I'm more inclined to believe a large number of small nerfs would be better for shifting the meta. Buffing skills basically forces people to use the new overpowered builds while many small nerfs would have a more unpredictable effect that might actually allow a variety of builds (a healthy meta) to evolve. I would hope anet has learned by now that on the PvP side, the enthusiasm for massive skill buffs dies down after about one week when players are horrified by the new meta.
Azure mist
I want warriors endurance back :/
Master Ketsu
I just think rangers should be played like rangers.
Bows ftw
Bows ftw
I understand your optimism people, but I'm not quite sure you understood what Linsey said ... take into account he was fairly trolled in his talk page and most probably 'tomorrow is not never' meant a 'RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO off noobs, we are working on it'. Lastly, he didn't say they release an update that 'tomorrow', no? He simply said that balancing team WILL LOOK INTO R/A case the next day, and when they come to a working solution it will get implemented to future update to be due on X day from now on.
I understand your optimism people, but I'm not quite sure you understood what Linsey said ... take into account he was fairly trolled in his talk page and most probably 'tomorrow is not never' meant a 'RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO off noobs, we are working on it'. Lastly, he didn't say they release an update that 'tomorrow', no? He simply said that balancing team WILL LOOK INTO R/A case the next day, and when they come to a working solution it will get implemented to future update to be due on X day from now on.
Also i'm pretty sure "We are nerfing the R/A build tomorrow. Calm down. Tomorrow is not never" means tomorrow there's a skill balance.
Especially since they said they'd already delayed one last week and it would be released this week.
Classic Anet nerf is anticipated.
For 1...7 seconds, you move 33% faster and have a 75% chance to block attacks. All your attack skills are disabled for 10 seconds. |
I just think rangers should be played like rangers. Bows ftw |
Rangers typically in dnd are dual wielding light armor wearing trappers. When I first started playing dnd I wanted to be and was a ranger. I like that they get a little of everything (even magic), but, aren't as powerful as a warrior (unlike in GWs where rangers get every gd overpowered buff and ease of use of skills). I loved dual weilding a longsword of fire and a rapier of keen in dnd. Dual wield is not handled well at all in GW's. In fact it's pretty rediculous that all melee classes can't use it like in dnd with different weapons in each hand.
GW has never been politically correct when it comes to characters and their abilities anyway. Everywhere I go now practically all I ever see is A/? or ?/A and when you have that many A's in the game that means something is wrong with the class and overpowered that so many players want to use it.
Hopefully at least this update will end some of the ranger rediculousness of rangers and when they nerf SF to smithereens then too will A/? and ?/A become a thing of the past.