Woot! Mantra of Resolve may be coming back!
Trader of Secrets
Aww. hope they consider mantra to still not be a blanket and actually hav ppl use some skill in farming.
Zahr Dalsk
Not really, i use it on my ele and ranger for a few builds in pve that are not farming builds
and it's pretty decent on my necro for avoiding 1001 interrupts around nightfall areas while out and about vanquishing...

Great, now revert back Horns of the Ox and Black Lotus Strike. They all were nerfed because of pvp and aren't used in farming, yet they're not being reverted.
How sick is that, eh, EH?!
I wish all farmers would just leave for something like wow or aion. GW would be a better place.
How sick is that, eh, EH?!
I wish all farmers would just leave for something like wow or aion. GW would be a better place.
Sifow Chan
Just proves the devs are more concerned about what players want for unfair/cheap advantages rather than doing what is best for the game.
As I pointed out in the MoR split thread (Edit: see below link)... undoing this is admitting that the farmers and title grinders won. Nobody plays this game for fun anymore. By moaning and bitching about the MoR nerf, SF will never be nerfed. Congratulations guru, you helped ruin the game. |
Kinda odd how we wanted the Devs to listen to us and now we've discovered that in a way they are, there just listening to the wrong crowd.
It sounds like Anet caved under the pressure for a split.
You know, MoR is still usable in PvP you just have to ration its use.
With the split Anet pretty much is saying "We need to keep our farmers and speed clear people happy."
Way to stay strong Anet. /sarcasm
You know, MoR is still usable in PvP you just have to ration its use.
With the split Anet pretty much is saying "We need to keep our farmers and speed clear people happy."
Way to stay strong Anet. /sarcasm
Thank you for the heads up Targren.
Life Bringing
Since the MoR nerf, Pious kinda wins over MoR. I do agree about the anet part though. Without MoR, 600/smite everywhere is still perfectly possible, you just can't be a shitter.
Jecht Scye
When some of us wanted a PvE/PvP split of MoR, we were "QQing". Now I see bitching the other way around from some of the same people. Oh elitists, if only you knew what hypocrisy meant!
wind fire and ice
You realize the ONLY FARM that NEEDED MoR was e/me raptor farm,its being reverted in pve so it will keep on being used in vanqs/ect by necros,eles and monks instead of being a totally ignored skill.
MoR was/is only useful in a couple dungeons for 600'ing-and NO IMPORTANT ONES(i like random caps,they're fun ^^)..dunno why people are saying Anet is supporting farming by reverting this skill.
MoR was/is only useful in a couple dungeons for 600'ing-and NO IMPORTANT ONES(i like random caps,they're fun ^^)..dunno why people are saying Anet is supporting farming by reverting this skill.
Life Bringing
You realize the ONLY FARM that NEEDED MoR was e/me raptor farm,its being reverted in pve so it will keep on being used in vanqs/ect by necros,eles and monks instead of being a totally ignored skill.
MoR was/is only useful in a couple dungeons for 600'ing-and NO IMPORTANT ONES(i like random caps,they're fun ^^)..dunno why people are saying Anet is supporting farming by reverting this skill. |
In situations like these, Anet is damned if you do, damned if you don't. So what would you do? I'd think appeasing the majority is the more logical thing to do, even though it may or may not be the right thing.
Black Metal
if they had split it in the first place (as their original nerf reasoning should have led to), then this whole debacle would never have occurred
Its funny isnt it? And again, lets pretend that I wouldnt dream of using MOR because some HM guys are interrupt happy. >.> Regardless of what people say ala "Anet Caved," as I said over and friggen over, update notes did NOT mention farming being a reason for its PVE nerf. It seemed more like an oversight.
Thenameless Wonder
While we're at it, lets remove the movement penalty on OF. I could never understand why SF blocks all spells AND attacks with NO restriction of movement while Obs Flesh still allows attacks but slows you down 50%. There is a huge amount of disparity between these 2 skills. That would at least make vaettir farming a little less frustrating for eles
Not true. OF movement is something you can only get around with shadow steps. The 33% reduction means nothing when a couple dozen creatures make you pump out a string of 27s. Not to mention what the Ebon Vanguard skills do.
Jecht Scye
Its funny isnt it? And again, lets pretend that I wouldnt dream of using MOR because some HM guys are interrupt happy. >.> Regardless of what people say ala "Anet Caved," as I said over and friggen over, update notes did NOT mention farming being a reason for its PVE nerf. It seemed more like an oversight.
In my opinion, Anet did the right thing by sticking to their guns via their update description, and admitting that they made a mistake and are going to correct it.
Loot Junkie
Obsidian Flesh has a movement reduction penalty, SF has a damage reduction penalty.
Obsidian Flesh has spell protection, SF has spell protection.
SF has attack protection, Obsidian Flesh has.....nothing.
They quite obviously DO NOT "balance out". Yeah OF has a bit of extra armor, but thats nothing compared to immunity from attacks and interrupts/condis from attacks. The damage penalty from SF isnt nearly as prohibitive as the movement penalty from OF. If you think so, try rounding up 36 vaettirs with an OF ele without getting surrounded too soon. As well, degen isnt affected at all by the SF damage penalty.
Obsidian Flesh has spell protection, SF has spell protection.
SF has attack protection, Obsidian Flesh has.....nothing.
They quite obviously DO NOT "balance out". Yeah OF has a bit of extra armor, but thats nothing compared to immunity from attacks and interrupts/condis from attacks. The damage penalty from SF isnt nearly as prohibitive as the movement penalty from OF. If you think so, try rounding up 36 vaettirs with an OF ele without getting surrounded too soon. As well, degen isnt affected at all by the SF damage penalty.
I can't wait for the persistant world of GW2 when everybody is trying to solo the same thing in the same zones. lol That will be hilarious. And only the good stuff will be in persistant zones not in instances.

