plz for the love of god reduce the req to add the glad trophy in HOM
with TA abt to be removed soon (not that it really matter considering that TA is almost dead mentioned by anet) the only way one could get glad points is by playing RA. The last 3 days playing RA was a torture. Almost half the time i was paired with a dervish using hundred blades and healing ritualist casting retribution on the team. If i leave the team i get dishonored, if i refuse to leave and stop doing damage when i got paired with a sin casting restful breeze and attacking a dervish at the same time i got reported for "leeching".
total amount of glad pts i got for the past 3 days playing 6hrs a day? 5. This is a ridiculous grind and it rewards people a trophy in HOM either through syncing or people with stupid builds playing against others with equally stupid builds.
total amount of glad pts i got for the past 3 days playing 6hrs a day? 5. This is a ridiculous grind and it rewards people a trophy in HOM either through syncing or people with stupid builds playing against others with equally stupid builds.
Agreed straight up lol. Even tho RA fails its still a bullshit grind.
Play monk and carry your teammates if they are mediocre.
If they are good, easy 10 wins.
If they are bad, dont heal and fast games.
Win, win and win!
If they are good, easy 10 wins.
If they are bad, dont heal and fast games.
Win, win and win!
thats the problem, even if you monk and refuse to heal the team after knowing that your team damage build is silly you will get reported for " leeching" and you end up wasting your time to do RA and have to switch to do something else. If you think thats bad enough
, try having assholes who refused to resign, cast stoneflesh aura, and run around until the timer is over opponents team couldnt kill the runner cos their team ran an equally silly build like a ranger bringing tank skills without any damage.

lol. Earn your trophy. If that's all the glad points u got from ra, you're doing it wrong. And i would like to hear your definition of "stupid" when you're talking about the stupid builds. I'm guessing you're probably replacing the word "effective".
so since you say my way of getting glad points from ra is wrong, can i know what other solutions u suggest? attempting to sync as well which is against the Eula, or any other tricks to it?
you have a healing ritualist running retribution and a ranger running pure tanking skills, that isn't good enough for you to classify it as stupid?
you have a healing ritualist running retribution and a ranger running pure tanking skills, that isn't good enough for you to classify it as stupid?

Shayne Hawke
Improve your own skill and find folks you can sync with. The requirements for the title have no reason to change.
Also, I think it is a really good idea to use the proper subforum for making suggestions, since you might find threads like *LINK* that already talk about this.
Also, I think it is a really good idea to use the proper subforum for making suggestions, since you might find threads like *LINK* that already talk about this.
You want the title, earn it. Its as simple as that.
Bob Slydell
Just live with the req, work on it... get it up there and place it.
Martin Alvito
Like it's hard to crank out 400 glad points. Honestly.
I facestomp people with unique snowflake builds without really working at it. Takes me about a day to find 15-20 win builds. It can't be that hard if you're willing to suck it up and play the wiki build of the week.
Play better builds and play better.
I facestomp people with unique snowflake builds without really working at it. Takes me about a day to find 15-20 win builds. It can't be that hard if you're willing to suck it up and play the wiki build of the week.
Play better builds and play better.
It's one of those titles that are hard to earn within a single month.
It's one of those titles you should stay away from if you don't 'enjoy' the way to get there (aka RA/TA).
It's one of those titles that are not overly prestigious and no reason to dump it further.
If you can't stand the format do something else.
Good Luck
It's one of those titles you should stay away from if you don't 'enjoy' the way to get there (aka RA/TA).
It's one of those titles that are not overly prestigious and no reason to dump it further.
If you can't stand the format do something else.
Good Luck
A) Wrong forum.
B) Spell-checker.
B) Spell-checker.
