Originally Posted by Hissy
Reverting splinter would not "break the game". LOL if you seriously think it would.
Splinter Weapon wasn't breaking the game (PvE) before it got nerfed. Reverting now, wouldn't make a lot of difference to regular PvE where its rare to see mobs of 4+ adjacent monsters, standing there stationary waiting for the multiple Splinter bombs it would take to kill them.
If anything, it would make PvE harder, not more broken - because monsters with Splinter Weapon could really punish bad positioning by button-mash players.
You could ball up enemies to make Splinter more effective... but again that requires "smart" play rather than button-mashing, and I think smarter play is a good thing to promote. And even with good tactics, reverted Splinter wouldn't be able to insta-kill mobs... so I don't see it as OP. In order to "break the game" all mobs would have to clump together, and stay there while the player goes through 3 or 4 cycles of casting Splinter Weapons, and getting off their buffed attacks. Does that sound realistic? Not to me.
So why bother to revert? Because it would make monsters with Splinter more dangerous, promote smarter play, and yes - to revive some old farming spots. Is that such a bad thing? It would mean more options and professions to use, for those who choose to farm. More variety is good, and it's not as if Turai margonite farming would overshadow eg. Raptor farming. Far from it. (Turai farming = 12 kills/minute, Raptor farming = 27+ kills/minute)
It wouldn't break it, but it wouldn't exactly fix anything.
It wasn't breaking the game, but it was extremely powerful. And it would make a difference, because any decent player can pull a group and ball them up. It's been said before, but I'll say it again. PvE is already easy enough, we don't need to make a powerful skill even more powerful.
You're right, it would make the game more difficult for terrible players who ball up in AoE. For somewhat decent players, it wouldn't make a difference. For decent/good players, it would make it easier.
The way splinter weapon currently is already promotes more tactical play, so don't think reverting it will make much of a difference. It wouldn't insta-kill mobs, but you're missing the point. You're asking to take a
powerful skill and make it
more powerful. That makes no sense. If splinter weapon was terrible, then yes, a revert would make sense. But no, it's already powerful enough.
1) It would only make enemies who have splinter weapon more dangerous to terrible players who are all adjacent. To everyone else, no difference at all.
2) As I already said, the current splinter weapon already promotes more tactical play.
3) We don't need to bring back the old splinter weapon farming spots. The ability to ball up a massive group of enemies and kill them like it was nothing by yourself isn't something that should be brought back into the game.
Going by your logic that more variety is good, then we might as well revert every nerfed skill in PvE, and remove AoE scatter. Who cares how dumbed down and easy the game is as long as there's variety, right?
Bottom line is, powerful skills do not need to be made more powerful. It's really as simple as that.