22 Dec 2009 at 16:56 - 569
Sigh totally forgot about the contest, to busy with playing GW and RL ... might still start though seeing the 31th deadline though with christmas around might not have allot of time on my hands...
Went through most of the thread and like what im seeing, cool stuff allround
One thing that stood out most for me was this:
Originally Posted by Shewmake
Hmm...that's a good point. I think I'm being unrealistic too, so here's my progress: http://picosong.com/wYk/
Anyone think I should leave out the last little bit (from the GW2 trailer)? I was thinking about taking that out & adding the GW:EN theme, but I don't want it to be too long, so idk.
I rather liked it, though i also have a few comments to make...
1. Hopefully you will find a way to take out the irri computer *peebs*
2. I realy missed a snowbal fight intermezzo, the slow composition with the high pitches pretty much sounded like a snowcovered Tyria with Dripping icepegs ... unfortunatly this lasted for a short bit, after which for almost the whole track it becomes a bit bland, so i would realy suggest to add some snowball fighting as that is a large part of Wintersday and would add a more *cant find the word for it (busy, swelling, dynamic, not just snowcovered land, less monotone track)* part to the track; Perhaps it would help if you were to come up with a story that the musical piece needs to represent, something like:
*Wintersday Trailer Music*
1 Autum on Tyria (Prophecies theme slowly slowing down/fading)
2 First snowflakes (high pitches over theme fading), Swelling into full snowfall ...
3 Magestic fly over white covered lands, dripping Icepegs in a wintery sun
4 Then entering Lion's Arch from North Kryta Province, a fly-over the outpost, bussy, people running pressents chased by Grenthies, NPC Shouting Wintersday related lore, people taking and completing missions, people talking around a fire, roasting chesnuts .. then the camera flies into the Wintersday tree, fades...
5 To come out the other end (unfade) during a chaotic snowball fight (perhaps use prophecies fight music, together with low tone snowballs landing (dont forget spells like Hidden Rock, Yellow Snow)
6 fight ends, everybody joins in around the campfire for roasted chesnuts and Hot Choco, still busteling in excitement..
7 Camera then leaves the snowball area, to show a snowcovered Tyria and dripping icepegs again... slowly fading to black..
*after the end of your music piece, the trailer would go on*
8* Then Logo's show NCsoft / Arena Net
9* Then Grenth's head appears, the camera zooms out to reveal him fully infront an army of Grentchies, Grenth gives the sign of attack, and all the grenthies storm in to a still retreating camera, a rain of snowballs flies towards the camera.. they land, then all black, end of trailer...
In the current piece you allready sortof have parts of this 'story' nailed..
- the first 35sec (orso) sounded alot like part 2 and 3 of the above
- then after 3sec nothing, your piece slows down, think this part should go with part 1, though should last way shorter and go over into what the first 35sec are now..
- then at about 1:30 the music is swelling, which sortof goes with part 3 and leading to part 4, though to my taste it should have more going on at the moment the swelling reaches its peak, become bussier afterwards, perhaps more instruments or just bussier stacato, town like ... :/
- Then you should add a piece with snowball fighting..
- to go back to the first 35sec style, to then end... after hearing it a few more times i noticed you allready do this, just b4 the GW2 part starts part 7 of the above story is basically covered...
- Idd leave out GW2 part...
But feel free to come up with a different story all by yourself, mostly i think you shouldnt be scared to at some parts dont hold back as the overall sounded a bit bland (appart from the first 40sec or so), esp. where the violins kick in I expect some grandour of epic scale, for say 10-15sec to represent something big going on, i miss this currently ...
Only thing that bothers me a bit, is how to send it in, since basically its somewhat outside the rules, might work as a written down piece perhaps with a link to the above (finalised) piece ... Btw. this is also why it stood out to me, since it is audio art instead of visual art ... though art non the less
Love'd to hear progress... and to all other see progress too, love to see all those created pieces

... and of course: