Weapon Mods & Inscriptions Price Guide (mouseover for last update)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2009

Indiana, USA

The Legendary Myrmidons


I've been trying to sell a max "Hail to the King" inscription for months on Guru, starting at your price and eventually dropping it down more and more until it was at 100g for several weeks. I don't think anyone will buy it, so you might as well put it as merch food on your list.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2008


Gentlemens Club [GC]


I Have the Power! (+5 energy) 1-2k
Strength and Honor (+15^50) 500g-2k
Setting a 2k max on those mods is silly. While they're two of the more used inscriptions, they're also common as dirt. I can pretty much guarantee that I could spam WTB in Kamdan @ 500g each and have about 50 of either of them in the span of an hour. Just because it's possible to get 2k from someone in a hurry who doesn't care about wasting plat doesn't mean it's the norm. They should be listed as 500g-1k.

Also, Luny was right about "Live for Today". 3-4k range in my opinion.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2007




Well thats why it is a price RANGE , you could say 15^50 is about 500g-50k but it is false. It has to include those "i want my X inscription now" but not crazy ppl that throws money to the ground. That price range is pretty accurate , 1k+ prices happen more times than you think.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Jan 6 (just now) sold ebon spearhead for 1.5k in Kamadan

I've noticed a fair number of wtb for ebon spear mods, so thought I'd try selling the last one I got on a merch spear. I asked 2k, seller offered 1.5k after thinking about it for a while.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

East Coast

Soldier's Union [SU]


Sold today: (1/6/10)

Sword Pommel of Demonslaying 20% 35k
Sword Pommel of Pruning 20% 10k
Sword Pommel of Deathbane 20% 10k

Was spamming the Demonslaying mod for a while, got 1 or 2 nibbles; lucked into the other two.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2007

The Netherlands


This guide makes me giggle.

Sold Today:

Master of my Domain (max) 10k
Seize The Day 5k
Let the Memory Live Again 5k
I Can See Clearly Now 5k
Swift as the Wind 5k

No hassels; no discussions!

Point is I dont WTS I watch the WTB threads and pm the person ingame. Most just want to get an item quickly so they can get back to the game.

I even sold a Morrobs Axe (non-max NF green) for 15k yesterday.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2009

sold in Kama

Forget Me Not 20% 23k

Total Lockdown

Total Lockdown

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006


Freelance Soldiers [Solo]


Bought: Forget Me Not 20% 15K

Sold: Sword Pommel of Demonslaying 20% 100K+10e


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Jan 24 - sold a max "Luck of the Draw" for 10k to someone with a wtb ad in Kamadan

Jan 25 - sold a max "Luck of the Draw" for 10k to someone with a wtb ad in Kamadan

(yes, two in two days, not a copy/paste typo)

Jan 25 - sold +5 "I have the power" for 2k
Jan 25 - sold max "Riders on the Storm" for 3k
Jan 25 - sold 20% enchanting staff wrap for 7k
Jan 26 - sold -2 in stance "run for you life" for 2k (no idea if it's undersold - I was just happy to see someone looking for that instead of luck of the draw)

Jan 28 - sold +5 "I have the power!" and 20% enchant sword pommel for 7k total (figure 2k for insc. and 5k for pommel I'd say.)
Jan 28 - sold blind insc., "I can see clearly now" for 2k

Jan 29 - sold 20% enchant spear grip for 7k

Feb 1
- bought the following, arranged by PM after seeing them on a thread here
- 5x 15^50 Strength and Honor - 500g ea
- 5x 10% Don't Think Twice - 300g ea
- 1x 10vBlunt Not the Face - 500g
- 1x 10vPierce Through Thick and Thin - 750g

Feb 3
- in game, sold +5 spear grip of defense 1k
- in game, sold 10vPierce Through Thick and Thin 3k

Feb 4
- sold +5 "I have the power" for 2k to wtb ad in game
- sold 20% Adept Staff Head for 3k to wtb ad in game
- sold 20% enchant sword pommel for 5k to wtb ad in game

Mar 2
- sold +30 hammer grip for 3k to wtb ad in game

Mar 3
- sold 10vSlash "The Riddle of Steel" for 7k in game
- sold 10vEarth "Like a Rolling Stone" for 2k in game
- sold -blind "I Can See Clearly Now" for 3k in game
- sold 20% Adept Staff Head for 2k in game
- sold +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 5k in game
- sold -2stance "Run For Your Life!" for 2k in game (see a lot of wtb for these lately)

Mar 6
- sold +30 dagger handle of fortitude for 2.5k to buyer in game (asked 3k to start - more interested in the inventory slot than money, so took his 2.5k counteroffer.)
- bought 20% Hammer Grip of Dwarfslaying for 3k in game
(This was the last one I needed for my set. I had a buy ad up about it in Kamadan, and a seller whispered me and quoted 3k price. While I did pay more like 1-2k for most of my non-meta-farm-useful slaying mods, I didn't bother trying to haggle for this last one.)