At last we see where ANet's priorities lie.
I don't like it.
I don't like it.
Mr. Undisclosed
Actually they said dungeons and the like (which are generally accepted as the home of rare weapons) are going to be instanced.
Remember Undisclosed Anet doesn't follow the norm. So all the rare weapons will be in persistant areas.
Edit: And by this split coming we know who is the MAJORITY now. Makes me wonder if they will really nerf SF into smithereens or not now. They caved on this small skill how do you think they are going to be on a BIG ONE.

Edit: And by this split coming we know who is the MAJORITY now. Makes me wonder if they will really nerf SF into smithereens or not now. They caved on this small skill how do you think they are going to be on a BIG ONE.
When some of us wanted a PvE/PvP split of MoR, we were "QQing". Now I see bitching the other way around from some of the same people. Oh elitists, if only you knew what hypocrisy meant!

Some of us still play for fun but Guru isnt where these people go, I suspect. Guru is a subset of the GW populace, a vocal subset but still only a subset.
This is really very strong from a.nets side this time!
The have said numerous times before they are not against farming, and even in there update notes the said it was a nerf for pvp and so it seems they forgot to split it PVP/PVE skill wise.
So admitting they made a mistake and setting it right is absolutely a show of force and dedication to there game!
All the QQ shows the numbers of people enjoying this game are far more the the people QQ about farmers. If you don't like farming don't farm, if you don't like pvp then don't pvp, if you don't like title grind just don't title grind.
Nobody makes you do anything you don't like so don't go force it on others!
You can just PVE anyway you like it, you can make this game as hard as you like by not using all tools given to yourself! I've done it multiple times, not using my eight skill slots, not using all available partymembers, ... and I never ever had to go QQ to A.net to make it harder, I just did it myself instead of piss off people that are enjoying the game how they enjoy it!
The have said numerous times before they are not against farming, and even in there update notes the said it was a nerf for pvp and so it seems they forgot to split it PVP/PVE skill wise.
So admitting they made a mistake and setting it right is absolutely a show of force and dedication to there game!
All the QQ shows the numbers of people enjoying this game are far more the the people QQ about farmers. If you don't like farming don't farm, if you don't like pvp then don't pvp, if you don't like title grind just don't title grind.
Nobody makes you do anything you don't like so don't go force it on others!
You can just PVE anyway you like it, you can make this game as hard as you like by not using all tools given to yourself! I've done it multiple times, not using my eight skill slots, not using all available partymembers, ... and I never ever had to go QQ to A.net to make it harder, I just did it myself instead of piss off people that are enjoying the game how they enjoy it!
Gun Pierson
Thank you Anet!
GW is a RPG, farming is part of this game since day one. A RPG without farming is like a pub without beer and when that happens people will drink their pint elsewhere.
The PVE/PVP split became a reality in this game. Anet learned they're two different formats, even Izzy mentionned it in the recent interview and there will be a split in GW2 from the start.
GW is a RPG, farming is part of this game since day one. A RPG without farming is like a pub without beer and when that happens people will drink their pint elsewhere.
The PVE/PVP split became a reality in this game. Anet learned they're two different formats, even Izzy mentionned it in the recent interview and there will be a split in GW2 from the start.
Riot Narita
Awesome. I used MoR in my E/Me raptor build, and although the build still worked after the nerf, I still felt prompted to make some "improvements".
Now if they un-nerf MoR... my updated build will end up with a spare skill slot!
I can add Intensity to my Sliver+EBSoH+BUH combo for Even Moar Damag
Now if they un-nerf MoR... my updated build will end up with a spare skill slot!
I can add Intensity to my Sliver+EBSoH+BUH combo for Even Moar Damag
Great, now revert back Horns of the Ox and Black Lotus Strike. They all were nerfed because of pvp and aren't used in farming, yet they're not being reverted.
How sick is that, eh, EH?! I wish all farmers would just leave for something like wow or aion. GW would be a better place. |
As I pointed out in the MoR split thread (Edit: see below link)... undoing this is admitting that the farmers and title grinders won. Nobody plays this game for fun anymore. By moaning and bitching about the MoR nerf, SF will never be nerfed. Congratulations guru, you helped ruin the game. http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...10#post4860210 |
