Petition to split Mantra of Resolve for pvp/pve
ANet never turned GW into a farming game - it is purely down to the individual player and what they require from the game. Farming has ALWAYS been in PvE ever since Day 1, long before the advent of titles within the game. Some people seem to be forgetting this. Every class had its own "niche" area to farm (e.g Warriors = Trolls, Rangers = UW Trapping) though monks always had it best and could wander into any of these niche areas and do just as well, if not better.
Sure ANet have stated why they have done this change from a PvP perspective but also, if you wish to read between the lines, are kinda hinting at it from a PvE perspective too. Mo/Me with MoR has been the staple generic build for ages when it comes to 600ing. The Devs have been aware of this too and it's hardly surprising its been put in like this. They could have split the skill PvP/PvE but they didn't.
To me, it's a message. You can still farm but we (ANet) are going to make it more challenging for you. 600ing is still viable - it's just become a little trickier in places. If I were neutral and looking in, I would say ANet are testing the water for reactions in readiness for the larger issue at large - Shadow Form.
Sure ANet have stated why they have done this change from a PvP perspective but also, if you wish to read between the lines, are kinda hinting at it from a PvE perspective too. Mo/Me with MoR has been the staple generic build for ages when it comes to 600ing. The Devs have been aware of this too and it's hardly surprising its been put in like this. They could have split the skill PvP/PvE but they didn't.
To me, it's a message. You can still farm but we (ANet) are going to make it more challenging for you. 600ing is still viable - it's just become a little trickier in places. If I were neutral and looking in, I would say ANet are testing the water for reactions in readiness for the larger issue at large - Shadow Form.
no need to split the overpowered everything in this game needs to die and immunity to interrupts needed to die secondly spiting all of the Problem skills in PvP because they /might/ have some usefulness in some lame PvE farming build makes the .dat bigger this is bad. anet needs to do one more revert to fix the game and that is remove the PvP/ PvE split completely while continuing to balance every skill based on GvG play
Lastly, I cant believe how much whine one skill ajustmet kicked up if it continues I will have to brake out the high watter pants. Arrr man the life boats maities lest we be drowning in tears.
no need to split the overpowered everything in this game needs to die and immunity to interrupts needed to die secondly spiting all of the Problem skills in PvP because they /might/ have some usefulness in some lame PvE farming build makes the .dat bigger this is bad. anet needs to do one more revert to fix the game and that is remove the PvP/ PvE split completely while continuing to balance every skill based on GvG play
Lastly, I cant believe how much whine one skill ajustmet kicked up if it continues I will have to brake out the high watter pants. Arrr man the life boats maities lest we be drowning in tears.
dusanyu, would you mind checking your text before you post next time, as I had a frustrating time understanding what you were getting at (as will others no doubt)! 
The DAT file hardly increases in size (for skill splits) in relation to the overall content within it, so this is not an issue.
And as for "..continuing to balance every skill based on GvG play"... no, just no. PvE and PvP are 2 seperate monsters. Alway have been, always will be. Hence why the skill split was introduced.
I just wish ANet would use this functionality a bit more - though I still think they have chosen not to split MoR based on the reasons I mentioned earlier.

The DAT file hardly increases in size (for skill splits) in relation to the overall content within it, so this is not an issue.
And as for "..continuing to balance every skill based on GvG play"... no, just no. PvE and PvP are 2 seperate monsters. Alway have been, always will be. Hence why the skill split was introduced.
I just wish ANet would use this functionality a bit more - though I still think they have chosen not to split MoR based on the reasons I mentioned earlier.
Turbo Ginsu
It is all your decision, your choice. People farm and max titles since they want to. It is not needed and not necessary. Anyway it is not the place for title discussion.
I for one, have played somewhere around 5.5k hours over the last 3 years, a considerable chunk of my life for sure, but nothing on what some people are putting in, and I have a lot farther to go than I've yet come.
No farming? Heh, that's an easy one to counter. After spending the majority of my life playing games, 30 out of my 35 years, I can honestly say that pretty much every time a company, or the individuals playing it, mess up a game, it's almost fact that it's going to stay messed, and if you wish to avoid beating your head against unfeeling walls of stony ignorance, it's generally best to start "Farming" for a new game to play.
What irritates me the most though, is the attitude that says:
"If you can't afford the life-investment required to find a human, or mostly human party, and play the games content the way it was meant (By whose definition?) to be played, for an absolutely pitiful chance at an even more pitiful reward, whilst those fortunate enough to have more time to invest in it set the prices on items that this is going to give them a monopoly on, well too bad!!" |
This is not by any means a new thang that has come to town with the MMO scheme, anyone who ever finished a console RPG of any difficulty will tell you the same thing. Farming is not just part of GW, it is an inherent fact of the entire RPG game style. Want levels loot and the chance to survive later when u need to be tough as hell? Simple: Farm.
Welcome to rpg-world. If we can't farm, it's dead in the water and the next company gets our business. Because when it all boils down, we're the consumer, we don't really give a rat's ass about anet's sales, or anything else to that matter. We want to play and we want everything the Jones's down the street have.
And before all the "You're exactly the sort of player we don't want!" types all pipe in, save the rhetoric. aNet want any customer that isn't outright hacking. Why? Because we give them moneyyyyyyyy. And as you all know, money talks.