Mar 7
- for 5k, sold package of three 20% slaying mods: Bow grip of skeletonslaying, bow grip of dwarfslaying, sword pommel of charrslaying

Mar 8
- sold 15/-1 "Live For Today" for 10k in game (10k was my asking price in game. I offered this for 10k to the first wtb ad I saw for this inscription and the buyer accepted w/out hesitation.)
- +30 shield handle of fortitude for 2k - I saw someone advertising this for sale in Kamadan at 2k price. It was already sold by the time I whispered them after they spammed it twice.
- sold a 15/-5 "Brawn Over Brains" for 1k in game to someone with a buy ad up for one.

Mar 9
- sold a 5^50 "Hale and Hearty" for 2k to someone with a wtb ad in game

Mar 20
- sold 20% spear grip of enchanting for 7k to someone with a wtb ad in game
- someone had an ad up to buy a charrslaying bow grip. He gave me 4k for my spare 20% bow grip of charrslaying (I asked 3k.)

Mar 24
- sold a -2 in stance "Run For Your Life" inscription for 4k to a buyer in game. I've seen a lot of wtb ads for these recently. I had a spare, so I tested. I think I offered this for 4k to about three people with wtb ads about them before someone accepted. None of them tried to haggle at all, just "nty" three times and "ok" on the fourth.
- sold a +30 bow grip of fortitude for 2k to buyer in game

Mar 25
- sold the following slaying mods to the same buyer
3k - 20% vs Plants, Bow Grip of Pruning
2k - 20% vs. Dwarves, Bow Grip of Dwarfslaying
10k - 20% vs. Plants, Axe Grip of Pruning
5k - 20% vs. Demons, Hammer Grip of Demonslaying
1k - 20% vs. Undead, Hammer Grip of Deathbane


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2009



Mar. 18th
+20% Demonslaying Pommel 10k +5e [DoA]

Mar. 19th
+20% Demonslaying Axe Grip 58k [Kam.]

[would have posted earlier but went on spring break]



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Stockholm, Sweden

Wolffestar Clan - WSC


SOLD on guru and ingame:
Hale and Hearty (+5 energy^50) 1k
Brawn over Brains (+15-5 energy) 1k
Dagger Handle of Shelter 1k
Aptitude not Attitude (HCT20%) - 7k,
Serenity Now (HSR10%) 1k,
Leaf on the Wind (+10VsCold ) 2k,
Sword Pommel of Enchanting 3k,

i guess a few of them were low but i just wanted to get rid of them and sold to the first best person who had a wtb and took the offer


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Mar 28-30
- sold +30 axe grip of fortitude 2k in game
- sold -2stance "Run For Your Life!" 4k in game
- sold -2stance "Run For Your Life!" 4k in game (yes, a second one)
- sold -2ench "Sheltered by Faith" 1.5k in game
- sold 10vPierce "Through Thick and Thin" 3k in game
- 20% enchanting scythe grip: bought for 3k from seller (his asking price) in game, sold for 8k to buyer (my asking price) in game a couple minutes later (both had trade ads up at the same time.)

Apr 8 - Over the past few days, I've sold the following in game, all to wtb ads, all my asking prices (no haggling.)
- -5/20 "Luck of the Draw" 10k (I still find at least 25-33% of the buy ads for these accepts 10k on the spot.)
- 10vEarth "Like a Rolling Stone" 5k (There are A LOT of wtb for these recently.)
- 10vLight "Riders on the Storm" 2k
- +5wE "Have Faith" 2k
- +5 Sword Pommel of Defense 2k
- +7vPhys Sword Pommel of Shelter 2k
- -blind "I can see clearly now" 2k

Apr 14 - trades over the past couple days
- sold 20% Aptitude Not Attitude inscription 8k
- sold 20% Aptitude focus core 6k
- bought 4x +30 shield handles of fortitude 3k ea.
- bought 4x 20% staff wrappings of enchanting 2.4k ea.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010



04/14 - Sold Forget Me Not 23k.
Sold Zealous Sword Hilt 2k.
Sold Aptitude Not Attitude 17k.
Sold Live For Today 3k.

