Greens & Other Unique Items (all campaigns) Price Guide
Just sold a Gaki Polymock piece (gold) for 30k.
I will try to get the OP updated soon (hopefully within a week.) Post findings about anything on the list, as always!
Any new "greens or other unique items" not yet on this list to be added? (I've been gone for several months and am not yet caught up on all the new additions since the last OP update was done.) If you know of one or more that hasn't yet been posted about to add already, please post it here.
Any results or insights you can offer regarding the current prices of the following would, I suspect, be the most advantageous to the most players ...
- Armbraces, Gemsets, and Tormented Weapons
- equipment packs (Note that zcoins are not on this list right now, and I'm not sure if it makes more sense to put them on the consumables thread or here. I lean towards consumables as the better home for them, myself.)
- endgame trophies (Has the 7 hero update significantly affected the going rates for these?)
- WiK oppressor weapons / war supplies
Any new "greens or other unique items" not yet on this list to be added? (I've been gone for several months and am not yet caught up on all the new additions since the last OP update was done.) If you know of one or more that hasn't yet been posted about to add already, please post it here.
Any results or insights you can offer regarding the current prices of the following would, I suspect, be the most advantageous to the most players ...
- Armbraces, Gemsets, and Tormented Weapons
- equipment packs (Note that zcoins are not on this list right now, and I'm not sure if it makes more sense to put them on the consumables thread or here. I lean towards consumables as the better home for them, myself.)
- endgame trophies (Has the 7 hero update significantly affected the going rates for these?)
- WiK oppressor weapons / war supplies
Sold a Stolen Sunspear Armor in Kamadan for 5k.
Sold Gold Polymock Naga Shaman Piece: 20k in about 10 minutes.
Had one person offer 5k, and another offer 9k, but they were purposefully lowballing to get a good deal i think. Selling for 20 was pretty easy.
Had one person offer 5k, and another offer 9k, but they were purposefully lowballing to get a good deal i think. Selling for 20 was pretty easy.
ele kid
Golden Rin Relics and Diessa Chalises should be a little higher since its even tough to buy them for an ecto each, obviously because of the decreased popularity of farming CoF.
Sold Keht's Aegis for 12.5k
Sold Tanzit's Defender for 40k
Sold Murakai's Blade for 5k
Sold Traveler's Walking Stick for 15k
Sold Tanzit's Defender for 40k
Sold Murakai's Blade for 5k
Sold Traveler's Walking Stick for 15k
Sold today a firebrand for 23e (have screen shot to prove if need be)
New month, new post (Sorry the promised OP update is taking so long. Other things got in the way of my research into what needs to be added here. I still hope to get around to it.)
Dec. 2
- in game, sold an Oppressor's Channeling Scepter for 63k
- gave away a "Suli's Scythe" after not finding anyone interested in buying it for a long time (tried off and on over the course of many months.)
Dec. 4
- sold a Wintergreen Spear for 210e, buyer's counter offer to my 220e asking price. (Ecto has been a little unstable lately, between 7-8k ea., so 1.47-1.68 M plat value.)
Dec. 5
- sold a Beacon of the Unseen for 20k, the buyer's counteroffer to my 25k asking price. (The buyer whispered me out of the blue when I was afk-farming my guild hall. I assume he saw my listing for it from argos logs of spam I sent a day or two ago.)
- bought 1x Encrypted Charr Battle Plans from a player who saw them on my buy thread. He offered them for free, but I insisted on paying 500g, the price I've bought them for off threads here in the past.
Dec. 9
- I met a player in Kamadan with an ad up to buy lots (~70 I think) of armbraces of truth. I asked if they'd share their feelings on PC with me, and they were kind enough to reply. They told me 22-24e, depending on if you're buying or selling. These days, 1e is anywhere from 7-8k. So figure armbrace PC roughly 154-192k value range. (As we were talking, another player showed up with a sell ad for over 100 arms for 23e each, so that's more like 161-184k range. I did not speak with that player at all, though.)
- sold Peace and Harmony as a set for 50k (figure 25k ea.)
Dec. 11
- bought WiK green "Peace" wand via a fansite auction listing for 3k, the starting bid the seller listed and no one fought me for.
Dec. 12
- on behalf of Carinae (who wasn't registered) I bought a Wind Rider Polymock piece for the 15k b/o it was listed for on another fansite.
- bought two Encrypted Charr Battle Plans for 750g each, a seller's asking price when he got in touch after seeing them on my buy thread here.
Dec. 13
- I was chatting with stephash in game, while they were trying to buy Diessa Chalices. They told me the prices buyers seem to offer are 1-2e each, and stephash had been able to buy a bunch so far for 1e each. So figure 7-16k value per Chalice as the report here, given the current prices of ecto.
Dec. 14
- in game, bought 5 diessa chalices for 1ecto each (8k value right now,) the seller's advertised price. (bought them for stephash who was busy on a run)
- gave away a "Razortongue's Recurve Bow" which took several days on a giveaway thread for anyone to claim.
Dec. 15
- in game, bought encrypted charr battle plans for my 500g offer
- in game, bought 2 encrypted charr battle plans for 1k ea., seller's asking price
- from a thread here, I bought for 5k ea, listed b/o prices, Fozzy's Staff and Joffs' Focus
Dec. 16
- via my giveaway thread here, I gave away a "Chehbaba's Longbow" which was donated to me by a player who said they had many of these and couldn't sell them.
Dec. 17
- from a thread here, I bought the green WiK focus, "Harmony" for the listed buyout price of 2.5k.
Dec. 23
- in game, I sold one Diessa Chalice for 10k, the offer price listed in a player's buy ad in Kama.
