Tome Price Guide {does not get updated}
Zheng Zhilong
Elite Necro Tome 8k
Sept 7th:
(Sold)Elite Derv Tome 6.5k
Elite Necro Tome 8k
Sept 7th:
(Sold)Elite Derv Tome 6.5k
I have no clue on current market value of tomes, but I still buy them sometimes when I see ones I don't have at least 50 of offered for 1k or less.
Oct 23, I bought the following normal tomes from a thread here ...
Dervish x5 - 400g each
Elementlist - 400g
Monk x3 - 700g each
Necromancer - 600g
Nov. 7
- sold Elite Elementalist Tome for 8k in game. I got one as a drop and went to look at auction listings to get a feel for the b/o prices folks ask there. That's how I picked 8k. I offered that to the first elite ele tome buyer I saw in Kama, and s/he accepted.
Oct 23, I bought the following normal tomes from a thread here ...
Dervish x5 - 400g each
Elementlist - 400g
Monk x3 - 700g each
Necromancer - 600g
Nov. 7
- sold Elite Elementalist Tome for 8k in game. I got one as a drop and went to look at auction listings to get a feel for the b/o prices folks ask there. That's how I picked 8k. I offered that to the first elite ele tome buyer I saw in Kama, and s/he accepted.
Elite Monk x2 for 7.5k/each
Elite Ranger for 5k
Elite Monk x2 for 7.5k/each
Elite Ranger for 5k
Nov. 17
- sold Elite Mesmer Tome for 7k in game. Again, I got one as a drop and went and looked at the auction listings to pick a price.
Nov. 22
- sold Elite Necro Tome for 8k in game. Ditto as above with how I came up with 8k to ask, but seller accepted w/out hesitation.
- sold Elite Ranger Tome for 7k. Ditto above situation.
- sold Elite Dervish Tome for 7k. Ditto above situation.
- sold Elite Mesmer Tome for 7k. Ditto above situation, except buyer did try to haggle. I have been seeing way too many wtb ads for these lately and had way too easy a time selling the last one for 7k to budge on price just yet. When I wouldn't budge, buyer accepted 7k.
Nov. 23
- sold Elite Mesmer Tome for 7k. Ditto above situation.
- sold Elite Ranger Tome for 7k. Ditto above situation.
Nov. 26
- sold two Elite Monk Tomes for 6k ea to a single buyer. This was the first wtb ad for Elite Monk Tomes I've seen in several days, so I accepted the buyer's offer price.
- sold Elite Elementalist Tome for 8k in game ... sold another one for 8k a little while later.
Nov. 27
- sold Elite Warrior Tome for 6k in game
- sold Elite Mesmer Tome for 7k in game. Again, I got one as a drop and went and looked at the auction listings to pick a price.
Nov. 22
- sold Elite Necro Tome for 8k in game. Ditto as above with how I came up with 8k to ask, but seller accepted w/out hesitation.
- sold Elite Ranger Tome for 7k. Ditto above situation.
- sold Elite Dervish Tome for 7k. Ditto above situation.
- sold Elite Mesmer Tome for 7k. Ditto above situation, except buyer did try to haggle. I have been seeing way too many wtb ads for these lately and had way too easy a time selling the last one for 7k to budge on price just yet. When I wouldn't budge, buyer accepted 7k.
Nov. 23
- sold Elite Mesmer Tome for 7k. Ditto above situation.
- sold Elite Ranger Tome for 7k. Ditto above situation.
Nov. 26
- sold two Elite Monk Tomes for 6k ea to a single buyer. This was the first wtb ad for Elite Monk Tomes I've seen in several days, so I accepted the buyer's offer price.
- sold Elite Elementalist Tome for 8k in game ... sold another one for 8k a little while later.
Nov. 27
- sold Elite Warrior Tome for 6k in game
Count Kenrill
Elite Warrior 7k
Elite Ranger + Elite Derv 9k
Elite Warrior 7k
Elite Ranger + Elite Derv 9k
New month, new post ...