4/15 - Sold 20/20 Sundering Hammer Haft 1k.

4/17 - Sold 20/20 Sundering Spear Head 3k.
Sold +30hp Sword Pommel of Fortitude 5k.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007

CA, USA [PST -7]


Sold Sword Pommel of Fortitude +30hp - 5k

Sold Vampiric Sword Hilt - 1k
Sold Shocking Sword Hilt - 1k
Sold 5x Measure for Measure @ 400 ea
Sold Sword Pommel of Deathbane - 8k
Sold Vampiric Bowstring - 3k
Bought Measure for Measure - 100
Sold Through Thick and Thin + +29hp Shield Handle of Fortitude - 3.5k (3k + 500g)
Sold 20% Enchanting Staff Wrap - 3k
Sold Adept Staff Head (20%) - 3k
Bought Aptitude not Attitude (20%) - 9k
Sold Sundering Hammer Haft (20%) - 2k


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Apr 30
- sold poisonous bow string for 1k
- sold vampiric hammer haft for 2.5k

May 2
- sold 20% focus core of aptitude for 5k
- sold zealous sword hilt for 2k

May 3
- sold +30 hammer grip for 2.5k
- sold +30 shield handle for 5k

May 14
- sold 20% focus core of aptitude for 6k



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Milwaukee, WI

The Kurzick [MoB]


sold guided by fate 15% for 2k. Was asking for 1k but buyer was generous and gave 2. Sold a couple srength and honor 15^50s for 1k each.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2008



May 6th bought
Luck of the Draw 20% for 2k (only had my wtb up for about 2 minutes)
Strength of Honor 15^50 1k



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2008



bought 2x shield of fort +30 3k & 5k
bought 2x spear handle of enchantment 20% 3k ea
bought luck of the draw 4k


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2010

edit: bought sword pommel of defense 2k



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Stockholm, Sweden

Wolffestar Clan - WSC


I have the power - 4k (i asked for whatever he thought was fair)
Aptitude not Attitude (20%) - 15k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting 20% - 3k

Zheng Zhilong

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2009

Kensai Alliance



Shield Handle of devotion 3.5k

Axe Grip Of Enchanting (20%) (x2) 1.5k,4k
Sundering Axe Haft (20/20) 1.5k

Vampiric dagger tangs 2k
Dagger Handle of Shelter 500

Zealous Sword Hilt (x2) 1.5k,2k
Furious Sword Hilt 1k
Sword Pommel of Fortitude (+30hp) (x2) 4k,4k

'I Have The Power!' (+5 energy) (x5) 700,1k,1k,1k,1.7k
'Through Thick And Thin' (+10VsPiercing) 3k
'Strength and Honor' (+15^50) (x5) 500,500,800,1k,2k
'Sheltered by Faith' (-2Dmg while enchanted) 2k

May 17th

Axe Grip Of Fortitude (+30hp) 1.5k
Bow Grip Of Fortitude (+30hp) 2k
Furious Spearhead 10k
Staff Wrap Of Enchanting (x2) 4,4.5k
Zealous Sword Hilt 1.5k
Zealous Dagger Tangs 4k
Sundering Axe Haft (20/20) + Axe Grip Of Fort (+30hp) 4.5k -- sold them as a set

'Strength And Honor' (+15^50) 500

May 20th

'Luck Of The Draw' (x2) 4k,4k


Dagger Handle Of Fortitude 3k
Dagger Handle Of Enchanting 3k
Sundering Axe Haft 2k
Furious Hammer Haft 1k
Sundering Axe Haft 1.5k
Zealous Sword Hilt 1.5k
Sword Pommel Of Fortitude 3.5k
Swift Staff Head (x2) 2k,2k
Staff Wrapping Of Enchanting 3.5k
Shield Handle Of Devotion 3.5k
Shield Handle Of Fortiude 3k
Shield Handle Of Endurance (x2) 2k,2k
Focus Core Of Aptitude 4k
Scythe Grip Of Enchanting 6k (probably would have at least gotten 8k for it if I waited for a different buyer)

'Luck Of The Draw' 10k
'Have Faith' 2k
'Riders Of The Storm' 3k
'Through Thick And Thin' 3k

May 21st

Sword Pommel Of Enchanting 3k
Sword Pommel Of Defense 2k
Furious Sword Hilt 2k
Zealous Sword Hilt 1.5k
Sundering Bowstring 1k
Hale Staff Head (x5) 1k,1k,1k,1k,1k
Insightful Staff Head 2k
Staff Wrapping Of Mastery 2k
Staff Wrapping Of Devotion 2k
Wand Wrapping Of Memory (x3) 1.5k,1.7k,2k

'Sheltered By Faith' 2k


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

May 17 - sold a 20% Bow Grip of Tenguslaying for 5k (my asking price to someone building a collection.)

