customizing shields>
drunk n angry
have you ever noticed that when you customize a shield that it does not gain a inherent bonus. all martial weapons gain a 20% dmg bonus, a shield imo should also gain a bonus to armor. and like wise if you customize a offhand it should give you more energy, dont know about focus's if they do or not but i do know the shield dont have a inherent bonus when customized.
they should fix this or there is no real reason to customize a shield. and when i put my 200+k tormented shield in my HoM i think i should gain more then just getting a statue of it in my HoM. /signed or /notsigned>>> what you think?
they should fix this or there is no real reason to customize a shield. and when i put my 200+k tormented shield in my HoM i think i should gain more then just getting a statue of it in my HoM. /signed or /notsigned>>> what you think?
It's your choice you wanted to put your shield in the HoM, also I don't like the idea of increase in armor since armor>health in pvp.
It's your choice you wanted to put your shield in the HoM, also I don't like the idea of increase in armor since armor>health in pvp.
No thank you.
Def not, I don't want to be forced to have to dedicate a shield to a character. It's one of the few pieces of equiptment you don't have to customize.
Let's not give casters more armor.
drunk n angry
i'm not saying you have to ded it. i'm saying for those that do dedicate it should get a bonus like with the swords/axes/hammers>
Protip: If you get a bonus for it that is signifigant (such as armor, which you are suggesting), you are handicapping yourself if you don't dedicate it and thus will have to dedicate it.
drunk n angry
do you dedicate every sword/axe/hammer you get? no and why not? you are handicapping yourself by +20% dmg if you dont ded it. its the same thing as with the martial weapons... not all will want their weapon of choice to be dedicated so they can switch them between characters.
do you dedicate every sword/axe/hammer you get? no and why not? you are handicapping yourself by +20% dmg if you dont ded it. its the same thing as with the martial weapons... not all will want their weapon of choice to be dedicated so they can switch them between characters.
Just make it so when you dedicate something it is account wide, not single.
I dedicated two shields to my HoM thinking they would both display, now my monk has a useless tactics shields overtop my shield set.
I dedicated two shields to my HoM thinking they would both display, now my monk has a useless tactics shields overtop my shield set.
drunk n angry
then why would you not want a bonus to be put on a shield if you are so going to use it? does it make since to you that all your other weapons customized have a bonus and yet if you ded a shield or focus you get "this weapon is customized for so and so" and that is it? i just thought that it would make more since that you actually get something for dedicating ALL your weps to you.
then why would you not want a bonus to be put on a shield if you are so going to use it? does it make since to you that all your other weapons customized have a bonus and yet if you ded a shield or focus you get "this weapon is customized for so and so" and that is it? i just thought that it would make more since that you actually get something for dedicating ALL your weps to you.
drunk n angry
I don't like being forced to customize my gear for my character in order to recieve the bonuses. Shields don't force me to do it, my uncustomized shield is just as great as your customized shield. That is not the same for weapons, my customized sword is better than your uncustomized sword. I like to have the choice, you are suggesting to take this away from me.
...but if it were customized it would give you a optimal amount of armor for arm length to weight...
I agree with Chocobo1.
I would prefer not to have the ability to customise weapons/armour/shields so they are easily interchangeable between characters. The thing is you are gimping yourself by not customising, especially in PvP. Sure, I would like an armour bonus, but then everyone else would have it as well, giving me no advantage, what's the point?
Marty Silverblade
The bonus you get for customising your shield is that it goes into the HoM. It's your choice. No need to mess with balance or force other people to customise.
The bonus you get for customising your shield is that it goes into the HoM. It's your choice. No need to mess with balance or force other people to customise.
Zanagi Kazuhiko
Agreed, not signed...anyways kinda too late in the game now, anet has better things to do.
Bob Slydell
ANet would add a de-customization NPC into the game before they added this. And we know they will never add a de-customization NPC into the game.
How many shields can be customized currently? As far as I know, they can only be done in the HoM, which means it is only 2 shields that can be customized. I feel bad for those people who want to play PvP and don't have Eye of the North or want to use a PvE character with a Tormented/Destroyer Shield. Or have they changed it so you can customize any shield at a weaponsmith now?