Dec. 6
- sold Elite Warrior Tome for 7k in game
Dec. 7
- sold Elite Assassin Tome for 3k in game
- sold Elite Paragon Tome for 8k in game
Dec. 10
- sold Elite Assassin Tome for 3k in game
Dec. 14
- sold Elite Elementalist Tome for 7k in game
Dec. 17
- sold Elite Assassin Tome for 3k in game
Dec. 22
- sold Elite Assassin Tome for 3k in game
- sold Elite Mesmer Tome for 7.5k in game
- sold Elite Elementalist Tome for 8k in game
Dec. 6
- sold Elite Warrior Tome for 7k in game
Dec. 7
- sold Elite Assassin Tome for 3k in game
- sold Elite Paragon Tome for 8k in game
Dec. 10
- sold Elite Assassin Tome for 3k in game
Dec. 14
- sold Elite Elementalist Tome for 7k in game
Dec. 17
- sold Elite Assassin Tome for 3k in game
Dec. 22
- sold Elite Assassin Tome for 3k in game
- sold Elite Mesmer Tome for 7.5k in game
- sold Elite Elementalist Tome for 8k in game
One regular monk tome - 700g
One elite Warrior tome - 7.5K*
*For reference: this was their offer, not mine.
One regular monk tome - 700g
One elite Warrior tome - 7.5K*
*For reference: this was their offer, not mine.
Rit: 800ea easily
Monk: 1k ea
Monk: 7k ea
Mes: 7k ea
Ranger: 7k ea
All easy fast sales. 01-10-11
Sold Norm
Monk 700
Rit 800 (randomly people pay me 1k even though I ask for 800, go figure)
Rit: 800ea easily
Monk: 1k ea
Monk: 7k ea
Mes: 7k ea
Ranger: 7k ea
All easy fast sales. 01-10-11
Sold Norm
Monk 700
Rit 800 (randomly people pay me 1k even though I ask for 800, go figure)
... so a friend of mine talked me into selling off his elite tome stock for him ...
Jan 25
- sold elite ranger tome for 7k (to first buyer I found in game)
- sold 3x elite warrior tomes for 6k ea. (to first buyer I found in game)
Jan 26
- sold elite elementalist tome for 8k (to first buyer I found in game)
- sold elite ritualist tome for 15k (to third buyer I found in game)
- sold another elite elementalist tome for 8k (to second buyer I found in game)
- sold first elite necromancer tome for 8k (to second buyer I found in game)
- sold third and final elite elementalist tome for 8k (to third buyer I found in game)
- sold second elite necromancer tome for 8k (to third buyer I found in game)
- sold third elite necromancer tome for 8k (to fourth buyer I found in game)
- sold fourth elite necromancer tome for 8k (to fifth buyer I found in game)
- sold first elite monk tome for 7k (to first buyer I found in game)
- sold second elite monk tome for 7k (to second buyer I found in game)
- sold all three of the elite assassin tomes I had for 3k ea (to the first buyer I found)
Jan 27
- sold third elite monk tome for 7k (to third buyer I found in game)
Jan 28
- sold forth elite monk tome for 5k (to fourth buyer I found in game.)
- sold another elite warrior tome I got the other day for 6k in game (to about the third buyer I offered it to.)
- sold 30 regular warrior tomes for 400g ea. to the same buyer who bought that most recent elite war tome.
Overall findings from watching wts/wtb elite tome ads for a couple days ...
- elite rit: seems WAY more wtb than wts for these. Did not take me long to find buyers at all, and did not take me much longer to find one that accepted 15k.
- elite nec, ele, mes: seems more (but not as much more as rit) wtb than wts for these. Did not take me long to find buyers for such.
- elite ran, war: seems about the same frequency of wts as wtb. Can take a while to find buyers, but not too hard.
- elite sin: surprisingly, there don't seem to be too many more wts than wtb for these. I guess lots of folks still want SF in a hurry. (EDIT Feb 8 - It occurs to me part of the explanation for this demand could be x/A builds using Assassin's Promise to lead discord-way teams.) I still doubt they're easy to sell for more than 3k, but I haven't had a buyer turn me down for 3k yet.
- elite para, derv: I haven't sold any of these recently, but I do see a lot more wtb than wts ads for these. Neither is especially common, but I doubt either would be hard to find buyers for in game.
- elite monk: I see WAYYYY more wts than wtb ads for these tomes. All the sellers seem to be asking 6k+. When I found buyers they didn't object to my 7k asking price, but it took a really long time to find buyers for these at all. I finally sold the last one to someone with a buy ad up for all elite tomes offering fairly low prices. I don't know if it was someone in the tome resale business or someone working on skill hunter title. I was just happy to finally get rid of the thing at that point.
