What have you lost?
I lost 10.7k hours of my life. Life is priceless, for everything else there's Mastercard.
I've come to my senses over the last few months and have regained some of my social life. I'm only on GW for an hour or two here and there. I feel much happier about my life. Eventually i hope i can quit GW for good and get on with my life.
; )
I've come to my senses over the last few months and have regained some of my social life. I'm only on GW for an hour or two here and there. I feel much happier about my life. Eventually i hope i can quit GW for good and get on with my life.
; )
Sorry but I disagree here, it seems like a wrong approach.
This quote reminds me of what people say when they quit relationships. They often complain "omg I just wasted 5 years of my life with him/her"... of course failing to realise they had fun and enjoyed most of those 5 years. At the very end of this time period the person forgets all the good times and focuses on the 'wasted time' part.
Guild Wars is pretty much the same thing. People read their '/age' and think on 'how much time they wasted', but they forget how much fun they had playing the game... Time you spend enjoying something or having fun isn't really 'wasted' or 'lost'.
If you were out partying instead of playing GW, you could be in a better job now, or with a girlfriend... or have died in a car accident, or been killed by someone... we just need to keep in mind everything can happen so it's hard to say something was a complete waste of time or not.
Edit: agreed on balancing play time with social life time, of course.
This quote reminds me of what people say when they quit relationships. They often complain "omg I just wasted 5 years of my life with him/her"... of course failing to realise they had fun and enjoyed most of those 5 years. At the very end of this time period the person forgets all the good times and focuses on the 'wasted time' part.
Guild Wars is pretty much the same thing. People read their '/age' and think on 'how much time they wasted', but they forget how much fun they had playing the game... Time you spend enjoying something or having fun isn't really 'wasted' or 'lost'.
If you were out partying instead of playing GW, you could be in a better job now, or with a girlfriend... or have died in a car accident, or been killed by someone... we just need to keep in mind everything can happen so it's hard to say something was a complete waste of time or not.
Edit: agreed on balancing play time with social life time, of course.
Sorry but I disagree here, it seems like a wrong approach.
This quote reminds me of what people say when they quit relationships. They often complain "omg I just wasted 5 years of my life with him/her"... of course failing to realise they had fun and enjoyed most of those 5 years. At the very end of this time period the person forgets all the good times and focuses on the 'wasted time' part. Guild Wars is pretty much the same thing. People read their '/age' and think on 'how much time they wasted', but they forget how much fun they had playing the game... Time you spend enjoying something or having fun isn't really 'wasted' or 'lost'. If you were out partying instead of playing GW, you could be in a better job now, or with a girlfriend... or have died in a car accident, or been killed by someone... we just need to keep in mind everything can happen so it's hard to say something was a complete waste of time or not. Edit: agreed on balancing play time with social life time, of course. |
q8 +5nrg^50 HCT20% Blood Truncheon - Merched just after bought.
q8 Death 10/10 pre-nightfall Platinum Staff - Salvaged before salvage warning update.
Lent a q8 Str -2s/+45s Kappa Shield to a real life friend as a marker for some ectos I owed him and he sold it for silly amounts.
Deleted: q8 zodiac Sword 15 Enchant, q8 GPB 15 Enchant for some unknown reason. Recently saw them in one of my old Awesome Weapons threads (customized) and they're nowhere on my account. Annoying.
q8 Death 10/10 pre-nightfall Platinum Staff - Salvaged before salvage warning update.
Lent a q8 Str -2s/+45s Kappa Shield to a real life friend as a marker for some ectos I owed him and he sold it for silly amounts.
Deleted: q8 zodiac Sword 15 Enchant, q8 GPB 15 Enchant for some unknown reason. Recently saw them in one of my old Awesome Weapons threads (customized) and they're nowhere on my account. Annoying.
own age myname
I've been really secure with my account, so I've never lost anything of great importance.
Only thing I kind of regret is remaking my 2nd oldest character, and lost some birthday presents.
I guess another bad thing was me deleting my rit with full 15k kurzick (such a waste of money), because I thought he was worthless The month after I delete him, the rit buff happened. /facepalm
Only thing I kind of regret is remaking my 2nd oldest character, and lost some birthday presents.
I guess another bad thing was me deleting my rit with full 15k kurzick (such a waste of money), because I thought he was worthless The month after I delete him, the rit buff happened. /facepalm
3 ecto;s i merched, i am save with my password, use a different one for GW, and never told anyone.
and i got a good antivirus and i am not a total idiot.
i reccomend you to do the same
and i got a good antivirus and i am not a total idiot.
i reccomend you to do the same

