Weapon Mods & Inscriptions Price Guide (mouseover for last update)
Oct 11 - sold a Silencing Spearhead in game for 2k
Oct 15
- sold 20% staff wrap of enchanting 4k
- sold 20% wand wrapping of memory 1.5k
- sold 20/20 sundering axe haft 2k
- sold zealous bow string 1k
- sold -2stance "Run for your life!" for 1.7k
- sold 20/20 hammer haft 2k
- sold +5^50 "Hale and Hearty" for 2k (I asked 2k for it, but the buyer insisted on paying me 3k.)
Oct 16
- sold dagger handles of shelter for 2k
- sold another 20% ench staff wrap for 5k
- sold vampiric hammer haft for 3k
There seem to be a lot more people shopping for mods than there were ~6 mo. ago when I last looked. I suspect it's due to folks tricking out their new HoM weapons, if not simply the general increase in player activity that the HoM calculator (and maybe upcoming Halloween) has brought. Anyway, I see lots of buy ads for sundering and fortitude mods of all weapons; lots of buy ads for 20% enchant for staff, spear and scythe; and lots of buy ads for popular shield mods (esp. 10vEarth.) In addition to tricking out HoM weaps, I suspect there's a surge of people setting up farming gear.
Oct 18
- sold 15wE insc. "guided by fate" for 1.5k
- sold 15^50 insc. "strength and honor" for 2k
- sold dagger handle of shelter for 2k
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 5k
- sold +30 shield handle of fortitude for 6k
- sold -cripple "swift as the wind" insc for 2k
Oct 21
I found some cheap mods in a couple of clearout sale threads here. I bought ...
1k - 20% adept staff head
500g - 10% swift staff heads
500g - +30 hale staff head
500g - 3/1 vampiric sword hilt
500g - 3/1 vampiric dagger tangs
3k - 20% Aptitude Not Attitude
200g - 3/1 vampiric axe haft
200g - 20% hammer grip of hammer mastery
200g - 20% hammer grip of enchanting
200g - 20% spear grip of spear mastery
200g - 3/1 vampiric spear head
1k - +30 focus core of fortitude
Oct 23 - I sold
# 20% Bow Grip of Ogreslaying: 2k
# 20% Hammer Grip of Dragonslaying: 1k
# 19% Sword Pommel of Demonslaying: 1k
The three above were listed on my sale thread here with a bunch of other items. After a couple days and ~10 bid posts on various items, there was only one buyer interested. Those were his offers, and no one outbid him.
Oct 23 - I bought the following from a thread here. It was in a big lot of many items. The seller cut me ~20% total discount, but these were the individual prices listed to start.
- Furious Scythe Snathe - 500g
- Zealous Bowstring x2 - 1k each
- Bow Grip of Giantslaying - 1k
- Bow Grip of Markmanship x3 - 500g each
- Spear Grip of Spear Mastery - 500g
- Staff Wrapping of Enchanting x2 - 2k each
- Staff Wrapping of Dragonslaying - 500g
- Hale Staff Head - 500g
Oct 24
- sold Icy Sword Hilt for 2k, in game
- sold a Zealous Sword Hilt for 3k, in game
- sold a +5 Sword Pommel of Defense for 2k, in game
- A LOT!!! of wtb ads for Like a Rolling Stone, 10vEarth shield inscrip ... and I mean A LOT!!!
- a fair number of buy ads for shocking dagger tangs
Oct 26
- sold "Hale and Hearty" for 2k, in game
- sold 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 6k, in game
- sold 10vPierce "Through Thick and Thin" for 5k, in game
Oct 27-29 in game:
- sold several max "Hale and Hearty," "Strength and Honor" and "I Have the Power!" for 2k ea to various folks. I always ask 2k when I see a buyer, and I've yet to have anyone try to haggle.
- sold 10vCold "Leaf on the Wind" for 3k
- sold 10vBlunt "Not the Face" for 4k
- sold 19% Spear Grip of Enchanting for 2k
- sold a couple 3/1 vampiric axe hafts for 2k
- sold zealous scythe snathe for 6k (buyer's offer price, when I would've asked 5k. I was later told some sellers ask at least 8k for them.)
- sold my other zealous scythe snathe for 8k (my asking price. the third buyer I spoke with accepted. Second buyer wanted to hold out for 4k.)
- sold "Brawn Over Brains" inscrip for 1.5k
Oct 29-30 from threads here, I bought ...
- Staff - Wrapping of Mastery 1k
- Dagger - (1) Furious Tang 750g
- SCYTHE GRIP of Mastery 20% 1k
- SPEAR HEAD x3 Furious 10% 5k ea.
- SPEAR GRIP x2 Fortitude +30 5k ea.
- STAFF WRAPPING of Mastery 20% 2k
- STAFF WRAPPING of Fortitude +30 3k
- SHIELD HANDLE x2 Fortitude +30 4k ea
Oct 15
- sold 20% staff wrap of enchanting 4k
- sold 20% wand wrapping of memory 1.5k
- sold 20/20 sundering axe haft 2k
- sold zealous bow string 1k
- sold -2stance "Run for your life!" for 1.7k
- sold 20/20 hammer haft 2k
- sold +5^50 "Hale and Hearty" for 2k (I asked 2k for it, but the buyer insisted on paying me 3k.)
Oct 16
- sold dagger handles of shelter for 2k
- sold another 20% ench staff wrap for 5k
- sold vampiric hammer haft for 3k
There seem to be a lot more people shopping for mods than there were ~6 mo. ago when I last looked. I suspect it's due to folks tricking out their new HoM weapons, if not simply the general increase in player activity that the HoM calculator (and maybe upcoming Halloween) has brought. Anyway, I see lots of buy ads for sundering and fortitude mods of all weapons; lots of buy ads for 20% enchant for staff, spear and scythe; and lots of buy ads for popular shield mods (esp. 10vEarth.) In addition to tricking out HoM weaps, I suspect there's a surge of people setting up farming gear.
Oct 18
- sold 15wE insc. "guided by fate" for 1.5k
- sold 15^50 insc. "strength and honor" for 2k
- sold dagger handle of shelter for 2k
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 5k
- sold +30 shield handle of fortitude for 6k
- sold -cripple "swift as the wind" insc for 2k
Oct 21
I found some cheap mods in a couple of clearout sale threads here. I bought ...
1k - 20% adept staff head
500g - 10% swift staff heads
500g - +30 hale staff head
500g - 3/1 vampiric sword hilt
500g - 3/1 vampiric dagger tangs
3k - 20% Aptitude Not Attitude
200g - 3/1 vampiric axe haft
200g - 20% hammer grip of hammer mastery
200g - 20% hammer grip of enchanting
200g - 20% spear grip of spear mastery
200g - 3/1 vampiric spear head
1k - +30 focus core of fortitude
Oct 23 - I sold
# 20% Bow Grip of Ogreslaying: 2k
# 20% Hammer Grip of Dragonslaying: 1k
# 19% Sword Pommel of Demonslaying: 1k
The three above were listed on my sale thread here with a bunch of other items. After a couple days and ~10 bid posts on various items, there was only one buyer interested. Those were his offers, and no one outbid him.
Oct 23 - I bought the following from a thread here. It was in a big lot of many items. The seller cut me ~20% total discount, but these were the individual prices listed to start.
- Furious Scythe Snathe - 500g
- Zealous Bowstring x2 - 1k each
- Bow Grip of Giantslaying - 1k
- Bow Grip of Markmanship x3 - 500g each
- Spear Grip of Spear Mastery - 500g
- Staff Wrapping of Enchanting x2 - 2k each
- Staff Wrapping of Dragonslaying - 500g
- Hale Staff Head - 500g
Oct 24
- sold Icy Sword Hilt for 2k, in game
- sold a Zealous Sword Hilt for 3k, in game
- sold a +5 Sword Pommel of Defense for 2k, in game
- A LOT!!! of wtb ads for Like a Rolling Stone, 10vEarth shield inscrip ... and I mean A LOT!!!
- a fair number of buy ads for shocking dagger tangs
Oct 26
- sold "Hale and Hearty" for 2k, in game
- sold 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 6k, in game
- sold 10vPierce "Through Thick and Thin" for 5k, in game
Oct 27-29 in game:
- sold several max "Hale and Hearty," "Strength and Honor" and "I Have the Power!" for 2k ea to various folks. I always ask 2k when I see a buyer, and I've yet to have anyone try to haggle.
- sold 10vCold "Leaf on the Wind" for 3k
- sold 10vBlunt "Not the Face" for 4k
- sold 19% Spear Grip of Enchanting for 2k
- sold a couple 3/1 vampiric axe hafts for 2k
- sold zealous scythe snathe for 6k (buyer's offer price, when I would've asked 5k. I was later told some sellers ask at least 8k for them.)
- sold my other zealous scythe snathe for 8k (my asking price. the third buyer I spoke with accepted. Second buyer wanted to hold out for 4k.)
- sold "Brawn Over Brains" inscrip for 1.5k
Oct 29-30 from threads here, I bought ...
- Staff - Wrapping of Mastery 1k
- Dagger - (1) Furious Tang 750g
- SCYTHE GRIP of Mastery 20% 1k
- SPEAR HEAD x3 Furious 10% 5k ea.
- SPEAR GRIP x2 Fortitude +30 5k ea.
- STAFF WRAPPING of Mastery 20% 2k
- STAFF WRAPPING of Fortitude +30 3k
- SHIELD HANDLE x2 Fortitude +30 4k ea
I sold 3x Aptitude not Attitude (20%) for 15k each
1x Like a Rolling Stone 5k
1xRiddle of Steel 8k
1x Master of my Domain 10k
over 9000x Strength and Honor 1k each
I sold another 3x Aptitude not Attitude for 12-15k each
1x Sleep Now in the Fire 8k
+30HP Bow mod 3k
+30hp staff head 3k
+30hp staff wrap 3k
1x Like a Rolling Stone 5k
1xRiddle of Steel 8k
1x Master of my Domain 10k
over 9000x Strength and Honor 1k each
I sold another 3x Aptitude not Attitude for 12-15k each
1x Sleep Now in the Fire 8k
+30HP Bow mod 3k
+30hp staff head 3k
+30hp staff wrap 3k
(I'm starting a new post for Nov trades rather than keep editing them into my Oct. post above.)
Nov 2:
- in game, sold +30 spear grip for 15k (sold two at this price to separate buyers)
- in game, sold zealous spearhead for 6k
- in game, sold +30 shield handle of fortitude for 8k (sold two at this price to separate buyers)
- in game, sold 5^50 "Hale and Hearty" for 2k
- in game, sold +5 "I Have the Power" for 2k
Nov 4:
- in game, sold 20% spear grip of enchanting for 15k
- in game, sold 10/10 furious dagger tang for 2k
Nov. 6:
- in game, sold 20/20 sundering axe haft for 3k
- in game, sold 10/10 furious spearhead for 12k (sold another one for 15k a couple days ago, but Guru was down at the time and couldn't report.)
- in game, sold 20% enchanting staff wrap for 8k
- in game, bought a 20% Hammer Grip of Giantslaying for 2k (my offer price to someone responding to my wtb ad.)
- in game, sold "Swift as the Wind" and "I Can See Clearly Now" inscripts for 2k ea (I've easily sold them for 2k ea, my asking price, repeatedly.)
- in game, sold Cruel Spearhead for 2k
- in game, sold 10vCold "Leaf on the Wind" for 3k
Nov. 7
- in game, sold 19% Spear Grip of Enchanting for 2k
Nov. 9
- in game, sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k
- in game, bought 20% spear grip of enchanting for 3k (seller's asking price in a trade ad)
Nov. 10
- in game, sold +5 sword pommel of defense for 2k
- from a thread here, I bought the following for 500g ea. ...
