List includes: |Green Items|Endgame Trophies|DoA Armbraces, Gems & Tormented Items|Oppressor's Weapons|Weapons of Purity|Wintergreen Items|Zaishen Coins|Hero Armors|Equipment Packs|Certain Traveler Rewards|more|
Each price or price range has a date. Ranges may be based on reports up to six months older than the listed date. To the right of the price is the number of reports in that period.
The main lists are organized by primary profession, then by attribute requirement, then weapon type, and finally by campaign.
Use your browser's search feature to find a particular item - it is a long list. (In most Windows browsers, use Ctrl-F to search.)
Listed prices are based on replies to this thread. If you disagree with a price quote, reply with your own findings. Each item has some notes and a date when that line's price was last updated. Ranges cover reports from the date listed and up to six months earlier unless otherwise noted. The number of reports in that period is noted after any price information.
Attention to anyone editing this OP - please be sure to also edit the date (month and year) and number of reports on the item's line when you edit its price quote. (This should help out when trying to determine how recent and accurate a sample the price data represents.) There is an "** Update Log **" at the end to record general notes about changes.
Attention to anyone replying with prices - please be careful to specify the exact item when reporting. Some items, like "Staff of the Forgotten," have many different variations. We won't know where to record your data unless you're specific. Thanks.
Please do reply if you know of an item missing from the list so it can be added. First note, however ...
- Like all PC threads, this is not the place for discussion or requesting to buy and sell items. Replies asking to add missing items are fine, but do not reply asking for missing prices - if we knew them, we'd edit this list with the information.
- Each item is supposed to include a link to its page on the official Guild Wars Wiki. If you notice a broken or incorrect link from this page, please do let us know. Any problems you find on the Wiki pages themselves should be addressed on the Wiki and not reported here.
- Non-max greens, aka starter-island greens, will not usually be listed here. These items are normally useful to only newer characters starting out and are not at all easy to sell in normal player-to-player trade. In the event a non-max green becomes popular, it will be listed and marked with the note "nonmax"
Note Key
- (Traveler) – This item comes from Gifts of the Traveler and covers all campaigns. (Please refer to the Consumables and Minipets price guide threads to track the value of the unopened gifts and any rewards not listed here.)
- (box) - This item comes from one of the Zaishen Strongboxes and covers all campaigns or one of the Factions Winds of Change Imperial Guard Lockboxes. (Please refer to the Consumables and Minipets price guide threads to track the value of the unopened gifts and many rewards not listed on this thread.)
- (endgame) – This item is one acquired by trading in one of the end-game reward trophies for the specified campaign. While the price of trophies can be used as a rough guide to estimate the value of these greens, remember that each specific reward greens' attribute, stats and skin may affect its popularity.
- (nongreen) – While this item is not green-texted, its stats are such that it can be listed here on a unique item PC baseline.
- (nonmax) – This item is not max damage, armor, or energy, but it's popular enough to warrant listing here.
- (HoM) - On Oct. 8, 2010, ANet released the Hall of Monuments Reward Calculator showing what rewards people would get in GW2 for items added to their halls in GW1. As a result, the demand for items which give rewards went up. If you see this HoM note on an item's line, be aware that the surge in demand raised prices, at least temporarily. Listed price ranges are still based on replies up to six months before an item's date note, but the current "going rates" may be higher.
- merch - Users report they simply trash, give away or sell this item to the merchant rather than waste time selling it.
- <number> reports - There were this many reports in the listed range about this particular item in the 6 month period up to the date mentioned. (Time frame may be other than 6 months in noted exceptions.)
Table of Contents
Search for the following lines to quickly jump between sections. (Triple-click a line to highlight it all, copy it, then paste the line into your browser's search)
** Multi-profession or Unlinked Items **
** Warrior Items **
** Ranger Items **
** Monk Items **
** Necromancer Items **
** Mesmer Items **
** Elementalist Items **
** Assassin Items **
** Ritualist Items **
** Paragon Items **
** Dervish Items **
** Update Log **
** End of Post 1 **
(That last one is to quick jump to the replies rather than scrolling.)
** Multi-profession or Unlinked Items **
Multi-attribute Weapons
- Staffs
- "Kerrsh's Staff" (Aug. 2010) 2-10k (6 reports)
- "Faith" (Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- "Heleyne's Insight" (box, Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- "Imperial Dragon Staff" (box, Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Traveler's Bo Staff" (Traveler, Dec. 2011) 10-20k (4 reports)
- "Traveler's Walking Stick" (Traveler, Dec. 2011) 6-15k (4 reports)
- Wands
- "Imperial Dragon Wand" (box, Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Plague-Soaked Stave" (box, Feb. 2012) 10-15k (2 reports)
- "The People's Will" (Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- "Xun Rao's Justice" (box, Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- Foci
- "Imperial Dragon Focus" (box, Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "The Bison Cup" (nongreen, Dec. 2011) 1-5k (10 reports)
- "The People's Resolve" (Dec. 2011) 5-35k (2 reports)
Endgame Rewards
- "Deldrimor Talisman" (Dec. 2011) 5-8k (11 reports)
- "Amulet of the Mists" (Dec. 2011) 3-6.3k (13 reports)
- "Book of Secrets" (Dec. 2011) 1.66-10k (13 reports)
- "Droknar's Key" (Dec. 2011) 5-14k (17 reports)
Crafted Weapons
In general, one can estimate the average value of any crafted weapon by adding the crafting fee plus the cost of materials and any attached upgrades/mods. It is not unusual to find sellers charging more for convenience or less because they've crafted a weapon for themselves and no longer need it. The prices listed here do not cover every craftable weapon, and the prices quoted are for the base weapon without considering the cost of attached mods/upgrades. (See the "Weapon Mods & Inscriptions Price Guide" for those.) Please note, this guide does not cover each individual weapon from these families because the price variations aren't high enough to warrant breaking them out. Usually, items for popular attributes will have an easier time fetching higher prices.
The prices below are the estimated crafting cost as of the date mentioned.
- "Destroyer" Weapons (nongreen, HoM, Dec. 2011) 55-68k
- "Charrslayer" Weapons (nongreen, Dec. 2011) 4-6k
- "Norn" Weapons (nongreen, Dec. 2011) 5.5-7k
- "Asuran" Weapons (nongreen, Dec. 2011) 6-6.7k
- "Deldrimor" Weapons (crafted, not the greens) (nongreen, Dec. 2011) 19-22.5k
Domain of Anguish Items
- "Margonite Gemstone" (Feb. 2012) 5k (1 report)
- "Stygian Gemstone" (Feb. 2012) 2.2-2.5k (3 reports)
- "Titan Gemstone" (Feb. 2012) 5-6k (3 reports)
- "Torment Gemstone" (Feb. 2012) 2.2-2.5k (3 reports)
- DoA Gemset (Feb. 2012) 13k (1 report)
(One of each of the four types of gemstones above, traded as a set.) - "Coffer of Whispers" (Dec. 2011) No longer tracked on this thread. Please refer to the Consumables Price thread for these.
- "Armbrace of Truth" (HoM, Feb. 2012) 154-192k (3 reports)
- Existing Tormented Weapons
It is not unusual to find sellers charging less than the going rate for an Armbrace for existing Tormented Weapons. How much less varies on the seller's willingness/need to sell and the popularity/demand for the specific Tormented item in question.
The range for existing Tormented Weapons in general is reported to be 119-154k (HoM, Jul. 2010, 3 reports.)