- via fansite auction system, bought 1 Light Equipment Pack (10slots) for the 15k b/o price it had been listed at for a few days.
- in game, I sold a "Menzes' Ambition" for 40k. I met a buyer with an ad up to buy one. We got to chatting, as I had one I wasn't really using but was part of my collection, so I had not been actively trying to sell it. He told me his max offer for one was 40k. He seemed more likely to use it than I am, so I agreed to sell him mine for his best offer.
- via fansite auction system, bought Menzes' Influence for 7k, the listed buyout price.
Dec. 2
- in game, sold an Oppressor's Channeling Scepter for 63k
- gave away a "Suli's Scythe" after not finding anyone interested in buying it for a long time (tried off and on over the course of many months.)
Dec. 4
- sold a Wintergreen Spear for 210e, buyer's counter offer to my 220e asking price. (Ecto has been a little unstable lately, between 7-8k ea., so 1.47-1.68 M plat value.)
Dec. 5
- sold a Beacon of the Unseen for 20k, the buyer's counteroffer to my 25k asking price. (The buyer whispered me out of the blue when I was afk-farming my guild hall. I assume he saw my listing for it from argos logs of spam I sent a day or two ago.)
- bought 1x Encrypted Charr Battle Plans from a player who saw them on my buy thread. He offered them for free, but I insisted on paying 500g, the price I've bought them for off threads here in the past.
Dec. 9
- I met a player in Kamadan with an ad up to buy lots (~70 I think) of armbraces of truth. I asked if they'd share their feelings on PC with me, and they were kind enough to reply. They told me 22-24e, depending on if you're buying or selling. These days, 1e is anywhere from 7-8k. So figure armbrace PC roughly 154-192k value range. (As we were talking, another player showed up with a sell ad for over 100 arms for 23e each, so that's more like 161-184k range. I did not speak with that player at all, though.)
- sold Peace and Harmony as a set for 50k (figure 25k ea.)
I met a player in Kama spamming to buy one or the other of these (can't remember which,) and we got to talking. It turns out they were helping a friend search. The friend really wanted to buy the pair. I had a pair I was not actively using, but I was not actively looking to sell either. I told them I'd agree to sell the set for 50k and that I did not mind if they wanted to search a while for more motivated sellers with lower prices than mine. It was all perfectly civil and polite, no raging. The buyer accepted my 50k price without hesitation. I have no idea how long he had been looking, so I can't say for sure if this was a case of undersupply vs. impatience. Either way, I really did sell these two together for 50k.- bought two Encrypted Charr Battle Plans for 1k each, the buyout price they were listed for on a fansite auction system. (They had been listed for 3k starting bid with an even higher buyout a few days before, but the seller lowered the price. I'd not thought it worth paying 3k per set of plans, and they had not sold to any other users. I was willing to buy them for the reduced 1k price when I noticed the change, though.)
Dec. 11
- bought WiK green "Peace" wand via a fansite auction listing for 3k, the starting bid the seller listed and no one fought me for.
Dec. 12
- on behalf of Carinae (who wasn't registered) I bought a Wind Rider Polymock piece for the 15k b/o it was listed for on another fansite.
- bought two Encrypted Charr Battle Plans for 750g each, a seller's asking price when he got in touch after seeing them on my buy thread here.
Dec. 13
- I was chatting with stephash in game, while they were trying to buy Diessa Chalices. They told me the prices buyers seem to offer are 1-2e each, and stephash had been able to buy a bunch so far for 1e each. So figure 7-16k value per Chalice as the report here, given the current prices of ecto.
Dec. 14
- in game, bought 5 diessa chalices for 1ecto each (8k value right now,) the seller's advertised price. (bought them for stephash who was busy on a run)
- gave away a "Razortongue's Recurve Bow" which took several days on a giveaway thread for anyone to claim.
Dec. 15
- in game, bought encrypted charr battle plans for my 500g offer
- in game, bought 2 encrypted charr battle plans for 1k ea., seller's asking price
- from a thread here, I bought for 5k ea, listed b/o prices, Fozzy's Staff and Joffs' Focus
Dec. 16
- via my giveaway thread here, I gave away a "Chehbaba's Longbow" which was donated to me by a player who said they had many of these and couldn't sell them.
Dec. 17
- from a thread here, I bought the green WiK focus, "Harmony" for the listed buyout price of 2.5k.
Dec. 23
- in game, I sold one Diessa Chalice for 10k, the offer price listed in a player's buy ad in Kama.
- via fansite auction system, bought 1 Light Equipment Pack (10slots) for the 15k b/o price it had been listed at for a few days.
- in game, I sold a "Menzes' Ambition" for 40k. I met a buyer with an ad up to buy one. We got to chatting, as I had one I wasn't really using but was part of my collection, so I had not been actively trying to sell it. He told me his max offer for one was 40k. He seemed more likely to use it than I am, so I agreed to sell him mine for his best offer.
- via fansite auction system, bought Menzes' Influence for 7k, the listed buyout price.
Bought 5 x Encrypted Charr Battle Plans for 500g each from a posted reply in my buy thread.
Ritualist Veggie
Deldrimor armor remnants go for 7-10k easily... at least, thats what i'm seeing the last 2 weeks i was spending in Spamadam.
Illyana's Magick
Have sold several Books of Secrets for 10k. I noticed the current listing is 5-6k, but they're proving a pretty popular choice at the 10k price.
Selling lots of Oppressor weapons for anywhere between 65k (my listed price) and 15e (8.5k / ecto = 127.5k - buyers listed price). Most fall in the 65-75k range, though.