-- Sundering dagger tang 20/20
-- zealous dagger tang
-- Zealous axe haft
-- fiery scythe snathe
-- 3x "i have the power" inscripts
-- 1x "let the memory live again" inscript
- in game, sold "I have the power" for 2k and 20% spear grip of enchanting for 15k (my asking prices)
- sold 20% staff wrapping of mastery for 4k, my asking price
- bought 20% adept staff head for 2k, seller's asking price
- sold a zealous dagger tang for 3k, my asking price
- bought another 20% adept staff head for 1k, seller's asking price
- sold ebon dagger tang for 3k, my asking price
Nov. 12
- in game, sold zealous sword hilt for 2k
- in game, sold -2stance "Run for your Life!" inscription for 2k
- in game, sold +29 spear grip of fortitude for 3k
- from a thread here, bought 5x 20% focus cores of aptitude for 2k ea.
Nov. 16 - sales in game
- sold 19% Forget Me Not for 5k
- sold 20% Forget Me Not for 35k
- sold Zealous Scythe Snathe for 8k
- sold -2stance "Run for your life!" for 2k
- sold zealous sword hilt for 2k
- sold "I Have the Power" for 2k
- sold +45wE Shield Handle of Devotion for 6k
Nov. 17
- in game, bought +30 spear grips of fortitude for 5k and 4k, sellers' asking prices
- in game, sold "I have the power" for 2k, my asking price
- in game, sold +30 spear grips for 15k ea. (Yes, I just stood there and flipped them, but it does not take long.)
- in game, sold 20% spear grip of enchanting for 14k. (I asked 15k and buyer agreed, but then he did something that made me lol, so I knocked 1k off.)
- from a thread here, I bought +30 axe grip of fortitude for 1k and 20% Sword Pommel of Pruning for 10k.
Nov. 18
- from a thread here, I bought
-- 1x +30 shield handle of fortitude for 5k
-- 1x 10vSlash "The Riddle of Steel" for 1k
-- 1x 20% "Aptitude not Attitude" for 4k
-- 2x 10/10 Furious Sword Hilts for 2k ea.
- in game, bought 20% Aptitude not Attitude for 5k (seller's advertised price.)
- in game, sold 20/20 Sundering Dagger Tang for 2k
- in game, bought 2x 20% Focus Cores of Aptitude for 4k ea.
- in game, bought from the same seller at their asking prices
-- +30 shield handle of fortitude for 3k
-- 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 3k
-- 2x 20% focus core of aptitude for 3k ea.
-- 20% "Master of my Domain" inscrip for 2k
- in game bought 2 +30 shield handles of fortitude for 4k ea, the same seller's asking price
Nov 19
- in game, sold another 20% Forget Me Not for 35k
- in game, bought +30 shield handle of fortitude for 3k, seller's asking price
- in game, sold 15/-5 "Brawn Over Brains" for 1k and 15/-1 "Seize The Day" for 4k
- in game, sold 10% "Let the memory live again" inscrip for 2k
- in game, sold 20% spear grip of enchanting for 15k
- in game, sold 10vPiercing "Through Thick and Thin" for 7k, my asking price. (was right before HA weekend started ... not sure if that matters.)
Nov 20
- in game, bought 20% focus core of aptitude for 3k, my offer to a seller who had an ad up w/out a price listed
- in game, sold -cripple "Swift as the Wind" for 2k, my asking price
- from a thread here asking for offers on various mods, I got the following for my offer prices
-- 20% Aptitude not Attitude inscrip 3k
-- 20% Master of my Domain inscrip 2k
-- 10% Furious Sword Hilt 1k
Nov 22
- from a thread here, I bought all of the following, seller's asking prices
-- Staff Wrapping of Mastery, Item's attribute +1 20% - 2k
-- Axe Grip of Giantslaying, Dmg +20% (vs. Giants) - 3k
-- Staff Wrapping of Earth Magic, Earth Magic +1 20% - 2k
- from a thread here, I bought 5 20% Focus Core of Aptitude for 3.2k ea. (list price was 4k with 20% discount for larger orders.)
- in game, sold Barbed Spearhead for 2k
- in game, sold two "Hale and Hearty" for 2k ea.
Nov. 23
- in game, bought vampiric bowstring for 1k, my offer price, from someone selling lots of mods.
- bought all of the following from a thread offering many mods with a bulk discount (discount factored into reported prices here.)
-- 1x Shield Handle of Fortitude 2.4k/ea
-- 1x "Through Thick and Thin" +10 Armor vs. Piercing 1.6k/ea
-- 1x "Like a Rolling Stone" +10 Armor vs. Earth 1.6k/ea
-- 1x "Sleep Now in the Fire" +10 Armor vs. Fire 1.6k/ea
-- 1x "Leaf on the Wind" +10 Armor vs. Cold 1.6k/ea
-- 1x "Not the face!" +10 Armor vs. Blunt 1.6k/ea
-- 2x Aptitude Not Attitude HCT 20% 4k/ea
- in game, sold 20% Staff wrapping of enchanting for 8k
- in game, sold a shocking axe haft for 3k, my asking price
There seems to be A LOT of demand for shocking mods for all weapons lately ... shocking specifically vs. all elemental mods. I see folks looking to buy shocking dagger tangs most often of all the weapon types.
Nov. 24
- A player I first met through threads here on Guru sold me a 20% Bow Grip of Dragonslaying for 2k when he noticed it listed on my buy thread.
Nov. 25
- sold 10vEarth "Like a Rolling Stone" inscription for 8k in game. (Demand for these seems to spike during events with farmable drops, like pies and cider right now.)
Nov. 26
- in game, sold 5/-1 Vampiric Bow string for 1.5k
- in game, sold +30 focus core of fortitude for 3k
- in game, sold 15^50 Strength and Honor for 2k
- in game, sold 10vCold "Leaf on the wind" for 3k
- in game, sold 15/-1 "Seize the day" for 3k
- in game, sold +30 Sword pommel of fortitude for 5k
Nov. 27
- from a thread here I bought
-- 10vLightning "Riders on the Storm" for 2k
-- 20% Adept Staff Head for 1k
- sold 5^50 "hale and hearty" inscription for 2k
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k
- sold 15/-1 "seize the day" inscription for 3k
- sold 15^50 "strength and honor" inscription for 2k
- sold +30 bow grip of fortitude for 3k
- sold shocking scythe snathe for 3k
Nov. 28
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k, my asking price
- sold 20% spear grip of enchanting for 15k, my asking price
- sold +7 Bow grip of warding for 2k, buyer's offer price
- bought +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 2k, seller's offer price
Nov. 29
- sold shocking axe haft and 15^50 strength and honor inscription for 2k ea.
- sold "Ignorance is Bliss" inscription (+5ar/-5en for focus) for 2k
- sold 20/20 sundering hammer haft for 2.5k
- bought +30 shield handles of fortitude for 5k ea (bought 2 from same seller)
Nov 2:
- in game, sold +30 spear grip for 15k (sold two at this price to separate buyers)
- in game, sold zealous spearhead for 6k
- in game, sold +30 shield handle of fortitude for 8k (sold two at this price to separate buyers)
- in game, sold 5^50 "Hale and Hearty" for 2k
- in game, sold +5 "I Have the Power" for 2k
Nov 4:
- in game, sold 20% spear grip of enchanting for 15k
- in game, sold 10/10 furious dagger tang for 2k
Nov. 6:
- in game, sold 20/20 sundering axe haft for 3k
- in game, sold 10/10 furious spearhead for 12k (sold another one for 15k a couple days ago, but Guru was down at the time and couldn't report.)
- in game, sold 20% enchanting staff wrap for 8k
- in game, bought a 20% Hammer Grip of Giantslaying for 2k (my offer price to someone responding to my wtb ad.)
- in game, sold "Swift as the Wind" and "I Can See Clearly Now" inscripts for 2k ea (I've easily sold them for 2k ea, my asking price, repeatedly.)
- in game, sold Cruel Spearhead for 2k
- in game, sold 10vCold "Leaf on the Wind" for 3k
Nov. 7
- in game, sold 19% Spear Grip of Enchanting for 2k
Nov. 9
- in game, sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k
- in game, bought 20% spear grip of enchanting for 3k (seller's asking price in a trade ad)
Nov. 10
- in game, sold +5 sword pommel of defense for 2k
- from a thread here, I bought the following for 500g ea. ...
-- Sundering dagger tang 20/20
-- zealous dagger tang
-- Zealous axe haft
-- fiery scythe snathe
-- 3x "i have the power" inscripts
-- 1x "let the memory live again" inscript
- in game, sold "I have the power" for 2k and 20% spear grip of enchanting for 15k (my asking prices)
- sold 20% staff wrapping of mastery for 4k, my asking price
- bought 20% adept staff head for 2k, seller's asking price
- sold a zealous dagger tang for 3k, my asking price
- bought another 20% adept staff head for 1k, seller's asking price
- sold ebon dagger tang for 3k, my asking price
Nov. 12
- in game, sold zealous sword hilt for 2k
- in game, sold -2stance "Run for your Life!" inscription for 2k
- in game, sold +29 spear grip of fortitude for 3k
- from a thread here, bought 5x 20% focus cores of aptitude for 2k ea.
Nov. 16 - sales in game
- sold 19% Forget Me Not for 5k
- sold 20% Forget Me Not for 35k
- sold Zealous Scythe Snathe for 8k
- sold -2stance "Run for your life!" for 2k
- sold zealous sword hilt for 2k
- sold "I Have the Power" for 2k
- sold +45wE Shield Handle of Devotion for 6k
Nov. 17
- in game, bought +30 spear grips of fortitude for 5k and 4k, sellers' asking prices
- in game, sold "I have the power" for 2k, my asking price
- in game, sold +30 spear grips for 15k ea. (Yes, I just stood there and flipped them, but it does not take long.)
- in game, sold 20% spear grip of enchanting for 14k. (I asked 15k and buyer agreed, but then he did something that made me lol, so I knocked 1k off.)
- from a thread here, I bought +30 axe grip of fortitude for 1k and 20% Sword Pommel of Pruning for 10k.
Nov. 18
- from a thread here, I bought
-- 1x +30 shield handle of fortitude for 5k
-- 1x 10vSlash "The Riddle of Steel" for 1k
-- 1x 20% "Aptitude not Attitude" for 4k
-- 2x 10/10 Furious Sword Hilts for 2k ea.
- in game, bought 20% Aptitude not Attitude for 5k (seller's advertised price.)
- in game, sold 20/20 Sundering Dagger Tang for 2k
- in game, bought 2x 20% Focus Cores of Aptitude for 4k ea.
- in game, bought from the same seller at their asking prices
-- +30 shield handle of fortitude for 3k
-- 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 3k
-- 2x 20% focus core of aptitude for 3k ea.
-- 20% "Master of my Domain" inscrip for 2k
- in game bought 2 +30 shield handles of fortitude for 4k ea, the same seller's asking price
Nov 19
- in game, sold another 20% Forget Me Not for 35k
- in game, bought +30 shield handle of fortitude for 3k, seller's asking price
- in game, sold 15/-5 "Brawn Over Brains" for 1k and 15/-1 "Seize The Day" for 4k
- in game, sold 10% "Let the memory live again" inscrip for 2k
- in game, sold 20% spear grip of enchanting for 15k
- in game, sold 10vPiercing "Through Thick and Thin" for 7k, my asking price. (was right before HA weekend started ... not sure if that matters.)