- "Tormented Axe" (HoM, nongreen, Mar. 2011) 130k (1 report)
- "Tormented Sword" (HoM, nongreen, Apr. 2010) 175k (1 report)
- "Tormented Maul" (HoM, nongreen, Oct. 2009) 200-225k (2 reports)
- "Tormented Longbow" (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Tormented Shortbow" (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Tormented Hornbow" (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Tormented Recurve Bow" (HoM, nongreen, Oct. 2009) 175k (1 reports)
- "Tormented Flatbow" (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Tormented <attribute> Shield"
- Strength (HoM, nongreen, Dec. 2009) 234-280k (3 reports)
- Tactics (HoM, nongreen, Dec. 2009) 210-240k (2 reports)
- Motivation (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Command (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) 250k (1 report)
- "Tormented <attribute> Staff"
- Divine Favor (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Healing Prayers (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Protection Prayers (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) 245-255k (1 report)
- Smiting Prayers (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Blood Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Curses (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Death Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Soul Reaping (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Domination Magic (HoM, nongreen, Oct. 2009) 175k (1 report)
- Fast Casting (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Illusion Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Inspiration Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Air Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Earth Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Energy Storage (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Fire Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Water Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Channeling Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Communing (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Restoration Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Spawning Power (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Tormented <attribute> Scepter"
- Divine Favor (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Healing Prayers (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Protection Prayers (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Smiting Prayers (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Blood Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Curses (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Death Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Soul Reaping (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Domination Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Fast Casting (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Illusion Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Inspiration Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Air Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Earth Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Energy Storage (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Fire Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Water Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Channeling Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Communing (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Restoration Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Spawning Power (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Tormented <attribute> Focus"
- Divine Favor (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) 220k (1 report)
- Healing Prayers (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) 175k (1 report)
- Protection Prayers (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) 220k (1 report)
- Smiting Prayers (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Blood Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Curses (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Death Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Soul Reaping (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) 168-250k (2 reports)
- Domination Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Fast Casting (HoM, nongreen, Jan. 2010) 162-175k (2 reports)
- Illusion Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Inspiration Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Air Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Earth Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Energy Storage (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) 180k (1 report)
- Fire Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Water Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Channeling Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Communing (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Restoration Magic (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- Spawning Power (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Tormented Scythe" (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) 270-280k (1 report)
- "Tormented Spear" (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) 200-280k (1 report)
- "Tormented Daggers" (HoM, nongreen, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
Wintergreen Weapons
Unlike Candy Cane weapons (which probably aren't valuable enough nor sold often enough to warrant listing here,) Wintergreen Weapons were awarded only one Wintersday season, 2006, and have inscription slots. Some are in higher demand than others, often as caster weapons and shields or adrenaline builders.
NOTE - Check the Rare Inscription Skins Price Guide thread, too, as the Wintergreen items are also listed on that thread.
Demand seems to peak just before or during the Wintersday event in game, so the ranges listed for Wintergreen Weapons cover reports from up to a year before the date mentioned.
- "Wintergreen Axe" (nonmax, nongreen, Jan. 2010) 175-198k (2 reports)
- "Wintergreen Hammer" (nonmax, nongreen, Feb. 2011) 590-765k (2 reports)
- "Wintergreen Sword" (nonmax, nongreen, Dec. 2010) 84-175k (4 reports)
- "Wintergreen Shield" (nonmax, nongreen, Dec. 2010) 140-210k (4 reports)
- "Wintergreen Bow" (nonmax, nongreen, Oct. 2010) 105-240k (4 reports)
- "Wintergreen Staff" (nonmax, nongreen, Oct. 2010) 77-240k (3 reports)
- "Wintergreen Wand" (nonmax, nongreen, Dec. 2010) 84-210k (5 reports)
- "Wintergreen Daggers" (nonmax, nongreen, Feb. 2011) 175k (1 report)
- "Wintergreen Scythe" (nonmax, nongreen, Nov. 2010) 28-210k (5 reports)
- "Wintergreen Spear" (nonmax, nongreen, Dec. 2011) 1470-1680k (1 report)
Guild Wars Beyond Rewards
This section is for reward weapons and related items from the new Guild Wars Beyond content. To date, that includes the War in Kryta and Winds of Change.
- Oppressor's Weapons (HoM, nongreen, Dec. 2011) 56-120k (3 reports)
NOTE: Like the craftable weapons and Tormented weapons above, there are many different Oppressor's Weapons. Each costs the same 10 Medals of Honor to craft. (Note that Medals of Honor can not be traded between players.) Like other families of weapons, player to player prices may vary with the popularity of a specific weapon's attribute and buyer/seller motivation. As of now, there are not plans to break this list out into individual weapons.
- Commemorative Weapons (Oct. 2010) See listings for specific Commemorative Weapons in the lists below.
They do not drop from foes. Instead they come from a crafter much like endgame reward greens for each campaign. Like Oppressor's Weapons these require 10 Medals of Honor to create; however, they are greens with fixed stats and cannot be placed in the Hall of Monuments like the Oppressor's Weapons, so the demand for any specific green may be significantly less.
- "War Supplies" (HoM, Dec. 2011) No longer tracked on this thread.
War Supplies from the War in Kryta content may be exchanged for Medals of Honor (which cannot be traded between accounts.) These medals can be exchanged for the green Commemorative Weapons or Oppressor's Weapons.
They also have use as personal consumables, and more and more players seem to use them for this purpose instead of WiK weapons. Therefore, in Dec. 2011, we no longer track them on this thread. Please find and report War Supply trades on the consumables price guide from now on.
- Weapons of Purity (nongreen, Dec. 2011) No reports posted
Each of these weapons costs the same 15 Ministerial Commendations to craft from the NPC, Iza Yoi. As of now, there are not plans to break this list out into individual weapons. Unlike Oppressor's Weapons above, these weapons cannot be added to the Hall of Monuments Valor monument. However, they are all max, r9 inscribable items that can be modded, like Oppressor's Weapons.
- Minsterial Commendation (nongreen, Feb. 2012) 1-2k (3 reports, all before Ch. 3 release)
These are reward trophies that can be exchanged for certain other Winds of Change items. Please use the consumables price guide for Minis-treats of Purity, Oaths of Purity, Imperial Guard Reinforcement Orders, Seals of the Dragon Empire, and Imperial Guard Lockboxes. (Note that some possible rewards from the Lockboxes are tracked on this thread.)
- Imperial Weapons (nongreen, Feb. 2012) No reports posted
Each of these weapons costs the same 15 Imperial Guard Requisition Orders to craft from the NPC, Shen Xi. (Note that Imperial Guard Requisition Orders can not be traded between players.) As of now, there are not plans to break this list out into individual weapons. Unlike Oppressor's Weapons above, these weapons cannot be added to the Hall of Monuments Valor monument. However, they are all max, r9 inscribable items that can be modded, like Oppressor's Weapons.
- Imperial Dragon Weapons (Feb. 2012) See listings for specific Imperial Dragon Weapons in the lists below.
These are greens with fixed stats which do not drop from foes. Instead they come from a crafter much like endgame reward greens for each campaign in exchange for the Winds of Change end reward trophies, Imperial Dragon's Tears. (Unlike other endgame reward trophies, Imperial Dragon's Tears can not be traded between players, but the green Imperial Dragon Weapons can be.)
Zaishen Coins & Their Rewards
With the June 2, 2011 Update Zaishen Coins became tradeable between players, and a few new weapons were added to the list of possible rewards.
- Gold Zaishen Coin (nongreen, Dec. 2011) 13-17k (2 reports)
A single Gold Zaishen Coin costs 50g and 10 Silver Zaishen Coins to craft from the NPC Pokhe. The net cost is 150g and 500 Copper Zaishen Coins. - Silver Zaishen Coin (nongreen, Jan. 2012) 1.5-2.24k (4 reports)
A single Silver Zaishen Coin costs 10g and 50 Copper Zaishen Coins to craft from the NPC Tesla. - Copper Zaishen Coin (nongreen, Dec. 2011) 31-34g (1 report)
- Gold Zaishen Reward "Envoy" Weapons cost 15k and 100 Gold Zaishen Coins to craft from the NPC Jessie Llam.
- Envoy Axe (nongreen, Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- Envoy Sword (nongreen, Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- Divine Envoy Staff (nongreen, Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- Dark Envoy Staff (nongreen, Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- Chaotic Envoy Staff (nongreen, Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- Elemental Envoy Staff (nongreen, Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- Spiritual Envoy Staff (nongreen, Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- Envoy Scythe (nongreen, Dec. 2011) No reports posted
Hero Armor Upgrades
- "Stolen Sunspear Armor" (HoM, Dec. 2011) 3-10k (17 reports)
- "Ancient Armor Remnant" (HoM, Dec. 2011) 7-3-11k (18 reports)
- "Mysterious Armor Piece" (HoM, Dec. 2011) 7.5-10k (4 reports)
- "Primeval Armor Remnant" (HoM, Dec. 2011) 8k (11 reports)
- "Deldrimor Armor Remnant" (HoM, Dec. 2011) 7-20k (78 reports)
- "Cloth of the Brotherhood" (HoM, Dec. 2011) 3-9k (63 reports)
Polymock Pieces
Pieces available from quest rewards are likely less, if even worth trying to sell at all. The specific, chest drop pieces are listed below.