Sold 100 glacial stones for 10k, so 100g ea.
Sold Fozzy's Staff and Joff's Focus for 5k ea. (to Luny).
Putting out a request to everyone who frequents this forum for price checks on the various (or at least gold and silver) zaishen coins.
Sold 2 gold coins today for 2 ecto each (approx. 17k ea.).
Anyone have any idea the standard range for silver z-coins?
Selling lots of Oppressor weapons for anywhere between 65k (my listed price) and 15e (8.5k / ecto = 127.5k - buyers listed price). Most fall in the 65-75k range, though.
Sold 100 glacial stones for 10k, so 100g ea.
Sold Fozzy's Staff and Joff's Focus for 5k ea. (to Luny).
Putting out a request to everyone who frequents this forum for price checks on the various (or at least gold and silver) zaishen coins.
Sold 2 gold coins today for 2 ecto each (approx. 17k ea.).
Anyone have any idea the standard range for silver z-coins?
ele kid
sold some silver coins for 2k ea, see more people buying for 1.7 so I consider myself lucky on it.
Since jimbo does not seem keen on putting zcoins in the Consumables PC Guide OP I am ok with listing them here, sure.
But yeah - PLEASE post data! I am not now, nor have I ever been, comfortable basing the numbers on a Guru PC guide OP on anything like my own "best educated guess." I'm not nearly so pro to be ready to make such a declaration.
And also, please speak up if you know of things besides the following which need to be added to the OP.
But yeah - PLEASE post data! I am not now, nor have I ever been, comfortable basing the numbers on a Guru PC guide OP on anything like my own "best educated guess." I'm not nearly so pro to be ready to make such a declaration.
And also, please speak up if you know of things besides the following which need to be added to the OP.
- Copper, Silver, & Gold Zaishen Coins
- Winds of Change Items
- Ministerial Commendations & moddable Weapons of Purity from Iza Yoi (Not planning to split them out, as they all seem to cost the same 15 commendations.)
- multi-attribute "Faith" staff
- multi-attribute "The People's Will" wand
- multi-attribute "The People's Resolve" focus
- "Judgement" sword
- "Conviction" axe
- "The Righteous Hand" hammer
- "Guidance" bow
- "Resolve" daggers
- "Diligence" spear
- "Temperance" scythe
- New Zaishen Rewards
- gold Envoy Sword
- gold Envoy Axe
- Divine Envoy Staff
- Dark Envoy Staff
- Chaotic Envoy Staff
- Elemental Envoy Staff
- Spiritual Envoy Staff
- Envoy Scythe
- * Zaishen Strongbox has a place for listing on the Consumables OP along with other gift-type items, so I'll just redirect to that thread for these.
- "Demrikov's Judgement" sword
- "Torivos' Rage" axe
- multi-attribue "Heleyne's Insight" staff
- "Vetaura's Harbinger" scythe
- War Supplies need to be removed/redirected from this OP, as the market seems to value them as much, if not more so, as a consumable boost than a source of Oppressor Weapons. jimbo has them on the Consumable thread's OP already.
Illyana's Magick
Sold 51 gold zaishen coins at 2e each yesterday (yes, I'm a zaishen junkie).
Ectos were selling at 8.5k ea yesterday, so that puts the price range on the golds at approximately 17k.
Btw, these were easy sales, and I consistently see that price offered by both buyers and sellers.
And don't sweat it, Luny, we're not looking over your shoulder. Thank you for all you and your fellow mods do for us.
Ectos were selling at 8.5k ea yesterday, so that puts the price range on the golds at approximately 17k.
Btw, these were easy sales, and I consistently see that price offered by both buyers and sellers.
And don't sweat it, Luny, we're not looking over your shoulder. Thank you for all you and your fellow mods do for us.
Gold Zaishen Coins are steady at 2e each right now, though there are people trying to buy them for 13~15k each.
Silver Zaishen Coins are a bit less than a 1/10 fraction of Gold Zaishen Coins and the market reflects it - 2k per Silver Coin is quite a deal, since the more common offers are 1,5k~1,7k.
I've never really seen anyone trading the Copper Coins, but the going rates would put the Coppers at 31~34g each.
It's worth noting that there's a market for Monumental Tapestries now. Sold four today. 2 for 15zkeys (!!!), 2 for 20k - and those were offers from the buyers. I also saw three other people WTB Tapestries in the search windows, but apparently they were afk.
Silver Zaishen Coins are a bit less than a 1/10 fraction of Gold Zaishen Coins and the market reflects it - 2k per Silver Coin is quite a deal, since the more common offers are 1,5k~1,7k.
I've never really seen anyone trading the Copper Coins, but the going rates would put the Coppers at 31~34g each.
It's worth noting that there's a market for Monumental Tapestries now. Sold four today. 2 for 15zkeys (!!!), 2 for 20k - and those were offers from the buyers. I also saw three other people WTB Tapestries in the search windows, but apparently they were afk.
Just sold a mallyx's Divinity for 10k in response to a WTB request in Kamadan.
Thank you to everyone who posted data!
I'm sorry it took nearly a year to get an update done, but apparently folks weren't lining up around the corner to take it over while I was on an extended GW break. Go figure!
The GW Auctions fansite has a searchable price history database. Records are not left in the database unless both the buyer and seller confirm the item listed was, indeed, traded in game. With their permission, I'm including the data from the following searches I ran there on a few items from this OP's list.
(If you want to search the records for other items, you can register for free there and do so yourself. This is as many searches as I'm willing to run for the sake of keeping the OP useful.)
