Originally Posted by Skyy High
Question: How the hell is anyone a "known botter"? Do you have a camera set up in their house or something?
You watch for anomalies in their behavious. For example, Yuris is generally known as a botter, due to his famous Rollerbeetle runs.
This is obviously only speculation.
So how fo you know for sure? You observe him.
Just yesterday, LR was facing Yuris guild (Dehy), and most of his guild has the dodge-bot. It is, in fact, quite simple, and I assume the code goes as follow:
Server sends packet to client that someone has thrown a snowball at you which is going to KD you. Then the bot replies to that packet with a drop ping, and a left and right strafe, and then pick it up again.
A real player could not pull this off with high consitency. Yuris, and his guildies, do it on pretty much every KD'ing snowball.
So I assumed, what if they're just REALLY good (yeah right).
Then I observed him being surrounded by LR people (Yuris), and someone threw a snowball from far away. He then dropped the relic, and strafed left and right.
In other words, his bot kicked in, because a real player would NEVER have dropped, and strafed like that when being surrounded by 4+ enemy people.
So either he's SUCH a good player he ALWAYS senses a KD'ing snowball comming in, even if there's 100% chaos going on around him, and he will STILL try and dodge it, even tough he KNOWS the 4 ppl around him will pick up the present if he drops it, OR he's using a bot.
Which one is the obvious anwser?
But I'm really not here to accuse, or judge anyone. I just don't think botters should be posting in this thread acting as if they actually know how snowball arena actually works.
Yeah, team tactics, and build setup can definatly turn the match around, but ANYONE who has a slight clue how snowball arena works would realize that whichever team can pick the relic up faster wins... You can kill them as much as you want, you can snare them as much as you want, but at the end of the day, if you are never able to pick up the relic, it'll just keep moving slowly to their avatar, slow but steady...
Yellow Snow: Transfer all your conditions to nearby foes. 3/4 cast, 5 recharge.