I've just noticed this ...
Originally Posted by Stéphane Lo Presti, Nov 9, 2011
Hi everyone,
Given the feedback we've received from players about Halloween Festival Hats (notably from those unable to get them due to general power failures), we've decided to offer another opportunity to get the hats. We're aiming to spawn a Halloween Festival Hat Giver in game next week, probably in Lion's Arch and Kamadan, for a week and asking for Halloween items. These details are not final yet but we wanted to give you a heads up and will keep you informed about the details as we get them.
... which might result in some ToT market variations we would not otherwise expect (including advance speculation beforehand!!) starting ...
whenever those "in the know" first heard about this, I'm still new to this issue ... and ending, I suppose, when the new NPC in question is taken away.
Reading that I thought ...
- "Wow, there must be a sudden surge in spam to buy ToTs all of a sudden and a lot of other people wondering what the heck is going on?"
- "This could make some weird entries in our efforts to get this cons PC guide OP updated. I should mention it if no one else has."
- "Oh, hmm, if I spell it out on THIS thread here and now it might lead to even more speculation and market oddness. I'm not sure if that's right, as I consider my own perspectives on right and wrong."
- "Well, it will affect the market in some way with or without me explaining it here. And, in general terms, my ideas about right vs. wrong tend to favor the value of making information available to those who care to find it."
So that's why I decided to post this here.
If you think I am encouraging "powertrading," I can see the argument. My only response is that I
did consider that aspect and chose it as the lesser of two evils.
(I do not consider such speculation in the ToT or any other market as wrongdoing at all, far from it. I know some players have different opinions on the matter.)
If you think posting it here will only make the sudden market conditions crazier and/or less fair, I would respond that more players knowing about this sooner would tend to LOWER the average player's possible return on speculation-trading, not RAISE it.
If you think I'm a party-pooping, loudmouth, no-fun, spoilsport, then I would respond ... on average ... Ooops! But do take heart ... over the years I've had many folks assure me that no one reads the stickies anyway. So I can post it here, and it'll be a nice, safe secret forever.
I do not endorse nor recommend anyone who reads this do anything in particular with their pixels. I am posting information I think may be very relevant and helpful to the cause of making this guide OP useful to us all in the long term.
EDIT - Nov. 10 ~8pm GMT
This was posted a few minutes ago.
Originally Posted by Stéphane Lo Presti
The Live Team is still working on this change, but we now know that the Festival Hat Givers will sell you the hats for Candy Corns and Pumpkin Cookies.