I'm sorry it took nearly a year to get an update done, but apparently folks weren't lining up around the corner to take it over while I was on an extended GW break. Go figure!
The GW Auctions fansite has a searchable price history database. Records are not left in the database unless both the buyer and seller confirm the item listed was, indeed, traded in game. With their permission, I'm including the data from the following searches I ran there on a few items from this OP's list.
(If you want to search the records for other items, you can register for free there and do so yourself. This is as many searches as I'm willing to run for the sake of keeping the OP useful.)
From the GWAuctions Price Database between June 27, 2011 and Dec. 27, 2011:Checking Material Trader NPC prices, Dec. 27, 2011,
- 10 "The Bison Cup" were traded with a range of 1-5k, and an average about 2k.
- 4 "Traveler's Bo Staff" were traded with a range for 10-20k, and an average of 16.25k
- 3 "Traveler's Walking Stick" were traded with a range of 6-10k, and an average of 8k
- 11 Deldrimor Talismans were traded with a range of 5-8k, and an average of about 6.9k
- 13 Amulets of the Mists were traded with a range of 3-6.3k, and an average of about 4.9k
- 12 Books of Secrets were traded with a range of 1.66-10k, and an average of about 6.6k
- 17 Droknar's Keys were traded with a range of 5-14k, and an average of about 9.6k
- 16 Stolen Sunspear Armors were traded with a range of 3-10k, and an average of about 5.9k
- 18 Ancient Armor Remnants were traded with a range of 7.355-11k, and an average of about 8.9k
- 4 Mysterious Armor Pieces were traded with a range of 7.5-10k, and an average of about 9.1k
- 11 Primeval Armor Remnants were traded, all for 8k ea. (Many more were sold in lots of more than one, but there's no quick way to get average per piece prices on those.)
- 77 Deldrimor Armor Remnants were traded with a range of 8-20k, and an average of about 10.9k
- 63 Cloths of the Brotherhood were traded with a range of 3-9k, and an average of about 5.7k (Many more were sold in lots of more than one, but there's no quick way to get average per piece prices on those.)
- 7 Monumental Tapestries were traded with a range of 1.1-2k, and an average of 1.8k
- 7 Moss Spider Eggs were traded with a range of 10-45k, and an average of about 21.4k
- 4 Ascalon Razors were traded with a range of 3-5k, and an average of 4k
- 9 unmodded, inscribable Icy Dragon Swords were traded with a range of 10-35k, and an average of 22k
- 12 unmodded Vampiric Dragon Swords were traded with a range of 6-20k, and an average of about 14k
- 1 Diamond: 3.1k/3.8k
- 1 Onyx Gemstone: 470/600
- 1 Monstrous Claw: 750/950
- 1 Monstrous Fang: 600/800
- 1 Fur Square: 50/150
- 1 Deldrimor Steel Ingot: 850/1100
- 1 Steel Ingot: 50/150
- 1 Iron Ingot: 26/36
- 1 Granite Slab: 48/60
- 1 Bone: 3/13
- 1 Wood Plank: 4/10
- Destroyer Weapons: 55.3k - 67.6k
- Charrslayer Weapons: 4.22k - 5.52k
- Norn Weapons: 5.68k - 6.64k
- Asuran Weapons: 6.12k - 6.6k
- Deldrimor Weapons: 19k - 22.5k
OP is being edited with replies reported above this mark, Dec. 27.
PLEASE do not edit any new reports above this mark, or they will be too easily missed in future updates.
Post new replies instead.
PLEASE do not edit any new reports above this mark, or they will be too easily missed in future updates.
Post new replies instead.
Illyana's Magick
Polished off the last 4 Books of Secrets for 10k ea.
Sold all of my Droknar's Keys (10) at 12k ea.
Sold unmodded Vampiric Dragon Sword for 15k.
Sold 4 Cloths of the Brotherhood for 5k ea.
Sold all of my Droknar's Keys (10) at 12k ea.
Sold unmodded Vampiric Dragon Sword for 15k.
Sold 4 Cloths of the Brotherhood for 5k ea.
Dec. 28
- from a thread here, I bought the green focus "The People's Resolve" for 5k, the listed b/o price.
Dec. 31
- from a thread here, I bought "Vokur's Cane" for my 5k bid offer.
- from a thread here, I bought the green focus "The People's Resolve" for 5k, the listed b/o price.
Dec. 31
- from a thread here, I bought "Vokur's Cane" for my 5k bid offer.
New month, new post
Jan. 6
- in game, bought 1 encrypted charr battle plans for my 500g offer price
Jan. 10
- someone whispered in response to either my buy thread here or my spams logged to argos offering encrypted charr battle plans. They sold me one for my 500g offer price. They told me they'd merched/deleted a bunch of them before realizing I was buying them.
Jan. 14
- from a sell thread here, I sold a victo's battle axe for the 8k b/o price I had listed it for a few hours before.
Jan. 15
- via a listing at another fansite, I sold a demented artifact for the 2k b/o price I had it listed for.
Jan. 16
- sold a Murakai's Maul for 1k. I had two of these listed for sale at 1k b/o prices, both here on a Sell thread and on another fansite. I had not been spamming them in game. Someone whispered me out of the blue asking to buy one, so I sold it. I couldn't say where he found me, but he must've been looking for this particular hammer.
- sold a Stygian Scepter for the 1k b/o price I had it listed for on another fansite.
Jan. 17
- from a thread here, I bought Merki's gaze for the 5k listed buyout price.
