What really makes u "leet"
so all the time in guildwars you got people who think they are leet because, they got the rare minis from powertrading making them ridiculously rich and people call they noobs and not leet...then you got people with god walking amongst mere mortals title...and people rag on that for saying that isnt leet its just grinding...and then you got people who run dungeons, and fowsc (and use to be uwsc) and people call them not leet cause most of them are permas...so what truely makes you leet in guildwars? cause apparently anything good u do people put down c ause they dont got it lol
Mr. Undisclosed
What really makes you leet?
Your cape design, everyone knows that!
Your cape design, everyone knows that!
ohyeah dont even get me started on pvpers...ive meet sum very cocky individuals who put down pve at even a mention of it lol
Zahr Dalsk
What really makes you leet? How butthurt you can make people about your Guru forum posts.
Apparently I'm kinda leet without even trying >_>
Apparently I'm kinda leet without even trying >_>
Mr. Undisclosed
Kerwyn Nasilan
Not being "leet" makes you cool on my opinion.
You just know.
Being leet means you don't act leet. You don't talk it text chat. You actually have sound advice that can help new players. You know all the skills in the game. Understand all the professions roles. You are a helpful benefit to any team you are on. You can run unoptimal stuff and still steam roll through the game, and even then your teammates won't notice because you are doing so well.
Being leet means you don't act leet. You don't talk it text chat. You actually have sound advice that can help new players. You know all the skills in the game. Understand all the professions roles. You are a helpful benefit to any team you are on. You can run unoptimal stuff and still steam roll through the game, and even then your teammates won't notice because you are doing so well.
^the above is leet because he tells the truth without sounding like an arrogant player. 
Someone that helps other people with their ingame knowledge instead of boasting and pushing their so called skill in other peoples faces is NOT cool.

Someone that helps other people with their ingame knowledge instead of boasting and pushing their so called skill in other peoples faces is NOT cool.
being leet...lol... it's a matter of opinion if you ask me..
What makes one elite:
1. Not having to beg others for money or skill bars.
2. Not having to pug with people who would slow down the general GW experience.
3. Knowing when to add pugs in harder dungeons and what their roles should play.
4. Knowing how control pugs in teams - telling them what to do, where, when and how.
5. Predicting changes in price of in-game items and making huge profits accordingly.
6. Achieving titles and all other luxuries without having to eBay. What's eBay???
7. Able to adapt to anything by learning to win from repeated defeats.
1. Not having to beg others for money or skill bars.
2. Not having to pug with people who would slow down the general GW experience.
3. Knowing when to add pugs in harder dungeons and what their roles should play.
4. Knowing how control pugs in teams - telling them what to do, where, when and how.
5. Predicting changes in price of in-game items and making huge profits accordingly.
6. Achieving titles and all other luxuries without having to eBay. What's eBay???
7. Able to adapt to anything by learning to win from repeated defeats.
Anyone who's mature, easy to talk to, and knowledgeable in/willing to learn the game is considered leet in my book.
*TRULY*, if you're someone who has come up with a decent build to accomplish some particular goal in GW. That's about it.
GWAMM is a prerequisite, as you should have grinded (ground?) the game at least that long, to be able to understand the skillsets...
GWAMM is a prerequisite, as you should have grinded (ground?) the game at least that long, to be able to understand the skillsets...
Regulus X
Soloing kittys makes me leet. Can I solo urs pl0x?
dr love
leet players give me all their ectos, because that is the leet thing to do
If you run down into the mobs and wipe 'em out instead of using the catapults in the Ft. Ranick mission, you're l33t. If you do it solo, you're uber-l33t.

During the early days of GW, i was impressed with people who have chaos gloves or those who can do tiger emote, etc. I thought they were leet.
I am a GW player and I know how hard it is to earn titles (whether you pay for it or do it yourself). So, having a GWAMM title shows that the player is leet (for me). They earned it, they spend time for it, they spend money for it. Being leet is having the dedication to achieve something -- so my respect to all the GWAMMs out there.
I am a GW player and I know how hard it is to earn titles (whether you pay for it or do it yourself). So, having a GWAMM title shows that the player is leet (for me). They earned it, they spend time for it, they spend money for it. Being leet is having the dedication to achieve something -- so my respect to all the GWAMMs out there.
Nothing makes me leet - I am happily an ever-noob. If there was nothing more to learn or do or see I'd get bored.
What makes me rich? How about stuff like ...
I've been playing this game off and on for almost four years. I've seen amazing artwork and had a blast exploring the beautiful virtual worlds here.
I've made some a lot of great friends despite my general aversion to playing with other people.
Those friends have given me many occasions to literally laugh out loud. Sometimes even laugh so hard that I stop making noise and just shake until my abs start to hurt.
Feels pretty rich to me.
What makes me rich? How about stuff like ...
I've been playing this game off and on for almost four years. I've seen amazing artwork and had a blast exploring the beautiful virtual worlds here.
I've made some a lot of great friends despite my general aversion to playing with other people.
Those friends have given me many occasions to literally laugh out loud. Sometimes even laugh so hard that I stop making noise and just shake until my abs start to hurt.
Feels pretty rich to me.
Unlucky Slayer
Shut A You Face
You just know.