The bonus you get for customizing your destroyer and/or tormented shield in the Hall of Monuments will be revealed in GW2. There doesn't need to be a bonus for shields, and there's no reason to customize them.
Bonus Mission Pack, pre-order, and promotional shields are also customized.
Bonus Mission Pack, pre-order, and promotional shields are also customized.
weapons are just enough leave shields alone
and this ...
No one forces you to customize your shield but giving customized shields a bonus 'forces' all others to customize theirs, assuming they don't settle below the optimum available. Also it will reduce the shield skins which you can pick from in that scenario.
But as stated before: Don't mess with game balance because you think it would be 'nice' to have.
and this ...
No need to mess with balance or force other people to customise. |
But as stated before: Don't mess with game balance because you think it would be 'nice' to have.
Miss Sarah Lauren
I'd like a bonus.. but I'd also like a way to dedicate my shield anyway.. since im a bit of a shop-a-holic in game I tend to buy things for high price and sell for really low.. and then within a day rebuy it:P so.. I'd like a way to custo it anyway
Archress Shayleigh
would make tormented shields and destroyer shield go up in price, thus making the materials for them go up in price, and ofc the armbraces would go up, and it's all bullcrap for a hefty +X armor... trust me, not worth the fuss.
would make tormented shields and destroyer shield go up in price, thus making the materials for them go up in price, and ofc the armbraces would go up, and it's all bullcrap for a hefty +X armor... trust me, not worth the fuss.
now is too late for all good/bad idea.
Would be nice if they allowed customizing all items (with no added bonus) for for sake of 'owning' them.
Would be nice if they allowed customizing all items (with no added bonus) for for sake of 'owning' them.
More armor is overpowered.
drunk n angry
and yes it would give you a benefit in pve settings... pvp in this game is dead. i only worry about pve anymore.
You cannot 'customize' shields.
PvP items and some other items are created customized by default, but you don't actually customize them.
In those cases customization is just a way to remove them from the economy. Without giving any kind of compensation.
I could agree with some kind of improvement in customization, though.
There is something that could be done without affecting the balance at all.
Instead giving a bonus to customized shields, you could give a penalty for NOT customizing them.
For example:
- A customized focus will have +12 energy as always. A non-customized one will have only 10.
- A customized shield will have +16 defense as always. A non-cutomized one will have Only 12 or 13.
And even better, customization should be account wide, not per character, to all items excepting the ones created with the PvP item creation panel.
I would even go as far as extending account-wide customization even to armors. Just keeping PvP and PvE armors separate, allowing PvP characters to use any PvP armor of their profession customized for the account, and any PvE character any PvE crafted armor of their profession customized for the account.
No one should complain with that.
If you are a PvP player that uses PvP items you should not be affected.
And if you use PvE items and wants to sell their items after using them, you should NOT enjoy their full power.
Use or sell, bot not both.
Being able to sell items you have been using is only bad for the economy. Having to customize them to gain their full power is GOOD, because it's an item sink.
Sinks that don't disappear when used only accumulate in the market, making rare drops less rare over time. Item sinks slow down that.
PvP items and some other items are created customized by default, but you don't actually customize them.
In those cases customization is just a way to remove them from the economy. Without giving any kind of compensation.
I could agree with some kind of improvement in customization, though.
There is something that could be done without affecting the balance at all.
Instead giving a bonus to customized shields, you could give a penalty for NOT customizing them.
For example:
- A customized focus will have +12 energy as always. A non-customized one will have only 10.
- A customized shield will have +16 defense as always. A non-cutomized one will have Only 12 or 13.
And even better, customization should be account wide, not per character, to all items excepting the ones created with the PvP item creation panel.
I would even go as far as extending account-wide customization even to armors. Just keeping PvP and PvE armors separate, allowing PvP characters to use any PvP armor of their profession customized for the account, and any PvE character any PvE crafted armor of their profession customized for the account.
No one should complain with that.