- in game, i sold another murakai's maul for 3k
Jan. 18
- via GWA, I sold a Mungri's Flame for 3k buyout. The buyer got back in touch not long after trading and asked to return it. He'd mistakenly thought it was a fire wand. I let him trade it back.
Jan. 19
- via GWA, I sold a Stygian Recurve bow for 3k buyout.
- via whisper to a nice player I thought might have some spare greens I was looking for, I bought a Flint's Artifact for 1k (his asking price, which was lower than my offer, but seems about right for PC on this one given what price info I could find on these from the last 6 mo. or so of Ventari's threads and the last year of GWA price history.)
- via whisper in response to my buy thread, another nice trader with whom I've traded in the past offered to sell me another flint's artifact (I need a few of them.) I told him of my recent trade above and pc research. He insisted I pick the price, so I picked 3k as midway between what the last guy insisted on and what offer I made him. *shrug*
Jan. 21
- via GWA, i sold a sunreach's shield for the 6k b/o i set it at
Jan. 23
- via GWA, i sold a mallyx's longbow for the 2k b/o i set it at
- responding to a buy thread here, I sold the following to a single player for the b/o prices I quoted: Urgoz's Shortbow for 5k, Sskai's Sword for 3k, and Stygian Wand for 2k.
Jan. 26
- via GWA, i sold a koahm's flatbow for the 3k b/o price i had it at
Jan. 27
- via GWA, i sold a totem axe for the 5k b/o i set when i listed it about 12 hrs earlier.
- via GWA, i sold a scepter of the hierophant for the 5k b/o it had been sitting at for a while (2 weeks maybe? not sure)
Jan. 31
- via GWA, sold a Cho's Vice for 2k
- after trying to sell the following without success for at least a week (and in many cases more than a week) on both Guru Sell thread and GWA listings, I gave the following to a friend who hands out greens to new players in Ascalon, so "merch" is my finding on these ...
--- Kanaxai's Edge, x2
--- Urkal's Kamas
--- Kaya's Daggers
--- Antiquated Rod
--- Mungri's Flame
Jan. 6
- in game, bought 1 encrypted charr battle plans for my 500g offer price
Jan. 10
- someone whispered in response to either my buy thread here or my spams logged to argos offering encrypted charr battle plans. They sold me one for my 500g offer price. They told me they'd merched/deleted a bunch of them before realizing I was buying them.
Jan. 14
- from a sell thread here, I sold a victo's battle axe for the 8k b/o price I had listed it for a few hours before.
Jan. 15
- via a listing at another fansite, I sold a demented artifact for the 2k b/o price I had it listed for.
Jan. 16
- sold a Murakai's Maul for 1k. I had two of these listed for sale at 1k b/o prices, both here on a Sell thread and on another fansite. I had not been spamming them in game. Someone whispered me out of the blue asking to buy one, so I sold it. I couldn't say where he found me, but he must've been looking for this particular hammer.
- sold a Stygian Scepter for the 1k b/o price I had it listed for on another fansite.
Jan. 17
- from a thread here, I bought Merki's gaze for the 5k listed buyout price.
- in game, i sold another murakai's maul for 3k
Jan. 18
- via GWA, I sold a Mungri's Flame for 3k buyout. The buyer got back in touch not long after trading and asked to return it. He'd mistakenly thought it was a fire wand. I let him trade it back.
Jan. 19
- via GWA, I sold a Stygian Recurve bow for 3k buyout.
- via whisper to a nice player I thought might have some spare greens I was looking for, I bought a Flint's Artifact for 1k (his asking price, which was lower than my offer, but seems about right for PC on this one given what price info I could find on these from the last 6 mo. or so of Ventari's threads and the last year of GWA price history.)
- via whisper in response to my buy thread, another nice trader with whom I've traded in the past offered to sell me another flint's artifact (I need a few of them.) I told him of my recent trade above and pc research. He insisted I pick the price, so I picked 3k as midway between what the last guy insisted on and what offer I made him. *shrug*
Jan. 21
- via GWA, i sold a sunreach's shield for the 6k b/o i set it at
Jan. 23
- via GWA, i sold a mallyx's longbow for the 2k b/o i set it at
- responding to a buy thread here, I sold the following to a single player for the b/o prices I quoted: Urgoz's Shortbow for 5k, Sskai's Sword for 3k, and Stygian Wand for 2k.
Jan. 26
- via GWA, i sold a koahm's flatbow for the 3k b/o price i had it at
Jan. 27
- via GWA, i sold a totem axe for the 5k b/o i set when i listed it about 12 hrs earlier.
- via GWA, i sold a scepter of the hierophant for the 5k b/o it had been sitting at for a while (2 weeks maybe? not sure)
Jan. 31
- via GWA, sold a Cho's Vice for 2k
- after trying to sell the following without success for at least a week (and in many cases more than a week) on both Guru Sell thread and GWA listings, I gave the following to a friend who hands out greens to new players in Ascalon, so "merch" is my finding on these ...
--- Kanaxai's Edge, x2
--- Urkal's Kamas
--- Kaya's Daggers
--- Antiquated Rod
--- Mungri's Flame
Chaos Theory Pvp
Sold a Green Bonecage scythe (from Mutant Ooze pit) for 23k, there was hardly any history on this to go on at all anywhere so took a chance on a fast buyer.
sold 150 silver z coins for 42 ecto today. So hope i can keep up that rate.
Sold a stack for 63 ectos.
Sold a stack for 63 ectos.
Regarding above post, I'm going to use 1e = 8k to convert that report for the OP entry.
Thank you to everyone who posted data! Keep it coming!