May 19
- sold three 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 5k ea (to the same buyer)
- sold one 20/20 sundering sword hilt for 3k

There seems to be far higher than average demand (which used to seem almost nil) for sword pommels of shelter lately. I see quite a few buy ads for those around town.

May 21
- sold zealous dagger tangs for 4k (put up a wts for 4k ad in Kamadan and sold after less than an hour.)



Miss the good ol' days

Join Date: Sep 2009

Where don't I live?


May 17 - Forget Me Not [20%] Sold for 25k.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Please DO NOT edit any post above to add new data!

I have just updated the OP with reported prices from all earlier posts. I changed the title from "Components Price Guide" to "Weapon Mods & Inscriptions Price Guide," which will hopefully help more folks understand at a glance what this thread is for.

Please do continue to report your mod trades here. Even if the OP falls out of date, plenty of folks do find the more recent replies helpful! And there's always the chance someone will come along in a few months and roll it all into the OP list, too.


Zheng Zhilong

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2009

Kensai Alliance


May 27th

'I Have The Power!' 800


Wand Wrapping Of Memory (x3) 1.5k,2k,2k
Sword Pommel Of Defense 2k
Shield Handle Of Fortitude 2.5k

'Strength And Honor' 2k

May 28th

Swift Staff Head 1k
Insightful Staff Head 1.5k
Staff Wrapping Of Enchanting 3.5k

'Strength And Honor' (x4) 1k,1k,1k,1k
'Luck Of The Draw' 7k
'Sheltered By Faith' 2k
'Let The Memory Live Again' 4k
'I Have The Power!' 2k

May 29th

Wand Wrapping Of Memory 2k
Staff Wrapping Of Enchanting 4k

'Strength And Honor' 1.5k
'Through Thick And Thin' 4k
'Luck Of The Draw' 8k

May 31st

Wand Wrapping Of Memory 2k
Staff Wrapping Of Enchanting 4k

'Strength and Honor' 1.5k
'Through Thick And Thin' 4k
'Luck Of The Draw' 8k

June 1st

Zealous Sword Hilt 1.5k
Hale Staff Head 1k

'Hale And Heart' (x4) 1k,1k,1k,1k
'I Have The Power!' 1k

June 2nd

Insightful Staff Head (x2) 1k,1k
Staff Wrapping Of Enchanting 19% 500
Zealous Dagger Tang (x2) 3k,3k
Dagger Handle Of Enchanting 3k

'I Have The Power!' (x2) 1k,1.5k
'Have Faith' 1.5k
'Seize The Day' 4k

June 3rd

'Have Faith' 1k
'Aptitude Not Attitude'19% 1k


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2010

Luna Wolves


Just sold an Icy Scythe Snathe for 3.5k in Kamadan. That was my initial price in order to get rid of it, no haggling though so may of got more for it if I'd asked.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2010



May 21 Staff Wrapping Of Enchanting 2k
May 25 Focus Core Of Aptitude 4k
May 25 Vampiric Scythe Snathe 2k
May 27 'Serenity Now' inscription 3k
May 27 'Live For Today' inscription 6k
May 27 Furious Spearhead 9k
June 06 'The Riddle of Steel' inscription 5k
June 10 Fiery Bowstring 1k
June 10 'I Have The Power' inscription 1k
June 12 Axe Grip of Fortitude 1.5k
June 14 'Live For Today' inscription 6k
June 19 Sword Pommel Of Enchanting 3k
June 20 'Live For Today' inscription 6k
June 20 'Vengeance Is Mine' inscription 500g
June 20 'I Have The Power' inscription 1k
June 20 Vampiric Hammer Haft 1k
June 20 Ebon Scythe Snathe 1.5k
June 20 Scythe Grip of Enchanting 5.5k
June 20 'Riders on the Storm' inscription 2k
June 23 Scythe Grip of Fortitude 4k
June 23 Scythe Grip of Enchanting 5.5k
July 28 Fiery Bowstring 500g
July 30 'Through Thick and Thin' inscription 2k [sold it cheap i think]
July 30 'Not the face' inscription 1k [sold it cheap i think]