Of course, you see a lot more wtb ads for all manner of tomes (and elite tomes for farming builds in particular) on the weekends and right before PvE events where folks farm some kind of cons.
Jan 30
- sold elite dervish tome for 8k in game (my asking price to the first buy ad I saw.)
- sold elite ranger tome for 9k in game, buyer's offer price in trade ad
Jan 25
- sold elite ranger tome for 7k (to first buyer I found in game)
- sold 3x elite warrior tomes for 6k ea. (to first buyer I found in game)
Jan 26
- sold elite elementalist tome for 8k (to first buyer I found in game)
- sold elite ritualist tome for 15k (to third buyer I found in game)
- sold another elite elementalist tome for 8k (to second buyer I found in game)
- sold first elite necromancer tome for 8k (to second buyer I found in game)
- sold third and final elite elementalist tome for 8k (to third buyer I found in game)
- sold second elite necromancer tome for 8k (to third buyer I found in game)
- sold third elite necromancer tome for 8k (to fourth buyer I found in game)
- sold fourth elite necromancer tome for 8k (to fifth buyer I found in game)
- sold first elite monk tome for 7k (to first buyer I found in game)
- sold second elite monk tome for 7k (to second buyer I found in game)
- sold all three of the elite assassin tomes I had for 3k ea (to the first buyer I found)
Jan 27
- sold third elite monk tome for 7k (to third buyer I found in game)
Jan 28
- sold forth elite monk tome for 5k (to fourth buyer I found in game.)
- sold another elite warrior tome I got the other day for 6k in game (to about the third buyer I offered it to.)
- sold 30 regular warrior tomes for 400g ea. to the same buyer who bought that most recent elite war tome.
Overall findings from watching wts/wtb elite tome ads for a couple days ...
- elite rit: seems WAY more wtb than wts for these. Did not take me long to find buyers at all, and did not take me much longer to find one that accepted 15k.
- elite nec, ele, mes: seems more (but not as much more as rit) wtb than wts for these. Did not take me long to find buyers for such.
- elite ran, war: seems about the same frequency of wts as wtb. Can take a while to find buyers, but not too hard.
- elite sin: surprisingly, there don't seem to be too many more wts than wtb for these. I guess lots of folks still want SF in a hurry. (EDIT Feb 8 - It occurs to me part of the explanation for this demand could be x/A builds using Assassin's Promise to lead discord-way teams.) I still doubt they're easy to sell for more than 3k, but I haven't had a buyer turn me down for 3k yet.
- elite para, derv: I haven't sold any of these recently, but I do see a lot more wtb than wts ads for these. Neither is especially common, but I doubt either would be hard to find buyers for in game.
- elite monk: I see WAYYYY more wts than wtb ads for these tomes. All the sellers seem to be asking 6k+. When I found buyers they didn't object to my 7k asking price, but it took a really long time to find buyers for these at all. I finally sold the last one to someone with a buy ad up for all elite tomes offering fairly low prices. I don't know if it was someone in the tome resale business or someone working on skill hunter title. I was just happy to finally get rid of the thing at that point.
Of course, you see a lot more wtb ads for all manner of tomes (and elite tomes for farming builds in particular) on the weekends and right before PvE events where folks farm some kind of cons.
Jan 30
- sold elite dervish tome for 8k in game (my asking price to the first buy ad I saw.)
- sold elite ranger tome for 9k in game, buyer's offer price in trade ad
new month, new post
Feb. 1
- sold 10x regular warrior tomes for 400g ea in game
Feb. 3
- sold elite warrior tome for 7k in game
Feb 5
- sold elite warrior tome for 7k in game
- sold 4x regular warrior tomes for 400g ea in game (to same buyer as above)
- sold elite necromancer tome for 9k in game
- sold elite mesmer tome for 8k in game
Feb 8
- sold elite mesmer tome for 8k in game (my asking price to the first buy ad I saw - didn't take long at all.)
Feb. 9
- sold two elite paragon tomes for 1e each to the same buyer. 1e at the moment is about 7-7.5k
Feb. 10
- sold elite monk tome for 7k, my asking price, in game
Feb. 11
- sold elite necromancer tome for 9k, my asking price, in game
Feb 13
- sold elite ritualist tome for 15k, my asking price, in game (to the second player with a buy ad I saw.)
- sold elite elementalist tome for 9k, my asking price, in game (to the first player with a buy ad I saw.)