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New month, new post
Feb. 1
- via GWA, I bought "Law and Order" for my winning bid of 78.755k. (It ran for two weeks at 65k s/b, 100k b/o. There was one other bidder with a hidden proxy max that must've been a little under the 78.755k the system auto-adjusted my bid to beat.)
Feb. 3
- a player was spamming to sell a heavy equipment pack for 26e in game, so i bought it. 1e is still 8k @ 50/50 NPC price and most ecto buy/sell spam is around that point, still, too. So 208k for a heavy pack.
Feb. 4
- My buddy Rice was telling me of his snazzy new Paper Fans, and I told him about the new Wand of Purity from WoC which would let him "dual wield fans." Turns out, Rice is really easy to influence!
With his permission, I'm leaving this report here. He tells me on Feb. 4 he went fan-wand-happy and bought 105 Ministerial Commendations for 2k each (enough for 7 weapons of purity) and 30 more Ministerial Commendations for 1.333k each (enough for two more weapons.)
Feb. 9
- via GWA, I sold a Merki's Gaze shield for 15k
Feb. 10
- in game, i bought a heavy equipment pack for 25e (~200k,) the seller's advertised price.
Feb. 11
- in game, sold 11 gemsets (one of each DoA gem) for 13k each, buyer's advertised price
- via GWA (another trading fansite,) sold Mallyx's Motivation for 3k
- in game, sold three titan gemstones for 5k ea., my asking price
Feb. 13
- in game, sold 1 armbrace of truth for 23e, buyer's ad price (1e~8k 50/50 the past couple days, so 184k)
- via fansite (GWA) I sold four Torment Gemstones for 2.2k each
Feb. 14
- in game, sold 13 stygian gemstones for 2.2k each
Feb. 15
- in game, sold 1 torment gemstone for 2.5k, buyer's offer price when I'd had an ad up to sell 6 at 2.2k ea.
- in game, sold 5 more torment gemstones for 2.2k ea, my asking price.
Feb. 17
- in game, sold one Xun Rao's Quill for 35k when my asking price (admittedly just a best guess) had been 40k
- in game, sold my other spare Xun Rao's Quill for my 40k asking price
Feb. 19
- bought four encrypted charr battle plans from two different people who accepted my 500g ea offer price
Feb. 20
- sold Quansong's Focus for my 8k asking price in game
- sold green, Factions endgame Draconic Scythe for 12.5k ... took a couple hours and struck me as surprisingly easy.
- bought three heavy equipment packs from a player in kama offering to sell them for 23e each. In player to player trade recently, I've not run into anyone using other than 1e=8k. However, for the past couple days 50/50 NPC price on ecto was 8.75k when I checked. When I checked right after buying these packs, 50/50 NPC price on ecto was 9.5k, but there wasn't anyone spamming in game to buy ecto for nearly that kind of price that I saw. I'm going to say 3x heavy equip pack for 184-201k total value here.
- bought a Sseer's Wish for the 1.5k price it was listed for on a thread here.
Feb. 21
- in game, sold a heavy equipment pack for 28e. (1e still seems to be 8k in player to player trade, but the NPC prices have 50/50 at more like 8.75k still. Say 224-225k)
- in game, sold 2 stygian gemstones for 2.2k ea, 6 titan gemstones for 5k ea., and 6 torment gemstones for 2.5k ea. (all to a single player seeking exactly those gems in those quantities.)
- via a sell thread here, I sold a "Claw of the Whispered" (one of the new ch. 3 WoC greens) for a high bid of 10k.
- in game, sold 10 titan gemstones for 6k each, my asking price (to the second, I think it was, buyer I offered them to since getting these 10 to sell earlier today.)
Feb. 22
- via GWA (another fansite,) I sold 12 margonite gemstones for 5k ea., 60k total, sold as a lot and puchased within 24 hrs of listing them there.
Feb. 23
- via GWA I sold a lot of 10 Torment Gemstones and a lot of 8 Stygian Gemstones for 2.5k each prices (25k and 20k totals) to the same player (a different one than who bought the margonites yesterday) These were listed there at the same time as the Margonites above, so this one took more like 48 hours to sell.
- via GWA, I sold a green-text Deldrimor Recurve Bow for 5k
Feb. 24
- no green trades to report, but a note about ecto. Since sometime not long after Halloween 2011, the 50/50 npc price of ecto has been over 8k. Most players I trade with still use the 1e=8k standard when needed in trading since then. Today, I decided I'm no longer willing to wait for the standard to fall back to the old 1e=7k area, and I went looking to convert about 800k to ecto. It took me less than an hour to find people willing to sell me 1ecto for my 8k offer price, so I think it's still valid to use 1e=8k as a conversion here even though it does not always match 50/50 of the rare material trader npc's buy and sell prices. There were lots of people offering me 12e for 100k, which is 8.4k each. I have no idea how many people are actually buying at that rate, but it did not take me anywhere near so long to get the plat I wanted converted at 1e/8k for me to consider raising my offer price.
Feb. 26
- in game, sold "Droknar's Reaper" for my 20k asking price to someone looking for a zealous scythe of enchanting. (I picked 20k as the asking price for this one given the popularity/cost of scythes modded this way, the apparent cost and availability these days of droknar's keys, and the effort required to turn a key into one of these greens.)
- in game sold "Terror Scythe" for 12.5k to a buyer who haggled with me from my 15k asking price.
Feb 28
- via GWA, I sold a Plague-Soaked Stave for the winning, high bid of 10k. I listed it for 5 days with s/b 1k and b/o 15k. 10k was the highest bid.