Nov 20
- in game, bought 20% focus core of aptitude for 3k, my offer to a seller who had an ad up w/out a price listed
- in game, sold -cripple "Swift as the Wind" for 2k, my asking price
- from a thread here asking for offers on various mods, I got the following for my offer prices
-- 20% Aptitude not Attitude inscrip 3k
-- 20% Master of my Domain inscrip 2k
-- 10% Furious Sword Hilt 1k
Nov 22
- from a thread here, I bought all of the following, seller's asking prices
-- Staff Wrapping of Mastery, Item's attribute +1 20% - 2k
-- Axe Grip of Giantslaying, Dmg +20% (vs. Giants) - 3k
-- Staff Wrapping of Earth Magic, Earth Magic +1 20% - 2k
- from a thread here, I bought 5 20% Focus Core of Aptitude for 3.2k ea. (list price was 4k with 20% discount for larger orders.)
- in game, sold Barbed Spearhead for 2k
- in game, sold two "Hale and Hearty" for 2k ea.
Nov. 23
- in game, bought vampiric bowstring for 1k, my offer price, from someone selling lots of mods.
- bought all of the following from a thread offering many mods with a bulk discount (discount factored into reported prices here.)
-- 1x Shield Handle of Fortitude 2.4k/ea
-- 1x "Through Thick and Thin" +10 Armor vs. Piercing 1.6k/ea
-- 1x "Like a Rolling Stone" +10 Armor vs. Earth 1.6k/ea
-- 1x "Sleep Now in the Fire" +10 Armor vs. Fire 1.6k/ea
-- 1x "Leaf on the Wind" +10 Armor vs. Cold 1.6k/ea
-- 1x "Not the face!" +10 Armor vs. Blunt 1.6k/ea
-- 2x Aptitude Not Attitude HCT 20% 4k/ea
- in game, sold 20% Staff wrapping of enchanting for 8k
- in game, sold a shocking axe haft for 3k, my asking price
There seems to be A LOT of demand for shocking mods for all weapons lately ... shocking specifically vs. all elemental mods. I see folks looking to buy shocking dagger tangs most often of all the weapon types.
Nov. 24
- A player I first met through threads here on Guru sold me a 20% Bow Grip of Dragonslaying for 2k when he noticed it listed on my buy thread.
Nov. 25
- sold 10vEarth "Like a Rolling Stone" inscription for 8k in game. (Demand for these seems to spike during events with farmable drops, like pies and cider right now.)
Nov. 26
- in game, sold 5/-1 Vampiric Bow string for 1.5k
- in game, sold +30 focus core of fortitude for 3k
- in game, sold 15^50 Strength and Honor for 2k
- in game, sold 10vCold "Leaf on the wind" for 3k
- in game, sold 15/-1 "Seize the day" for 3k
- in game, sold +30 Sword pommel of fortitude for 5k
Nov. 27
- from a thread here I bought
-- 10vLightning "Riders on the Storm" for 2k
-- 20% Adept Staff Head for 1k
- sold 5^50 "hale and hearty" inscription for 2k
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k
- sold 15/-1 "seize the day" inscription for 3k
- sold 15^50 "strength and honor" inscription for 2k
- sold +30 bow grip of fortitude for 3k
- sold shocking scythe snathe for 3k
Nov. 28
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k, my asking price
- sold 20% spear grip of enchanting for 15k, my asking price
- sold +7 Bow grip of warding for 2k, buyer's offer price
- bought +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 2k, seller's offer price
Nov. 29
- sold shocking axe haft and 15^50 strength and honor inscription for 2k ea.
- sold "Ignorance is Bliss" inscription (+5ar/-5en for focus) for 2k
- sold 20/20 sundering hammer haft for 2.5k
- bought +30 shield handles of fortitude for 5k ea (bought 2 from same seller)
Sold spear grip of Enchant 20% 15 plat, his price 12-01-10
Dec. 3
- from a thread here, I sold 15^50 Strength and Honor and +5 I have the power! for 1k ea.
- in game, I sold +5en insightful staff head for 2k
- in game, I sold 20% Dagger Handle of Enchanting for 3k
Dec. 4
- bought 2x +30 shield handles of fortitude for 3k ea, seller's asking price
- sold +45wE shield handle of devotion for 10k, my asking price (I see more wtb ads for these than for +30 shield handles lately.)
- sold shocking axe haft for 2k in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head and +5wE "Have faith" inscription for 1.5k ea. in game
- sold 10vBlunt "not the face" inscription for 4k in game
Dec. 5
- sold zealous bow string for 2k in game
- sold 15/-1 "seize the day" inscrip for 3k in game
- sold +30 shield handle of fortitude for 8k in game
Dec. 6
- in game, sold -2wE "sheltered by faith" inscrip for 2k
- in game, sold zealous sword hilt for 3k
- in game, sold 20% wand wrapping of memory for 2k
- in game, sold 20% scythe grip of enchanting for 8k
- from guru, bought +60wH shield handle of valor for 2k
- in game, sold zealous dagger tang for 4k
- from a thread here, bought ...
-- Wand wrapping of Memory (HSR 20%) x1 1k each
-- Aptitude not Attitude (HCT 20% for wand/staff) 4k x2
- from a thread here, bought ...
-- 2x 45wE Shield Handle of Devotion - 3k ea
-- 1x 20% Bow Grip of Dragonslaying - 3k ea
-- 1x 5/-1 Vampiric Bowstring - 1k ea
Dec 7
- sold zealous scythe snathe for 8k in game
- sold 20/20 sundering bowstring for 3k in game
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 5k in game
Dec. 10
- sold -2stance "run for your life" inscription for 2k in game
- sold -2stance "run for your life" inscription for 2k in game again
- sold +5 "i have the power" inscription for 2k in game
- sold 20% adept staff head for 4k in game
- sold +30 scythe grip of fortitude for 10k, in game (10k was my asking price. Seller asked me if I thought it was overpriced, to which I replied no. At that point, they gave me 2e (~14k) for this mod.)
- sold 15/-1 "seize the day" inscription for 3.5k in game, buyer's asking price
- sold +30 focus core of fortitude for 1.5k in game
Dec. 11
- sold 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 8k, in game
- sold 20% sword pommel of enchanting for 4k, in game
- sold 2 +45wE shield handles of devotion for 10k ea., in game to separate buyers
Dec. 12
- sold 20% "Forget Me Not" for 35k, in game - took less than 15 min.
- bought 20% "master of my domain" for 2k, in game, seller's asking price
Dec. 13
- sold Hale and hearty for 2k in game
- sold -2wE "Sheltered by Faith" inscription for 3k in game
- sold cruel spearhead for 3k in game
- sold 10vFire "sleep now in the fire" inscript for 5k in game
- sold 20% scythe grip of enchanting for 8k, in game
- from a thread here, I sold 15^50 Strength and Honor and +5 I have the power! for 1k ea.
- in game, I sold +5en insightful staff head for 2k
- in game, I sold 20% Dagger Handle of Enchanting for 3k
Dec. 4
- bought 2x +30 shield handles of fortitude for 3k ea, seller's asking price
- sold +45wE shield handle of devotion for 10k, my asking price (I see more wtb ads for these than for +30 shield handles lately.)
- sold shocking axe haft for 2k in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head and +5wE "Have faith" inscription for 1.5k ea. in game
- sold 10vBlunt "not the face" inscription for 4k in game
Dec. 5
- sold zealous bow string for 2k in game
- sold 15/-1 "seize the day" inscrip for 3k in game
- sold +30 shield handle of fortitude for 8k in game
Dec. 6
- in game, sold -2wE "sheltered by faith" inscrip for 2k
- in game, sold zealous sword hilt for 3k
- in game, sold 20% wand wrapping of memory for 2k
- in game, sold 20% scythe grip of enchanting for 8k
- from guru, bought +60wH shield handle of valor for 2k
- in game, sold zealous dagger tang for 4k
- from a thread here, bought ...
-- Wand wrapping of Memory (HSR 20%) x1 1k each
-- Aptitude not Attitude (HCT 20% for wand/staff) 4k x2
- from a thread here, bought ...
-- 2x 45wE Shield Handle of Devotion - 3k ea
-- 1x 20% Bow Grip of Dragonslaying - 3k ea
-- 1x 5/-1 Vampiric Bowstring - 1k ea
Dec 7
- sold zealous scythe snathe for 8k in game
- sold 20/20 sundering bowstring for 3k in game
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 5k in game
Dec. 10
- sold -2stance "run for your life" inscription for 2k in game
- sold -2stance "run for your life" inscription for 2k in game again
- sold +5 "i have the power" inscription for 2k in game
- sold 20% adept staff head for 4k in game
- sold +30 scythe grip of fortitude for 10k, in game (10k was my asking price. Seller asked me if I thought it was overpriced, to which I replied no. At that point, they gave me 2e (~14k) for this mod.)
- sold 15/-1 "seize the day" inscription for 3.5k in game, buyer's asking price
- sold +30 focus core of fortitude for 1.5k in game
Dec. 11
- sold 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 8k, in game
- sold 20% sword pommel of enchanting for 4k, in game
- sold 2 +45wE shield handles of devotion for 10k ea., in game to separate buyers
Dec. 12
- sold 20% "Forget Me Not" for 35k, in game - took less than 15 min.
- bought 20% "master of my domain" for 2k, in game, seller's asking price
Dec. 13
- sold Hale and hearty for 2k in game
- sold -2wE "Sheltered by Faith" inscription for 3k in game
- sold cruel spearhead for 3k in game
- sold 10vFire "sleep now in the fire" inscript for 5k in game
- sold 20% scythe grip of enchanting for 8k, in game
Few Zealous Hammer / Sword Mods - 2k easy sells.
Vamp Hammer / Sword Mods - 2k easy sells.
Forget Me Not - 16k + ZKey (21-22k) - easy sell from a WTB.
Few Zealous Hammer / Sword Mods - 2k easy sells.
Vamp Hammer / Sword Mods - 2k easy sells.
Forget Me Not - 16k + ZKey (21-22k) - easy sell from a WTB.
Van Couver
here my list of upgrades sold ingame:
Inscr. Aptitude not Attitude 20% - 8k
Bow +30 - 1k
Shield +30 - 4k
Sword +30 - 3k
will keep up to date.
here my list of upgrades sold ingame:
Inscr. Aptitude not Attitude 20% - 8k
Bow +30 - 1k
Shield +30 - 4k
Sword +30 - 3k
will keep up to date.
Zawk Tirson
Bought 2 Like a Rolling Stones for 3k ea.
Sold Seize the Day for 2.5k.
Sold Seize the Day for 2.5k.
Dec. 14, 2010 - The OP has been updated with all reports above this post.
PLEASE do not add any new data in edits to posts above this mark, or they will be easily missed the next time someone updates that OP.
Thanks for all the reports! Cheers folks!
And thanks to Peachie for the super sneaky mod hax giving me OP ownership for the time being!
__________________________________________________ _
Dec. 14
- sold -cripple "Swift as the wind" inscription for 2k in game
- sold 15/-5 "brawn over brains" inscription for 2k in game
- bought a 20% sword pommel of tenguslaying for 10k, my offer on one from a sell thread here
- bought +30 scythe grip of fortitude for 1k, seller's asking price in game
- sold 15/-1 "live for today" inscription for 8k in game
- sold 10% "serenity now" inscrip for 9k in game
- sold 10% furious spearhead for 15k in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k in game
Dec. 17
- sold +30 scythe grip of fortitude for 10k, my asking price, in game.
- sold silencing spearhead for 5k, my asking price, in game
(I'd noticed what seemed like a lot of buy ads for these lately, so I kept one from a drop to see how much they sell for. I asked 5k for this one from someone with a buy ad, fully expecting us to haggle. The buyer responded, "yay!" and gave me 5k for it immediately. S/he told me they'd been looking for one for hours.)
Dec. 18
- sold 20% dagger handle of enchanting for 3k in game
Dec. 22
- sold poisonous dagger tangs for 2k in game - my asking price to someone with a wtb ad up for them.
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 5k in game - my asking price to someone with a wtb ad up for one.
- sold 20/20 sundering sword hilt for 4k in game - my asking price to someone with a wtb ad up for one.
- sold 20/20 sundering bowstring for 3k in game - my asking price to someone with a wtb ad up for one.
Dec. 25
- sold crippling spearhead for 1k to someone who posted for it on my thread here.
Dec. 26
- sold 10% swift staff head for 2k to someone with an ad up to buy one in game.
Dec. 29
- sold zealous spearhead for 6k, my asking price, in game
- sold shocking spearhead for 2k, my asking price, in game
Dec. 31
- sold icy scythe snathe for 2k in game
- sold +5 i have the power inscription for 2k in game
- sold +7vPhys dagger handles of shelter for 2k in game
- sold 10vsLight riders on the storm inscription for 5k in game
PLEASE do not add any new data in edits to posts above this mark, or they will be easily missed the next time someone updates that OP.
Thanks for all the reports! Cheers folks!
And thanks to Peachie for the super sneaky mod hax giving me OP ownership for the time being!
__________________________________________________ _
Dec. 14
- sold -cripple "Swift as the wind" inscription for 2k in game
- sold 15/-5 "brawn over brains" inscription for 2k in game
- bought a 20% sword pommel of tenguslaying for 10k, my offer on one from a sell thread here
- bought +30 scythe grip of fortitude for 1k, seller's asking price in game
- sold 15/-1 "live for today" inscription for 8k in game
- sold 10% "serenity now" inscrip for 9k in game
- sold 10% furious spearhead for 15k in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k in game
Dec. 17
- sold +30 scythe grip of fortitude for 10k, my asking price, in game.
- sold silencing spearhead for 5k, my asking price, in game
(I'd noticed what seemed like a lot of buy ads for these lately, so I kept one from a drop to see how much they sell for. I asked 5k for this one from someone with a buy ad, fully expecting us to haggle. The buyer responded, "yay!" and gave me 5k for it immediately. S/he told me they'd been looking for one for hours.)
Dec. 18
- sold 20% dagger handle of enchanting for 3k in game
Dec. 22
- sold poisonous dagger tangs for 2k in game - my asking price to someone with a wtb ad up for them.
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 5k in game - my asking price to someone with a wtb ad up for one.
- sold 20/20 sundering sword hilt for 4k in game - my asking price to someone with a wtb ad up for one.
- sold 20/20 sundering bowstring for 3k in game - my asking price to someone with a wtb ad up for one.
Dec. 25
- sold crippling spearhead for 1k to someone who posted for it on my thread here.
Dec. 26
- sold 10% swift staff head for 2k to someone with an ad up to buy one in game.
Dec. 29
- sold zealous spearhead for 6k, my asking price, in game
- sold shocking spearhead for 2k, my asking price, in game
Dec. 31
- sold icy scythe snathe for 2k in game
- sold +5 i have the power inscription for 2k in game
- sold +7vPhys dagger handles of shelter for 2k in game
- sold 10vsLight riders on the storm inscription for 5k in game
Sold Forget Me Not 20% 46K THEIR Offer!
Sold Aptitude Not Attitude 20% 20k (Negotiated down from 25K asking price)
Sold Spear Defense +5 10K
Sold Spear Enchant 30k
Sold Spear +30 30k
High demands for all
Sold +10 "through thick and thin" 5k
Sold +10 "the riddle of steel" 4k
Sold +10 "Not the face!" 4k
Sold +10 "Leaf on the wind" 3k
Sold Aptitude Not Attitude 20% 20k (Negotiated down from 25K asking price)
Sold Spear Defense +5 10K
Sold Spear Enchant 30k
Sold Spear +30 30k
High demands for all
Sold +10 "through thick and thin" 5k
Sold +10 "the riddle of steel" 4k
Sold +10 "Not the face!" 4k
Sold +10 "Leaf on the wind" 3k
New month, new post. Happy New Year folks!
Jan 1
- sold 15/-1 live for today inscription for 10k, the b/o price I had it listed for on another auction site.
Jan 3
- sold two +5 spear grip of defense for 1 ecto each to a single buyer. (At the time, it was the end of Wintersday event and ecto has been up ~8k for a couple weeks. Personally, I don't believe that will last much longer, and I still use 1e=7k in trading, so depending on how you look at it this is 7-8kish value trades each.)
Jan 5
- sold zealous spearhead for 6k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k, my asking price, in game
Jan 10
- in game, sold 10vBlunt "Not the Face" and 10vCold "Leaf on the Wind" inscriptions for 5k ea to one buyer. (5k was both his offer price in ad and my b/o price.)
- in game, sold zealous axe haft for 2k
- in game, sold +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 5k, my asking price
- in game, sold +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 5k, my asking price (a separate one to a separate buyer)
Jan 11
- sold +30 hammer grip of fortitude for 2.5k, my b/o price on fansite auction listing
Jan 12
- sold +5 "i have the power" for 2k in game
Jan 14
- sold 20/20 sundering axe haft for 3k in game
- sold fiery sword hilt for 2k in game
- sold -blind "i can see clearly now" for 2k in game
- in game, sold +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 5k
- in game, sold -2wE "sheltered by faith" for 3k
- in game, sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k
- in game, sold zealous hammer haft for 2k
- in game, sold another +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 5k
Jan 15
- sold 15/-1 "seize the day" for 3k in game
- sold 15^50 "strength and honor" for 2k in game
- sold 10% "serenity now" for 10k in game
- sold 20% wand wrapping of memory for 2k in game
Jan 16
- sold -cripple "swift as the wind" inscrip for 2k in game
- sold +29 spear grip of fortitude for 3k in game
Jan 17
- sold 20% staff wrapping of mastery for 5k in game
- sold 20% adept staff head for 4k in game
- sold 20/20 sundering axe haft for 3k in game
- sold +5 axe grip of defense for 1k in game
- sold -5/20 "luck of the draw" for 10k in game
- sold 15^50 "strength and honor" for 2k in game
- sold +30 hale staff head for 3k in game
- sold 10/10 furious spearhead for 15k in game
- sold 2x +5 insightful staff heads and 2x +5^50 "hale and hearty" inscripts, all for 2k ea in game
- sold 3x +5 "i have the power" inscripts for 2k ea. to various folks, in game
Jan 18
- sold 10vEarth "like a rolling stone" inscrip for 5k in game
- sold silencing spearhead for 2k in game
- sold 10vPierce "through thick and thin" inscrip for 6k in game
- sold +30 shield handle of fortitude for 6k, my b/o price on an auction site
- sold zealous dagger tang for 4k in game
- got sick of holding and merched a bunch of the following after no interest on them when they were listed for sale for a while ... zealous bow string, bow grip of defense, 15/-5 brawn over brains, vampiric bow string, vampiric dagger tang, dagger handle of shelter, +45 shield handle of endurance
Jan 19
- sold +5 "i have the power" inscrip for 2k in game
- sold 3/-1 vampiric spearhead for 4k in game (buyer's offer in ad)
- sold +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 5k in game
- sold 10% "don't think twice" inscrip for 2k in game
- sold 19% spear grip of enchanting for 2.1k in game
- sold 15^50 "strength and honor" for 2k in game
- sold 20% wand wrapping of memory for 2k in game
- sold -5/20 "luck of the draw" inscript for 10k in game
- sold 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 8k in game
Jan 20
- sold barbed spearhead for 2k in game
- sold 20% aptitude not attitude inscrip for 12k in game
- sold 15/-5 brawn over brains inscrip for 2k in game
- bought 10vSlash the riddle of steel inscrip for 2k in game (seller's price)
- sold 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 8k in game
- sold +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 5k in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k in game
Jan 21
- sold 20% aptitude not attitude for 12k in game
- sold 20% wand wrapping of memory for 2k in game
- sold +30 spear grip of fortitude for 20k in game ... Getting 20k for one took me a lot longer than the fairly easy times I had selling them for 15k ea. a month or so ago. I don't doubt capblye's reports above, as there are times when Kama is flooded with wtb ads for these. But getting 20k took me a while.
- bought 20% spear grip of enchanting for 4k (seller's advertised wts price) in game
- sold 10vPierce "through thick and thin" for 6k in game
- sold +5 "i have the power" inscrip for 2k in game
Jan 22
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 5k in game
- sold +7vPhys spear grip of shelter for 5k (my asking price) in game
- bought 9 measure for measure inscripts in game from folks responding to my wtb ad. two from one player for 400g ea., then seven from another player for 300g ea.
- sold fiery bowstring for 1.5k
- sold 20% adept staff head for 4k in game
- sold 20% spear grip of enchanting for 18k in game ... I was going to try to see how long it took to get 20k, but I met a buyer that knew how to haggle politely. Since it was such a refreshing change of pace, I accepted his 18k counter offer to my 20k asking price. It didn't take nearly as long to find a willing buyer in this price range for the 20% enchanting spear mod as it took to find a willing buyer in this range for the +30 spear mod the other day.
- bought another measure for measure inscription for 300g, seller's advertised price in game.
- sold two +30 bow grip of fortitude for 4k ea. to the same buyer in game. I'd had them listed for 3k ea on a fansite for several days with no interest and had a couple people in game with buy ads turn down my 4k offers. So getting 4k wasn't super hard, but it was far from easy.
- sold zealous spearhead for 6k, my asking price, in game to the second player I saw with a wtb ad for one in the space of a couple hours.
- sold 19% forget me not for 5k, my advertised wts price, in game
- sold another +30 spear grip of fortitude for 18k in game. I offered it to a player with a buy ad up for 20k; he offered 18k; I accepted. This second one went a lot faster, but I was around in Kama during weekend afternoon, US time.
- sold +5 spear grip of defense for 5k, my asking price, in game.
- sold 20% sword pommel of enchanting for 5k, my asking price, in game. There have been quite a few buy ads for these of late, so it didn't take much time or effort to sell this one.
- sold 5^50 hale and hearty inscript for 2k in game
- sold 10vBlunt not the face! inscript for 5k in game
- sold 20% staff wrapping of mastery for 5k via a fansite auction listing (5k was the b/o price listed.)
Jan 24
- merched a 20% axe grip of enchanting after finding no buyers for a week or so.
- merched a few +5 insightful staff heads rather than salvaging them and holding them in storage. I find they can and do sell for 2k ea. regularly enough, but I get more from drops than I find buyers for. So I don't bother to save most of the ones I find. (I don't bother to salvage or store mods that I can't get 2k+ for. It's simply not worth the storage slot to me.)
- merched a zealous bowstring after finding no buyers for a week or so.
Jan 25
- sold three +5 insightful staff heads for 5k total to one buyer in game
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 5k in game
Jan 26
- sold +30 bow grip of fortitude for 4k in game
- sold zealous sword hilt for 3k in game
- sold 15^50 strength and honor for 2k in game
- sold zealous spearhead for 6k in game
- sold 20% dagger handle of enchanting for 3k in game
- sold 10vEarth Like a Rolling Stone inscrip for 8k (my asking price) in game ... easy sale at that price, lots of buy ads for these lately.
- sold 20/20 sundering axe haft for 3k in game
- sold 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 8k in game
- sold 15stance dance with death inscript for 2k in game (to someone with a buy ad for one. I don't normally save them.)
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k in game
- sold cruel spearhead for 2k in game
- sold 15^50 strength and honor inscrip for 2k in game
- merched a +7vPhys dagger handle of shelter
- merched shocking sword hilt and sword pommel of defense
Jan 27
- sold 20% sword pommel of deathbane for 5k in game (I've noticed a fair number of buy ads for this particular mod recently, so kept one to see how hard it was to sell. 5k was seller's offer in trade chat, and I didn't have the thing more than a day or so.)
