1. At this point the only responsible thing NCSoft can do is
SHUT OFF THEIR WEBSITE ASAP and keep it down until it is
completely fixed.
Originally Posted by Regina Buenaobra
First of all, we have escalated this up to the NCsoft Security team, and they will investigate the issue.
I have no confidence in them. This is the same security team that has continued to insist there's nothing wrong in the face of direct evidence to the contrary.
Therefore the hysteria surrounding the idea that all hacks are coming through the NCsoft Master Account doesn't seem to be valid.
There is no hysteria that "
all hacks are coming through the NCsoft Master Account." There is and always will be a certain baseline or morons who get their accounts stolen through phishing, social engineering, keylogging, etc. There is a concern, and a (justified) anger, that
all the hacks of accounts belonging to
people who have practiced good security on their part and done nothing wrong are coming through the NCSoft master account.
The first we have heard of this information, as detailed in this thread's original post, was brought to our (ArenaNet's) attention just recently (yesterday, according to Gaile), so it's incorrect to suggest that we've been covering it up for months.
You haven't. NCSoft has. The Aion community says they've been reporting this issue since Oct. We've been reporting the vulnerabilities that make brute forcing trivially easy for at least a month and nothing's been done about them either. NCSoft has buried their heads in the sand here -- no two ways about it.
Since it appears that somehow information on the vulnerabilities on the NCSoft site are not filtering up the way they should be, I'm going to take the time to condense them all into 1 post.
List of Known Vulnerabilities with the NCSoft Site:
- 1. Wrong Account Bug. Sometimes simply logging into the NCSoft site takes you to someone else's account instead, with FULL CONTROL over that account. An attacker need only use a bot to log into their own account over and over until the bug occurs, then steal the account the bug gives them.
- 2. Advanced Vulnerabilities Reported by Mung on Aion Forums
- "SQL injection is apparently NOT prevented very well. [Mung] was able to send a basic acknowledge request and instead of "page not found" or "incorrect login" [Mung] received an SQL ack!"
- "The ENTIRE web domain is unprotected from file mirroring (process of copying all files housed at the web host)." Chthon's note: HOLY SHIT! That's very bad....
- "[T]he majority of the process functions for each page under the "secure.ncsoft.com" domain are scripted in PERL but referencing Javascript multiple times for all sorts of verifying processes. This can easily be manipulated to a users intention."
- 3. Brute Force Vulnerabilities
- Login failure gives different error message for real usernames and non-usernames. An attacker can generate a list of valid usernames by systematically running all character strings against the NCSoft site's username field.
- Security questions for password reset have dangerously small search spaces that can be guessed quickly. The birthday question (which is the default!) is particularly easy. So is the car color question.
- Failed attempt at answering security questions that includes one correctly guessed question returns error message that tells user which question is correct. This vastly reduces search time for a brute force attack.
- Password reset attempts are allowed too frequently. 5 attempts every 12 hours is too many given the small search spaces.
- IP's attempting multiple failed logins or password reset attempts are not blocked, blacklisted, or greylisted.
- Attacker can specify new NCSoft password immediately upon correctly guessing password reset questions. The system should create a random password sent in a confirmation e-mail it to the account's associated address.
- The GW username is displayed from the NCSoft site. It should not be. This gives an attacker 1/3 of the GW login credentials.
- Attacker can specify new GW password immediately upon accessing the NCSite. User should be required to enter old password and/or respond to confirmation e-mail to the account's associated address. [Edit: Apparently this was fixed a few hours ago. Old password is now required.]
- No countermeasures at all against brute forcing NCSoft password.(Gaile states that she has been told there are, but forum members making repeated failed login attempts did not encounter lockout, blacklisting, or increasing delay. Suspect Gaile has been misinformed by NCSoft staff.)
- 4. GW character names are present in old support tickets. This renders the new character name security question useless.
[edit: fixed a couple typos, mistakes]