- in game, I sold a blue -50hp grim cesta (the blood req. one from Ascalon quest) for my 15k asking price. (Given what I've seen in spam in game, there are a lot more buyers for these ... at least around trade districts ... than there are sellers these days. It did not take me long to sell this spare one for 15k.)
- in game, I sold another Plague-Soaked Stave for 15k, my asking price.
- via GWA, I sold an Unending Night's Grasp for the winning bid of 2k. It ran for five days with s/b 1k and b/o 10k set.
Feb. 1
- via GWA, I bought "Law and Order" for my winning bid of 78.755k. (It ran for two weeks at 65k s/b, 100k b/o. There was one other bidder with a hidden proxy max that must've been a little under the 78.755k the system auto-adjusted my bid to beat.)
Feb. 3
- a player was spamming to sell a heavy equipment pack for 26e in game, so i bought it. 1e is still 8k @ 50/50 NPC price and most ecto buy/sell spam is around that point, still, too. So 208k for a heavy pack.
Feb. 4
- My buddy Rice was telling me of his snazzy new Paper Fans, and I told him about the new Wand of Purity from WoC which would let him "dual wield fans." Turns out, Rice is really easy to influence!
Feb. 9
- via GWA, I sold a Merki's Gaze shield for 15k
Feb. 10
- in game, i bought a heavy equipment pack for 25e (~200k,) the seller's advertised price.
Feb. 11
- in game, sold 11 gemsets (one of each DoA gem) for 13k each, buyer's advertised price
- via GWA (another trading fansite,) sold Mallyx's Motivation for 3k
- in game, sold three titan gemstones for 5k ea., my asking price
Feb. 13
- in game, sold 1 armbrace of truth for 23e, buyer's ad price (1e~8k 50/50 the past couple days, so 184k)
- via fansite (GWA) I sold four Torment Gemstones for 2.2k each
Feb. 14
- in game, sold 13 stygian gemstones for 2.2k each
Feb. 15
- in game, sold 1 torment gemstone for 2.5k, buyer's offer price when I'd had an ad up to sell 6 at 2.2k ea.
- in game, sold 5 more torment gemstones for 2.2k ea, my asking price.
Feb. 17
- in game, sold one Xun Rao's Quill for 35k when my asking price (admittedly just a best guess) had been 40k
- in game, sold my other spare Xun Rao's Quill for my 40k asking price
Feb. 19
- bought four encrypted charr battle plans from two different people who accepted my 500g ea offer price
Feb. 20
- sold Quansong's Focus for my 8k asking price in game
- sold green, Factions endgame Draconic Scythe for 12.5k ... took a couple hours and struck me as surprisingly easy.
- bought three heavy equipment packs from a player in kama offering to sell them for 23e each. In player to player trade recently, I've not run into anyone using other than 1e=8k. However, for the past couple days 50/50 NPC price on ecto was 8.75k when I checked. When I checked right after buying these packs, 50/50 NPC price on ecto was 9.5k, but there wasn't anyone spamming in game to buy ecto for nearly that kind of price that I saw. I'm going to say 3x heavy equip pack for 184-201k total value here.
- bought a Sseer's Wish for the 1.5k price it was listed for on a thread here.
Feb. 21
- in game, sold a heavy equipment pack for 28e. (1e still seems to be 8k in player to player trade, but the NPC prices have 50/50 at more like 8.75k still. Say 224-225k)
- in game, sold 2 stygian gemstones for 2.2k ea, 6 titan gemstones for 5k ea., and 6 torment gemstones for 2.5k ea. (all to a single player seeking exactly those gems in those quantities.)
- via a sell thread here, I sold a "Claw of the Whispered" (one of the new ch. 3 WoC greens) for a high bid of 10k.
- in game, sold 10 titan gemstones for 6k each, my asking price (to the second, I think it was, buyer I offered them to since getting these 10 to sell earlier today.)
Feb. 22
- via GWA (another fansite,) I sold 12 margonite gemstones for 5k ea., 60k total, sold as a lot and puchased within 24 hrs of listing them there.
Feb. 23
- via GWA I sold a lot of 10 Torment Gemstones and a lot of 8 Stygian Gemstones for 2.5k each prices (25k and 20k totals) to the same player (a different one than who bought the margonites yesterday) These were listed there at the same time as the Margonites above, so this one took more like 48 hours to sell.
- via GWA, I sold a green-text Deldrimor Recurve Bow for 5k
Feb. 24
- no green trades to report, but a note about ecto. Since sometime not long after Halloween 2011, the 50/50 npc price of ecto has been over 8k. Most players I trade with still use the 1e=8k standard when needed in trading since then. Today, I decided I'm no longer willing to wait for the standard to fall back to the old 1e=7k area, and I went looking to convert about 800k to ecto. It took me less than an hour to find people willing to sell me 1ecto for my 8k offer price, so I think it's still valid to use 1e=8k as a conversion here even though it does not always match 50/50 of the rare material trader npc's buy and sell prices. There were lots of people offering me 12e for 100k, which is 8.4k each. I have no idea how many people are actually buying at that rate, but it did not take me anywhere near so long to get the plat I wanted converted at 1e/8k for me to consider raising my offer price.
Feb. 26
- in game, sold "Droknar's Reaper" for my 20k asking price to someone looking for a zealous scythe of enchanting. (I picked 20k as the asking price for this one given the popularity/cost of scythes modded this way, the apparent cost and availability these days of droknar's keys, and the effort required to turn a key into one of these greens.)
- in game sold "Terror Scythe" for 12.5k to a buyer who haggled with me from my 15k asking price.
Feb 28
- via GWA, I sold a Plague-Soaked Stave for the winning, high bid of 10k. I listed it for 5 days with s/b 1k and b/o 15k. 10k was the highest bid.
