Consumables Price Guide


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Originally Posted by wilderness View Post
I'll wait for others to chime in, but I can see the sense in that. An unident is [pretty much a consumable in the context of the Wisdom title track.
The only way I see it being inappropriate to list here is if you don't leave some kind of warning like "Some players sell gold drops before identifying them to people seeking Wisdom title points. If the unid item in question is likely to be valuable after identification, this may not be an accurate practice or price."

So many players with very little experience trading refer to these Guru guide thread OPs. I'd hate to see no warning left for them at all that most people sell only what's likely to be "merchfood" without id'ing it first.

I've seen cases where people sell certain types of unid golds for different rates, but I haven't seen enough examples to have any kind of feel for those prices in general.

Oh, and thanks for the sticky Peachie! Here's hoping it works as intended!

Surge goes pre

Surge goes pre

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2008

I would never play off Occupy Wall St. for my guild name

We Are the 1 Percent


Bought a stack of mercantile summoning stones 25k (100g/each) and sold for 62.5k (250g/each). Also bought a few pumpkin cookie stacks at 15k/each (60g/each)


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

I've just noticed this ...
Originally Posted by Stéphane Lo Presti, Nov 9, 2011 View Post
Hi everyone,

Given the feedback we've received from players about Halloween Festival Hats (notably from those unable to get them due to general power failures), we've decided to offer another opportunity to get the hats. We're aiming to spawn a Halloween Festival Hat Giver in game next week, probably in Lion's Arch and Kamadan, for a week and asking for Halloween items. These details are not final yet but we wanted to give you a heads up and will keep you informed about the details as we get them.
... which might result in some ToT market variations we would not otherwise expect (including advance speculation beforehand!!) starting ... whenever those "in the know" first heard about this, I'm still new to this issue ... and ending, I suppose, when the new NPC in question is taken away.

Reading that I thought ...
- "Wow, there must be a sudden surge in spam to buy ToTs all of a sudden and a lot of other people wondering what the heck is going on?"
- "This could make some weird entries in our efforts to get this cons PC guide OP updated. I should mention it if no one else has."
- "Oh, hmm, if I spell it out on THIS thread here and now it might lead to even more speculation and market oddness. I'm not sure if that's right, as I consider my own perspectives on right and wrong."
- "Well, it will affect the market in some way with or without me explaining it here. And, in general terms, my ideas about right vs. wrong tend to favor the value of making information available to those who care to find it."

So that's why I decided to post this here.

If you think I am encouraging "powertrading," I can see the argument. My only response is that I did consider that aspect and chose it as the lesser of two evils. (I do not consider such speculation in the ToT or any other market as wrongdoing at all, far from it. I know some players have different opinions on the matter.)

If you think posting it here will only make the sudden market conditions crazier and/or less fair, I would respond that more players knowing about this sooner would tend to LOWER the average player's possible return on speculation-trading, not RAISE it.

If you think I'm a party-pooping, loudmouth, no-fun, spoilsport, then I would respond ... on average ... Ooops! But do take heart ... over the years I've had many folks assure me that no one reads the stickies anyway. So I can post it here, and it'll be a nice, safe secret forever.

I do not endorse nor recommend anyone who reads this do anything in particular with their pixels. I am posting information I think may be very relevant and helpful to the cause of making this guide OP useful to us all in the long term.

EDIT - Nov. 10 ~8pm GMT
This was posted a few minutes ago.
Originally Posted by Stéphane Lo Presti View Post
The Live Team is still working on this change, but we now know that the Festival Hat Givers will sell you the hats for Candy Corns and Pumpkin Cookies.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2008


Gentlemens Club [GC]


Since Stéphane didn't specify *which* items the collector would be accepting, I'm not sure that any speculating would be worth it. It might be ToT's, it might be Transmogrifier tonics, it might be Phantasmal Tonics (a quest reward, rather than from ToT's).

Regardless, I think that there's so much Halloween stuff out there that we likely won't see much of a spike in prices. Not to mention the fact that most of the people who really wanted the hats probably got them during the finale.

You stress too much, Luny.

Originally Posted by Intrinsic View Post
Last Sat/Sun i sold:

27 Royal Gifts for 4.5 or 5k ea(4-5k seems the norm like Nicks)
4 Paper Wrapped Parcels for 5k ea.
Also, anyone have any idea why someone would pay 5k for one of these parcels? Gambling for Diessa Chalices and Golden Rin Relics (which would be the most valuable items they produce) wouldn't seem to be worth it, since you have a much higher chance of getting a perfect salvage kit or a handful of summoning stones. Unlike royal gifts or gifts of the traveler, the parcels don't contain a high-reward item like a mini to offset the risk involved when speculating.

