The most peaceful place in Guild Wars?
Basalt Grotto. Always struck me as odd that a place supposedly so significant to NF history would be generally overlooked. Going to go with Port Sledge as my No. 2 pick.
By campaign, I'd say my 5 finalists would be:
1. Presearing - Secret Garden (not so secret, now gone commercial with candy store & petting zoo)
2. Prophecies - Grenth's temple in Lornar's Pass
3. Cantha - Auros Mines
X. Nightfall - no qualifying entry (empty is not the same as peaceful)
4. EotN - Waterfall bridge in Riven Earth
5. Core - Empty palace in the Ice Wastes (UW)
... with the title going to Grenth's temple.
1. Presearing - Secret Garden (not so secret, now gone commercial with candy store & petting zoo)
2. Prophecies - Grenth's temple in Lornar's Pass
3. Cantha - Auros Mines
X. Nightfall - no qualifying entry (empty is not the same as peaceful)
4. EotN - Waterfall bridge in Riven Earth
5. Core - Empty palace in the Ice Wastes (UW)
... with the title going to Grenth's temple.
Nightfall - once you've cleared it of monsters, there's an area in the Holdings of Chokhin with all the fireflies *__* (
eotn: Ice Cliff Chasms, just outside of Boreal.
Factions: Boreas Seabed outpost
Proph: pre
eotn: Ice Cliff Chasms, just outside of Boreal.
Factions: Boreas Seabed outpost
Proph: pre
I personally love the Shing Jea island. It's a monestary, lots of peace to be found there.
The shiver peak mountains.
Well.....they're peaceful until you remember that you're surrounded by homicidal Dwarfs on all sides.
Well.....they're peaceful until you remember that you're surrounded by homicidal Dwarfs on all sides.
Beetletun In Proph (Kryta).. Never Seen Another Player There!
Or +1 For Fishermans Haven
Or +1 For Fishermans Haven

I like the swarms of bees in Sacnoth Valley. Reminds me of pre with the rolling hills. Wish the bees were tamable!
Karate Jesus
Longeye's Ledge.
Granite Citadel is my fav.
own age myname
Defiantly Port Sledge. I remember seeing a GWAMM there and talking to him, this was when GWAMM was super rare, so it was awesome. Just me and him in the outpost ^^.
Plus, Port Sledge is where I tested my W/Rt VWK build and I still go there for farming once in a great while.
Plus, Port Sledge is where I tested my W/Rt VWK build and I still go there for farming once in a great while.
Fisherman's Haven...
love that outpost
love that outpost
Saborath Gilgalad
Any where in the Maguuma Jungle
The Isle of Meditation
Pretty much anywhere in Echovald Forest
The Kodash Bazaar
...and I might as well throw Yaks Bend in there. Arriving there after battling through Ascalon (especially the "Nolani Academy" mission) is always a profound relief.
Pretty much anywhere in Echovald Forest
The Kodash Bazaar
...and I might as well throw Yaks Bend in there. Arriving there after battling through Ascalon (especially the "Nolani Academy" mission) is always a profound relief.

Absolute Destiny
Originally Posted by Mortai
...and I might as well throw Yaks Bend in there. Arriving there after battling through Ascalon (especially the "Nolani Academy" mission) is always a profound relief.
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My votes go to:
Most peaceful town: Henge of Denravi
Seriously, when 9/10ths of the GW population gets run to Droknar's Forge or Sanctum Cay, there's nothing left for Maguuma's main town.
Most peaceful non-mission outpost: Maguuma Stade/Grendich Courthouse
For Stade, see above.
For Courthouse, it basically gets passed over by most people playing through the Ascalon missions. About the only people I've seen there were running/getting run straight to Yak's Bend!
Most peaceful mission outpost: Aurora Glade
I've never finished this mission.
No one I've talked with in-game has finished this mission.
Most only hang around long enough to realize they can run to Denravi through Dry Top.
Most peaceful non-outpost locale: Shing Jea Island
Beautiful, picturesque, and plenty of easy enemies to work out stress on.
I've always loved Ice Tooth Cave. As far as non-outposts go there's an area in Mineral springs where the trail goes through a stand of white birch trees.
Sifow Chan
I think Gadd's Encampment is my favorite place to be. The little rope bridge over the waterfalling stream and the nice little alcove near the henchmen. The whole place is pretty tranquil.
Mad Lord of Milk
northwest Jaga Moraine
Mr. Undisclosed
I'm quite fond of shing jea arena.
Mr. Undisclosed
Luxon area

]HM[ Sabre Wolf
1.) Maguuma Stade
2.) Fisherman's Haven
I always Obs from Maguuma Int 1 for faster loading speeds
2.) Fisherman's Haven
I always Obs from Maguuma Int 1 for faster loading speeds
Axel Zinfandel
Either Fisherman's Haven, or believe it or not, LA. I always liked going to one of the emptier districts and wandering near the docks and glitching into the water itself. That and up by the lighthouse.
Quarrel Falls
What? You're the first person I know of who haven't finished the mission.
Login screen.
Fishermans heaven.
Maguuma Stade
Zen Daijun area after cleaning it.
Watchtower coast is amazing too btw.
My New Name
Nothing as soothing as standing in GToB and listening to perverted conversations...
the shiverpeaks IMO
My vote would go for Yahnur Market in Vabbi. Sitting near the river and listening to the ambient torches is strangely soothing, especially considering the madness happening just outside. Also, it's fairly devoid of other players.
pumpkin pie
Balthazar's Shrine in The Wild, and the one in Lonar Pass.
Great thread! Really nice to read about people's reactions to various places.
I'm really fond of Gadd's Encampment. Green, lush and shady.. nice little stream and waterfall. Usually quiet except when there is a Zaishen bounty on offer somewhere in the swamp..
I'm really fond of Gadd's Encampment. Green, lush and shady.. nice little stream and waterfall. Usually quiet except when there is a Zaishen bounty on offer somewhere in the swamp..

Fishermens' Haven, Mihanu Township for outposts. Explorables, I think Turai's Procession would be at the top of my list.
The Vault. Ah, those statues...
Sunqua Vale