- sold +5 I have the power inscrip for 2k via a fansite auction where I had it listed for 2k b/o
- sold 15^50 strength and honor inscrip for 2k in game (then again a few hours later)
- in game, a single seller sold me six measure for measure inscrips for 2k total, so 333g ea.
- sold 19% spear grip of enchanting for 3k in game
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 5k in game
- sold 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 8k in game
- sold 20% adept staff head for 4k and 5^50 hale and hearty inscrip for 1k to same buyer in game
- sold 20% dagger handle of enchanting for 3k in game
- sold zealous dagger tang for 6k in game
Jan 28
- sold 10vFire sleep now in the fire inscrip for 5k in game
- sold 10vPierce through thick and thin inscrip for 5k in game
- sold 20/20 sundering bowstring for 3k in game
- merched 10% don't think twice inscrip
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 5k in game
- merched icy sword hilt and 15/-5 brawn over brains inscript
- sold +45wE shield handle of devotion for 10k in game
- sold +7vPhys dagger handle of shelter for 2k in game (not the same one I merched the other day. If I have room and plan to be around Kama anyway, I sometimes keep these to be salvaged because there are sometimes wtb ads. It's one of the first things that gets merched when I'm pressed for space, though.)
- bought 20% scythe grip of enchanting for 4k (seller's asking price) in game
(I'd been on the lookout for one of these for a while to buy on behalf of a friend. This was the second seller I found. Way more wtb than wts ads for these. Earlier, I met a buyer who was offering one for 8k. I would've paid 8k for one, but the seller's behavior in chat was so unpleasant that I couldn't bear to play a video game with that person even long enough to trade pixels.)
- sold 10vPierce through thick and thin inscrip for 5k in game
Jan 29
- sold +45wE shield handle of devotion for 10k in game
- bought six measure for measure inscriptions for 400g ea from a single player in game
Jan 30
- sold 20% wand wrapping of memory for 2k in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k in game
- sold 10vCold leaf on the wind inscrip for 5k in game
- sold two +7vElem spear grip of warding for 5k each, my b/o price, via fansite auction listings
- sold 20% bow grip of enchanting for 3k in game (I never used to save these at all, but I've noticed quite a few buy ads for them recently. I saved one to try selling. The first buy ad I found, I offered it for 4k. The buyer offered 3k as a counter, and I accepted.)
- sold 10vSlashing the riddle of steel inscription for 5k in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k, 5^50 hale and hearty inscrip for 2k, and 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 8k in game, all to the same buyer
- sold +30 bow grip of fortitude for 4k in game
- bought two measure for measure inscripts for 300g ea in game, seller's asking price
- sold 20% focus core of aptitude for 10k in game (my asking price to the first buy ad I saw. They accepted w/out haggling.)
- sold -5/20 luck of the draw inscrip for 10k in game (my asking price to the third buyer I saw.)
- sold shocking dagger tang for 4k in game (someone had a buy ad up for one. I asked 5k, they offered 4k, I accepted.)
- sold 20/20 sundering sword hilt for 4k in game (I'd been offering one for 5k to every buy ad I noticed. In the space of an hour or so, I think there were three people who did not reply at all. The fourth countered 4k, and I accepted.)
- sold 10vSlashing the riddle of steel inscrip for 5k in game
- sold -cripple swift as the wind incrip for 2k in game
- sold 5wE have faith inscrip for 2k in game
- sold 20/20 sundering scythe snathe for 12k in game (I've noticed a lot of buy ads for these and very few sell ads. I got one and figured I'd try 12k since they don't seem to be quite as undersupplied as spear +30/20ench. The second or third - can't remember for sure - buyer I offered it to accepted. One of the earlier buyers claimed to have only a couple plat to his name, so I'm not sure if I'd even count him. Anyway, it was not difficult to get 12k for this mod.)
- sold a +7vPhys sword pommel of shelter for 2k in game (I've noticed a lot of buy ads for these lately. I never bothered to salvage them in the past. I asked the buyer what it was for, and he told me w/n raptor farming.)
Someone explained to me that shocking dagger tangs are so popular for A/E in PvP who use conjure-based builds and prefer Conjure Lightning since they're using Storm Djinn's Haste and already spec'ing points in Air Magic anyway.
Someone tells me there's a recently popular farming build which uses shields with 10vEarth inscription and +45wE handles. Then again, there have been popular farming builds using shields modded that way for a while.
Jan 1
- sold 15/-1 live for today inscription for 10k, the b/o price I had it listed for on another auction site.
Jan 3
- sold two +5 spear grip of defense for 1 ecto each to a single buyer. (At the time, it was the end of Wintersday event and ecto has been up ~8k for a couple weeks. Personally, I don't believe that will last much longer, and I still use 1e=7k in trading, so depending on how you look at it this is 7-8kish value trades each.)
Jan 5
- sold zealous spearhead for 6k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k, my asking price, in game
Jan 10
- in game, sold 10vBlunt "Not the Face" and 10vCold "Leaf on the Wind" inscriptions for 5k ea to one buyer. (5k was both his offer price in ad and my b/o price.)
- in game, sold zealous axe haft for 2k
- in game, sold +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 5k, my asking price
- in game, sold +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 5k, my asking price (a separate one to a separate buyer)
Jan 11
- sold +30 hammer grip of fortitude for 2.5k, my b/o price on fansite auction listing
Jan 12
- sold +5 "i have the power" for 2k in game
Jan 14
- sold 20/20 sundering axe haft for 3k in game
- sold fiery sword hilt for 2k in game
- sold -blind "i can see clearly now" for 2k in game
- in game, sold +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 5k
- in game, sold -2wE "sheltered by faith" for 3k
- in game, sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k
- in game, sold zealous hammer haft for 2k
- in game, sold another +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 5k
Jan 15
- sold 15/-1 "seize the day" for 3k in game
- sold 15^50 "strength and honor" for 2k in game
- sold 10% "serenity now" for 10k in game
- sold 20% wand wrapping of memory for 2k in game
Jan 16
- sold -cripple "swift as the wind" inscrip for 2k in game
- sold +29 spear grip of fortitude for 3k in game
Jan 17
- sold 20% staff wrapping of mastery for 5k in game
- sold 20% adept staff head for 4k in game
- sold 20/20 sundering axe haft for 3k in game
- sold +5 axe grip of defense for 1k in game
- sold -5/20 "luck of the draw" for 10k in game
- sold 15^50 "strength and honor" for 2k in game
- sold +30 hale staff head for 3k in game
- sold 10/10 furious spearhead for 15k in game
- sold 2x +5 insightful staff heads and 2x +5^50 "hale and hearty" inscripts, all for 2k ea in game
- sold 3x +5 "i have the power" inscripts for 2k ea. to various folks, in game
Jan 18
- sold 10vEarth "like a rolling stone" inscrip for 5k in game
- sold silencing spearhead for 2k in game
- sold 10vPierce "through thick and thin" inscrip for 6k in game
- sold +30 shield handle of fortitude for 6k, my b/o price on an auction site
- sold zealous dagger tang for 4k in game
- got sick of holding and merched a bunch of the following after no interest on them when they were listed for sale for a while ... zealous bow string, bow grip of defense, 15/-5 brawn over brains, vampiric bow string, vampiric dagger tang, dagger handle of shelter, +45 shield handle of endurance
Jan 19
- sold +5 "i have the power" inscrip for 2k in game
- sold 3/-1 vampiric spearhead for 4k in game (buyer's offer in ad)
- sold +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 5k in game
- sold 10% "don't think twice" inscrip for 2k in game
- sold 19% spear grip of enchanting for 2.1k in game
- sold 15^50 "strength and honor" for 2k in game
- sold 20% wand wrapping of memory for 2k in game
- sold -5/20 "luck of the draw" inscript for 10k in game
- sold 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 8k in game
Jan 20
- sold barbed spearhead for 2k in game
- sold 20% aptitude not attitude inscrip for 12k in game
- sold 15/-5 brawn over brains inscrip for 2k in game
- bought 10vSlash the riddle of steel inscrip for 2k in game (seller's price)
- sold 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 8k in game
- sold +30 staff wrapping of fortitude for 5k in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k in game
Jan 21
- sold 20% aptitude not attitude for 12k in game
- sold 20% wand wrapping of memory for 2k in game
- sold +30 spear grip of fortitude for 20k in game ... Getting 20k for one took me a lot longer than the fairly easy times I had selling them for 15k ea. a month or so ago. I don't doubt capblye's reports above, as there are times when Kama is flooded with wtb ads for these. But getting 20k took me a while.
- bought 20% spear grip of enchanting for 4k (seller's advertised wts price) in game
- sold 10vPierce "through thick and thin" for 6k in game
- sold +5 "i have the power" inscrip for 2k in game
Jan 22
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 5k in game
- sold +7vPhys spear grip of shelter for 5k (my asking price) in game
- bought 9 measure for measure inscripts in game from folks responding to my wtb ad. two from one player for 400g ea., then seven from another player for 300g ea.
- sold fiery bowstring for 1.5k
- sold 20% adept staff head for 4k in game
- sold 20% spear grip of enchanting for 18k in game ... I was going to try to see how long it took to get 20k, but I met a buyer that knew how to haggle politely. Since it was such a refreshing change of pace, I accepted his 18k counter offer to my 20k asking price. It didn't take nearly as long to find a willing buyer in this price range for the 20% enchanting spear mod as it took to find a willing buyer in this range for the +30 spear mod the other day.
- bought another measure for measure inscription for 300g, seller's advertised price in game.
- sold two +30 bow grip of fortitude for 4k ea. to the same buyer in game. I'd had them listed for 3k ea on a fansite for several days with no interest and had a couple people in game with buy ads turn down my 4k offers. So getting 4k wasn't super hard, but it was far from easy.
- sold zealous spearhead for 6k, my asking price, in game to the second player I saw with a wtb ad for one in the space of a couple hours.
- sold 19% forget me not for 5k, my advertised wts price, in game
- sold another +30 spear grip of fortitude for 18k in game. I offered it to a player with a buy ad up for 20k; he offered 18k; I accepted. This second one went a lot faster, but I was around in Kama during weekend afternoon, US time.
- sold +5 spear grip of defense for 5k, my asking price, in game.
- sold 20% sword pommel of enchanting for 5k, my asking price, in game. There have been quite a few buy ads for these of late, so it didn't take much time or effort to sell this one.
- sold 5^50 hale and hearty inscript for 2k in game
- sold 10vBlunt not the face! inscript for 5k in game
- sold 20% staff wrapping of mastery for 5k via a fansite auction listing (5k was the b/o price listed.)
Jan 24
- merched a 20% axe grip of enchanting after finding no buyers for a week or so.
- merched a few +5 insightful staff heads rather than salvaging them and holding them in storage. I find they can and do sell for 2k ea. regularly enough, but I get more from drops than I find buyers for. So I don't bother to save most of the ones I find. (I don't bother to salvage or store mods that I can't get 2k+ for. It's simply not worth the storage slot to me.)
- merched a zealous bowstring after finding no buyers for a week or so.
Jan 25
- sold three +5 insightful staff heads for 5k total to one buyer in game
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 5k in game
Jan 26
- sold +30 bow grip of fortitude for 4k in game
- sold zealous sword hilt for 3k in game
- sold 15^50 strength and honor for 2k in game
- sold zealous spearhead for 6k in game
- sold 20% dagger handle of enchanting for 3k in game
- sold 10vEarth Like a Rolling Stone inscrip for 8k (my asking price) in game ... easy sale at that price, lots of buy ads for these lately.
- sold 20/20 sundering axe haft for 3k in game
- sold 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 8k in game
- sold 15stance dance with death inscript for 2k in game (to someone with a buy ad for one. I don't normally save them.)
