Thanks to Devs and Regina
Im not sure if this is where to post this... but Id like to personally thank the Devs and Regina for being so quick to respond to Heros in the GHs. I know that you all get alot of grief on this forum for all sorts of things, but you have fixed this issue in record time, and deserve to hear a bit of appreciation for once for it. Thank you again for making me and the rest of my alliance happy today.
go cubs
Agreed, thank you very much. Very quick fix...I like it

Yes. Both Regina & Joe deserve a cookie!
agreed 123344
Thanks are in order, although I'm really not sure why it wasn't done this way in the first place.
Regardless, thanks for the quick fix.
Regardless, thanks for the quick fix.
Fixed a bug that caused the quest "Every Bit Helps" to reward twice as much gold as intended. |
My thanks to everyone at ANet for the quick action.
Wow; that's fast!
Big thanks to the team.
Big thanks to the team.

Definately appreciative of the speedy fix. But can we also find a way to remove all of those henches and put it back the way it was before the update? I hate the overcrowding in my GH.
Just want to add my thanks too ... the change is very much appreciated!
Oh rats, I just discovered that you can't do Zaishen Elite with heroes anymore because it's "PvP" - bummer
Oh rats, I just discovered that you can't do Zaishen Elite with heroes anymore because it's "PvP" - bummer

Agreed, nice to see such a fast fix. Thanks.

Thank you very much.
Appreciate it.

Ahh boo for the quest reward being lowered. I liked the profit from the UW runs.
The Scorpion Knight
Thanks for the quick reply, appreciate it.
Zahr Dalsk
This is quite excellent!
Hopefully the massive crowd of henchmen will disappear soon, followed by a reversion to PvE skill display.
Hopefully the massive crowd of henchmen will disappear soon, followed by a reversion to PvE skill display.
Michelle M
I posted my thanks in the petition thread, but would like to reiterate my appreciation here for the quick resolve...considering I was one of the "waaah! fix it!" mob.
Question, though: Are heroes still not allowed in scrimmages? How is that working out?
Question, though: Are heroes still not allowed in scrimmages? How is that working out?
Marzipan Marci
Let's add one more Thank You!
Thank you!
Very good Anet. Thank you
Very good Anet. Thank you

I will thank them when the nerf SF and not a moment before.

Stolen Souls
Yes, thank you.
Eragon Zarroc
ooooooo, awesome
didn't even notice till i read this thread, lols
Nice! Thank you!
]HM[ Sabre Wolf
Thank you so much for this... an unfortunate side effect with the ban of Heros from GvG... but good job on finding the issue, listening, and making the change within 24 hours.
Phaide Tu Blacke
Many thanks Anet.
Phaide Tu Blacke
Phaide Tu Blacke
Malchior Devenholm
TY Anet. It's good to know that the Live Team is still in touch /w the player base.
Great. Now if you guys can just get NCSoft to fix their damn security issues everyone will be happy.
I don't play pve but wow gg.
Also I want my XTH Points >_>!
Also I want my XTH Points >_>!
Indeed...thank you very much.
Agreed x100
Thank you Regina and the programmers so much!!!!
Update: 10/10
Thank you Regina and the programmers so much!!!!
Update: 10/10
Indeed, thank you very much to Regina, Joe and anyone else involved for responding so quickly and fixing things up.
Shayne Hawke
Not to be super serious or anything, but I don't see why we couldn't have just shown our appreciation in the same thread where you were all so kind to show your grief and criticism.
dr love
woa they been working their butts off lately. it's sweet updates like every few days! i guess november will be a boring month lol

Yes, thank you indeed! It's awesome to have heroes back in the GH. Kudos to you, Regina, Joe, and all the others who went the extra mile here to help us out.
ele pl
Yes, this deserves a thank you, so:
Thank you
Also, can we hope for fixing codex arena, or adding random codex arena in the same period of time? ^^
Thank you

Also, can we hope for fixing codex arena, or adding random codex arena in the same period of time? ^^
So now we are thanking Anet for fixing one of their own mistakes, that shouldn't even have happened to begin with?
Fril Estelin
So now we are thanking Anet for fixing one of their own mistakes, that shouldn't even have happened to begin with?
Wait...what world is this?
I'm not saying people can't make mistakes, but players groveling before the devs of a game they are playing because they were quick to fix a bug?
I'm not saying people can't make mistakes, but players groveling before the devs of a game they are playing because they were quick to fix a bug?
Always nice when your customers turn round and thank you for a quick response and turnaround of a viable solution.