May 28 'Strength and Honor' inscription 1k
May 28 Furious Axe Haft 1k
May 29 2x 'Strength of Body' inscription 500g ea
May 31 'Guided by Faith' inscription 500g
June 2 2x Focus Core of Fortitude 4k ea
June 11 'Survival of the Fittest' inscription 1k
Aug 04 Sword Pommel of Fortitude 4k
Aug 04 Shield Handle of Fortitude 4k
Aug 22 Focus Core of Fortitude 3k
Aug 22 'Down But Not Out' inscription 2k
Aug 22 Furious Sword Hilt 2k


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

"oldschool" 10/10 Sundering Sword Hilts - Over a period of several months, I've noticed these offered and bought in what appear to be legit guru threads for 20-30k ea. I have not, myself, bought or sold any from those threads.

Jun 3
- sold "Swift as the Wind" inscription for 5k (There was a buyer in Kamadan. I offered 5k. He counter offered 3k, but I said no thanks. ~10 min. later he bought mine for 5k.)

Jun 4
- sold Zealous Dagger Tangs for 5k in Kamadan. I put them up in a sell ad in P along with other stuff. Sold within a couple hours.

Jun 6
- sold +45wE Focus Core of Devotion for 2k in game



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2010



Bought Aptitude not Attitude for 1.5k... offered 2k for it but seller only wanted 1.5 (June 3, 2010)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2009

Sold Sundering Bowstring Salvaged for 1.5k (20%)

Da Bears

Da Bears

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2010

...my greatness

Saviors of [Evil]


been trying to sell a bunch of +20% creature mods for about half price of what this guide says for days now and no luck at all.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

The Faerie Host


Perfect "Aptitude Not Attitude" Inscription just sold for 10k



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2008



Sold Staff Wrap of Enchant 20% 7k Kama June 23
Bought Focus Core of Aptitude 2.5k Kama June 23


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2008


Sword Pommel of Dwarfslaying 20% - 25k



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2008




Aptitude Not Attitude 10k
Forget Me Not 20k

Both Kama 28th June. Top inscription's price was my offer, bottom one was seller's asking price.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2009



"Run For Your Life" - 2k
"Strength and Honor" x2 - 1k & 3k
"I Have the Power!" - 2.5k
Silencing Dagger Tang - 1k (very fast sell in spamadan)
Furious Sword Hilt - 2k - slow sell, but the buyer said he expected higher

Scythe Grip of Fort - 3k

Zheng Zhilong

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2009

Kensai Alliance


July 25th

Dagger Handle Of Fortitude 1.5k
Staff Wrapping Of Fortitude 4k
Zealous Scythe Snathe 7k
Staff Wrapping Of Enchanting 4k
Furious Axe Haft 2k

'Seize The Day' (x2) 3k,5k
'Riders Of The Storm' 2k

August 3rd

Shield Handle Of Devotion 3k
Spear Grip Of Fortitude 6k
Scythe Grip Of Fortitude 4k
Staff Wrapping Of Enchanting 3k

'Seize The Day' 3k

August 4th

Sundering Sword Hilt 3k
Adept Staff Head 2k
Sundering Bowstring 3k
Zealous Spearhead 6k
Scythe Grip Of Fortitude 5k

'Sleep Now In The Fire' (x2) 2k,2k
'Leaf On The Wind' 1k
'Aptitude Not Attitude' 8k
'Like A Rolling Stone' 3k

August 5th

Focus Core Of Fortitude 2k

'Seize The Day' (x2) 4k,4k
'Like A Rolling Stone' 2k

August 7th

Wand Wrapping Of Memory 2k
Focus Core Of Fortitude 1k

'Sleep Now In The Fire' 2.5k

August 8th

'Sheltered By Faith' 4k
'Run For Your Life!' 2k


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2009



Bought "Master of My Domain" 20% at 1.5k - fast buy

Edit: 8.1510
"Not the Face" 4k
Zealous Spearhead 2k

Seef II

Seef II

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005



Sold: Forget Me Not 19%, 3k. No biters at the 5k listed, but 3k sold instantly


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2008




Sold: 20% Aptitude Not Attitude - 10k