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k in game
- sold cruel spearhead for 2k in game
- sold 15^50 strength and honor inscrip for 2k in game
- merched a +7vPhys dagger handle of shelter
- merched shocking sword hilt and sword pommel of defense
Jan 27
- sold 20% sword pommel of deathbane for 5k in game (I've noticed a fair number of buy ads for this particular mod recently, so kept one to see how hard it was to sell. 5k was seller's offer in trade chat, and I didn't have the thing more than a day or so.)
- sold +5 I have the power inscrip for 2k via a fansite auction where I had it listed for 2k b/o
- sold 15^50 strength and honor inscrip for 2k in game (then again a few hours later)
- in game, a single seller sold me six measure for measure inscrips for 2k total, so 333g ea.
- sold 19% spear grip of enchanting for 3k in game
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 5k in game
- sold 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 8k in game
- sold 20% adept staff head for 4k and 5^50 hale and hearty inscrip for 1k to same buyer in game
- sold 20% dagger handle of enchanting for 3k in game
- sold zealous dagger tang for 6k in game
Jan 28
- sold 10vFire sleep now in the fire inscrip for 5k in game
- sold 10vPierce through thick and thin inscrip for 5k in game
- sold 20/20 sundering bowstring for 3k in game
- merched 10% don't think twice inscrip
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 5k in game
- merched icy sword hilt and 15/-5 brawn over brains inscript
- sold +45wE shield handle of devotion for 10k in game
- sold +7vPhys dagger handle of shelter for 2k in game (not the same one I merched the other day. If I have room and plan to be around Kama anyway, I sometimes keep these to be salvaged because there are sometimes wtb ads. It's one of the first things that gets merched when I'm pressed for space, though.)
- bought 20% scythe grip of enchanting for 4k (seller's asking price) in game
(I'd been on the lookout for one of these for a while to buy on behalf of a friend. This was the second seller I found. Way more wtb than wts ads for these. Earlier, I met a buyer who was offering one for 8k. I would've paid 8k for one, but the seller's behavior in chat was so unpleasant that I couldn't bear to play a video game with that person even long enough to trade pixels.)
- sold 10vPierce through thick and thin inscrip for 5k in game
Jan 29
- sold +45wE shield handle of devotion for 10k in game
- bought six measure for measure inscriptions for 400g ea from a single player in game
Jan 30
- sold 20% wand wrapping of memory for 2k in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k in game
- sold 10vCold leaf on the wind inscrip for 5k in game
- sold two +7vElem spear grip of warding for 5k each, my b/o price, via fansite auction listings
- sold 20% bow grip of enchanting for 3k in game (I never used to save these at all, but I've noticed quite a few buy ads for them recently. I saved one to try selling. The first buy ad I found, I offered it for 4k. The buyer offered 3k as a counter, and I accepted.)
- sold 10vSlashing the riddle of steel inscription for 5k in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k, 5^50 hale and hearty inscrip for 2k, and 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 8k in game, all to the same buyer
- sold +30 bow grip of fortitude for 4k in game
- bought two measure for measure inscripts for 300g ea in game, seller's asking price
- sold 20% focus core of aptitude for 10k in game (my asking price to the first buy ad I saw. They accepted w/out haggling.)
- sold -5/20 luck of the draw inscrip for 10k in game (my asking price to the third buyer I saw.)
- sold shocking dagger tang for 4k in game (someone had a buy ad up for one. I asked 5k, they offered 4k, I accepted.)
- sold 20/20 sundering sword hilt for 4k in game (I'd been offering one for 5k to every buy ad I noticed. In the space of an hour or so, I think there were three people who did not reply at all. The fourth countered 4k, and I accepted.)
- sold 10vSlashing the riddle of steel inscrip for 5k in game
- sold -cripple swift as the wind incrip for 2k in game
- sold 5wE have faith inscrip for 2k in game
- sold 20/20 sundering scythe snathe for 12k in game (I've noticed a lot of buy ads for these and very few sell ads. I got one and figured I'd try 12k since they don't seem to be quite as undersupplied as spear +30/20ench. The second or third - can't remember for sure - buyer I offered it to accepted. One of the earlier buyers claimed to have only a couple plat to his name, so I'm not sure if I'd even count him. Anyway, it was not difficult to get 12k for this mod.)
- sold a +7vPhys sword pommel of shelter for 2k in game (I've noticed a lot of buy ads for these lately. I never bothered to salvage them in the past. I asked the buyer what it was for, and he told me w/n raptor farming.)
Someone explained to me that shocking dagger tangs are so popular for A/E in PvP who use conjure-based builds and prefer Conjure Lightning since they're using Storm Djinn's Haste and already spec'ing points in Air Magic anyway.
Someone tells me there's a recently popular farming build which uses shields with 10vEarth inscription and +45wE handles. Then again, there have been popular farming builds using shields modded that way for a while.
9th Jan
Sold: +30 Bow sold for 4k easy, could have gotten more as offer was insta accepted.
15th Jan
Sold: +30 for 5k, buyer accepted quick.
17th Jan
Sold: Zealous for Bow 5k easy.
Edit: I'll add these were sold to people who were WTB.
Sold: +30 Bow sold for 4k easy, could have gotten more as offer was insta accepted.
15th Jan
Sold: +30 for 5k, buyer accepted quick.
17th Jan
Sold: Zealous for Bow 5k easy.
Edit: I'll add these were sold to people who were WTB.
01-09-11 "Like a Rolling Stone" 3k fast
01-15-11 Spear Grip of Enchant 25k (guy said he'd been looking for 5 days)
01-15-11 2x +30 Shield Handle of Fortitude 3k ea
01-15-11 1x "Strength of Honor" 15^50 1k
01-15-11 Furious Spear Head 6k
01-15-11 Sundering Axe Haft 20% 3k
01-15-11 Bow Grip of Marksmanship 20% 2k
01-15-11 "Forget Me Not" 20% 18k (his price)
01-25-11 "Forget Me Not" 20% 25k
01-25-11 Focus Core of Aptitude 6k
01-09-11 "Like a Rolling Stone" 3k fast
01-15-11 Spear Grip of Enchant 25k (guy said he'd been looking for 5 days)
01-15-11 2x +30 Shield Handle of Fortitude 3k ea
01-15-11 1x "Strength of Honor" 15^50 1k
01-15-11 Furious Spear Head 6k
01-15-11 Sundering Axe Haft 20% 3k
01-15-11 Bow Grip of Marksmanship 20% 2k
01-15-11 "Forget Me Not" 20% 18k (his price)
01-25-11 "Forget Me Not" 20% 25k
01-25-11 Focus Core of Aptitude 6k
Da Tru Legend
Bought 4 +30 shield handles for 3k each.
new month, new post ...
Feb. 1
- sold 15^50 strength and honor in game for 2k
- bought 10 measure for measure inscriptions for 350g ea (seller's listed price)
- merched the following max mods after holding them a while and finding no interested buyers
-- hale staff head
-- seize the day inscrip
-- vampiric dagger tang
-- vampiric spearhead
-- let the memory live again inscrip
-- dagger handle of shelter
-- dagger handle of enchanting
-- serenity now inscrip
-- sword pommel of shelter
- sold 20% axe grip of deathbane for 2k, the b/o price I had it listed at for a while on a fansite auction.
Feb. 2
- sold zealous sword hilt for 3k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10vBlunt not the face! inscrip for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold +30 dagger handle of fortitude for 2k, the b/o price, via a fansite auction.
- sold a 20% bow grip of dragonslaying for 2k, the b/o price, via a fansite auction.
Feb. 3
- sold 20% bow grip of enchanting for 3k, my asking price, in game (seeing a surprising number of buy ads for these lately. I don't know what's driving up demand.)
- sold +5 i have the power! for 2k in game
- sold -blind i can see clearly now for 2k, my listed b/o price, via a fansite auction listing.
- sold 10vBlunt not the face! for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold +30 bow grip of fortitude for 4k in game. 4k was my asking price to a player with a buy ad up. I offered for 4k; they offered 3k; I said no thanks; they agreed to 4k. Was all prompt and friendly.
- sold 20% sword pommel of deathbane for 5k, the b/o price I had it listed for on a fansite. It wasn't listed for more than a day or so before it sold.
Feb 5
- sold 10vLight Riders on the storm inscrip for 6k, my asking price, in game
- sold 19% forget me not inscrip for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold -2stance run for your life inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold fiery bowstring for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5wE have faith inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10vBlunt not the face! inscrip for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold zealous axe haft for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 20/20 sundering axe haft for 3k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold poisonous bowstring for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 15wE guided by fate inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 15^50 strength and honor inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold -blind i can see clearly now inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5 i have the power inscrip and 20% sword pommel of enchanting as a pair for 5k in game. say 1.5k for inscrip and 3.5k for pommel.
- sold 10/10 furious axe haft for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10vPiercing through thick and thin inscrip for 5k, the b/o price I had it listed for on a fansite. someone pm'ed me in game to buy it from seeing it listed there.
- sold +30 shield handle of fortitude for 7k in game. I asked 8k; the buyer offered 1e, and I accepted. 1e was about 7k at the time.
- sold +7vPhys sword pommel of shelter for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 20% bow grip of enchanting for 3k, my asking price, in game
Feb. 6
- sold 3/-1 vampiric dagger tang for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold zealous sword hilt for 3k, my asking price, in game
Feb. 7
- sold +7vPhys spear grip of shelter for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold -cripple swift as the wind inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5 i have the power inscript for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold +30 hammer grip of fortitude for 2.5k, the b/o price I'd listed it for on a fansite.
- merched vampiric and zealous bowstrings after finding no buyers for over a week.
- sold a shocking scythe snathe for 3k, my asking price, in game
Feb 8
- sold 15^50 strength and honor for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5 spear grip of defense for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold 5^50 hale and hearty inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10/10 furious dagger tang for 2k, my asking price, in game
Feb 9
- sold 15/-5 brawn over brains inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 20/20 sundering sword hilt for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10% serenity now inscrip for 10k, my asking price, in game
Feb. 10
- bought 20/20 sundering scythe snathe in game for 5k, seller's asking price
- sold +7vPhys dagger handle of shelter for 4k, buyer's offer price in trade chat, in game. (These are one of those things you have trouble both selling and buying. I merch as many as I find buyers for I think.)
Feb. 11
- sold 10% serenity now for 10k, my asking price, in game
- sold 20/20 sundering dagger tang for 3k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5 i have the power! for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10vEarth like a rolling stone inscrip for 8k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k, my asking price, in game
- bought two measure for measure inscrips for 300g ea, seller's asking price, in game
- sold 10/10 furious dagger tang for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold +7vPhys dagger handle of shelter for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 20% dagger handle of enchanting for 3k, my asking price, in game
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 8k, my asking price, in game
- sold 15/-5 brawn over brains inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
Feb 12
- sold +30 hale staff head for 3k, my asking price, in game
- sold +30 dagger handle of fortitude for 3k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10% serenity now for 10k, my asking price, in game
- sold 20/20 sundering hammer haft and +30 hammer grip of fortitude for 3k ea, my asking price, in game to a single buyer
- sold 20% staff wrapping of smiting prayers for 2k, to someone collecting them
- sold 20% focus core of aptitude for 6k, buyer's offer price, in game
- sold +29 spear grip of fortitude for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10vCold leaf on the wind inscrip for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold 15^50 strength and honor for 2k, my asking price, in game
- bought three measure for measure inscrips for 300g ea, seller's list price, from the same player in game
Feb. 13
- sold poisonous bowstring for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold +30 bow grip of fortitude for 3k, to the same buyer of the string above.