- "Gaki Polymock Piece" (Nov. 2011) 30k (1 report)
- "Mantis Dreamweaver Polymock Piece" (Mar. 2010) 12k (2 reports)
- "Mursaat Elementalist Polymock Piece" (Dec. 2009) No reports posted
- "Naga Shaman Polymock Piece" (Nov. 2011) 10-20k (2 reports)
- "Ruby Djinn Polymock Piece" (Dec. 2009) 25-35k (2 reports)
- "Stone Rain Polymock Piece" (Apr. 2010) 15k (1 report)
- "Wind Rider Polymock Piece" (Dec. 2011) 15k (1 report)
Other Notable Non-weapon Items
- "Heavy Equipment Pack" (20 slots) (Feb. 2012) 184-224k (7 reports)
- "Large Equipment Pack" (15 slots) (Feb. 2011) 35-45k (10 reports)
- "Light Equipment Pack" (10 slots) (Dec. 2011) 15k (1 report)
- "Charr Bag" (Oct. 2010) 1k, applies to post-Searing trades. (1 report)
- "Zehtuka's Pack" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Zehtuka's Great Horn" (Jan. 2011) merch (1 report)
This quest item can be used once per character to get an automatically customized, multi-attribute focus, "Zehtuka's Horn".
Please refer to the consumables guide for pricing on "Zehtuka's Jug", and the Shortbow section further down for "Zehtuka's Shortbow." - "Moss Spider Egg" (Traveler, Dec. 2011) 10-45k (7 reports)
- "Monumental Tapestry" (HoM, Dec. 2011) 1.1-38k (11 reports)
- "Encrypted Charr Battle Plans" (Feb. 2012) merch, 500g-1k (27 reports)
- "Deeprunner's Map" set (sold as a set of the four map pieces needed for the quest, Mar. 2010) 2k (1 report)
Bought and sold separately, the individual pieces may be ~25% of the "map set" price. - Collector Trophies for Certain EotN Common Armor Pieces
Certain "common armor" pieces from EotN require a number of the following collector trophies. Prices listed are for a single trophy, not the quantity required for the armor piece.- "Diessa Chalice" (Dec. 2011) 7-16k (8 reports)
- "Golden Rin Relic" (Nov. 2011) 7-8k+ (1 report)
- "Superb Charr Carving" (Feb. 2011) 250-300g (2 reports)
- "Destroyer Core" (Feb. 2011) 250-300g (2 reports)
- "Glacial Stone" (Dec. 2011) 100g (1 report)
- "Bison Championship Token" (Oct. 2010) 40g (1 report)
- "Hammer of Kathandrax" (HoM, Jan. 2011) 2-4k (4 reports)
These quest items are often traded individually or in bulk for players using the repeatable dungeon quest to quickly earn their survivor title. - "Imperial Panda License" (box, Feb. 2012) No reports posted
** Warrior Items **
From Prophecies
- "Axe of the Firstwatch" (Oct. 2010) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Commemorative Weapons" earlier in this thread.) - "Deldrimor Axe" (green texted) (endgame, Jan. 2010) 6k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Razorstone" (Dec. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Tanzit's Cleaver" (Jan. 2011) 5k (1 report)
- "The Peacekeeper" (Oct. 2010) 13k (1 report)
- "Totem Axe" (Jan. 2012) 5k (1 report)
- "Victo's Battle Axe" (Jan. 2012) 8k (1 report)
- "Conviction" (Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- "Dragoncrest Axe" (green texted) (Factions,endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Imperial Dragon Axe" (Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Ironclaw" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Kanaxai's Axe" (Nov. 2009) 3-10k (4 reports)
- "Razorfin's Axe" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Wing's Axe" (Mar. 2010) 1k (1 report)
- "Chaklin's Axe" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Chor's Axe" (Oct. 2009) 5k (1 report)
- "Forgotten Axe" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Mallyx's Reaver" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Robah's Axe" (Dec. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Axe of the Kinslayer" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Axe of the Hierophant" (Oct. 2009) 20k (1 report)
- "The Bonehewer" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Byndliss' Reaver" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Axe" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Murakai's Reaver" (Oct. 2009) merch - 3k (3 reports)
- "Shons' Reaver" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "The Stonebreaker" (green axe) (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Torivos' Rage" (box, Dec. 2011) No reports posted
From Prophecies
- "Bludgeoner" (green texted) (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Deldrimor Maul" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2010) 6k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "The Ice Breaker" (Jan. 2011) 6-40k (3 reports)
- "Malinon's Malign Hammer" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Malinon's Skull Crusher" (Nov. 2009) 2k (1 report)
- "The Hammer of Justice" (Nov. 2010) 14-20k (3 reports)
- "Thorgall's Stone Smasher" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Victo's Maul" (Dec. 2009) 1-3k (3 reports)
- "Gavel of the Nephilim" (green texted) (endgame, Feb. 2012) 4k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Imperial Dragon Hammer" (Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Kanaxai's Mallet" (Nov. 2009) merch - 1k (1 report)
- "Sentasi's Jade Hammer" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "The Righteous Hand" (Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- "The Stonebreaker" (hammer) (Nov. 2009) merch - 1k (1 report)
- "The Ugly Stick" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Vera" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Xun Rao's Absolution" (box, Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Churrta's Maul" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Forgotten Hammer" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Grabthar's Hammer" (Jan. 2011) 2k (1 report)
- "Mallyx's Maul" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Riktund's Maul" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Saevio's Maul" (Nov. 2010) 25k (1 report)
- "Baglorag's Maul" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Cobleri's Hammer" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Crystal Core Maul" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Maul" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Durgon's Maul" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Eldritch Maul" (Jan. 2010) 1k (1 report)
- "Ettin Club" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Grelk's Hammer" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Havok's Maul" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Hodat's Maul" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Jormungand's Thunder" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Maul of the Hierophant" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Maul of the Kinslayer" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Murakai's Maul" (Jan. 2012) 1-3k (2 reports)
From Prophecies
- "Bartholos' Shining Blade" (Oct. 2010) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Commemorative Weapons" earlier in this thread.) - "Deldrimor Sword" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Grognar's Blade" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Grognar's Sword" (Nov. 2010) 3k (1 report)
- "Snakebite's Fang" (Oct. 2010) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Commemorative Weapons" earlier in this thread.) - "The Holy Avenger" (Feb. 2011) 0.5-15k (2 reports)
- "Victo's Blade" (Oct. 2009) 1-5k (3 reports)
- "Ogre-Slaying Knife" (nonmax, Oct. 2009) 1-4k (2 reports)
- "Icy Dragon Sword" (non-inscribable) (nongreen, Oct. 2009) 15-20k (1 report)
- "Imperial Dragon Sword" (Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Judgment" (Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- "Kai's Sword" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Kanaxai's Edge" (Jan. 2012) merch (2 reports)
- "Kaolin Blade" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Quivering Blade" (Oct. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Rajazan's Fervor" (Nov. 2011) 15k (1 report)
- "Shiro's Sword" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Sskai's Sword" (Jan. 2012) 3k (1 report)
- "Forgotten Sword" (endgame, Dec. 2009) 4-12k (2 reports)
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Mallyx's Edge" (Mar. 2011) 4.5k (1 report)
- "Reaper's Blade" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Shak-Jarin's Sword" (Aug. 2011) 5k (1 report)
- "Wahli's Blade" (Mar. 2010) 1k (1 report)
- "Blade of the Hierophant" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Cyndr's Edge" (Dec. 2009) 2.5-5k (2 reports)
- "Destructive Blade" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Sword" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Eldritch Sword" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Lissah's Edge" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Mobrin's Blade" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Murakai's Blade" (Nov. 2011) 5k (1 report)
- "Rocktail's Stinger" (Jan. 2010) 1-5k (4 reports)
- "Sword of the Kinslayer" (Jan. 2010) 2-5k (2 reports)
- "Ascalon Razor" (max, inscribable) (Traveler, nongreen, Dec. 2011) 3-5k (4 reports)
- "Demrikov's Judgement" (box, June. 2011) 30-224k (1 report)
- "Icy Dragon Sword" (inscribable) (Traveler, nongreen, Dec. 2011) 10-35k (9 reports)
- "Vampiric Dragon Sword" (Traveler, nongreen, Dec. 2011) 6-20k (12 reports)
Strength Shields
From Prophecies
- "Bartholos' Bulwark" (Oct. 2010) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Commemorative Weapons" earlier in this thread.) - "Deldrimor Strength Shield" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Tanzit's Defender" (Nov. 2011) 40-60k (2 reports)
- "Thorgall's Shield" (Jan. 2011) 1k (1 report)
- "Victo's Bulwark" (Dec. 2009) 1-3k (3 reports)
- "Arrahhsh's Aegis" (Oct. 2009) 2k (1 report)
- "Exalted Aegis" (Strength, green texted) (endgame, May 2010) 5k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Merki's Gaze" (Feb. 2012) 5-15k (2 reports)
- "Reefclaw's Refuge" (May 2010) 6k (1 report)
- "Strongroot's Shelter" (Oct. 2010) 5k (1 report)
- "Xun Rao's Quill" (box, Feb. 2012) 35-40k (2 reports)
- "Aegis of Terror" (Dec. 2009) 10-20k (3 reports)
- "Enadiz's Defender" (Feb. 2010) 1-2k (2 reports)
- "Forgotten Shield" (Strength) (endgame, Nov. 2010) 2k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Onwan's Aegis" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Destructive Shield" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Strength Shield" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Mallyx's Courage" (Mar. 2011) 3-4k (2 reports)
- "Shield of the Kinslayer" (Feb. 2010) 5k (1 report)
Tactics Shields