Can't be bothered to get r5 gladiator, it just takes way too much, plus I just do it casually anyway. But honestly, this weekend I got 10 wins on my monk only once, and even that gave me 6 glad, in freaking 20 minutes xD
here's the secret to winning: stop being bad
really there's nothing wrong with ra just leave the ones that don't end right away with the one person who refuses to leave and "pretend" play if you think you'll get reported on others
really there's nothing wrong with ra just leave the ones that don't end right away with the one person who refuses to leave and "pretend" play if you think you'll get reported on others
here's the secret to winning: stop being bad
really there's nothing wrong with ra just leave the ones that don't end right away with the one person who refuses to leave and "pretend" play if you think you'll get reported on others |
wow at the posters who tell me how "bad" i am. Guess i shld switch back to playing healing breeze wammos and got glad pts in this way to show that i am "good"
gladi is pretty easy and unprestigious title...
u need less than a month of dedicated RA-ing to get r3 or even r4...
u need less than a month of dedicated RA-ing to get r3 or even r4...
There's a big difference between having a good build and playing a good build well. If during 18 hours of RA - mostly on a double weekend - you only got 5 points, then I am forced to conclude you are terrible. Read around and actually improve your skill with various builds and you should accumulate g3 in pretty short order.
There's a big difference between having a good build and playing a good build well. If during 18 hours of RA - mostly on a double weekend - you only got 5 points, then I am forced to conclude you are terrible. Read around and actually improve your skill with various builds and you should accumulate g3 in pretty short order.
you have not even seen me play, how do you conclude i am terrible? the build i am running is typical generic, its simple pressing 4/5 button to spike. It takes no skill and is almost impossible to "fail" playing that build, just like playing escape dagger rangers when it was active. Can one actually "fail" playing escape dagger rangers? I dont click my skills too for the record. However, most of the time, i get either pair with no monks or players running builds that does absolutely nothing other then staying alive. That means i am bad? oh for the record, i did make some friends in HA and got r2 from r0 playing some hrs in the last HA double fame weekend and even got to HOH with screenshots to proof, does that make me good?
you have not even seen me play, how do you conclude i am terrible?
the build i am running is typical generic, its simple pressing 4/5 button to spike. It takes no skill
i did make some friends in HA and got r0->r2 playing some hrs in the last HA double fame weekend and even got to HOH with screenshots to proof, does that make me good?
Just practice more, you will be better in no time with some dedication. Welcome to pvp.
18 hours of Ra = 5glad pts on x2 week end.
speaks for itself. Ha is a joke atm, and 75pts during x2 is 75/2pts gained in some hours? doesn't seem really good to me. And getting to hoh isn't that amazing serioulsy ... And if you think it is, that really show your skills atm. Just practice more, you will be better in no time with some dedication. Welcome to pvp. |
How do you "practice pvp" in ra grouping with random people builds that doesn't sync at all? there is nothing to practice in a build where all you only need to do is press the correct skills at the correct time to spike. Does it matter if your build takes no skill but is absolute effective in spiking, the reason why escape dagger rangers are so popular? Your argument is really ridiculous.
If HA is a joke, what does that make RA :rollseye: i am not saying i am good by getting to r2 from r0 in a few hrs of doing ha, i am just saying your idea of whether a player is good or bad by the amount of sucess so said player achieved on a ridiculous format is silliness in itself.
1) You never said what your build was, or even your class, yet you rage about various other builds you got teamed up with.
2) RA is.... RANDOM... so you can't expect your team to be good. Some of your team will be, but not always. You must use a build that you can play well and that is effective.
3) Having a good build doesn't mean you are a good RA/PvP player. Knowing how to use it is what makes you good. Swinging away and using skills while blind as a Warrior is bad, but so is chasing a kiter when you have no speed boost or attacking a warrior when a Monk is keeping it alive.
4) Double points weekend means you get twice as many points, you got 5 over how many hours? Even the random nature of teams will allow you to win more than that if YOU have a decent build and ability to use it.
5) This is not Sardelac.
2) RA is.... RANDOM... so you can't expect your team to be good. Some of your team will be, but not always. You must use a build that you can play well and that is effective.
3) Having a good build doesn't mean you are a good RA/PvP player. Knowing how to use it is what makes you good. Swinging away and using skills while blind as a Warrior is bad, but so is chasing a kiter when you have no speed boost or attacking a warrior when a Monk is keeping it alive.