Not much to be added. If not due to excessive farming prices for most of the items found during casual gameplay would be still decent. On the other hand maybe that will force some people to move to pvp which needs more blood.
Aldo wants more
I'm happy the skill is being split, now my wife can return to her (only) E/me and farm event drops.
Good to see it go back, I hardly used MoR but it was good to have sometimes (i.e. farming for Nicholas).
Off-topic: why not change SF so you can't deal damage while enchanted with it, the purpose is being invincible, and this way it would still be viable for running-tanking, just not solo farm / SC as much (yes I know, degen still works but that's a hella lot slower than Sliver). Just find it weird that a Shadow can deal damage, it's not really a being or w/e.
Off-topic: why not change SF so you can't deal damage while enchanted with it, the purpose is being invincible, and this way it would still be viable for running-tanking, just not solo farm / SC as much (yes I know, degen still works but that's a hella lot slower than Sliver). Just find it weird that a Shadow can deal damage, it's not really a being or w/e.
On the other hand maybe that will force some people to move to pvp which needs more blood.
If you haven't done any PvP at all, it's already way to late to start now.
The very very very last thing farmers will do is move over to PvP. And that's right after actually leaving the game.
If you haven't done any PvP at all, it's already way to late to start now. |
I still see people starting pvp. Most of them will never be in the top but they still can do some messing around in various pvp arenas. After I saw r0 pug winning halls I have more trust in the new people.
What worries me the most is that people starting the game do not go through the content. They do not learn what skills do but just learn how to farm fast and get rich so that nobody can tell that they are newbies... They do not know more than 5 skills per profession but are already flashing in SC groups in dungeons or elite areas. This game is no longer about the skill and ANETs decision to split mantra is a clear sign for me in which direction they now go...
I had in mind the rest - the "no-farmers". Farmers indeed will stay forever in pve cause their flashy gear and pve titles mean nothing outside it so there is no one to show it to... If they do they get immediately "pve noob" remarks.
I still see people starting pvp. Most of them will never be in the top but they still can do some messing around in various pvp arenas. After I saw r0 pug winning halls I have more trust in the new people. What worries me the most is that people starting the game do not go through the content. They do not learn what skills do but just learn how to farm fast and get rich so that nobody can tell that they are newbies... They do not know more than 5 skills per profession but are already flashing in SC groups in dungeons or elite areas. This game is no longer about the skill and ANETs decision to split mantra is a clear sign for me in which direction they now go... |

Now I know SF won't get changed. Just change the name of the "Elite Areas" to "Sin Areas".
Just b/c SF makes it so everyone can play doesn't make it fun.
akio pwns
well lets all give each other bj's and celeberate the occasion!... Seriously... Its always going to be complainers say oh now im going to rage quit because you nerfed a skill. boo hoo. I want my mommy.
Maybe instead of complaining, you should THINK why they did it. You had your fun in the sun, now you gotta join with the others in the shade. So what if they had nerfed mantra...so all your money goes down the drain? QQ
Maybe instead of complaining, you should THINK why they did it. You had your fun in the sun, now you gotta join with the others in the shade. So what if they had nerfed mantra...so all your money goes down the drain? QQ
well lets all give each other bj's and celeberate the occasion!... Seriously... Its always going to be complainers say oh now im going to rage quit because you nerfed a skill. boo hoo. I want my mommy.
Maybe instead of complaining, you should THINK why they did it. You had your fun in the sun, now you gotta join with the others in the shade. So what if they had nerfed mantra...so all your money goes down the drain? QQ |
Riot Narita
Where were all the "omfg nerf MoR NOW!" posts, before it got nerfed?
It got nerfed, and there's talk of (maybe) putting it back the way it was for PvE... and now we see all the "omfg..." posts?
Edit: oops, sorry I forgot to include the mandatory reference to SF in my post...
...omfg SF, sky is falling! Reverting MoR definitely means they are planning to only allow 7 skills on your bar (the 8th will automatically be SF)
There ya go.
It got nerfed, and there's talk of (maybe) putting it back the way it was for PvE... and now we see all the "omfg..." posts?
Edit: oops, sorry I forgot to include the mandatory reference to SF in my post...
...omfg SF, sky is falling! Reverting MoR definitely means they are planning to only allow 7 skills on your bar (the 8th will automatically be SF)
There ya go.