merched 22 ecto when they were about 10k
Bodrus the Outfitter never even blinked when he took them.
Haven't used him since...
Bodrus the Outfitter never even blinked when he took them.
Haven't used him since...
Aussie Boy
As other have said I also merched black dyes in pre for 1g back in the day
thinking that's all they were worth. lol
4 or 5 years later I still can kick myself remembering that.
thinking that's all they were worth. lol
4 or 5 years later I still can kick myself remembering that.
I think you got perma'd cause you have 9 accounts all transferring shit.
Where does it say you can only own X or Y accounts and that Z is way too much?
If you want to own 1, 2, 4, 80 accounts that's your own business (besides the obvious profit for Anet).
What have I lost?
Deleted char accidentally thinking it was my pvp slot.
Deleted pvp chars with money someone paid back and also with cigils and such...
Got perma'd on one account for for RRing.
Will probably do a CC charge back dispute on my lost account, just bought it not even a week ago and got banned within hours of usage.
I haven't really lost anything valuable.
shortly after factions came out, i spent the better part of a week grinding in FA and AB to get the amber i needed for my monk's elite kurz armor. amber was very expensive at the time, and the faction rewards certainly weren't as good as they are today. i finally got everything, and went to the merchant to sell a few things...and bam, thanks to lag, i totally sold him all my amber. i cried a little inside.
What stops you from doing that?
Where does it say you can only own X or Y accounts and that Z is way too much? If you want to own 1, 2, 4, 80 accounts that's your own business (besides the obvious profit for Anet). |

Got perma'd on one account for for RRing.
Will probably do a CC charge back dispute on my lost account, just bought it not even a week ago and got banned within hours of usage. |
I lost the green Dragon Axe (endgame Factions) long, long ago when I most likely merched it by accident.
I also "lost" all the materials and plat value every time I delete 15k armors on characters.
I also "lost" all the materials and plat value every time I delete 15k armors on characters.
Pinkest One
Dropped a 40/40 Torment heal set for e-peen reasons on a VS run, before i can pick them up the perma maps into slavers.

merched 22 ecto when they were about 10k
Bodrus the Outfitter never even blinked when he took them. Haven't used him since... |
Totaly made my day :P
JonnieBoi05, you are leading the lost-title

Hope you don't do what my friend did, quitting GW because he lost ONE kuunavang, back in the days when they weren't worth as much as these days

Dragons Avatar
Saw people talking about Silverwing bows ingame, checked Wiki for picture, figured.. i gotta get me one of those! Made a char called Laydee Silverwing, bought elite druids and a q9 silverwing.. then realized i never realy used the char so decided to delete it and make a more usefull char, forgot to take the items off so lost the bow. Just when i thought i had reached the highest tier in stupidity, i went and did the same a second time xD... now once again i have a ranger with elite druids, however i havent been able to gather the courage to buy a 3rd silverwing lolol
Also deleted a max Wisdom monk before the nov 08 update =[
Also deleted a max Wisdom monk before the nov 08 update =[
Aussie Boy
Oh also to add to my other post.
I do lose my mind while playing GW does that count? lol
I do lose my mind while playing GW does that count? lol
everything in my account, 4-5 million would be my guess, not including 2 sets of fow armor and countless elite armors.
yeah i got hacked. this week. without a getting an email that someone changed my password.
still got my gwamm toon tho. (thank god)
yeah i got hacked. this week. without a getting an email that someone changed my password.
still got my gwamm toon tho. (thank god)
Eragon Zarroc
i've lost my desire to play seriously
does that count? yet i can't seem to keep myself from logging on....

Steph Woodland
rerolled 100k about 8 or 9 times (i move items from invintory but always forget the gold)
HuntMaster Avatar
A few black dyes when I first started and I salvaged a kurzick helm. So, basically, nothing at all.

Marty Silverblade
1x Grognars Defender, 2x Malinon's Shield, all while I was dragging them from inventory to equip when someone ran through a Dragons Lair portal. This was 2005, so it was worth a fair bit then. I now double click

