A little help for Anet to prevent SC
No need to update Shadow Form or other skills : update Essence of Celerity and most of the Speed Clear can't be done
No just nerf SF to smithereens. Nerf 600's to smithereens and Nerf 55 Monks to smithereens and then we'll have happy gamers.

nanase ren
Copenhagen Master
LOL dumb ... just dumb how about just adding monsters with skills that strip the SF it will stop all SC, nerfing the cons? RETARDED!!! OR better yet LEARN HOW TO FARM WITHOUT USING SF, 600 or 55!
I dont see how nerfing the cons is such a retarded idea. The game worked perfectly fine before they came along.
Then again i don't pve a lot so yeah, disregard as appropriate.
Then again i don't pve a lot so yeah, disregard as appropriate.
Cons contribute to the economy. Nerfing skills is just bad practice.
Add new monster skills or a few new monsters to stop speed clears if ANet really wants to do that.
Been a problem since the beginning of the game. I can only conclude that modifying monster skills or adding new monsters or replacing monsters must really be expensive.
Add new monster skills or a few new monsters to stop speed clears if ANet really wants to do that.
Been a problem since the beginning of the game. I can only conclude that modifying monster skills or adding new monsters or replacing monsters must really be expensive.
This topic is brought up so often that you probably do not need to Search for it, just look for Game Update or Skill Balance, because surely you will find people's opinions about Shadow Form in those threads.
Thenameless Wonder
If you have no cons ppl can still do uwsc with GoS
hey, you might as well kill 330 rits, 130 derv, 55necros, 330 ele's, oh why not all the farms cuz its IMPOSSIBLE. someone will always find a way to kill something by themselves repeated.
Mr. Undisclosed
I don't really see the difference between those and other farming builds, nerf those and someone will come up with something different that will become to the new "it" build. Also I don't even understand why you included 55 into that build. The other two are understandable because they're pretty efficient but 55? I didn't even think people used those anymore.
No need to update Shadow Form or other skills : update Essence of Celerity and most of the Speed Clear can't be done
in a perfect world Anet would further expand the PvE/PvP split, balance the PvE mobs better, mainly in HM, which would in turn take away the need or reason for PvE only skills so remove them, then remove the consumables at the same time. in the end shadow form could be left alone. since we all know nothing is perfect we have GW in the form its in now, everyone saying something needs to be done to SF just the same as Ursan before that. as usuall whatever is done will upset the majority til the next build that gets abused comes along. and no the 55 or 600 doesnt need to be next on the chopping block either.
lol dude....if they nerf SC im not gonna PvE anymore... im sure theres many other with me on that
lol dude....if they nerf SC im not gonna PvE anymore... im sure theres many other with me on that
And maybe higher prices for Ectos/UW items. Can't see that being too bad.
Siirius Black
I think that's the reason people ask to nerf the SC. It does not matter if its UW or FOW. They just want the extra money for the ectos, etc.
But if they nerf celerities and SF I bet the current gamer population will decrease significantly. In my guild, we do both and we mainly log in to try FOWSC< UWSC and recently SoOSC. Once we do that we organize a vanquish or other HM mission... but if the speed clears were not possible, I am willing to bet that no one will want to log in just to play the same old content.
Right now SC is what's keeping alive GW1.
But if they nerf celerities and SF I bet the current gamer population will decrease significantly. In my guild, we do both and we mainly log in to try FOWSC< UWSC and recently SoOSC. Once we do that we organize a vanquish or other HM mission... but if the speed clears were not possible, I am willing to bet that no one will want to log in just to play the same old content.
Right now SC is what's keeping alive GW1.
LOL dumb ... just dumb how about just adding monsters with skills that strip the SF it will stop all SC, nerfing the cons? RETARDED!!! OR better yet LEARN HOW TO FARM WITHOUT USING SF, 600 or 55!
I farm always with my Necro with all kinds of builds, depending on the Area.
Sure I can only farm in Normal Mode, but still in High level area's.
It wont get me uber rich. But it brings me a lot of fun,and I can salvage a
lot of weapons that brings me Iron, steel,bones, dust, slabs..must I go on.
To craft cons sets so I can try some of those builds in HardMode
or in some missions.
So dont nerf cons, just couse a SF assasin or duo 600 use them.
Yelling @ Cats
LOL dumb ... just dumb how about just adding monsters with skills that strip the SF it will stop all SC, nerfing the cons? RETARDED!!! OR better yet LEARN HOW TO FARM WITHOUT USING SF, 600 or 55!
Let's change the game around a broken skill instead of fixing a broken skill.
A+ solution imo
I think that's the reason people ask to nerf the SC. It does not matter if its UW or FOW. They just want the extra money for the ectos, etc.
Ironically some of these people are SCers themselves.