Feb. 15
- sold elite mesmer tome for 8k in game
- sold elite necromancer tome for 9k in game
Feb. 17
- sold elite mesmer tome for 8k in game
- sold 5 regular mesmer tomes for 400g ea in game (seller's offer, as I wasn't sure and asked him for 200g ea.)
Feb. 1
- sold 10x regular warrior tomes for 400g ea in game
Feb. 3
- sold elite warrior tome for 7k in game
Feb 5
- sold elite warrior tome for 7k in game
- sold 4x regular warrior tomes for 400g ea in game (to same buyer as above)
- sold elite necromancer tome for 9k in game
- sold elite mesmer tome for 8k in game
Feb 8
- sold elite mesmer tome for 8k in game (my asking price to the first buy ad I saw - didn't take long at all.)
Feb. 9
- sold two elite paragon tomes for 1e each to the same buyer. 1e at the moment is about 7-7.5k
Feb. 10
- sold elite monk tome for 7k, my asking price, in game
Feb. 11
- sold elite necromancer tome for 9k, my asking price, in game
Feb 13
- sold elite ritualist tome for 15k, my asking price, in game (to the second player with a buy ad I saw.)
- sold elite elementalist tome for 9k, my asking price, in game (to the first player with a buy ad I saw.)
Feb. 15
- sold elite mesmer tome for 8k in game
- sold elite necromancer tome for 9k in game
Feb. 17
- sold elite mesmer tome for 8k in game
- sold 5 regular mesmer tomes for 400g ea in game (seller's offer, as I wasn't sure and asked him for 200g ea.)
nonelite W tomes - 11 @ 400g ea
nonelite A tomes - 3 @ 200g ea
nonelite Me tomes - 3 @ 300g ea
nonelite R tomes - 1 @ 300g ea
nonelite W tomes - 11 @ 400g ea
nonelite A tomes - 3 @ 200g ea
nonelite Me tomes - 3 @ 300g ea
nonelite R tomes - 1 @ 300g ea
Elite Mes 7k
Reg Rang 450
Reg Rit 800
Elite Mes 7k
Reg Rang 450
Reg Rit 800
Sold Reg Rit - 700g each for two. Took a very long time to I sold for low to get rid of them.
Sold reg Mes - 300g for one
Sold reg Mes - 300g for one
SPE 241
Sold Elite Ele 9k EASY
sold leet ranger tome yesterday 6K
War reg for 500g
War reg for 500g
SPE 241
Sold Elite Rit 15k EASY
Sold Elite Mes 8k Easy
Sold Elite Monk 7.5k easy
Sold Elite Mes 8k Easy
Sold Elite Monk 7.5k easy
Sold Elites:
1 Each: Nec, Derv, Ele,
2 Each: Mo, Para, Rang
4 Each: War
All for 90k
Sold Reg:
2 Mes = 1k
2 Derv = 1.2k
1 Para = 700g
1 Each: Nec, Derv, Ele,
2 Each: Mo, Para, Rang
4 Each: War
All for 90k
Sold Reg:
2 Mes = 1k
2 Derv = 1.2k
1 Para = 700g
Bought 25 elite Sin tomes for 3k ea in about 15 min. One guy pm'd me offering 4kea for all.
SPE 241
Sold Elite NEC for 10k EASY first buyer
SPE 241
Sold Elite Para for 1e or 8k (32k for 4)
Sold elite rit tomes 15k - very quick.
Sold elite ele tome for 5k
Sold 2 Elite Rit Tomes for 15k/ea (quite easy)
SPE 241
sold 2 Ranger Elite 8k EASY first buyer
Organ Dave
sold 2 Ranger Tomes for 500 gold each
Divine Ashes
Sold Elite Warrior 3k (very hard sell at 4k)
Bram Stoker
Sold elite ritualist 15k
Sold elite paragon 6k
Sold elite paragon 6k
Canthas Monk
Sold Elite: Rit 13k. Necro 7k. Mesmer 6k. Monk 6k. Ele 5k. War 5k. Ranger 5k. Sin 3k.
SPE 241
Sold Elite Rit 2x 15 and 16k no problem first ad
Bram Stoker
Sold 1 elite rit & 4 regular rit - 3e
Sold Elite Paragon Tome 6k
Bram Stoker
elite ele 5.5k
elite mes 5k
elite rit 15k
Update 18/aug/2011
Bought 1 elite rit 12k
Sold for 15k,
Sold another for 3 zkey
Sold elite derv 5k (WTBuyers didn't seem keen on 6k!)