Voodoo Rage
I once merched a Totem Axe when I was first playing and it was like the end of the world for me. lol
I've probably lost quite a bit merching valuables without knowing their worth.
Silmar Alech
Sold a heavy equipment pack to the merchant 15 seconds after I aquired it from Jessie Llam for 15 Zaishen Gold coins. Got 50 gold in return, I think. It was late in the evening.
Sold a pair of Demon Fangs to Merchy

when eotn was new, and people spamemd the shit "WTB REQ13 ELE BLADE 500K) I merched a req 10 by accident...
Think so to. I don't see the "special" items other see the value in, such as the old-school items and other items people would hundreds of platinum and I wouldn't hesitate salvaging or merchanting for a sec
My Wicked Hat and Furious Pumpkin Crown from Halloween 2006. Somehow they disappeared and the Festival Hat NPC does not have them. That means I deleted them. Gone forever and I cannot replace them. Makes me sad whenever I think about it.
What stops you from doing that?
Where does it say you can only own X or Y accounts and that Z is way too much? If you want to own 1, 2, 4, 80 accounts that's your own business (besides the obvious profit for Anet). |
i remeber somewhere in it is does say something about accounts, due to manipulations and stuff like that, but i personally dont see the problem.
as for gold and stuff being traded between accounts, i have so far had no problems with it, and i hope to keep it that way. i keep to the code, and only trade weapons/ectos over to the accounts which need it. eg i farm on my GwAMM sin cos it is faster, but then i have a r3 necro who wants a BDS. what else am i supposed to do lol
anyway, back on target...i have lost relitivly little IG wise, except due to the prices of items always changing/going up just after i sell an item. eg. sold all my ambraces for 46e just a day before they started going for 50-52e each and the ecto price going up at the same time

I just lost a few hours of flaming bad players in-game because of a 72-hour or so name infraction ban.
If it's the one I'm thinking of...
I made "Uzupaki Nigruto" last night in Codex as an insulting homage to all the kids running around with Naruto names. Or it might've been "Me And The Hoes", but I've had that name for over a month of regular FoWSC play and nothing. Dag-nabbit!
If it's the one I'm thinking of...
I made "Uzupaki Nigruto" last night in Codex as an insulting homage to all the kids running around with Naruto names. Or it might've been "Me And The Hoes", but I've had that name for over a month of regular FoWSC play and nothing. Dag-nabbit!
My virginity...
dont ask..
dont ask..
Count Kenrill
The most valuable thing I lost in Guild Wars was probably that lovely rq9 Voltaic Spear...I accidentally vendored it :/
as Anet have said in thier agreement that they own the accounts, and all items on them, and they are just lent to you while you play the game and keep to the terms, they can pretty much limit you to whatever they want lol.
i remeber somewhere in it is does say something about accounts, due to manipulations and stuff like that, but i personally dont see the problem. as for gold and stuff being traded between accounts, i have so far had no problems with it, and i hope to keep it that way. i keep to the code, and only trade weapons/ectos over to the accounts which need it. eg i farm on my GwAMM sin cos it is faster, but then i have a r3 necro who wants a BDS. what else am i supposed to do lol |
when eotn was new, and people spamemd the shit "WTB REQ13 ELE BLADE 500K) I merched a req 10 by accident...
bought q10 runic blade for 120e [8k each] 1 week before eotn release
got a q9 stygian reaver when in it only dropped in halls, still new , worth 300-500e back then, identified it , deathbane with no inscription.
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most - Emanuel Goldstein!
My New Name
Mercy's Mirror
My first, most memorable loss was when I lagged while selling junk to the merch and sold my beloved Drago's Flatbow (this was a couple of weeks after SF was opened). I spent countless hours killing Drago for that drop, so that loss hurt probably more than any other. Not to mention that the bow was worth a lot of gold back then.
Other silly losses include losing connection right as I clicked on a black dye drop in pre-sear (was it a loss, even though I never really "had" it? Who knows?), intentionally selling my 15k bonelace when I bought my FoW scar for my necro (this was back when I only needed ectos) because I didn't have the room for both in inventory or storage (single pane in storage; no festival hatmaker; no materials storage), and deleting an ele so I could have room for a pvp slot, since back then, you had only 4 slots per acct, couldn't buy one and had to make really tough choices.
I'm well over 13k hours into the game, and although some of that time is forever "lost" I don't regret spending it.
Other silly losses include losing connection right as I clicked on a black dye drop in pre-sear (was it a loss, even though I never really "had" it? Who knows?), intentionally selling my 15k bonelace when I bought my FoW scar for my necro (this was back when I only needed ectos) because I didn't have the room for both in inventory or storage (single pane in storage; no festival hatmaker; no materials storage), and deleting an ele so I could have room for a pvp slot, since back then, you had only 4 slots per acct, couldn't buy one and had to make really tough choices.
I'm well over 13k hours into the game, and although some of that time is forever "lost" I don't regret spending it.
Account got hacked. Lost everything of value including obsidian armor(s) (not sure how many i had) and zcoins (this was surprising).