- in game, I sold a blue -50hp grim cesta (the blood req. one from Ascalon quest) for my 15k asking price. (Given what I've seen in spam in game, there are a lot more buyers for these ... at least around trade districts ... than there are sellers these days. It did not take me long to sell this spare one for 15k.)
- in game, I sold another Plague-Soaked Stave for 15k, my asking price.
- via GWA, I sold an Unending Night's Grasp for the winning bid of 2k. It ran for five days with s/b 1k and b/o 10k set.
armbraces around 3 days ago
184k (x2)
184k (x2)
Sold Gavel of the Nephilim for 4k.
Thank you to everyone who posted data! Keep it coming!
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Sold Milefaun's Staff for 3k
Mar. 3
- in game, I sold "Law and Order" for my 22e asking price (~176k)
(For green daggers, I see what strikes me as a lot of buy ads for these, considering how long they've been out. I don't notice many sell ads or many available for sale on fansites. It took me about a month to sell these. Until today, the highest offer I had from a buyer was 19e and most I spoke with were offering more in the 50-80k range if they told me at all. I admit I was mostly just curious how long it might take to get 22e for these things. It took me about a month of offering them to buyers when I saw them. I don't think I ever actively advertised them for sale anywhere, but I can't remember for sure.)
- via GWA fansite, sold Tureksin's Spear for 8k
Mar 4
- in game, bought one heavy equipment pack for 23e, seller's ad price (~184k)
Mar 5
- in game, sold Deldrimor Scythe (green one, not gold) for 15k
Mar 10
- via GWA, I bought a Brohn's Holy Rod for the listed 6k b/o price.
Mar. 14
- via GWA, I won a Xun Rao's Absolution green hammer for 15k, the starting bid the seller listed it for. (I think it ran a couple weeks total, but I can't remember for sure. Anyway, I'm sure no one outbid me.)
Mar. 16
- via a sell thread here on Guru, I sold a Claw of the Whispered and a Vision of Purity for 2k each. That was the starting bid, and the thread ran about a week. No one offered more or took the 15k and 25k buyouts I had set.
Mar. 18
- someone PMed me in game offering encrypted charr battle plans (which I advertise I'm buying on a buy thread here) and accepted my offer of 500g each for the two he had.
Mar. 10
- I had two Ganshu's Record green WoC prot foci that a friend asked me to try to sell weeks ago. I've been unable to sell even one of them for even 1-2k. Today I gave them both to a friend who collects unwanted greens and hands them out free to new players. So here's a report of "merch" for this particular one.
- in game, I sold "Law and Order" for my 22e asking price (~176k)
(For green daggers, I see what strikes me as a lot of buy ads for these, considering how long they've been out. I don't notice many sell ads or many available for sale on fansites. It took me about a month to sell these. Until today, the highest offer I had from a buyer was 19e and most I spoke with were offering more in the 50-80k range if they told me at all. I admit I was mostly just curious how long it might take to get 22e for these things. It took me about a month of offering them to buyers when I saw them. I don't think I ever actively advertised them for sale anywhere, but I can't remember for sure.)
- via GWA fansite, sold Tureksin's Spear for 8k
Mar 4
- in game, bought one heavy equipment pack for 23e, seller's ad price (~184k)
Mar 5
- in game, sold Deldrimor Scythe (green one, not gold) for 15k
Mar 10
- via GWA, I bought a Brohn's Holy Rod for the listed 6k b/o price.
Mar. 14
- via GWA, I won a Xun Rao's Absolution green hammer for 15k, the starting bid the seller listed it for. (I think it ran a couple weeks total, but I can't remember for sure. Anyway, I'm sure no one outbid me.)
Mar. 16
- via a sell thread here on Guru, I sold a Claw of the Whispered and a Vision of Purity for 2k each. That was the starting bid, and the thread ran about a week. No one offered more or took the 15k and 25k buyouts I had set.
Mar. 18
- someone PMed me in game offering encrypted charr battle plans (which I advertise I'm buying on a buy thread here) and accepted my offer of 500g each for the two he had.
Mar. 10
- I had two Ganshu's Record green WoC prot foci that a friend asked me to try to sell weeks ago. I've been unable to sell even one of them for even 1-2k. Today I gave them both to a friend who collects unwanted greens and hands them out free to new players. So here's a report of "merch" for this particular one.
In game, I purchased 2 sets of Oroku's Slicers: 20 K and 23 K. I saw another set advertised for 25 K. I had additional people PM me offering sets at 40 K and 9 e.
Sold Xun Rao's Justice for 30k. Took only 10 minutes.
Sold Urgoz's Longbow for 10k
Sold Urgoz's Longbow for 10k
Sold Illyana's Staff - 3k sold in 1 min of yelling.
I just sold one of these for 200e:
"-50 hp Healing Cesta" (nonmax, nongreen, Dec. 2009)
(The item is similar to the commonly traded "-50 hp Cesta," but with a Healing requirement. This one is no longer available as a quest reward and sometimes quite valuable at auction.)
All interested parties said they had never seen one, so I imagine there aren't many in circulation.
"-50 hp Healing Cesta" (nonmax, nongreen, Dec. 2009)
(The item is similar to the commonly traded "-50 hp Cesta," but with a Healing requirement. This one is no longer available as a quest reward and sometimes quite valuable at auction.)
All interested parties said they had never seen one, so I imagine there aren't many in circulation.
matt the demon
Saw kerrsh staff going ~ 15K
Surge goes pre
Paid 30k for a Rago's Flame Staff the other day.