Originally Posted by Ġ ō Đยน
Most people who pay to get ran aren't weaklings and aren't lazy there just bored and want to get it done the fastest way possible and with a perma that is the fastest way..unless you can show me screen shots of you doing GoM HM in under 20 min or duncan HM in under 10. most people just buy my gate of madness runs because its an annoying mission they can get it done for there title its fast easy and after that they can just finish NF and get to DoA Duncan is just a pain in the ass and its not worth the hour or more in HM with hero's and henchie's trying to do it when you could pay to have it done in 10-15 min.
Under 20 mins? Well I can't show you that because I can't do that without perma running, that is true. GoM took me 1 hour last time I did it on HM
But here is my point, again: I can truly understand why people like Shadow Form, but this thread annoys the crap out of me because it assumes that SF is the one and only way to beat hard places. It's like: If I can't do it as fast as possible, I can't do it at all. Which I think is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. I can understand how people would rather get a run through GoM because that mission is sh*t (Great, lets revive the 2 major antagonists of the other campaigns and put them here, because that doesn't just make one hell of an annoying fight for the players, but also messes up the storyline completely), but again my point again my point: It is still RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing doable. The thread don't say that it would take more time and/or be tougher. It says that it would be impossible without perma. You must admit that, that is one hell loada bs.
EDIT: I'm gonna keep everything I said above because I still think it's true. I will however also correct myself: Oops. I misread the threat
it WAS about the fast runs lol.