4) Double points weekend means you get twice as many points, you got 5 over how many hours? Even the random nature of teams will allow you to win more than that if YOU have a decent build and ability to use it.
5) This is not Sardelac.
1) You never said what your build was, or even your class, yet you rage about various other builds you got teamed up with.
2) RA is.... RANDOM... so you can't expect your team to be good. Some of your team will be, but not always. You must use a build that you can play well and that is effective. 3) Having a good build doesn't mean you are a good RA/PvP player. Knowing how to use it is what makes you good. Swinging away and using skills while blind as a Warrior is bad, but so is chasing a kiter when you have no speed boost or attacking a warrior when a Monk is keeping it alive. 4) Double points weekend means you get twice as many points, you got 5 over how many hours? Even the random nature of teams will allow you to win more than that if YOU have a decent build and ability to use it. 5) This is not Sardelac. |
1) i ran assacaster build, pvx has mentioned its use and why it is popular so i wont go about that. Yes i do rage on other builds but seriously, any random pve player who has played a certain amount of time can easily tell why running tanking skills or retribution on a healing rit for RA is bad. Even a sever artery/gash wammo at least does some damage and purpose.
2) which is why i suggested the reqs be lowered due to reasons which u have clearly mentioned
3) those you mentioned are simple basic stuff which one shldnt do, which i don't.
4) i said earlier, theres nothing really incredibly hard abt using a decent spike build. I usually don't really rage on builds, not even w/mo, but seriously what purpose does the abovementioned builds serve? if your measuring based on the points i received on that weekend, then i apologize wammo builds win hands down over assacaster cos i got around 10 glad points playing wammo a few hrs at random months ago when i only had prophecies and just started playing guild wars.
3) Having a good build doesn't mean you are a good RA/PvP player. Knowing how to use it is what makes you good.
And "practice pvp" can means a lot of thing. And can be effectively done in Ra (without a synch team).
Field awareness, positioning, good knowledge of skills, kiting etc...
There is plenty of good posts on guru, do your own researchs.
What kind of build are you using, OP? Just curious.
Sarevok Thordin
r3 Gladiator is a very very annoying grind to get, I can vouch for that, but 5 points on a double weekend is a bit lacking, I could get at least 15.
Nevertheless, once TA is out you should be able to get far higher streaks in RA.
Nevertheless, once TA is out you should be able to get far higher streaks in RA.
Guess i shld switch back to playing healing breeze wammos |

own age myname
My advice: be a monk. It's the only way your going to get a good amount of glad points. If your half decent you can get wins easily. Even if it's only 5 wins, it's 1 point off the title.
Stop being bad.
Its not hard.
Its not hard.
Glad is a lot easier than it used to be and finally settled on the current system once they got done screwing around with it. Go look at what you would have to do to hit r3 back in '06. If you absolutely have to have r3 quickly then join a guild that does arenas. It's unrealistic to think you will always win in RA, like MagmaRed says, it's will hit plenty of failway groups before you draw a winning team. Most importantly this should be something you want to do and enjoy doing not something you find tedious for the sake of HoM credit.
This is a ridiculous grind and it rewards people a trophy in HOM either through syncing or people with stupid builds playing against others with equally stupid builds.
oh and my suggestion is not to sync as there are not that many synchers as your paranoia and ego would like you to believe. Even when they are syncers, they are synchers cause they suck at ta and nothing is easier for me than beating a group of suckers who don't know how to play. You don't play ra like ha, you don't play ra like anything else besides ra. You don't trust your teammates to kill, you don't trust your teammates to lead, you don't make your build on the hopes that someone else will support you. Whether you win or lose, you have to do either fast, that is the nature of ra and glad points.
it's not even possible to get 5 glad pts in a double weekend. LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. 5 in a row is 2, 10 is 4, there are no ODD NUMBERS. So either stop exaggerating or if the actual figure is really in that range, get better.