I don't get it.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Originally Posted by jimbo32 View Post
Since Stéphane didn't specify *which* items the collector would be accepting, I'm not sure that any speculating would be worth it. It might be ToT's, it might be Transmogrifier tonics, it might be Phantasmal Tonics (a quest reward, rather than from ToT's).

Regardless, I think that there's so much Halloween stuff out there that we likely won't see much of a spike in prices. Not to mention the fact that most of the people who really wanted the hats probably got them during the finale.
Well, I read that and figured there would be a shift due to speculation and then, depending on what ANet actually does, another shift.
You stress to much, Luny.
The above isn't stress! It's just my normal, everyday psychological disorders showing like always.

But now that you and I have different predictions, I'm more interested in what happens. Care to make a friendly wager?


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Originally Posted by jimbo32 View Post
Also, anyone have any idea why someone would pay 5k for one of these parcels? Gambling for Diessa Chalices and Golden Rin Relics (which would be the most valuable items they produce) wouldn't seem to be worth it, since you have a much higher chance of getting a perfect salvage kit or a handful of summoning stones. Unlike royal gifts or gifts of the traveler, the parcels don't contain a high-reward item like a mini to offset the risk involved when speculating.

I don't get it.
Interesting analysis for sure and definitely worth noting here. I've not traded in the gifts myself, so I can suggest that perhaps it's a situation with people not having done the math and just using 5k as standard for gifts like those? Or a case of someone trying to collect up a whole stack and dealing with far more limited supply available for sale than GotT?

In other news, I was watching this thread and thought it worth noting here when seeing it is closed now.
That looks like the OP was selling 622 rabbit/2010 lunar fortunes to the high bidder. They appear to have wound up selling for the high bid of 90e the other day. Ecto, when I checked the trader just now is at 7k/9k, so figure 1e~8k for this. So that means it's, if I did the math right,

1.16k per rabbit/2010 lunar fortune and ~290k per stack (~36e at 8k/e, ~41e at 7k/e)

While FAR from experienced in the lunar fortune market I am told that the fortunes from older years sell for more. I assume that's due to the older cele pets (acquired as a by-product of using these things for cons) being worth more than the newer ones, as after reading up on Wiki I'm no longer under the impression that the +1att effect stacks with +1att effects from other years' fortunes.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2010

Spaghetti Land

???We Are The 1 Percent ??? [?????????] ??? ??? ???


Birthday Cupcakes and Easter Eggs - 20e a stack

SOLD : 24e a stack pretty easily


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Halcones Negros [HN]


Sold 10*Elixir of Valor @ 4k ==> 400g each



Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2008


Gentlemens Club [GC]


A friend of mine sold a stack of Celestial stones for 1k/ea yesterday. I assume the higher price has to do with the summons having a full skill bar with an elite (unlike most other stones).

In case anyone is curious, the other stones which have a summon with a full bar and elite skill are Ghastly, Zaishen (Champion of Balthazar, Guild Lord, and Avatar of Balthazar summons only), and Mysterious (Saltspray Dragon, Smoke Phantom, and White Rabbit summons only).

So even if it weren't for the silly "show stones" thing for UWSC's, Ghastly stones would still probably be worth more than average. Aside from having a full bar and an elite, they have a pretty decent ESurge mesmer build.

Just found this on the wiki, which indicates that Celestial Stone summons don't do very much damage. Of course, that doesn't take into account such things as interrupts, de-buffs, heals, etc. Still interesting though.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

WTB Q9+5e Bows/Q8 14^50 Weapons


REZ Scrolls go between 1.75 - 2.5k. Mostly at 2k.

I farm plants and have sold through several stacks of rezs over the last few months at 2-2.5k. Again mostly at 2k ea.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Another question for the panel ...