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Tactics Shield" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Grognar's Defender" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Langmar's Defender" (Oct. 2010) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Commemorative Weapons" earlier in this thread.) - "Malinon's Shield" (Dec. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "The Interdictor" (Nov. 2010) 10-15k (2 reports)
- "Baubao's Shell" (Jan. 2011) merch (1 report)
- "Exalted Aegis" (Tactics, green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Geoffer's Bulwark" (Jun. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "Imperial Dragon Shield" (Tactics) (Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Jacqui's Aegis" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Sunreach's Shield" (Jan. 2012) 6k (1 report)
- "Tarnen's Shield" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Aegis of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh" (Dec. 2009) 10-30k (4 reports)
- "Chumab's Pride" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Forgotten Shield" (Tactics) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Keht's Aegis" (Jan. 2011) 12.5-25k (3 reports)
- "Mallyx's Defense" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Sharptooth's Shield" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Aegis of the Condemned" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Tactics Shield" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Havok's Shield" (Dec. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Hidesplitter's Shield" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Shield of the Hierophant" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
** Ranger Items **
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Flatbow" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Drago's Flatbow" (Oct. 2011) 35k (1 report)
- "Drago's Vampiric Flatbow" (Jan. 2011) 3.5k (1 report)
- "Stoneherder's Flatbow" (Dec. 2009) 3-5k (2 reports)
- "Chkkr's Flatbow" (Jan. 2010) 3k (1 report)
- "Guidance" (Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- "Imperial Dragon Bow" (Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Ironwing Flatbow" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Urgoz's Flatbow" (Dec. 2010) 3k (1 report)
- "Forgotten Flatbow" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Koahm's Flatbow" (Jan. 2012) 3k (1 report)
- "Seedborn Flatbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Flatbow" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Nooseknitter's Flatbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Hornbow" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Stinger" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Thornbeard's Horned Bow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Inallay's Hornbow" (Oct. 2009) 3k (1 report)
- "Razorjaw's Hornbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Royen's Hornbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Custo's Hornbow" (Dec. 2009) 1-2k (2 reports)
- "Dzabel's Hornbow" (Nov. 2010) 6.5k (1 report)
- "Forgotten Hornbow" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Vah's Hornbow" (Oct. 2009) merch - 1k (2 reports)
- "Destructive Hornbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Hornbow" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Koren's Hornbow" (Dec. 2009) 3k (1 report)
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Longbow" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Elswyth's Longbow" (Oct. 2009) 1-3k (1 report)
- "Forgerunner" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Tarnok's Longbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Chehbaba's Longbow" (Dec. 2011) merch (1 report)
- "Ironwing Longbow" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Kaolin Longbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Lorelle's Longbow" (Mar. 2010) 3k (1 report)
- "Meynsang's Longbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Urgoz's Longbow" (Feb. 2010) 2-10k (5 reports)
- "Bansheh's Longbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Bearer's Longbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Deatheater Longbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Forgotten Longbow" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Mallyx's Longbow" (Jan. 2012) 2k (1 report)
- "Zelnehlun's Longbow" (Nov. 2010) 800g (1 report)
- "Arachni's Longbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Longbow" (endgame, May 2010) 6k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Johon's Longbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
Recurve Bows
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Recurve Bow" (green texted) (endgame, Feb. 2012) 5k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Gargash's Recurve Bow" (Feb. 2011) 2k (2 reports)
- "Elswyth's Recurve Bow" (Oct. 2009) 1-3k (1 report)
- "Isaiah's Balance" (Oct. 2010) 20k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Commemorative Weapons" earlier in this thread.) - "Rotwing Recurve Bow" (Dec. 2009) 1-5k (1 report)
- "Tarnok's Recurve Bow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "The Adjudicator" (Oct. 2010) 13-15k (2 reports)
- "Brrne's Recurve Bow" (Nov. 2010) 5k (1 report)
- "Nandet's Recurve Bow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Nundak's Recurve Bow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Razortongue's Recurve Bow" (Dec. 2011) merch (1 report)
- "Benwah's Recurve Bow" (Apr. 2010) 500g-2.5k (3 reports)
- "Bolten's Recurve Bow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Forgotten Recurve Bow" (endgame, Oct. 2009) 1k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Mallyx's Recurve Bow" (Feb. 2011) 3-5k (6 reports)
- "Saushali's Recurve Bow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Stygian Recurve Bow" (Jan. 2012) 3k (1 report)
- "Bow of the Hierophant" (Sept. 2011) 91k (2 reports)
- "Bow of the Kinslayer" (Mar. 2011) 60-90k (2 reports)
- "Droknar's Recurve Bow" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Korg's Recurve Bow" (Oct. 2009) 4k (1 report)
- "Petraj's Recurve Bow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
From Prophecies
- "Boulderbeard's Shortbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Deldrimor Shortbow" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Graygore's Shortbow" (Nov. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Graygore's Zealous Shortbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Ryver's Shortbow" (Oct. 2009) 5k (1 report)
- "Swiftscale's Shortbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Urgoz's Shortbow" (Jan. 2012) 5k (1 report)
- "Chiggen's Shortbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Forgotten Shortbow" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Tenezel's Shortbow" (Oct. 2009) 5k (1 report)
- "Tenshek's Shortbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Tundoss' Shortbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Uhiwi's Shortbow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Zehtuka's Shortbow" (nongreen, Nov. 2011) 15k (1 report)
- "Ashlyn's Shortbow" (Jan. 2011) 500g (1 report)
- "Droknar's Shortbow" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Xalnax's Destiny" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
** Monk Items **
Divine Favor
Divine Favor Staves
From Prophecies
- "Brohn's Staff" (Dec. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Deldrimor Divine Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Gardock's Staff" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Kepkhet's Refuge" (Jul. 2011) 6k (1 report)
- "Wenslauss' Faith" (Oct. 2009) 1-3k (1 report)
- "The Yakslapper" (Oct. 2009) 3-6k (3 reports)
- "Hukhrah's Staff" (Jul. 2011) 3k (1 report)
- "Jayne's Staff" (Oct. 2009) 2k (1 report)
- "Kaolin Protection Staff" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "The Scar Eater" (Jan. 2010) 1-6k (12 reports)
- "Ssuns' Staff" (Oct. 2009) 1-3k (2 reports)
- "Stoneweaver" (Oct. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Divine Ghostly Staff" (Dec. 2010) 1.5-10k (3 reports)
- "Divine Shadow Staff" (Dec. 2009) 1-2k (3 reports)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Divine Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Eldritch Staff" (Feb. 2011) 8k (1 report)
- "The Maneater" (Nov. 2009) 1k (2 reports)
Divine Favor Wands
From Prophecies
- "Brohn's Holy Rod" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Deldrimor Divine Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Gordac's Holy Rod" (Jan. 2011) 2k (1 report)
- "Peace" (Dec. 2011) 3-25k (2 reports)
- "Mungri's Flame" (Jan. 2012) merch (1 report)
- "Stormray" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, HSR Divine Favor) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Wayward Wand" (green texted, HSR Healing Prayers) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Wayward Wand" (green texted, HSR Protection Prayers) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Ziinfaun's Belief" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Divine Favor) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Mallyx's Faith" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Shaunur's Scepter" (Dec. 2009) 1k (3 reports)
- "Topo's Promise" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Divine Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Scepter of the Kinslayer" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
Divine Favor Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Divine Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Harmony" (Dec. 2011) 3-25k (2 reports)
- "Ivor's Icon" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "The Soulstone" (Nov. 2011) 3k (1 report)
- "Wenslauss' Chalice" (Oct. 2009) 1-3k (1 report)
- "Byzzr's Benediction" (Jan. 2011) 500g-1k (2 reports)
- "Ky's Chalice" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Divine Favor) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Ajamahn's Artifact" (Feb. 2011) 2.5k (1 report)
- "Josinq's Whisper" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Mallyx's Divinity" (Dec. 2011) 10k (1 report)
- "Noss' Artifact" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Divine Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Heart of the Kinslayer" (Feb. 2011) 2-15k (2 reports)
Healing Prayers
Healing Prayers Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Healing Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Lovisa's Love" (Oct. 2010) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Commemorative Weapons" earlier in this thread.)