That's also means that for getting only 5 points, he did either :
1 - 2x5wins streak during x2 points & 1x 5wins streak during reg. time
2 - 1x5wins streak during x2 points & 3x 5wins streak during reg. time
3 - 1x5wins streak during x2 points & 1x 10wins streak during reg. time
Obviously it's 1 :P
You said stupid in this context. You used the conjunction "or" to talk about syncers and stupid builds getting rewarded with a trophy in hom. I highly doubt that people with the builds you mentioned previously would be rewarded with a hom trophy and I assumed you raged against meta builds when you referred to stupid. Forgive my impudence, as I have just learned you run a castersin, the gayest of pvx ra builds. You just fail at grammar. Oh another point i would like to bring up, it's not even possible to get 5 glad pts in a double weekend. LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. 5 in a row is 2, 10 is 4, there are no ODD NUMBERS. So either stop exaggerating or if the actual figure is really in that range, get better.
oh and my suggestion is not to sync as there are not that many synchers as your paranoia and ego would like you to believe. Even when they are syncers, they are synchers cause they suck at ta and nothing is easier for me than beating a group of suckers who don't know how to play. You don't play ra like ha, you don't play ra like anything else besides ra. You don't trust your teammates to kill, you don't trust your teammates to lead, you don't make your build on the hopes that someone else will support you. Whether you win or lose, you have to do either fast, that is the nature of ra and glad points. |
why my english is fine since you are able to comprehend what i am saying. Maybe my short form in words annoy some people but this is a forum not a english class. Since your so picky, retard learn some reading comprehension first and read carefully the bolded words i am highlighting to you:
from my first post : total amount of glad pts i got for the past 3 days playing 6hrs a day? 5.
I lol so hard at this. Its true that i do hope my teammates are attacking the monk instead of a warrior casting healing breeze in RA. After all, this isn't 1vs1 pvp, otherwise half the peeps here will be crying to anet and get builds nerfed like escape dagger rangers. but I am running an ASSACASTER build with NO COUNTERS from blind or block while at the same time, dealing high amount of damage + deep wound. Do you think i would be running this if i was expecting a lot of help from my teammates? Just lol.
Do you think i would be running this if i was expecting a lot of help from my teammates? Just lol.
That's your main problem : you are actually playing RA like a 1vs1 if you aren't expecting help from teammates. Which means you aren't trying to synergize with them in order to win, ie helping your Mo from not dying, trying to interrupt key skills with your kd from your assacasterlamebuild etc...
-> Your main problem is team playing. Even in Ra, there is a lot of it ...
meh assacaster. do not want. be brave and run something manly. bb sin or coward axe are fun and very effective.
and you defended yourself saying you can't be bad playing a build when all you do is faceroll, but there is a difference between pressing buttons and knowing how to press those buttons. it's like all those palm strikers i would see when it was first buffed. 9/10 sins would continue the chain if i blocked them or removed the condition not paying attention to anything, but the few smart ones would fake palm strikes, pay attention to their chains, and be unpredictable.
and you defended yourself saying you can't be bad playing a build when all you do is faceroll, but there is a difference between pressing buttons and knowing how to press those buttons. it's like all those palm strikers i would see when it was first buffed. 9/10 sins would continue the chain if i blocked them or removed the condition not paying attention to anything, but the few smart ones would fake palm strikes, pay attention to their chains, and be unpredictable.
Glad 3 for the HoM is too low IMO if anything they should make you farm to Glad 5
Also once TA is eliminated the very first "capable" team you load into will get you a lot of glads.
RA is one of the forms of PvP that will outlive the rest of the game, so essentially if you arent able to get glad 3 then your children or your childrens children will be able to get it for you and before you are dead and buried you can shed a tear of joy for such an accomplishment.
Also once TA is eliminated the very first "capable" team you load into will get you a lot of glads.
RA is one of the forms of PvP that will outlive the rest of the game, so essentially if you arent able to get glad 3 then your children or your childrens children will be able to get it for you and before you are dead and buried you can shed a tear of joy for such an accomplishment.
Q_Q srsly..
What do you expect from a qq thread like this?
Just hope that Sealed Deck will give glad points.. idc.
R3 req is fine.
What do you expect from a qq thread like this?
Just hope that Sealed Deck will give glad points.. idc.
R3 req is fine.
I wonder how long before RA gets its own RR day.