Being leet means you don't act leet. You don't talk it text chat. You actually have sound advice that can help new players. You know all the skills in the game. Understand all the professions roles. You are a helpful benefit to any team you are on. You can run unoptimal stuff and still steam roll through the game, and even then your teammates won't notice because you are doing so well. |
Your pvp titles, nuff said
Eragon Zarroc
What makes you leet in guildwars in my opinion is your skill in pvp. The leetest people are the ones that are pro pvp'ers with out the outright arrogance that is usually characteristic of must overtly competitive pvp'ers. Those that have extreme intelligence for strategy, the fine-tuned skills in combat, and lack ignorance in thinking that they are the best that has ever been. any one can get god title. not everyone can be rank 1 in gvg.
What makes u leet on guru though? POST COUNT!!! RAWR!!! lol *sigh*
What makes u leet on guru though? POST COUNT!!! RAWR!!! lol *sigh*
obsidian ectoplasm
umm having the title 1337?
Your not leet untill someone calls you leet.
1. Chaos gloves
2. FoW armor
3. Voltaic Spear (pair up with tormented shield for ekstra leetness)
4. Zaishen rank
5. ???????????
2. FoW armor
3. Voltaic Spear (pair up with tormented shield for ekstra leetness)
4. Zaishen rank
5. ???????????
FoW armor. Jeez people, FoW armor, for the love of god.... Like the five hundredth time I've had to say it. Don't make me tell you again, mister.
/walks off shaking head in disgust, muttering "Noobs, pfft"
(that was satire, in case the mentally challenged missed it)
/walks off shaking head in disgust, muttering "Noobs, pfft"
(that was satire, in case the mentally challenged missed it)
I think req9 all the bamf weapons makes you pretty leet..
having 7 stacks of ectos would help too..
and a sick mini..
not to meantion God Walking...
having 7 stacks of ectos would help too..
and a sick mini..
not to meantion God Walking...
Seeing as how 'leet' these days is basically the same as scrub, then I suppose having all the stupid things mentioned in this thread (chaos gloves, zaishen title, black fow) would count.
If you meet leet like elite, then playing in GWWC/GWFC or winning other tourneys 3 years ago would count.
If you meet leet like elite, then playing in GWWC/GWFC or winning other tourneys 3 years ago would count.
Working for Anet makes you 1337.
nothing pve makes anyone good.
i have r5 koabd and a few thousand worth of ectos, and i know that doesn't mean anything at all. it's just a bunch of wasted time that anyone and their mother can do.
some people have a reverse understanding of what being good is. they'll 12345 their way to victory in RA on a R/A, then flash their bambi and zrank. nothing, and i mean nothing, could ever be more of an embarrassing disgrace in this game, flashing worthless garbage with pride like it required any amount of talent or skill to obtain.
knowing how to play the game, and be effective, and be smart about your actions makes you good. or 'leet' if you wanna call it that.
unfortunately less than 1% of guild wars' population can do this. that's why when you come across a good mes, or war, or ranger, people know it and point it out. like it's a rarity or something. where's my quality control, genocide of the bads.
i have r5 koabd and a few thousand worth of ectos, and i know that doesn't mean anything at all. it's just a bunch of wasted time that anyone and their mother can do.
some people have a reverse understanding of what being good is. they'll 12345 their way to victory in RA on a R/A, then flash their bambi and zrank. nothing, and i mean nothing, could ever be more of an embarrassing disgrace in this game, flashing worthless garbage with pride like it required any amount of talent or skill to obtain.
knowing how to play the game, and be effective, and be smart about your actions makes you good. or 'leet' if you wanna call it that.
unfortunately less than 1% of guild wars' population can do this. that's why when you come across a good mes, or war, or ranger, people know it and point it out. like it's a rarity or something. where's my quality control, genocide of the bads.
1337 Skillz (7) |
Even GuildWars tell us when you're leet
You just know.
Being leet means you don't act leet. You don't talk it text chat. You actually have sound advice that can help new players. You know all the skills in the game. Understand all the professions roles. You are a helpful benefit to any team you are on. You can run unoptimal stuff and still steam roll through the game, and even then your teammates won't notice because you are doing so well. |
No, actually Hawk has it right. It does not matter if it is in PvP or PvE, a leet player just does their job 'nuf said.
some people have a reverse understanding of what being good is. they'll 12345 their way to victory in RA on a R/A, then flash their bambi and zrank. nothing, and i mean nothing, could ever be more of an embarrassing disgrace in this game, flashing worthless garbage with pride like it required any amount of talent or skill to obtain.
And the worst part is that there were ppl playing that R/A shit and they were like rank 11/12, which makes them even more retarded than a rank 3 players. In my opinion playing lame builds until u get like rank 5-6 is normal, because you cannot find good pug balanced teams with low rank, but u can find decent ones when u have a higher one.I had nothing against ppl playing the R/A shit stuff if they were under rank 5, but if they were like 9-12 the flame machine engaged. And yes u can see if they are low ranked or have a high rank by playing iway constantly. Thats the other thing if u did your title long time ago but with a lame build ppl will still remember you. Iway has been around for shitload of time
Drunkard title !
So boooring, got to respect those who got 1000+ minutes
So boooring, got to respect those who got 1000+ minutes
idril isildra
my paragon is my main = leet
Darth The Xx
The ability to Dshot RoF