Yes, that's right. And when next you get refused a spot in a party, booted from a party, or hell, laughed clean out of a party, simply because you don't have the required level in a title, a title that you'd have to...z0mg....FARM!! to get to any decent level without devoting your life to it, then you'll see just how completely not needed or necessary that these "Optional" titles have become.
Nobody is forcing you or me to do anything. Just cut out this mentality. If I want to go to DOA with my lightbringer 1 on one of my charrs believe me I will do it. Regardless what most pugs ask for.
Anyways argument here was about party/sweet/titles so please enlighten me in what areas in the game PUGs are asking for those titles and why the people need them so badly that the extensive farming is obligatory. Regarding HOM argument I have to say that farming for hours to get nobody knows what in GW2 is quite astounding. Not mentioning the fact that to fill HOM not all titles are required...
I loved the skill the way it was
mantra was good for my ele in pve (not farming) and great for trapping in pve (not farming) but it does have it's uses for farming as we all know.

you can still 600 without mantra, plus if your one of those qq that shadowform deserves a nerf, you lose all your right to claim that mor should not be nerfed. 2 wrongs dont equal to one right.
you can still 600 without mantra, plus if your one of those qq that shadowform deserves a nerf, you lose all your right to claim that mor should not be nerfed. 2 wrongs dont equal to one right.
No, we didn't. Anet did. They introduced all these titles to max, all these items to get and look slick with, they are the ones that pushed everyone to farm if they wanted things. 600 monks just grew out of that desire.
If they didn't want us to farm they never would have put in such rare skins or put in titles that require so much time to grind down that you have to either give up your life for a few weeks or work on it every time you get on to have a chance at finishing it. And don't you dare start preaching about cooperative play, this game is dying and it's next to impossible to find a full team of 8 people to play a mission when it isn't the Z mish of the day or vanquish an area when you aren't in a guild/alliance that focuses on that. |
About me daring to preach sorry DUDE those who like to preach are either preachers, pastors, priest, monks UPS SORRY wasn't my intention

About what you said that the game is dying couldn't understand it, oh oh wait now I got it, you mean that the Guild Wars 600s Farming is dying "if not dead already" ok ok, that's what you were trying to say, is ok now we understand each other

P.S. If you are quoting something please put the whole line of thinking not between lines. "A text out of context is a pretext."
When I first started playing GW and learning to 'monk', I would have to change my build often. I didn't know or understand why. Someone would tell me, "It was nerfed for being 'too strong' in PvP. I learned of guru after the 'loot scaling' update. I would log my complaints when my builds were being nerfed for something not pertaining to me. The responses were, "Quit whining, adapt, learn something new." Same thing is happening in this thread.
Then the PvP/PvE split came along. I can remember thinking, "Good! No more messing with my builds."
My guild mate and I 600/smite 1 day a week in Nebo Terrace and North Kryta Province. The MoR nerf did not affect us. So no complaint here.
When a skill is affecting only 1 area of the game, don't make changes that affects all areas. If that requires a PvP/PvE split, then do that.
/signed for split
Then the PvP/PvE split came along. I can remember thinking, "Good! No more messing with my builds."
My guild mate and I 600/smite 1 day a week in Nebo Terrace and North Kryta Province. The MoR nerf did not affect us. So no complaint here.
When a skill is affecting only 1 area of the game, don't make changes that affects all areas. If that requires a PvP/PvE split, then do that.
/signed for split
When I first started playing GW and learning to 'monk', I would have to change my build often. I didn't know or understand why. Someone would tell me, "It was nerfed for being 'too strong' in PvP. I learned of guru after the 'loot scaling' update. I would log my complaints when my builds were being nerfed for something not pertaining to me. The responses were, "Quit whining, adapt, learn something new." Same thing is happening in this thread.
Then the PvP/PvE split came along. I can remember thinking, "Good! No more messing with my builds." My guild mate and I 600/smite 1 day a week in Nebo Terrace and North Kryta Province. The MoR nerf did not affect us. So no complaint here. When a skill is affecting only 1 area of the game, don't make changes that affects all areas. If that requires a PvP/PvE split, then do that. /signed for split |
Even some games that don't have PvP have nerfs if certain aspects are too overpowered.
I say revert it for PvP only, leave it way it is in PvE.
I say revert it for PvP only, leave it way it is in PvE.
It got fixed for PvE.
Happy now?
Happy now?
Master Sword Keeper
Done and fixed.
Update - Thursday, September 24, 2009 - Mantra of Resolve (PvE): reverted this skill to its original functionality. |
Anyway, closed.