- none
- "Hahan's Oath" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Healing Prayers) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Healing Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "The Wingshielder" (Jan. 2010) 4.5k (1 report)
Healing Prayers Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Healing Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- none
- "Chidehkir's Deliverance" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Deceitful Scepter" (Jan. 2011) 6k (1 report)
- "Dunshek's Purifier" (Jul. 2011) 15k (1 report)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Healing Prayers) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Healing Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Healing Prayers Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Healing Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "-50 hp Healing Cesta" (nonmax, nongreen, Dec. 2009) 100k+ (1 "report")
(The item is similar to the commonly traded "-50 hp Cesta," but with a Healing requirement. This one is no longer available as a quest reward and sometimes quite valuable at auction. In Jan. 2009, one sold for ~250k.) - "The Stonehart" (Jul. 2011) 3k (1 report)
- "Incetol's Focus" (Feb. 2010) 1k (1 report)
- "Rien's Sacrifice" (Dec. 2009) 3.5k (1 report)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Healing Prayers) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Chiossen's Wind" (Nov. 2010) 5k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Healing Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Kaykitt's Focus" (Dec. 2010) 10k (1 report)
Protection Prayers
Protection Prayers Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Protection Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- none
- "Banor's Sacred Branch" (Mar. 2010) 3k (1 report)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Protection Prayers) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Sadi's Benediction" (Jan. 2011) 8k (3 reports)
- "Chaelse's Staff" (Jan. 2010) 7-35k (3 reports)
- "Droknar's Protection Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Protection Prayers Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Protection Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- none
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Protection Prayers) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Protection Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Flannuss' Rod" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
Protection Prayers Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Protection Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Wroth's Icon" (Dec. 2010) 1-5k (3 reports)
- "Ganshu's Record" (box, Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Miella's Focus" (Nov. 2009) 5k (1 report)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Protection Prayers) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Amiresh's Piety" (Oct. 2009) 5k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Protection Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Smiting Prayers
Smiting Prayers Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Smiting Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Ivor's Staff" (Nov. 2010) 5k (1 report)
- "Scourgewind's Branch" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Fervorborn Staff" (Feb. 2010) 8k (1 report)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Smiting Prayers) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Smiting Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Nifling's Staff" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
Smiting Prayers Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Smiting Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Ivor's Smiting Rod" (Jan. 2011) 2k (1 report)
- "Wroth's Holy Rod" (dropped before 8.12.06) (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Wroth's Holy Rod" (dropped after 8.12.06) (Nov. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Smiting Prayers) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Smiting Prayers) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Riseh's Wand" (Oct. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Smiting Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Smiting Prayers Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Smiting Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Shen's Censure" (Dec. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Smiting Prayers) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Hamlen's Artifact" (Jan. 2010) 7k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Smiting Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "The Skinflayer" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
** Necromancer Items **
Blood Magic
Blood Magic Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Blood Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Fleshweaver" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Kole's Torment" (Oct. 2009) 1-3k (2 reports)
- "The Darkwish" (Nov. 2009) 3k (1 report)
- "Kaswa's Gluttony" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Kyril's Fervor" (Mar. 2010) 1k (1 report)
- "Milthuran's Staff" (Oct. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Blood Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Vanahk's Staff" (Jan. 2011) 10k (1 report)
- "Arachni's Staff" (Jan. 2010) 7k (1 report)
- "Bellok's Staff" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "The Bloodburner" (Nov. 2010) 8k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Blood Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Blood Magic Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Blood Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Gordac's Needle" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Blood Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Blood Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Wioli's Artifact" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Blood Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Scepter of the Keeper" (Dec. 2009) 4k (1 report)
Blood Magic Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Blood Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Gordac's Hook Blood" (Dec. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "-50 hp Cesta," Grim Cesta (nonmax, nongreen, Feb. 2012) 15k (1 report)
(See the Healing Prayers Foci section above for "-50 hp Healing Cesta" if you're looking for PC on an item like this linked to Healing instead.) - "The Shadestone" (Oct. 2009) 4k (1 report)
- "Chan's Greed" (Nov. 2009) 1-2k (2 reports)
- "Sourbeak's Taint" (Apr. 2010) 1k (1 report)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Blood Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Shelboh's Gaze" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Blood Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Curses Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Curses Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Villnar's Staff" (Jan. 2011) 1k (1 report)
- "Kaolin Accursed Staff" (Jan. 2010) 3.5k (1 report)
- "The Stonereaper" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Modti's Depravation" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Curses) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Bredyss' Staff" (Mar. 2010) 5-20k (4 reports)
- "Droknar's Curses Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Curses Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Curses Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Villnar's Claw" (May 2011) 20k (1 report)
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Curses) (endgame, Nov. 2009) 5-6k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Curses) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Tain's Corruption" (Jan. 2011) 3k (2 report)
- "Vulnero's Curse" (Mar. 2010) 5k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Curses Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Curses Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Curses Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Frozen Fan" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Villnar's Glove" (Nov. 2011) 10k (1 report)
- "Plaguebinder" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Curses) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Fondalz's Artifact" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Nehpek's Focus" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Destructive Focus" (Nov. 2009) merch - 1k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Curses Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Death Magic
Death Magic Staves
From Prophecies
- "Bortak's Bone Staff" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Deldrimor Death Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) 3k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Morgriff's Staff" (Oct. 2009) 4k (1 report)
- "Ghial's Staff" (Feb. 2011) 5k (1 report)
- "Woe Spreader" (Jan. 2010) 1-6k (6 reports)
- "Bohdabi's Spire" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "The Nightbringer" (Nov. 2009) 10k (1 report)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Death Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Death Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "The Flesheater" (Oct. 2009) 2k (1 report)
- "Jacado's Staff" (Jan. 2010) 7k (1 report)
Death Magic Wands
From Prophecies
- "Bortak's Bone Claw" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Deldrimor Death Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Morgriff's Scepter" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Bazzr's Wail" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Death Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) 3k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Death Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Mabah's Scepter" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Terob's Wand" (Nov. 2009) 7k (1 report)
- "Avarr's Scepter" (Mar. 2010) 5k (2 reports)
- "Droknar's Death Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Fendi's Rod" (Dec. 2009) merch - 4k (3 reports)
Death Magic Foci
From Prophecies
- "Bauer's Intimidation" (Oct. 2010) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Commemorative Weapons" earlier in this thread.) - "Bortak's Bone Cesta" (Jan. 2011) 5k (1 report)
- "Deldrimor Death Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Claw of the Whispered" (box, Feb. 2012) 10k (1 report)
- "Foulfist's Focus" (Oct. 2009) 3k (1 report)
- "Konrru's Fervor" (Jan. 2011) 3k (1 report)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Death Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Armind's Focus" (Jan. 2010) 5k (1 report)
- "Gloomy Artifact" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Marobeh's Chill" (Oct. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Death Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Fendi's Focus" (Oct. 2009) merch - 4k (3 reports)
Soul Reaping
Soul Reaping Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Soul Reaping Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "The Soul Reaper" (Feb. 2011) 2-35k (8 reports)
- none
- "Grim Ghostly Staff" (Dec. 2010) 3-15k (3 reports)
- "Grim Shadow Staff" (Dec. 2009) 1-2k (3 reports)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Soul Reaping) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Soul Reaping Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Fendi's Staff" (Oct. 2009) merch - 4k (2 reports)
- "Staff of the Hierophant" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Staff of the Kinslayer" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Zoldark's Staff" (Dec. 2009) 1k (1 report)
Soul Reaping Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Soul Reaping Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- none
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Soul Reaping) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Mallyx's Malice" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Menzes' Influence" (Dec. 2011) 7-10k (2 reports)
- "Droknar's Soul Reaping Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Scepter of the Hierophant" (Jan. 2012) 5k (1 report)
