Mad King's Guard Minipet
It's been years since the last minipet release. How do people here think anet will release it to the public?
Edit: Yes, obviously they are giving it away at the art contest. I'm asking if people here think anet will release more in other ways.
My thoughts:
-Art contest only making anyone who wins it instantly ridiculously rich
-In game reward like a celestial animal
-In game reward like a polar bear
Edit: Yes, obviously they are giving it away at the art contest. I'm asking if people here think anet will release more in other ways.
My thoughts:
-Art contest only making anyone who wins it instantly ridiculously rich
-In game reward like a celestial animal
-In game reward like a polar bear
Karate Jesus
It's been years since the last minipet release. How do people here think anet will release it to the public?
My thoughts: -Art contest only making anyone who wins it instantly ridiculously rich -In game reward like a celestial animal -In game reward like a polar bear |
So....option 1
If it goes #1 think about #3 and add a decimal place and you'll be on the right track. 20 of these would make it the rarest player obtainable miniature in the game which is why I think it will be available some other way, possibly #2.
Bug John
yay, another minipet :
- useless for 99.99999% of the community
- not customized to the person that really deserved it (or automatically dedicated or impossible to trade or anything)
thanks for spending your precious time on such things anet, don't tell me anymore that you don't have enough time for skill balances
- useless for 99.99999% of the community
- not customized to the person that really deserved it (or automatically dedicated or impossible to trade or anything)
thanks for spending your precious time on such things anet, don't tell me anymore that you don't have enough time for skill balances
People are silly, paying $lolarmbraces for a minipet x_x
I'm hoping we see something like option 3, but we'll see \o_O/
I'm hoping we see something like option 3, but we'll see \o_O/
Island Guardian
yay, another minipet :
- useless for 99.99999% of the community - not customized to the person that really deserved it (or automatically dedicated or impossible to trade or anything) thanks for spending your precious time on such things anet, don't tell me anymore that you don't have enough time for skill balances |
Majority of highend plp do trades involving these types of mini. Next titles are useless for large majority as well, there for epeen nothing more, sounds like you are just jealous
People are silly, paying $lolarmbraces for a minipet x_x
I'm hoping we see something like option 3, but we'll see \o_O/ |

Eragon Zarroc
more than likely just option 1 that way it is actually a valuable prize to be competed for.
Ooooo. Well Delo doesn't care for this mini... He's lucky and dumb so he'll probably get one for 500e.
Who knows, it may appear in some way during the Halloween event. A-Net did say they were working on new stuff for Halloween, so it's a possibility.
Karate Jesus
Life Bringing
20 unded would make them the second rarest mini in the game. Still gets beat out by kanaxai in terms of unded left in the game. Should still be worth many thousand braces
Island Guardian
Johny bravo
I see nothing wrong with only 20 of them being in the game. They are prizes for a competition, giving them out for other stuff detracts from the original competition. On that same note though I wouldn't have a problem with them giving them out every year like the roller beetles.
Shayne Hawke
I doubt they would release it in any other way besides through contests, which really sucks for all of us non-artists, but whatever. There need to be some rewards in the game that can prove that you have some specific skill at something (or at least a large enough heap of money to pay for that image).
Thanks for making a useless post and focusing on exactly what I wrote, versus what was obviously implied. I'll help you out and post "mini pet that was from a contest." No one cares about 4th year bday present minis or gift of the traveler minis.
Bug John
Majority of highend plp do trades involving these types of mini. Next titles are useless for large majority as well, there for epeen nothing more, sounds like you are just jealous
why do you feel the need to talk about my "jealousy" ? do you feel too "highend" for people to criticize your e-gold makers ? (see I can do random trolls too)
you didn't understand anything, so I'll try to rephrase so even id... people like you can understand : "Why is Anet wasting time on a dumb mini (that will end up being powertraded to death) instead of spending their time on important skill balances ?"
Apollo Smile
Whats funny is if there WASN'T a mini pet for this contest, people would be bitching about that like last year...
Bahah. Im winning that mini.
They won't give it away any other way, imo.
Island Guardian
Working on my art. If it only comes out through the contest and I win, just might be tempted to get my money and not have to farm anymore. I really want a mini polar, but hey, look at the cost/effort to get one.
Just don't get the idea behind mini as a prize. Sure, a few people MAY decide to keep it, but let's be realistic and admit right now that the idea of 4000+ duped armbraces will be too hard to ignore.
Mr. Undisclosed
I'm sure they'll go the polar bear like route and have it be a super rare drop from a new hallweeen addition.
Operative 14
At least getting it via an art contest means you've created something that stands out from thousands of other related entries. It's not based on dumb luck (well, mostly not :P ) where the only thing you do is repetitively grind for it, you've actually earned it through skill and ability.
Artisan Archer
At least getting it via an art contest means you've created something that stands out from thousands of other related entries. It's not based on dumb luck (well, mostly not :P ) where the only thing you do is repetitively grind for it, you've actually earned it through skill and ability.
Mini Pets...
... Meeeeeeeeeeeeeh
... Meeeeeeeeeeeeeh
At least getting it via an art contest means you've created something that stands out from thousands of other related entries. It's not based on dumb luck (well, mostly not :P ) where the only thing you do is repetitively grind for it, you've actually earned it through skill and ability.
dr love
And those of us with no artistic skill whatsoever are automatically disqualified from getting one. Don't really see the fairness in that but hey, this is Anet we're talking about.
At least getting it via an art contest means you've created something that stands out from thousands of other related entries. It's not based on dumb luck (well, mostly not :P ) where the only thing you do is repetitively grind for it, you've actually earned it through skill and ability.
own age myname
I just don't hope they go the mini polar bear route with a tiny droprate *puke*. Hypothetically thinking.
Dewshine Wildclaw
Just don't get the idea behind mini as a prize. Sure, a few people MAY decide to keep it, but let's be realistic and admit right now that the idea of 4000+ duped armbraces will be too hard to ignore.
Now I just need to do my very best to achieve it... if I do not win I do not regret... there are other minies I'll never get, but I live it.
I don't see any problem with minies as rewards. Just unfortunate that some actually sell them cause imo thats stupid.
Operative 14
And those of us with no artistic skill whatsoever are automatically disqualified from getting one. Don't really see the fairness in that but hey, this is Anet we're talking about.
Originally Posted by AngelWJedi
Umm did you forget the issue from last year when a cheater was among the winners? and considering how they let that slip by and if not for us guru peeps they wouldnt have even know it. so saying that earning it that way is semi fail too.
It was an honest mistake. I don't think that Arenanet should have to trawl through all of Deviant art, the fan forums, and all of the billions of pictures on the internet for that matter to figure out if someone cheated or not. Yes, it was caught only because of us guru peeps (actually it was a GWonline peep), but that was only becuase some of us had seen that peice beforehand as well. Otherwise, we would have looked at it and considered it a relatively okay peice of art among 19 other entries. And in the end it got sorted out as well.
Supposedly there's going to be new Halloween content, so there's a chance part of that may lead to the new mini.
Mr. Undisclosed
Island Guardian
"highend" people are the 0.00001% of the community I did not talk about
why do you feel the need to talk about my "jealousy" ? do you feel too "highend" for people to criticize your e-gold makers ? (see I can do random trolls too) you didn't understand anything, so I'll try to rephrase so even id... people like you can understand : "Why is Anet wasting time on a dumb mini (that will end up being powertraded to death) instead of spending their time on important skill balances ?" |