Of the following, which PC guide thread (this one or the "Greens/other") would you say the following are best suited to?
  • Stuff that stacks and gives special armor parts in EotN (all of it is currently listed on the green thread:)
  • Kath Hammers - so often bought and sold as, effectively, Survivor title points. also currently on the green thread.
  • War Supplies - (I have them, along with Oppressor's Weapons on the green thread already. I'd guess they're more suitable on the green thread for the relationship, but they're also used for Royal Gifts, right? So maybe it makes sense to list them here instead?)
  • DoA gemstones, Coffers of Whispers, and Armbraces - (I have them along with Tormented weapons on the green thread already. I would guess either moving gemstones, coffers, and Armbraces here together or leaving them all on the green list is most appropriate. I would not object to keeping Tormented Weapons on the green thread and moving the gems, coffers and arms over here.)
  • Encrypted Charr Battle Plans - (on the green thread now, but may make more sense here?)
  • Deeprunner's Map Sets - (on the green thread now, but may make more sense here?)
  • The now-tradable Zaishen Coins - (not on the green list yet either, although some rewards like Equipment Packs are there.)

I'm not terribly particular about which gets listed where, but it would be nice to avoid listing them in two places! I'm hoping to get the green OP updated pretty soon, too, so maybe we can do this all in ~cooperation?

ele kid

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2008




War supplies should be here since theyre popular pcons in doa, uw and fow.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Black Widow / House Palomides


Drake Kabob Stacks sell for 30-35 e

Kath hammers would make sense to me seeing as they go towards survivor, glacial etc don't imo. DoA stuff; CoW while can be openned it's more a means to an end towards an armbrace? unlike Royal Gifts which are the end product, so i'm not sure if it has a place here.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2008


Gentlemens Club [GC]


Originally Posted by LicensedLuny View Post
Another question for the panel ...

Of the following, which PC guide thread (this one or the "Greens/other") would you say the following are best suited to?
  • Stuff that stacks and gives special armor parts in EotN (all of it is currently listed on the green thread:)
  • Kath Hammers - so often bought and sold as, effectively, Survivor title points. also currently on the green thread.
  • War Supplies - (I have them, along with Oppressor's Weapons on the green thread already. I'd guess they're more suitable on the green thread for the relationship, but they're also used for Royal Gifts, right? So maybe it makes sense to list them here instead?)
  • DoA gemstones, Coffers of Whispers, and Armbraces - (I have them along with Tormented weapons on the green thread already. I would guess either moving gemstones, coffers, and Armbraces here together or leaving them all on the green list is most appropriate. I would not object to keeping Tormented Weapons on the green thread and moving the gems, coffers and arms over here.)
  • Encrypted Charr Battle Plans - (on the green thread now, but may make more sense here?)
  • Deeprunner's Map Sets - (on the green thread now, but may make more sense here?)
  • The now-tradable Zaishen Coins - (not on the green list yet either, although some rewards like Equipment Packs are there.)

I'm not terribly particular about which gets listed where, but it would be nice to avoid listing them in two places! I'm hoping to get the green OP updated pretty soon, too, so maybe we can do this all in ~cooperation?

As I see it, the only things that should be listed on the Consumables Guide are actual consumables (ie, something you consume to provide an effect or gift-type items which are consumed when clicked). Collector items, unid'ed golds, trade-able quest items, etc don't meet the criteria.

If the thread instead becomes "A-bunch-of-random-crap-that-players-sometimes-find-valuable-for-various-reasons-and-trade-for-gold" then I think it becomes less useful. And more cluttered.

I added Coffers of Whispers because they're a consumable, differing from Traveler gifts (for instance) only in the items they produce. The fact that they're connected with torment gems and armbraces is just a coincidence, kinda like Traveler gifts are (this week) connected with copper shillings.

I'll add War Supplies though - they double as a consumable and a collector item, so I think they're fine.

I'd apparently already added War Supplies under "Other Consumables"


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Ok, well I'll check OP here when I get to work on green OP. Anything you've got on OP here, I will redirect readers to check this thread instead.




Nov. 18
- I bought 28 unid golds from a player with a WTS ad up about them offering them for 600g ea. I noticed other players with WTB ads up about them offering to buy 7 for 5k (~714g ea.)

Nov. 19
- I bought ~21 unid golds from a player with a WTS ad up offering 7 unid for 5k (~714g ea.)

Nov. 20-25
- I've bought several batches of 7/5k unids from several different players advertising that price over the past few days. There do seem to be some trading for more or less, but the average appears well centered at 7/5k as far as i can tell.

Master Archer Nente

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2009


The Guild With No [NAM???]


I see Rock candies sell for the following in ToA a lot:
Green Rocks: 600g ea
Blue Rocks: 1.5k ea
Red Rocks: 2.5k ea

Just my input... do with it what you will.