- "Zoldark's Rod" (Dec. 2009) No reports posted
Soul Reaping Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Soul Reaping Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Kole's Gauntlet" (Oct. 2009) 1-3k (1 report)
- "Kkraz's Indulgence" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Rot's Putrescence" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Mallyx's Spite" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Sehden's Mark" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Soul Reaping Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Focus of the Hierophant" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Focus of the Master" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Zoldark's Focus" (Dec. 2009) 3k (1 report)
** Mesmer Items **
Domination Magic
Domination Magic Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Domination Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Handsmasher" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Illyana's Staff" (Oct. 2009) 1-3k (2 reports)
- "Willcrusher" (Nov. 2011) 20k (1 report)
- "Kaolin Domination Staff" (July 2011) 12k (1 report)
- "Milefaun's Staff" (Dec. 2009) 3k (1 report)
- "Morolah's Staff" (Nov. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "Shelkeh's Hex Eater" (Feb. 2010) 3k (1 report)
- "Staff of Despair" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Domination Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Domination Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "The Magekiller" (Dec. 2010) 333g-7k (3 reports)
- "The Trickster" (Nov. 2010) 2-5k (2 reports)
Domination Magic Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Domination Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Garbok's Cane" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Korvald's Cane" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Mina's Gaze" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Phi's Wisdom" (Nov. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Shattered Illusion" (box, Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Domination Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) 1k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Wingstorm" (July 2011) 20k (1 report)
- "Eshwe's Wand" (Oct. 2009) 3k (1 report)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Domination Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Yammirvu's Scepter" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Domination Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Kemil's Scepter" (Jul. 2010) 5k (1 report)
Domination Magic Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Domination Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Korvald's Chakram" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Hanaku's Focus" (Feb. 2011) 2-18k (5 reports)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Domination Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Chichor's Conundrum" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Korrub's Vision" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Yammiron's Focus" (Dec. 2009) 3k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Domination Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "The Mindsquall" (July 2011) 5-15k (3 reports)
Fast Casting
Fast Casting Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Fast Casting Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "The Rapture" (Jan. 2011) 5-15k (3 reports)
- none
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Fast Casting) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Fast Casting Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Fast Casting Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Fast Casting Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Spectral Wand" (Oct. 2010) 35k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Commemorative Weapons" earlier in this thread.)
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Fast Casting) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Fast Casting) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Fast Casting Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Fast Casting Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Fast Casting Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Illyana's Mirror" (Oct. 2009) 1-3k (1 report)
- "Mohby's Artifact" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Fast Casting) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "The Time Eater" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Olunoss' Focus" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Fast Casting Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Rose Focus" (Nov. 2009) 5k (1 report)
Illusion Magic
Illusion Magic Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Illusion Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Gorrel's Staff" (nonmax, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Vokur's Staff" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Kenrii's Sorrow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Siska's Staff" (Oct. 2009) 3k (1 report)
- "Swiftspell's Staff" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Talous' Staff" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Vision of Purity" (box, Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "The Mindclouder" (Nov. 2010) 7k (1 report)
- "The Mindstealer" (Oct. 2009) 3k (2 reports)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Illusion Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Illusion Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "The Skullflayer" (Dec. 2010) 3k (1 report)
Illusion Magic Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Illusion Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Gorrel's Cane" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Vokur's Cane" (Dec. 2011) 5k (1 report)
- "The Dream Haunter" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Illusion Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Illusion Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Yamesh's Anguish" (Jan. 2011) 500g (1 report)
- "Droknar's Illusion Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Wilderm's Wand" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
Illusion Magic Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Illusion Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Forgotten Fan" (Jan. 2011) 1k (1 report)
- "The Rockmolder" (Jan. 2011) 3k (1 report)
- "Deeproot's Sorrow" (Nov. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Illusion Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Demented Artifact" (Jan. 2012) 2k (1 report)
- "Alitta's Focus" (Dec. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Illusion Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Kurg's Focus" (Jan. 2011) 5k (1 report)
Inspiration Magic
Inspiration Magic Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Inspiration Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- none
- "Inspired Ghostly Staff" (Dec. 2010) 3k (1 report)
- "Inspired Shadow Staff" (Dec. 2010) 1.5k (1 report)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Inspiration Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Inspiration Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Earthbound Staff" (Nov. 2009) 3-4k (2 reports)
Inspiration Magic Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Inspiration Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Inspiration Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Inspiration Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Mallyx's Whim" (Dec. 2010) 1k (1 report)
- "Stygian Wand" (Jan. 2012) 2k (1 report)
- "Wieshur's Inspiration" (Feb. 2011) 5k (1 report)
- "Bogroot Rod" (Nov. 2011) 2k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Inspiration Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Inspiration Magic Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Inspiration Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Garbok's Chalice" (Dec. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Vokur's Chakram" (Dec. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "The Purifier" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Inspiration Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Makdeh's Focus" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Mallyx's Inspiration" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Neoli's Contagion" (Dec. 2009) 2k (1 report)
- "Rual's Focus" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Inspiration Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Gwen's Flute" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
** Elementalist Items **
Air Magic
Air Magic Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Air Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Runar's Brimstone Staff" (Feb. 2011) 500g (1 report)
- "Amadis' Air Staff" (Nov. 2009) 3k (1 report)
- "Kunvie's Air Staff" (Jan. 2010) 5k (1 report)
- "Moteh's Lightning Spire" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "The Skybringer" (Apr. 2010) 4k (1 report)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Air Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Air Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "The Thundermaw" (Oct. 2009) 4-5k (1 report)
Air Magic Wands
From Prophecies
- "Brimstone Wand" (Nov. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "Deldrimor Air Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Air Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Air Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Air Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Air Magic Foci
From Prophecies
- "The Brimstone" (Nov. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "Deldrimor Air Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Air Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Lushivahr's Prism" (Jan. 2010) 3k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Air Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Ediehl's Focus" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Gloop's Focus" (Jan. 2011) 500g (1 report)
Earth Magic
Earth Magic Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Earth Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Galigord's Stone Staff" (Dec. 2009) 8-30k (6 reports)
- "Milius' Pillar" (Mar. 2010) 1-3k (4 reports)
- "Arbor's Earth Staff" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Shekoss' Staff" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Earth Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Earth Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Earth Magic Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Earth Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Galigord's Rod" (Nov. 2010) 5k (1 report)
- "Bahnba's Scepter" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Seacrash's Influence" (Mar. 2010) 1k (1 report)
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Earth Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Whyk's Wand" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Zarnas' Wrath" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "The Earthturner" (Jan. 2011) 1k (1 report)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Earth Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Earth Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Earth Magic Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Earth Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Galigord's Stone Scroll" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Bizzr's Fury" (Nov. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Earth Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droajam's Storm" (Dec. 2010) 3k (1 report)
- "Hajok's Prism" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Earth Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Joffs' Focus" (Dec. 2011) 5k (1 report)
Energy Storage
Energy Storage Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Energy Storage Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Toriimo's Torch" (Oct. 2010) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Commemorative Weapons" earlier in this thread.)
