Consumables Price Guide

Meow Ren

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2011

Black Hand Gang


over the last week:

50 Con Sets @ 10k/set (in-game)
105 loose War Supplies 400g/ea (in-game, answering WTB)

Note: I suspect the GW2 pre-purchase and excitement over the upcoming Beta Weekend Event has spurred even more ppl to work on their HoM, hence the increased price of War Supplies. I recall 250-300g/ea being the "norm" previously.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2007

Retired from guildwars for good:D



sold around 200 stacks of choc bunnies for 9e each

started selling this sat april 21st sold 34 stacks...then sunday it took off and i lost count when i sold over 100 stacks and the rest of the stacks were sold monday and tuesday before the birthday celebration hit

Before the birthday celebration and because of Sundays high volume in sales i did question whether or not my price was too low and stopped selling midway on sunday as a result

So my conclusion before the birthday celebration 9e or 150g per sugar point was what alot of people went for

Meow Ren

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2011

Black Hand Gang


Today, traded 600 Silver Zaishen coin for 200 z-keys, in answer to a WTB thread here on guru.

Z-keys usually about 5.5k on average, so works out to roughly 1.8k per coin, my usual asking price for them when selling.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2011


Original Post hasn't been edited over the last 6 months, why is this thread still in the sticky ones?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007


Anybody ever determine what Armor of salvation was worth alone?

SPE 241

SPE 241

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Sold 5 powerstones 4k per


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2009

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Band of Merry Misfits [Band]


Here is what I've seen or traded at for current prices while acting as a high volume distributor of consumables (ecto prices assume mid-point trade value off 11K/e):

Drunk Points

Alcohol: 80g-100g/point, on the higher end for 3 point booze used in drunk PvE skills. Apple cider was being dumped onto the market at the end of the Special Treats event for 1e/stack. During the the back-to-back events, farmers were dumping drunk around 60g-80g/point.

Sweet Points

90-100g per spammable point

Exceptions (Note: Most exceptions to the above pricing are items used as "personal cons" for speedclears and such)

Birthday Cupcakes - 21-24e/stack, about 7 months after the event.
Candy Apples - 4e-5e/stack during and immediately following the event
Candy Corn - 4e-5e/stack during and immediately following the event
Golden Egg - 24e-30e/stack. There are some farmers urgently trying to get stacks of these.
Honeycomb/Rainbow cc - 100k - 10e/stack

Slice of Pumpkin Pie - 7-9e/stack during and immediately following the event, 21e just prior to the event

Death penalty removers (such as Pumpkin Cookies, Wintergreen Candy Canes, Peppermint Candy Canes) - not "spammable". These are no longer being sold as-is, but instead turned into Delicious Cake. When sold in small quantities, <100g/point


Party Points

90-100g per point


Most Tonics - Since they can't be "spammed", they sell for far less - 40-80g/point
Disco Balls and Crates of Fireworks - also non-spammable, hard to say, rarely come up in trade.


Lucky/Unlucky Points

Four-leaf Clover - 200-400g, used as a party DP remover.
Lockpick - 1.10k - 1.25k 28e-30e/stack, from a high of 42e/stack.

Please read up on the conditions that must be met for a player to receive Lucky/Unlucky points from these items.


Eye of the North Consumables
Consumable Set (Essence of Celerity, Armor of Salvation, Grail of Might) - 9K - 10.5K, 1e per set in high volume trades.
Armor of Salvation - 3-4K
Essence of Celerity - 3-4k, 3/1e, 80-83e/stack
Grail of Might - 3-4K
Perfect Salvage Kit - 1.5-2k
Powerstone of Courage - 6K - 8K
Scroll of Resurrection - 1750g-2500g/ea (11/13) 45-50e/stack
Star of Transference - uneconomical to craft, so almost never come up in trade.


Gifts, packages, etc

Gift of the Traveler - 4-5k. 5K is almost a fixed price.
Lunar Fortunes (Canthan New Year) - still 40e/stack, only sold in stacks off season.
Royal Gift (War in Kryta) - 5-7k/ea. These are showing up more with the price of War Supply stacks dropping.
Trick-or-Treat Bag (Halloween) - almost universally 20K - 2.5e/stack, on the lower side towards the end of the event.
Wintersday Gift (Wintersday) - 2e - 4e/stack. Usually around 3e/stack.
Gift of the Huntsman - 25 - 32 per Black Dye, 300g-400g/ea. These are sometimes used as a form of currency in Pre-Searing.
Coffer of Whispers - (Gemsets, 1e-2e each)
Paper Wrapped Parcels (Hearts of the North) - These are normally opened, not sold

Zaishen Strongboxes:
Gladiator's Zaishen Strongbox (Random Arenas) - 4-5K. The most common, and the most researched, therefore the lowest price.
Strategist's Zaishen Strongbox (Codex Arena) - still something of a novelty, 5.5K - 7K each.
Hero's Zaishen Strongbox (Heroes' Ascent) - tbd
Champion's Zaishen Strongbox (Guild versus guild) - tbd


Summoning Stones


Mercantile Summoning Stones (Gift of the Traveler) - 200g-500g/ea, about 50K/stack

Shining Blade War Horn - because of Tengu Flares rising to 8e-10e, War Horns are now trading at 1e - 3e each.


Other Consumables

War Supplies (War in Kryta) - 4e to 5e/stack, down from 10e/stack.
Shining Blade Rations (Royal Gifts, War in Kryta) - these generally don't trade.


Flame of Balthazar - 2-3k
Golden Flame of Balthazar - 6-7k
Zaishen Key - 7.5k - 8.0k, ratios of 3:2 for ectos on the low end, 5:4 midpoint, 1:1 on the high end.

matt the demon

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2010

Escape The [FATE]


Red rock candies 3K ea, blue rock candies 2k ea


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2009

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Band of Merry Misfits [Band]


Rock Candies: Standard Pricing Grid is 3K Red, 2K Blue, 1K Green.

Low Ball WTB is 500g less each.
Aggressive WTB is 5K Red, 3K Blue, 1K Green.

Evaziel Dark

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2014



Today i sold 5 blue for 5k each, and the guy offered 7-10k for red ones



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2009


Hey there,
I thought it could be a good idea to update a little those prices.
I'm no expert, but I can help with some prices :

Birthday Cupcakes : 6-7e/stack
Golden Eggs : 16-18e/stack
Candy Apple & Candy Corn : ~10e/stack
Lunar Fortunes : ~20e/stack
Slice of Pumpkin Pie : 28-30e/stack
Honeycomb : 3e/stack
Four-leaf Cleavers : 4-5e/stack
Lockpicks : 1,25k/ea (around 35e/stack)
Resurection Scrolls : 55-60e/stack
BU : 90e/stack
ToT : 4-5e/stack
War Supply : 3-5e/stack
Zaishen key : 6-7k/ea
Flame of Balthazar : 3-4k/ea
Shining Blade Horn : 4-5e/ea
Mercantile Stones : ~400g/ea
Celestial Stones : 2k/ea
Most other stones : ~500g/ea

Then spammable party, alcohol, sweet points seem to be ~80-100g/ea!

I'm not pretending all these prices are "the true prices" : they can vary, but it's what I've been observing in the last few months.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2015

Wir sind nicht


Birthday Cupcakes : 7e/stack
Golden Eggs : 10-13e/stack
Candy Apple & Candy Corn : 6-7e/stack
Lunar Fortunes : 20e/stack
Slice of Pumpkin Pie : 12-14e/stack
Honeycomb : 3e/stack
Four-leaf Cleavers : 3-4/stack
Lockpicks : 1,25k/ea (around 35e/stack)
Resurection Scrolls : 100-125e/stack
BU : 125-150e/stack
ToT : 3e/stack
War Supply : 3-4e/stack
Zaishen key : 150e/stack
Flame of Balthazar : 3-4k/ea
Shining Blade Horn : 3-4e/ea
Power Stones: 2-3e/ea
Mercantile Stones : ~400g/ea
Celestial Stones : 2k/ea
Most other stones : ~500g/ea

Consum Title 2e/ea 250points (80g /ea)


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

I had no trouble selling four stacks of Lunar Fortunes from Year of the Dragon for 25e per stack a week or so ago. Ecto had been around 8-9k each during this time. There were quite a few offers of 20e per stack, but I saw lots of buy ads.

Since people use these as pcons and all celestial pets are available each Canthan New Year now, I don't think mine being a few years out of date really affected the price.