SPE 241

SPE 241

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Red Rocks 2.5k easy Sold FAST

ele kid

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2008




Bought stack cupcakes 24e
Bought 10 RedRock Candies 2,1k each


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2009


I have sold Gladiator's Zaishen Strongbox (Random Arenas) for an ecto several times in gtob recently.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Dec. 19 - I met a player in Kama spamming to sell unids for 500g ea. and claiming they had a lot. Over the next two days, I wound up buying a total of over 50 unid'ed golds from him for his 500g ea. price.

Over the past couple weeks, I've bought unids from various sellers for their 7/5k (~714g ea.) asking prices in lots of anywhere from seven to 40ish at once.

I see some people with ads to both buy and sell at higher prices 7/5k sometimes, but the 7/5k seems to be the average.

Illyana's Magick

Illyana's Magick

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2009

Storm Dragon Masters [SDS]


Just sold 100 red rock candy for 2.5k ea. Sold almost as soon as I put up the advertisement.

Sold a stack and a half of clovers for 250g per clover.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

I sold three honeycombs for 1k total to someone wanting to buy three of them or six votive candles. I don't normally buy or sell sweets or use honeycombs for sweet points at all, so I have no idea if that's fair market value or not.

I bought 1 stack of "Wintersday Gifts" for 30k, which seems about the average buy and sell ad prices I've seen in spam throughout the event.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2009

Wroc??aw, Poland

Midnight Mayhem


Just bought a stack of clovers for 10k, making it 40g each. The seller had also stacks of candy corns and apples, and knew their common prices very well, but that 10k was his first and only price on the clovers. Lucky me, i guess.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Just now in game, there was a buyer in Kama with an ad up to buy sweet points for 150g ea. I offered him my three stacks of Fruitcake, and he accepted. So sold 750 Fruitcake (1point sweets, spammable) for 150g each.

As CNY is coming up, some important additions to the OP's exception lists:

Red Bean Cakes (1point spam sweets) can be sold to merchants for 200g each.

Bottles of Rice Wine (1point booze) can also be sold to merchants for 200g each.

People get a lot of each during CNY, and 200g each is a lot more than "going rates" for title consumables. I think a lot of players don't realize these particular consumables net the most money sold to merchants instead since the vast majority of cons can't be merched.

While you're at it, perhaps add ...

Dwarven Ales & Bottles of Vabbian Wine (1pt booze) can be merched for 100g, which is sometimes as much or more than player to player trade ... and usually much faster.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2007

New Zealand

Impus Jaenellus (Imp)


Bought 6 stacks of ToT bags - 60k
Sold 6 stacks of ToT bags - 16e

The Super Chilli

The Super Chilli

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2008




Consets are 9-10k, very rarely do you see someone selling for 8k now
Res scrolls are sold for exactly 2k/each from almost every player, since you can craft from a merchant for 2.25k/each
A stack of war supplies goes for around 70-80k
Ghastly stones sell at 2 for 1e, so around 3.5-4k/each depending on your conversion

Just my observations

Vampire of Bone

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2011

Desolation Lords [DL]


Cupcakes are never sold at 18e, 23e is the lowest you can get them for.
Golden eggs are also 28e+
Rock Candies now will almost always hit the high end.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Feb. 3

- responding to a buy ad in game, i sold 375 snowmen summoners (1pt spam party points) for 37.5k, 100g per point, the buyer's advertised offer price.

(From what I've seen, given the oversupply from Wintersday, it's been hard to find anyone buying for 100g per spam party point. I figure with Canthan New Year going on and producing lots of fireworks, the trend is only going to continue. I wasn't willing to use up the storage space waiting for the prices to come back up.)

- responding to a sell ad in game, i bought 56 unid golds from a single seller for their asking price of 5k/7unid, so it's about that standard 714g per unid rate.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006


X-Universe [XU]

44 Red Rock Candy, 2.72k each
48 Green Rock Candy, 600g each
11 Blue Rock Candy, 2k each
2 Conset, 9k each
2 Powerstones of courage, 4k each
2 Scrolls of Resurrection, 2k each
62 Cupcakes, 645g each
250 Wintergreen CC, 100g each
39 Silver Zaishen Coins 1.8k each
144 Mysterious Summoning Stone, 313g each
104 Candy Corn, 192g each

All sold relatively easy.

4600 alcohol for 90g, easy, multiple offers, probably could have gotten for less.