- none
- "Everlasting Ghostly Staff" (Jul. 2010) 4k (1 report)
- "Everlasting Shadow Staff" (Jul. 2010) 1-4k (1 report)
- "Kantoh's Walking Stick" (Mar. 2010) 5k (1 report)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Energy Storage) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Energy Storage Staff" (endgame, Jan. 2011) 1k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Magmus' Staff" (Oct. 2009) 4-8k (2 reports)
- "Prismatic Staff" (Dec. 2009) 1-4.5k (2 reports)
Energy Storage Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Energy Storage Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Energy Storage) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Mallyx's Endurance" (Jan. 2011) 2-3k (2 reports)
- "Menzes' Ambition" (Dec. 2011) 40-100k (2 reports)
- "Setikor's Scepter" (Jan. 2010) 7k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Energy Storage Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Prismatic Rod" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
Energy Storage Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Energy Storage Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Milius' Eye" (Dec. 2009) 1-3k (2 reports)
- "Chung's Focus" (Jan. 2011) 600g (1 report)
- "Snapjaw's Powerstone" (Jan. 2011) 2-10k (1 report)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Energy Storage) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Tarlok's Flagon" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "The Windcatcher" (Oct. 2009) 4k (1 report)
- "Mallyx's Perpetuity" (Feb. 2011) 3k (1 report)
- "Mekir's Prism" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Energy Storage Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Ilsundur's Focus" (Oct. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Prismatic Focus" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Whiteout's Focus" (Jan. 2010) 2k (1 report)
Fire Magic
Fire Magic Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Fire Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Firebrand" (Nov. 2011) 50-210k (5 reports)
- "Rago's Flame Staff" (Dec. 2009) 15-70k (5 reports)
- "Koosun's Fire Staff" (Dec. 2010) 10k (1 report)
- "Exuro's Will" (Nov. 2009) 3-5k (4 reports)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Fire Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Blisterbark's Staff" (Nov. 2009) 10-20k (2 reports)
- "Droknar's Fire Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Ilsundur's Staff" (May 2010) 7-8k (3 reports)
Fire Magic Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Fire Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Rago's Flame Wand" (Nov. 2010) 3-5k (2 reports)
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Fire Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Fire Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Hajkor's Flame" (Feb. 2011) 5k (1 report)
- "Korshek's Scepter" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Fire Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Ilsundur's Rod" (Dec. 2009) 1k (2 reports)
- "Lok's Scepter" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
Fire Magic Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Fire Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "The Kindlerock" (Nov. 2010) 5k (1 report)
- "Lian's Lantern" (Oct. 2009) 1-3k (2 reports)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Fire Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Kormab's Prism" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Korr's Focus" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Cyndr's Heart" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Fire Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Water Magic
Water Magic Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Water Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Flint's Fleshcleaver" (Nov. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "Kaolin Water Staff" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Unending Night's Grasp" (box, Feb. 2012) 2k (1 report)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Water Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Antiquated Staff" (Nov. 2010) 5k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Water Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Elsnil's Frigidheart" (Nov. 2009) 2-12k (2 reports)
- "Iceblood's Warstaff" (Feb. 2011) 5-30k (4 reports)
- "Lord Glacius' Staff" (Nov. 2009) 500g (1 report)
Water Magic Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Water Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Flint's Wand" (Nov. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "Shatterstone" (Oct. 2009) 2k (1 report)
- "The Stonebreaker" (Water Magic wand) (Jan. 2010) 2.5k (1 report)
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Water Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Water Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Antiquated Rod" (Jan. 2012) merch (1 report)
- "Drikard's Rod" (Jan. 2011) 3-10k (2 reports)
- "Droknar's Water Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Water Magic Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Water Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Flint's Artifact" (Jan. 2012) 1-3k (2 reports)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Water Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Bosun's Focus" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Buhon's Prism" (Oct. 2009) 500g (1 report)
- "Stormborn Artifact" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Antiquated Focus" (Nov. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "The Brainfreezer" (Dec. 2010) 3-15k (4 reports)
- "Crystal Focus" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Water Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
** Assassin Items **
From Prophecies
- "Alari's Double Blades" (Dec. 2010) 58-65k (3 reports)
(also see quote for "Commemorative Weapons" earlier in this thread.) - "Deldrimor Blades" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Deldrimor Daggers" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Deldrimor Knives" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Law and Order" (Feb. 2012) 30-79k (2 reports)
- "Arius' Sai" (Mar. 2010) 4k (1 report)
- "Ceremonial Daggers" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Chkkr's Pincers" (Jul. 2010) 2.5k (1 report)
- "Daggers of Xuekao" (Oct. 2009) 5k (1 report)
- "Darkroot's Daggers" (Oct. 2009) 5k (1 report)
- "Everthorn's Chakrams" (Oct. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "Falaharn's Split Chakrams" (May 2010) 5k (1 report)
- "Imperial Dragon Dagger" (Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Kaolin Daggers" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Kenshi's Butterfly Daggers" (Jan. 2011) merch (1 report)
- "Lou's Karambits" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Onata's Shards" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Oroku's Slicers" (box, Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Razorfang's Claws" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Resolve" (Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- "Shiro's Blades" (endgame, Mar. 2010) 2-3k (2 reports)
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Shreader's Talons" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Shrouded Oni Daggers" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Ssaresh's Kris Daggers" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Ungues of the Oni" (Mar. 2010) 1-5k (5 reports)
- "Urkal's Kamas" (Jan. 2012) merch (1 report)
- "Achor's Daggers" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Ardeh's Daggers" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Chimor's Daggers" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Faveo's Daggers" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Hanchor's Daggers" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Jarimiya's Daggers" (Dec. 2010) merch-2k (3 reports)
- "Jeahr's Daggers" (Mar. 2010) 3-5k (4 reports)
- "Kaya's Daggers" (Jan. 2012) merch (1 report)
- "Lunto's Pincers" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Mallyx's Zeal" (Oct. 2009) 5k (1 report)
- "Nihil's Daggers" (Oct. 2009) merch - 1k (1 report)
- "Ravaging Daggers" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Split Chakrams of the Forgotten" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Stygian Daggers" (Nov. 2010) 3k (1 report)
- "Talons of the Forgotten" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Ungues of the Forgotten" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Claws of the Broodmother" (Jan. 2010) merch - 1k (4 reports)
- "Claws of the Kinslayer" (Oct. 2009) 35k+ (1 report)
- "Daggers of the Hierophant" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Blades" (endgame, Oct. 2009) 1k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Droknar's Daggers" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Droknar's Knives" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Hidesplitter's Daggers" (May 2011) 1-5k (2 reports)
- "Pywatt's Talons" (May 2011) 5k (1 report)
- "Thunderfist's Brass Knuckles" (nongreen, Nov. 2009) 1-2k (2 reports)
** Ritualist Items **
Channeling Magic
Channeling Magic Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Channeling Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Phoenix's Retribution" (box, Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Ssyn's Staff" (Nov. 2009) 3-5k (2 reports)
- "Bohdalz's Fury" (Jan. 2011) 8-35k (3 reports)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Channeling Magic) (endgame, May 2010) 5k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Channeling Staff" (endgame, Apr. 2010) 6.5k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Channeling Magic Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Channeling Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Promise of the Unseen" (Feb. 2011) 5-10k (2 report)
- "Spiritspeaker" (June 2011) 3k (1 report)
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Channeling Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Channeling Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Podaltur's Fury" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Shakahm's Striker" (Oct. 2009) 3-4k (2 reports)
- "Droknar's Channeling Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Channeling Magic Foci
From Prophecies
- "Beacon of the Unseen" (Dec. 2011) 20k (1 report)
- "Deldrimor Channeling Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "The Pain Eater" (Jan. 2010) 2-4k (2 reports)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Channeling Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Tattered Fan" (Oct. 2009) 500g - 1k (1 report)
- "Hautoh's Ambition" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Kayin's Focus" (Jan. 2011) 2k (1 report)
- "Bogroot Focus" (Dec. 2010) 2-12k (2 reports)
- "Droknar's Channeling Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Communing Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Communing Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- none
- "Staff of Ruin" (Dec. 2010) 32k (1 report)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Communing) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Communing Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Staff of the Wanderer" (Nov. 2009) 5k (1 report)
Communing Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Communing Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Vengeance Seeker" (Oct. 2009) 3-10k (3 reports)
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Communing) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Communing) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Communing Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Communing Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Communing Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Quansong's Focus" (Feb. 2012) 8k (1 report)
- "Sseer's Wish" (Feb. 2012) 1.5k (1 report)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Communing) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Jedeh's Artifact" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Communing Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Restoration Magic
Restoration Magic Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Restoration Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- none
- "Alem's Remedy" (Jan. 2011) 2-8k (4 reports)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Restoration Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Bogroot Staff" (Nov. 2009) 2-10k (4 reports)
- "Droknar's Restoration Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Oola's Staff" (Jan. 2011) 0.5-10k (6 reports)
Restoration Magic Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Restoration Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Restoration Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Restoration Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Restoration Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Oola's Wand" (Nov. 2009) 4-5k (2 reports)
Restoration Magic Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Restoration Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Soulwhisper's Guardian" (Jan. 2011) 2k (1 report)
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Restoration Magic) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- none
- "Droknar's Restoration Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Oola's Focus" (Nov. 2011) 2k (1 report)
Spawning Power
Spawning Power Staves
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Spawning Staff" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Bazzr's Staff" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Orosen's Staff" (Nov. 2009) 3-5k (3 reports)
- "Ritual Lord's Staff" (Nov. 2009) 3k (1 report)
- "Spiritgarden's Repose" (Jan. 2011) 3k (1 report)
- "Alsin's Walking Stick" (Nov. 2010) 13k (1 report)
- "Ritualistic Ghostly Staff" (Dec. 2010) 3k ( report)
- "Ritualistic Shadow Staff" (Dec. 2009) 1k (2 reports)
- "Staff of the Forgotten" (Spawning Power) (endgame, Aug. 2011) 10k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.)