Cons contribute to the economy. Nerfing skills is just bad practice.
Yes but they were doing it before the n00bs so thats ok

I haven't used those builds, but I don't believe they can do as many areas (including elite) as well or at all. It won't be another way so wide spread if something was actually done...
They need to nerf SF, simply because it's OPed in PvE. What they also need to do is add in more ways to get party/alcohol and sweet tooth titles.
Chieftain Heavyhand
Removing cons bad idea.
Slowing down speed? How about a speed reduction like 75% slower movement while enchanted by Shadow Form?
Slowing down speed? How about a speed reduction like 75% slower movement while enchanted by Shadow Form?
~ Dan ~
Yeah, instead of nerfing a completely retarded, stupidly designed, overpowered problem skill, lets just change/nerf everything around it to avoid the real problem (this applies to the "change UW!!11!", "change monster skill barz!!1!1!!1one" threads too.
OP's like this guy shouldn't even be allowed to post.
OP's like this guy shouldn't even be allowed to post.
just incase some people dont remember anet did make some changes to SC's in the past like the essance, SF changes, also they had a month of enchant removal in plaines.
there must be a good reason for these changes, so for once i am against any more major nerfs. i do the occasional SC once a week, if i have the time, but its nice not to really need to practice the farm to do it efficiently, so i like it, and know lots of PvP players who do as well.
there must be a good reason for these changes, so for once i am against any more major nerfs. i do the occasional SC once a week, if i have the time, but its nice not to really need to practice the farm to do it efficiently, so i like it, and know lots of PvP players who do as well.
~ Dan ~
I'm for it. Why they designed a complete immunity skill is beyond me; regardless of whether it could be made permanent or not.
Stupid, stupid design. Remove it from the game, and if bad players complain they can't farm anymore, remove them from the game too.
Stupid, stupid design. Remove it from the game, and if bad players complain they can't farm anymore, remove them from the game too.
Zahr Dalsk
Why not just make it so Shadow Form either stops spells or melee attacks, but not both?
Some people want to nerf SF but leave cons alone.
Some people want to nerf cons, but leave SF alone.
Let's split the difference:
"Shadow Form: Lose all consumable effects. For 5...18 seconds, all hostile spells that target you fail and all attacks against you miss, but you deal 33% less damage. When Shadow Form ends, lose all but 5...41 Health."
Some people want to nerf SF but leave cons alone.
Some people want to nerf cons, but leave SF alone.
Let's split the difference:
"Shadow Form: Lose all consumable effects. For 5...18 seconds, all hostile spells that target you fail and all attacks against you miss, but you deal 33% less damage. When Shadow Form ends, lose all but 5...41 Health."
The Arching Healer
Three quick solutions.
Nerf SF --> Best solution.
Remove cons --> Possible but will result in even more QQ than ^
Add Skills --> Worst solution, takes too much time for the devs.
Nerf SF --> Best solution.
Remove cons --> Possible but will result in even more QQ than ^
Add Skills --> Worst solution, takes too much time for the devs.
Some people want to nerf SF but leave cons alone. Some people want to nerf cons, but leave SF alone. Let's split the difference: "Shadow Form: Lose all consumable effects. For 5...18 seconds, all hostile spells that target you fail and all attacks against you miss, but you deal 33% less damage. When Shadow Form ends, lose all but 5...41 Health." |
The solution is simple - the only reason SF is held that high is because it does things fast - so, another damage nerf should be in order. Gets rid of speed clears, and permas are just as good as any other tank tbh.
Perma is going to be nerfed sometime in the future, because imagine if they stayed with the same meta for 4 years? THAT is truly a stale game. As ridiculous as it sounds, nerfs are needed much.
Kumu Honua
This is the fix:
For 5...18 seconds, all hostile spells that target you fail and all attacks against you miss, but you deal 33% less damage. When Shadow Form ends, lose all but 5...41 Health. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds.
For 5...18 seconds, all hostile spells that target you fail and all attacks against you miss, but you deal 33% less damage. When Shadow Form ends, lose all but 5...41 Health. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds.
Perfected Shadow
How about:
Elite Stance. For 10...20 seconds enchantments on you cannot be removed and you move 33% faster. 5r, 5e
Kills the entire invincibility mechanic but gives mobility and protection for crit agility. Don't talk about 30 sec recharge shadowsteps when discussing mobility.
Crap suggestion or not, my point is that skills shouldn't get smiter's booned.
Elite Stance. For 10...20 seconds enchantments on you cannot be removed and you move 33% faster. 5r, 5e
Kills the entire invincibility mechanic but gives mobility and protection for crit agility. Don't talk about 30 sec recharge shadowsteps when discussing mobility.
Crap suggestion or not, my point is that skills shouldn't get smiter's booned.