Anxious Healer

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

Leave Me Alone Noobs (SCAT)


Sold 125 red rock candy for 2.7k each to a WTB'er. That was their offering price and I didn't haggle at all. Wasn't long ago I was selling them for 2k.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Feb. 22: I just bought 297 Ghosts in the Boxes for 30k, so ~100g per spam party point.

(I plan to use them for something less rational than title points, but I suspect the listed buyout price was based on ~100g per party title point, spammable.)

Feb. 24: I sold 150 crates of fireworks for 36k (80g per not spammable party point if my arithmetic was correct) without having them sit around listed for sale too long.

Feb 25:

- I bought two star of transference (I know - it's "stars of transference" but I'm trying to accommodate text string search.) for my offer price of 150g each from a seller in game, figuring they might come in handy on my new alt account to unlock skills. In my experience, these things are usually impossible to sell. I had some from quest rewards a couple years ago and finally gave up trying to sell them and just used them myself after not finding anyone who wanted to buy them for any price at all. It seems skill points are oversupplied, go figure.

- in game, I bought 50 celestial summoning stones for 400g ea., seller's advertised price

Feb. 26

- in game, I bought 20 celestial summoning stones for 500g ea, seller's asking price



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2011


Just sold 23 Birthday Cupckes for 17k so 739g each. The guy was WTBing at 10 for 1e...


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Mar 5: in game, I sold 1139 one-point spam party points for 110g each. (~1.5 stacks each of sparklers, champagne poppers and bottle rockets.)



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2008

Ign: Miniature Julia

Teh Academy[PhD]


Today, mar.5 bought 1000 Myst stones for 450g/ea
Today, mar.5 bought 250 Gaki stones for 500g/ea
Today, mar.5 bought 250 Oni stones for 300g/ea

Meow Ren

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2011

Black Hand Gang


Sold via guru in the past couple weeks:

25 Con Sets @ 9k ea
2 Amulets of the Mists @ 5k ea
3 Droknar's Keys @ 10k ea
500 Silver Zaishen coins @ 56e/stack (roughly 1.8k/ea, my b/o price)
War Supplies (2 stacks @ 10e/ea., buyer's asking price)

Also, bought in-game:

3 stacks of Four-leaf Clovers @ 5e each (or 160g/each)

EDIT 3/24/12: Sold 3 stacks Wintergreen and 115 Peppermint Candycanes off sale thread for 50g/point.
Took about a week and a half to sell *after* lowering price from 100g/point.

Note: currently valuing ecto @ 8k each, which seems to be the current standard, give or take.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2011



Bought 4 Shining Blade War Horn, 1e/each. Mar23.12



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2007

Retired from guildwars for good:D



Over the course of about 2 months sold 92 stacks of Pumpkin Pie from 13-14e per stack
sold 8 stack of eggs between 26-27e (recently)
also starting since the dragons festival till about 2 weeks ago sold 23 stack of fortunes {year of the dragon} for 28-32e each
sold a few cupcake stacks now and again from 24-26e (a week ago)

But easy sell prices are more like:
Pumpkin Pie 11-13e
Lunar Fortunes {dragon} 23-26e
Cupcakes and eggs are almost here again so why bother

Meow Ren

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2011

Black Hand Gang


over the weekend, in-game sold two stacks of Silver Zaishen coins for between 1.7k and 1.8k per coin.

Average WTB price usually still seems to be 1.5k per Silver coin and WTS usually 1.6k-2k per Silver coin.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2008



  • 100 Eggnoggs
  • 40 Spiked Eggnoggs
  • 38 Vials of Absinthe
  • 34 Witch's Brew
  • 30 Flasks of Firewater
  • 27 Hard Apple Ciders
  • 14 Hunter's Ales
  • 10 Aged Hunter's Ales
  • 7 Bottles of Rice Wine
  • 3 Dwarven Ales
  • 2 Aged Dwarven Ales
Sold for 48k.
102g per point?



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2012

Reddit Alliance


The price of a full conset has inflated to 10k, but occasionally people will sell them for 9.5K but I only see that when people are trying to undercut each other, also people will trade them for an ecto and 2K

An Armor of Salvation usually sells for 3.5K but it can vary + or - .5 K but they usually stay around 3.5K.

A Grail of Might sells for 4K, with occasionally people selling it for 3.5K

Essence of Clarity sells for 3K, but since people farm dust and feathers so much the price seems to be dropping. This has increased the supply of BUs to the point I see them sold more than any other part of the conset. So now I see them sell for 2K when competition is high.