- sold another +30 bow grip of fortitude for 4k, my asking price, in game to a different buyer
- sold 10% furious sword hilt for 3k, my asking price, in game
- merched/didn't bother to salvage 20v50 vengeance is mine inscrip and 15wE guilded by fate inscrip and +60wH staff wrapping of valor
- sold another 10% furious sword hilt for 3k, my asking price, in game
- sold 20% scythe grip of enchanting for 8k, my asking price, in game
- sold barbed spearhead for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold zealous axe haft for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold shocking dagger tang for 4k and 15wE guided by fate inscrip for 2k, my asking prices, to a single buyer in game
Feb 14
- sold shocking sword hilt for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold two +5 sword pommels of defense for 2k each, my asking price, in game to the same buyer
Feb 15
- sold zealous scythe snathe for 8k in game
- sold 20% dagger handle of enchanting for 3k in game
- sold +30 spear grip of fortitude for 15k in game (tried halfheartedly to sell it for 20k for a few days. someone had a buy ad up. I offered this one for 20k, they countered 15 and I accepted.)
- sold +30 hammer grip of fortitude for 3k in game
- sold ebon scythe snathe for 3k in game
- sold 15wE guided by fate insc for 2k in game
- sold 15/-5 brawn over brains insc for 2k in game
- sold 20% sword pommel of deathbane for 8k in game (To my surprise, I've found these sell FAST for 5k lately. I saw a buyer and asked 8k for my most recent one. He accepted immediately.)
- sold 10vSlash the riddle of steel for 5k in game
Feb. 16
- sold 10% serenity now inscrip for 10k in game
- sold 20% axe grip of deathbane for 2k, arranged via a fansite listing
- sold 20% aptitude not attitude for 15k, the b/o price I had listed it for on a fansite
Feb. 17
- sold 15^50 strength and honor for 1k in game
- sold +5wE have faith for 2k in game
- sold fiery sword hilt for 2k in game
- sold another +5wE have faith for 2k in game
- sold 20% "staff wrapping of domination magic" for 2k in game
- sold zealous axe haft for 2k in game
- sold zealous dagger tang for 4k in game
- sold 20% focus core of aptitude for 6k in game
- sold 15/-1 seize the day insc for 2k in game
- sold +30 scythe grip of fortitude for 10k in game
- sold 3/-1 vampiric sword hilt for 2k in game
- sold shocking dagger tang for 5k in game (I asked 4k and the buyer insisted on paying 5k. He told me he'd been looking for a long time.)
- sold +30 bow grip of fortitude for 3k in game
- sold a 20% wand wrapping of memory for 2k in game
Feb. 18 (post derv update)
- sold 5/-1 vampiric scythe snathe for 6k in game
- sold 10/10 furious scythe snathe for 15k in game ... quite fast.
- sold 15^50 strength and honor for 2k in game
Feb. 18
- sold 15/-5 brawn over brains for 2k in game
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 7k in game
- sold -5/20 luck of the draw inscrip for 10k in game
- sold 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 1e in game (that's 7-8k value right now. I've been able to trade 1e/7k recently several times, but many sellers in game are still asking 8k ea.)
Feb 19
- sold -5/20 luck of the draw inscrip for 10k in game
- sold 20% wand wrapping of memory for 2k in game
Feb 20
- sold 10% swift staff head for 2k in game
- sold 15^50 strength and honor for 2k in game
- merched/did-not-salvage the following, some of which I had several spare copies of, after finding no interested buyers for a while and needing inv. space (max unless otherwise noted) ...
-- focus core of swiftness, swift as the wind
-- fiery bowstring, bow grip of shelter, brawn over brains
-- insightful staff head, guided by fate
-- crippling sword hilt, sword pommel of shelter, let the memory live again
-- scythe grip of defense, cruel scythe snathe
-- poisonous scythe snathe, +29 scythe grip of fortitude
-- zealous axe haft
- sold silencing spearhead for 4k in game
- sold +30 dagger handle of fortitude for 3k in game
- sold 10vSlash the riddle of steel for 5k in game
- sold 20% bow grip of enchanting for 2k in game
- sold shocking dagger tang for 3k in game
A note about the OP:
Yes, I do now have ownership, and therefore edit powers, to the OP of this thread. I did an update in Dec. 2010. The last update was from Spring 2010. I did that one, too, but back then I had mod powers and did not need to own the OP to edit it. The update before that was from sometime in the Fall of 2009.
I do not plan to keep OP of this thread "regularly updated." I own it now simply because no one else had been interested in updating it more frequently than above. My reasons for not keeping the OP here updated regularly are twofold.
1) I don't really want or need another pc guide OP to tend.
2) So far, the vast majority of reports we get on prices on this thread are from me. I will try to keep posting reports of my trades. However, I think it's silly, inappropriate, and almost inherently biased for me to set the OP prices based on range of reports posted if most of the reports are from me.
If we had more people reporting prices they buy and sell mods for here, it might be a different story.
Feb. 1
- sold 15^50 strength and honor in game for 2k
- bought 10 measure for measure inscriptions for 350g ea (seller's listed price)
- merched the following max mods after holding them a while and finding no interested buyers
-- hale staff head
-- seize the day inscrip
-- vampiric dagger tang
-- vampiric spearhead
-- let the memory live again inscrip
-- dagger handle of shelter
-- dagger handle of enchanting
-- serenity now inscrip
-- sword pommel of shelter
- sold 20% axe grip of deathbane for 2k, the b/o price I had it listed at for a while on a fansite auction.
Feb. 2
- sold zealous sword hilt for 3k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10vBlunt not the face! inscrip for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold +30 dagger handle of fortitude for 2k, the b/o price, via a fansite auction.
- sold a 20% bow grip of dragonslaying for 2k, the b/o price, via a fansite auction.
Feb. 3
- sold 20% bow grip of enchanting for 3k, my asking price, in game (seeing a surprising number of buy ads for these lately. I don't know what's driving up demand.)
- sold +5 i have the power! for 2k in game
- sold -blind i can see clearly now for 2k, my listed b/o price, via a fansite auction listing.
- sold 10vBlunt not the face! for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold +30 bow grip of fortitude for 4k in game. 4k was my asking price to a player with a buy ad up. I offered for 4k; they offered 3k; I said no thanks; they agreed to 4k. Was all prompt and friendly.
- sold 20% sword pommel of deathbane for 5k, the b/o price I had it listed for on a fansite. It wasn't listed for more than a day or so before it sold.
Feb 5
- sold 10vLight Riders on the storm inscrip for 6k, my asking price, in game
- sold 19% forget me not inscrip for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold -2stance run for your life inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold fiery bowstring for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5wE have faith inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10vBlunt not the face! inscrip for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold zealous axe haft for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 20/20 sundering axe haft for 3k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold poisonous bowstring for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 15wE guided by fate inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 15^50 strength and honor inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold -blind i can see clearly now inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5 i have the power inscrip and 20% sword pommel of enchanting as a pair for 5k in game. say 1.5k for inscrip and 3.5k for pommel.
- sold 10/10 furious axe haft for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10vPiercing through thick and thin inscrip for 5k, the b/o price I had it listed for on a fansite. someone pm'ed me in game to buy it from seeing it listed there.
- sold +30 shield handle of fortitude for 7k in game. I asked 8k; the buyer offered 1e, and I accepted. 1e was about 7k at the time.
- sold +7vPhys sword pommel of shelter for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 20% bow grip of enchanting for 3k, my asking price, in game
Feb. 6
- sold 3/-1 vampiric dagger tang for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold zealous sword hilt for 3k, my asking price, in game
Feb. 7
- sold +7vPhys spear grip of shelter for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold -cripple swift as the wind inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5 i have the power inscript for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold +30 hammer grip of fortitude for 2.5k, the b/o price I'd listed it for on a fansite.
- merched vampiric and zealous bowstrings after finding no buyers for over a week.
- sold a shocking scythe snathe for 3k, my asking price, in game
Feb 8
- sold 15^50 strength and honor for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5 spear grip of defense for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold 5^50 hale and hearty inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10/10 furious dagger tang for 2k, my asking price, in game
Feb 9
- sold 15/-5 brawn over brains inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 20/20 sundering sword hilt for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10% serenity now inscrip for 10k, my asking price, in game
Feb. 10
- bought 20/20 sundering scythe snathe in game for 5k, seller's asking price
- sold +7vPhys dagger handle of shelter for 4k, buyer's offer price in trade chat, in game. (These are one of those things you have trouble both selling and buying. I merch as many as I find buyers for I think.)
Feb. 11
- sold 10% serenity now for 10k, my asking price, in game
- sold 20/20 sundering dagger tang for 3k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5 i have the power! for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10vEarth like a rolling stone inscrip for 8k, my asking price, in game
- sold +5 insightful staff head for 2k, my asking price, in game
- bought two measure for measure inscrips for 300g ea, seller's asking price, in game
- sold 10/10 furious dagger tang for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold +7vPhys dagger handle of shelter for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold 20% dagger handle of enchanting for 3k, my asking price, in game
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 8k, my asking price, in game
- sold 15/-5 brawn over brains inscrip for 2k, my asking price, in game
Feb 12
- sold +30 hale staff head for 3k, my asking price, in game
- sold +30 dagger handle of fortitude for 3k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10% serenity now for 10k, my asking price, in game
- sold 20/20 sundering hammer haft and +30 hammer grip of fortitude for 3k ea, my asking price, in game to a single buyer
- sold 20% staff wrapping of smiting prayers for 2k, to someone collecting them
- sold 20% focus core of aptitude for 6k, buyer's offer price, in game
- sold +29 spear grip of fortitude for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold 10vCold leaf on the wind inscrip for 5k, my asking price, in game
- sold 15^50 strength and honor for 2k, my asking price, in game
- bought three measure for measure inscrips for 300g ea, seller's list price, from the same player in game
Feb. 13
- sold poisonous bowstring for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold +30 bow grip of fortitude for 3k, to the same buyer of the string above.
- sold another +30 bow grip of fortitude for 4k, my asking price, in game to a different buyer
- sold 10% furious sword hilt for 3k, my asking price, in game
- merched/didn't bother to salvage 20v50 vengeance is mine inscrip and 15wE guilded by fate inscrip and +60wH staff wrapping of valor
- sold another 10% furious sword hilt for 3k, my asking price, in game
- sold 20% scythe grip of enchanting for 8k, my asking price, in game
- sold barbed spearhead for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold zealous axe haft for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold shocking dagger tang for 4k and 15wE guided by fate inscrip for 2k, my asking prices, to a single buyer in game
Feb 14
- sold shocking sword hilt for 2k, my asking price, in game
- sold two +5 sword pommels of defense for 2k each, my asking price, in game to the same buyer
Feb 15
- sold zealous scythe snathe for 8k in game
- sold 20% dagger handle of enchanting for 3k in game
- sold +30 spear grip of fortitude for 15k in game (tried halfheartedly to sell it for 20k for a few days. someone had a buy ad up. I offered this one for 20k, they countered 15 and I accepted.)
- sold +30 hammer grip of fortitude for 3k in game
- sold ebon scythe snathe for 3k in game
- sold 15wE guided by fate insc for 2k in game
- sold 15/-5 brawn over brains insc for 2k in game
- sold 20% sword pommel of deathbane for 8k in game (To my surprise, I've found these sell FAST for 5k lately. I saw a buyer and asked 8k for my most recent one. He accepted immediately.)
- sold 10vSlash the riddle of steel for 5k in game
Feb. 16
- sold 10% serenity now inscrip for 10k in game
- sold 20% axe grip of deathbane for 2k, arranged via a fansite listing
- sold 20% aptitude not attitude for 15k, the b/o price I had listed it for on a fansite
Feb. 17
- sold 15^50 strength and honor for 1k in game
- sold +5wE have faith for 2k in game
- sold fiery sword hilt for 2k in game
- sold another +5wE have faith for 2k in game
- sold 20% "staff wrapping of domination magic" for 2k in game
- sold zealous axe haft for 2k in game
- sold zealous dagger tang for 4k in game
- sold 20% focus core of aptitude for 6k in game
- sold 15/-1 seize the day insc for 2k in game
- sold +30 scythe grip of fortitude for 10k in game
- sold 3/-1 vampiric sword hilt for 2k in game
- sold shocking dagger tang for 5k in game (I asked 4k and the buyer insisted on paying 5k. He told me he'd been looking for a long time.)