If you are a PvP player that uses PvP items you should not be affected.
And if you use PvE items and wants to sell their items after using them, you should NOT enjoy their full power.
Use or sell, bot not both.
Being able to sell items you have been using is only bad for the economy. Having to customize them to gain their full power is GOOD, because it's an item sink.
Sinks that don't disappear when used only accumulate in the market, making rare drops less rare over time. Item sinks slow down that.
You cannot 'customize' shields.
PvP items and some other items are created customized by default, but you don't actually customize them. In those cases customization is just a way to remove them from the economy. Without giving any kind of compensation. I could agree with some kind of improvement in customization, though. There is something that could be done without affecting the balance at all. Instead giving a bonus to customized shields, you could give a penalty for NOT customizing them. For example: - A customized focus will have +12 energy as always. A non-customized one will have only 10. - A customized shield will have +16 defense as always. A non-cutomized one will have Only 12 or 13. And even better, customization should be account wide, not per character, to all items excepting the ones created with the PvP item creation panel. I would even go as far as extending account-wide customization even to armors. Just keeping PvP and PvE armors separate, allowing PvP characters to use any PvP armor of their profession customized for the account, and any PvE character any PvE crafted armor of their profession customized for the account. No one should complain with that. If you are a PvP player that uses PvP items you should not be affected. And if you use PvE items and wants to sell their items after using them, you should NOT enjoy their full power. Use or sell, bot not both. Being able to sell items you have been using is only bad for the economy. Having to customize them to gain their full power is GOOD, because it's an item sink. Sinks that don't disappear when used only accumulate in the market, making rare drops less rare over time. Item sinks slow down that. |
Anyways /notsigned because your suggestion does nothing except force customization, and being able to swap around your PvE armor makes it feel less unique.
To be honest, I never noticed the weapon smith allowing the option of customizing a shield... so I guess this is a HoM related rant? And why no love for customized focus items? What bonuses do my dedicated mini pets get?
Yes, I know... I'm being silly now, much like the OP. I really should learn to stay out of Sardelac.
Yes, I know... I'm being silly now, much like the OP. I really should learn to stay out of Sardelac.
To be honest, I never noticed the weapon smith allowing the option of customizing a shield... so I guess this is a HoM related rant?
on a seperate note....
Must get +20% dmg for my voltaic spear on my hammer warrior... now i do 3 dmg totaly worth it.
reaper with no name
I don't see why there's a need for this. There are only two effects to this:
A) Everyone with shields gets even more armor (3 more, to be precise). Considering that shields were originally balanced around the assumption that at max they would grant +16 armor, and that there's no reason given for why an extra +3 is needed, I see no reason to try to fix what isn't broken.
B) Decreasing the number of shields available for sale. I was unaware that this was a problem in the game's economy (which is such a joke right now due to other factors that this wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket).
Also, why only shields? Why not focus items too? They're essentially the same thing, except that they grant extra energy instead of extra armor. If you're gonna make one customizable, you better do the same to the other.
To sum it up, this is simply unnecessary. /notsigned
I don't see why there's a need for this. There are only two effects to this:
A) Everyone with shields gets even more armor (3 more, to be precise). Considering that shields were originally balanced around the assumption that at max they would grant +16 armor, and that there's no reason given for why an extra +3 is needed, I see no reason to try to fix what isn't broken.
B) Decreasing the number of shields available for sale. I was unaware that this was a problem in the game's economy (which is such a joke right now due to other factors that this wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket).
Also, why only shields? Why not focus items too? They're essentially the same thing, except that they grant extra energy instead of extra armor. If you're gonna make one customizable, you better do the same to the other.
To sum it up, this is simply unnecessary. /notsigned
Eragon Zarroc
/signed for the shield i put in my HoM :P
No, that would mean that more shields than just my tormented ones will be linked to a specific charactar. Nobody should want that.
However, I think if modification should be account based, as it is simply made in order to prevent another player from using your weapons after you have customized them.
However, I think if modification should be account based, as it is simply made in order to prevent another player from using your weapons after you have customized them.