Originally Posted by Apok Omen
Can't really blame them, they just feel that they are giving the majority of their customers what they want...
Thats the thing, they didn't go with what the majority of customers wanted, they went with what the majority of customers
thought they wanted.
I am reminded of way back in the day someone posted a thread asking for obsidian armor to get something like +5% armor bonus just in PvE. After playing for so long to get the armor, that it not having a bonus made them feel shortchanged. Obviously they are right, so a token buff, hell even a substantial buff that makes obsidian armor mandatory is clearly what will get them playing the same content over again, after they just complained about being bored with the same content. What this person wanted was a gear grinding game; there is no fault in wanting that, WoW does quite well, Diablo and all its clones are fun to play, regular RPG players want some type of grind, but Guild Wars is just not that type of game. Take a look at where they did add in grind heavy mechanics (titles, books) and see the backlash and lack of satisfaction from those.
This isn't unique to video games. Consumers can tell you that they like something or that they dislike something, but they are very hard pressed to give you accurate information of what individual things they do or do not like. Anet only looked at the surface of feedback rather than looking deeper through it.
This is what I object to the most and my biggest disappointment with Anet as a developer, they don't seem to be able to recognize actual problems and address them.