- sold +30 bow grip of fortitude for 3k in game
- sold a 20% wand wrapping of memory for 2k in game
Feb. 18 (post derv update)
- sold 5/-1 vampiric scythe snathe for 6k in game
- sold 10/10 furious scythe snathe for 15k in game ... quite fast.
- sold 15^50 strength and honor for 2k in game
Feb. 18
- sold 15/-5 brawn over brains for 2k in game
- sold +30 sword pommel of fortitude for 7k in game
- sold -5/20 luck of the draw inscrip for 10k in game
- sold 20% staff wrapping of enchanting for 1e in game (that's 7-8k value right now. I've been able to trade 1e/7k recently several times, but many sellers in game are still asking 8k ea.)
Feb 19
- sold -5/20 luck of the draw inscrip for 10k in game
- sold 20% wand wrapping of memory for 2k in game
Feb 20
- sold 10% swift staff head for 2k in game
- sold 15^50 strength and honor for 2k in game
- merched/did-not-salvage the following, some of which I had several spare copies of, after finding no interested buyers for a while and needing inv. space (max unless otherwise noted) ...
-- focus core of swiftness, swift as the wind
-- fiery bowstring, bow grip of shelter, brawn over brains
-- insightful staff head, guided by fate
-- crippling sword hilt, sword pommel of shelter, let the memory live again
-- scythe grip of defense, cruel scythe snathe
-- poisonous scythe snathe, +29 scythe grip of fortitude
-- zealous axe haft
- sold silencing spearhead for 4k in game
- sold +30 dagger handle of fortitude for 3k in game
- sold 10vSlash the riddle of steel for 5k in game
- sold 20% bow grip of enchanting for 2k in game
- sold shocking dagger tang for 3k in game
A note about the OP:
Yes, I do now have ownership, and therefore edit powers, to the OP of this thread. I did an update in Dec. 2010. The last update was from Spring 2010. I did that one, too, but back then I had mod powers and did not need to own the OP to edit it. The update before that was from sometime in the Fall of 2009.
I do not plan to keep OP of this thread "regularly updated." I own it now simply because no one else had been interested in updating it more frequently than above. My reasons for not keeping the OP here updated regularly are twofold.
1) I don't really want or need another pc guide OP to tend.
2) So far, the vast majority of reports we get on prices on this thread are from me. I will try to keep posting reports of my trades. However, I think it's silly, inappropriate, and almost inherently biased for me to set the OP prices based on range of reports posted if most of the reports are from me.
axe grip of fort +30 - 1k
sundering 20/20 bow string - 1k
dagger handle of fort +30 - 1k
furious 10% hammer haft - 0.5k
hammer grip of fort +30 - 1k
sundering 20/20 scythe snathe - 4k
scythe grip of enchanting 20% - 4k
furious 10% spear head - 8k
spear grip of fort +30 - 12k
zealous sword hilt - 1k
sword pommel of enchanting 20% - 1k
zealous dagger tang - 2k
zealous dagger tang - 0.5k
furious 10% axe haft - 1.5k
axe grip of fort +30 - 1k
sundering 20/20 bow string - 1k
dagger handle of fort +30 - 1k
furious 10% hammer haft - 0.5k
hammer grip of fort +30 - 1k
sundering 20/20 scythe snathe - 4k
scythe grip of enchanting 20% - 4k
furious 10% spear head - 8k
spear grip of fort +30 - 12k
zealous sword hilt - 1k
sword pommel of enchanting 20% - 1k
zealous dagger tang - 2k
zealous dagger tang - 0.5k
furious 10% axe haft - 1.5k
staff wrapping of fortitude +30 - 2k
swift staff head - 2k
staff wrapping of fortitude +30 - 2k
swift staff head - 2k
da mahius
You don't seem to have other inherent mods like:
+15% Dmg (Unconditional)
-10 Armour (While attacking)
+15% Dmg (Unconditional)
-1 Health Regen
^- Someguy was selling a q9 Chaos Axe with this mod as well as a axegrip of warding and a cruel axe haft for approx 50 ectos
+15% Dmg (Unconditional)
-10 Armour (While attacking)
+15% Dmg (Unconditional)
-1 Health Regen
^- Someguy was selling a q9 Chaos Axe with this mod as well as a axegrip of warding and a cruel axe haft for approx 50 ectos
Feb 23: sold i have the power for 2k
I lol'd at above post, unconditional not available as inscription, 15/-1 neither, and 15/-10 is in the post lulz, and this is an inscription+ weapon mod guide, so nothing to do with inherent mods
I lol'd at above post, unconditional not available as inscription, 15/-1 neither, and 15/-10 is in the post lulz, and this is an inscription+ weapon mod guide, so nothing to do with inherent mods
Sold during the last week:
Scythe grip of fortitude - 3k
Scythe grip of fortitude - 2k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting - 5k
Staff wrapping of fortitude - 4k
staff wrapping of fortitude - 2k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting - 4k
Live for Today (+15 energy -1 energy regen) - 3k
Wand wrap of memory - 2k
focus core of aptitude - 2k
Scythe grip of fortitude - 3k
Scythe grip of fortitude - 2k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting - 5k
Staff wrapping of fortitude - 4k
staff wrapping of fortitude - 2k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting - 4k
Live for Today (+15 energy -1 energy regen) - 3k
Wand wrap of memory - 2k
focus core of aptitude - 2k
20/20 Sundering Spear Head 7k
+30 Spear Grip of Fortitude 14k
5/-1 Vampiric Scythe Snathe 3k
+30 Spear Grip of Fortitude 14k
5/-1 Vampiric Scythe Snathe 3k
Sold since last update:
Focus Core of Aptitude - 3k (too low)
Staff wrapping of fortitude - 4k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting - 4k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting - 5k
Shield Handle of Devotion - 5k
Focus Core of Aptitude - 3k (too low)
Staff wrapping of fortitude - 4k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting - 4k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting - 5k
Shield Handle of Devotion - 5k
Todays sells, are as usual fast wtb adds never any haggle
Leaf on the Wind (10VsCold) - 3k
Leaf on the Wind (10VsCold) - 4k
Leaf on the Wind (10VsCold) - 3k
The Riddle of Steel (10VsSlashing) - 5k
Aptitude not Attitude (HCT20%) - 9k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting - 5k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting - 4k
Shield Handle of Devotion - 6k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting - 4k
Like a Rolling Stone (10VsEarth) - 7k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting - 5k
Leaf on the Wind (10VsCold) - 3k
Leaf on the Wind (10VsCold) - 4k
Leaf on the Wind (10VsCold) - 3k
The Riddle of Steel (10VsSlashing) - 5k
Aptitude not Attitude (HCT20%) - 9k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting - 5k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting - 4k
Shield Handle of Devotion - 6k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting - 4k
Like a Rolling Stone (10VsEarth) - 7k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting - 5k
Feb 23 Vamp Scythe Snathe 5k
March 03 Vamp Scythe Snathe 4.5k
Feb 23 Vamp Scythe Snathe 5k
March 03 Vamp Scythe Snathe 4.5k
nothing to fear -3 hexed - 1k
nothing to fear -3 hexed - 1k
[All no hassles, quick sales]
20% Enchant Spear 15k (My asking price)
20% Enchant Staff 4k (My asking price)
20% Enchant Axe 3k (My asking price)
+30 Hale Staff head 3k (1k lower than my asking price)
Ebon Sword Hilt 1k (My asking price)
20% Enchant Spear Grip 8k (sellers price)
20% Enchant Spear Grip 15k (above)
+30 Spear Grip of Fort 10k (my asking price)
[All no hassles, quick sales]
20% Enchant Spear 15k (My asking price)
20% Enchant Staff 4k (My asking price)
20% Enchant Axe 3k (My asking price)
+30 Hale Staff head 3k (1k lower than my asking price)
Ebon Sword Hilt 1k (My asking price)
20% Enchant Spear Grip 8k (sellers price)
20% Enchant Spear Grip 15k (above)
+30 Spear Grip of Fort 10k (my asking price)
20% Enchant Spear - 12k
Sword pommel of fortitude - 4k
Aptitude not Attitude - 8k
Adept staff head - 4k
Shield handle of fortitude - 5k
All were wtb adds
20% Enchant Spear - 12k
Sword pommel of fortitude - 4k
Aptitude not Attitude - 8k
Adept staff head - 4k
Shield handle of fortitude - 5k
All were wtb adds
Sold 3 Scythe Fortitude (30hp) for 7k e/a
Sold 3 Scythe Fortitude (30hp) for 7k e/a
was offered 5k for hail to the king but i was generous and asked for only 3k.
Raven Wing
Sold wand wrapping of memory and attitude not aptitude for 8k (2k and 6k)
Sold Furious spearhead (10%)-10k (wtb add)
SPE 241
Took Ad and Sold Brawn over Brains Max for 5k
I have no idea how much any of the mods are worth. I just got laughed at for asking more then 500g for Brawn over brains inscript.
Anyhow I sold a Apititude not attitude inscript for 3k, again not to sure what the going rate is.
Sold Brawn over brains for 1k
Sold 3 Strength and Honor for 2k each
Anyhow I sold a Apititude not attitude inscript for 3k, again not to sure what the going rate is.
Sold Brawn over brains for 1k
Sold 3 Strength and Honor for 2k each
SPE 241
Sold Let the Memory Live Again 5k first sale
Been buying uP lots of unids lately so lots of mods sold. Generally speaking unless I'm responding to a specific wtb for something I have I can sell the following things at the following prices all day with neery a counter-offer:
+10 armor vs (cold, fire, earth, slashing, piercing, blunt, lightning) 3k ea
+30 sword pommel 3k
+30 shield handle 4k
20% staff wrapping 3k
20% forget me nots 30k
19% forget me nots 8k
+30 dagger handle 2k
+30 scythe snathe 8k
Other stuff I don't bother with because I seriously have to spam forever (20% ench axe dagger, +30 axe, etc).
+10 armor vs (cold, fire, earth, slashing, piercing, blunt, lightning) 3k ea
+30 sword pommel 3k
+30 shield handle 4k
20% staff wrapping 3k
20% forget me nots 30k
19% forget me nots 8k
+30 dagger handle 2k
+30 scythe snathe 8k
Other stuff I don't bother with because I seriously have to spam forever (20% ench axe dagger, +30 axe, etc).
Raven Wing
Sold luck of the draw 4k
Aptitude not Attitude, sold for 8k
Forget me Not, sold for 30k
Bought Adept head, 2k
Bought staff wrapping of Water Magic, 2.5k
Bought staff wrapping of Mastery, 2.5k
Forget me Not, sold for 30k
Bought Adept head, 2k
Bought staff wrapping of Water Magic, 2.5k
Bought staff wrapping of Mastery, 2.5k
SPE 241
Sword Pommel 4k no problem 1st buyer
Aviator The Hunter
1.5k-2k Sund. Bowstring
6k Ench. Staff Wrap
2k-3k hale staff head
1k defense sword pommel
6k Adept Staff Head (Last Kamadan Dist.1 Sellers..)
6k Ench. Staff Wrap
2k-3k hale staff head
1k defense sword pommel
6k Adept Staff Head (Last Kamadan Dist.1 Sellers..)
SPE 241
Answered ad for WTB Vampiric Scythe Snathe, offered 8k by buyer, took it!! 8k!!