- "Droknar's Spawning Staff" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Fozzy's Staff" (Dec. 2011) 5-6k (2 reports)
- "Red Asuraline Staff" (nongreen, Oct. 2010) 25-100k (2 reports)
Spawning Power Wands
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Spawning Scepter" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Brightclaw" (Jan. 2011) 1k (1 report)
- "Kaolin Wand" (Jan. 2011) 1k (1 report)
- "Mossbeard's Wand" (Nov. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "Wayward Wand" (green texted, Spawning Power) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Churahm's Wand" (Mar. 2010) 4k (1 report)
- "Golden Boar Scepter" (Spawning Power) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Mallyx's Making" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Stygian Scepter" (Jan. 2012) 1k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Spawning Scepter" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
Spawning Power Foci
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Spawning Focus" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Cho's Vice" (Jan. 2012) 2k (1 report)
- "The Skill Eater" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Spiriteater" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Straw Effigy" (green texted, Spawning Power) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Mallyx's Creation" (Nov. 2010) 1-1.5k (2 reports)
- "Nehjab's Thirst" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Spawning Focus" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.)
** Paragon Items **
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Impaler" (endgame, Nov. 2009) 5k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Deldrimor Javelin" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Deldrimor Spear" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Righteous Fury" (June 2011) 4-12k (2 reports)
- "Ceremonial Spear" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Diligence" (Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- "Imperial Dragon Spear" (Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "The Bloodspear" (Mar. 2011) 3k (1 report)
- "Courage of the Forgotten" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "The Darksong" (Feb. 2011) 1-3k (9 reports)
- "Eshau's Spear" (Oct. 2009) 2k (1 report)
- "Luluh's Spear" (Dec. 2009) 2k (1 report)
- "Mallyx's Cruelty" (Nov. 2009) 3k (1 report)
- "Mallyx's Strife" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Oathbound Spear" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Pehnsed's Voice" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Prayer of the Forgotten" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Shakor's Spear" (Jun. 2010) 1k (1 report)
- "Shrieking Spear" (Oct. 2009) 7k (1 report)
- "Spirit of the Forgotten" (endgame, Feb. 2011) 4-14k (2 reports)
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Stygian Spear" (Nov. 2009) 1k (2 reports)
- "Toshau's Spear" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Tureksin's Spear" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Turep's Spear" (Dec. 2009) 1-5k (6 reports)
- "Droknar's Courage" (endgame, Feb. 2011) 4k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Droknar's Spear" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Droknar's Strength" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Erasklion's Spear" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Hidesplitter's Spear" (Nov. 2010) 1-15k (3 reports)
- "Jadam's Spear" (Jun. 2010) 5-7k (1 report)
- "The Matriarch's Stinger" (Dec. 2009) 1-3k (2 reports)
- "Spear of the Hierophant" (Feb. 2010) 50-70k (4 reports)
- "Spear of the Kinslayer" (Feb. 2011) 8k (1 report)
Command Shields
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Shield" (green texted, Command) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Fanatical Devotion" (Oct. 2010) 25-35k (2 reports)
- "Bei Chi's Bulwark" (box, Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Exalted Aegis" (green texted, Command) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Imperial Dragon Shield" (Command) (Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Arneh's Fury" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Briahn's Guidance" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Eye of Argon" (Apr. 2010) 4.1k (1 report)
- "Forgotten Shield" (Command) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Kunan's Bastion" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Mallyx's Supremacy" (Feb. 2011) 3k (2 reports)
- "Shagu's Anthem" (Jan. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "Stygian Defender" (Nov. 2009) 7-15k (3 reports)
- "Droknar's Command Shield" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Shield of the Condemned" (Command) (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
Motivation Shields
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Shield" (green texted, Motivation) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.)
- "Exalted Aegis" (green texted, Motivation) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.)
- "Churkeh's Defiance" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Forgotten Shield" (Motivation) (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Mallyx's Motivation" (Feb. 2012) 3k (1 report)
- "Stygian Aegis" (Feb. 2011) 3-5k (2 reports)
- "Wandalz's Refuge" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Bastion of the Condemned" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Cyndr's Aegis" (Jun. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "Droknar's Motivation Shield" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Fenrir's Bastion" (Mar. 2011) 2k (1 report)
** Dervish Items **
From Prophecies
- "Deldrimor Reaper" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Deldrimor Scythe" (green texted) (endgame, Nov. 2010) 5k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Deldrimor Shear" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Deldrimor Talisman" earlier in this thread.) - "Long Arm of the Law" (Oct. 2010) 10-20k (2 reports)
- "Draconic Scythe" (green texted) (endgame, Feb. 2012) 12.5k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Amulet of the Mists" earlier in this thread.) - "Imperial Dragon Scythe" (Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Temperance" (Dec. 2011) No reports posted
- "Xun Rao's Command" (box, Feb. 2012) No reports posted
- "Balthazar's Fury" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Bubahl's Grasp" (Oct. 2010) 2k (1 report)
- "Claw of the Forgotten" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Dwayna's Grace" (Feb. 2010) 6-15k (4 reports)
- "Eshekibeh's Scythe" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Eyes of the Forgotten" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Fahralon's Scythe" (Oct. 2009) 3-12k (2 reports)
- "Grenth's Grasp" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Hand of the Forgotten" (endgame, May 2010) 7k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Book of Secrets" earlier in this thread.) - "Leilon's Vow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Lyssa's Bedlam" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Mallyx's Hatred" (Jul. 2010) 4k (1 report)
- "Mallyx's Savagery" (Jan. 2011) 3k (1 report)
- "Melandru's Grip" (Nov. 2009) 2k (1 report)
- "Mhedi's Vow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Scythe of Corruption" (Dec. 2010) 10k (1 report)
- "Sehlon's Vow" (Jan. 2010) 10k (1 report)
- "Shezel's Reaper" (Mar. 2010) 3k (1 report)
- "Stygian Scythe" (Dec. 2009) 3k (2 reports)
- "Suli's Scythe" (Dec. 2011) merch (1 report)
- "Terror Scythe" (Feb. 2012) 12.5k (1 report)
- "The Deathbringer" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Vahlen's Vow" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Arachni's Scythe" (Feb. 2011) 1k (1 report)
- "Asterius' Scythe" (Feb. 2011) 15k (2 reports)
- "Bonecage Scythe" (green texted) (Jan. 2012) 23k (1 report)
- "Brynn's Scythe" (Nov. 2009) No reports posted
- "Droknar's Edge" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Droknar's Reaper" (endgame, Feb. 2012) 20k (1 report)
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Droknar's Scythe" (endgame, Nov. 2009) No reports posted
(also see quote for "Droknar's Key" earlier in this thread.) - "Myish's Scythe" (Apr. 2011) 18k (1 report)
- "Scythe of the Kinslayer" (Oct. 2009) 25k (1 report)
- "Scythe of the Hierophant" (Oct. 2009) 20k (1 report)
- "Taameh's Scythe" (Oct. 2009) 1k (1 report)
- "The Soulwailer" (Oct. 2009) 6k (1 report)
- "Dhuum's Soul Reaper" (nongreen, Dec. 2010) 175-350k (3 reports)
- "Vetaura's Harbinger" (box, Jul. 2011) 140k (1 report)
** Update Log **
Many thanks to ...
- the folks who work on the weapon pages and green lists at wiki,
- the folks who helped design this list,
- the mods who help keep this up to date,
- everyone who helps out with reporting prices here!
Cheers & Happy hunting!
** End of Post 1 **