Sold 3x reg ele 1,800 (600each)
elite ele 5.5k
elite mes 5k
elite rit 15k
Update 18/aug/2011
Bought 1 elite rit 12k
Sold for 15k,
Sold another for 3 zkey
Sold elite derv 5k (WTBuyers didn't seem keen on 6k!)
Sold 3x reg ele 1,800 (600each)
Healer of the Kurz
Bought an Elite Monk tome for 1.5k XD
Dec. 15
- in game, sold elite warrior tome for 6k, my asking price
- in game, sold elite warrior tome for 6k, my asking price
Reading ruksak's post below ...... makes me goQuote:
I would like to encourage people to stop feeding powerbuyers (thieves) by selling reg tomes for 250g. I have been having numerous issues in Kama trying to answer "WTB reg tomes" only to have them claim that 500g is overpriced and that they're only paying 250. Being told that 500 is overpriced by a crook that will turn right around and sell them for 600 is getting old.
I have also been selling sin tomes for 4k with ease. I have never sold one for 3k, why people are doing this I have no idea., but to worry much about it wouldn't be how I care to spend my GW time nor would it be appropriate to discuss/attempt to clarify/debate on a PC guide thread.
I do think it might be relevant and potentially helpful to anyone else reading this looking for PC on tomes to mention the following ...
The elite warrior tome I reported above was a drop I got the day before. When I get reg tomes drop, I keep them. I don't keep elite tomes; I just look up PC for them and add them to the pile of stuff I keep handy to sell in game. I didn't find any current elite warrior tome listings here in Guru's auction system (one place I look to get a feel for current asking prices.) I did a quick search of both the active listings and the price records at and decided I should try an asking price of 6k for this tome I didn't want. Within the next 24 hours, I saw someone asking to buy one of these in game. I offered mine for 6k, and he accepted.
The Super Chilli
Sold a elite rit tome to one desperate person for 2e

Jan 9
- in game, I sold an elite ritualist tome for ~11k (1e+3k,) the buyer's counter offer to my 12k asking price. I've noticed a lot of buy ads for these tomes in the few hours since then. I picked 12k asking price based pc records at
Jan. 11
- in game, sold another elite ritualist tome for 15k, buyer's offer price.
Jan 14
- sold elite elementalist tome for 8k, my asking price, to a buyer in game.
Jan. 17
- in game, sold another elite elementalist tome for 10k, my asking price (accepted by the fourth player with a buy ad up I offered it to, if I kept the count right.)
Jan. 24
- in game sold an elite necromancer tome for 8k, my asking price (to, if memory serves the second player I saw asking to buy one.)
- in game sold yet another elite elementalist tome for 10k, my asking price (to the first player i saw asking specifically for this tome. people with less specific buy ads for elite tomes in general that i spoke with before were not interested.)
Jan. 26
- in game, a player was spamming to sell one each regular ritualist and necromancer tome for 250g each. I bought them.
- in game, I sold an elite ritualist tome for ~11k (1e+3k,) the buyer's counter offer to my 12k asking price. I've noticed a lot of buy ads for these tomes in the few hours since then. I picked 12k asking price based pc records at
Jan. 11
- in game, sold another elite ritualist tome for 15k, buyer's offer price.
Jan 14
- sold elite elementalist tome for 8k, my asking price, to a buyer in game.
Jan. 17
- in game, sold another elite elementalist tome for 10k, my asking price (accepted by the fourth player with a buy ad up I offered it to, if I kept the count right.)
Jan. 24
- in game sold an elite necromancer tome for 8k, my asking price (to, if memory serves the second player I saw asking to buy one.)
- in game sold yet another elite elementalist tome for 10k, my asking price (to the first player i saw asking specifically for this tome. people with less specific buy ads for elite tomes in general that i spoke with before were not interested.)
Jan. 26
- in game, a player was spamming to sell one each regular ritualist and necromancer tome for 250g each. I bought them.
Bought a few elite rit tomes for 10-11k with no problems. Also bought a bunch of elite sin tomes, for 2.5k and some elite monk tomes for 7k.
Feb. 10
- in game, sold elite ritualist tome for 12k, buyer's counter offer to my 15k asking price
- in game, sold elite ritualist tome for 12k, buyer's counter offer to my 15k asking price
Kal Br
sold elite mesme tome 4k my price