Originally Posted by Tobi Madera
eh /notsigned.
it gives casters a fighting chance against meele ppl. It keeps blind on them. Learn to live w/ it and fight. Ur a warrior or derv.. learn this fact and flow w/ it.
So does empathy, distortion, Bonetti’s, Insidious Parasite, Blurred Vision, the rest of the Air Magic Line [and I could keep going on & on & on &..] B.Surge’s current recharge and cast time paired with a 40/40 is a recipe for overpoweredness!
Originally Posted by Owik Gall
I thought the last nerf was good enough to keep this balanced. It stopped from affecting adjacent foes easily by adding the condition that the foe has to be enchanted. I guess that ain't enough. I suppose that in order to make blinding skills actually balanced in this game the blindness durations would now have to be less than the recharge times. That way it will force the inflicting players to think rather than spam, spam, spam.
They had it that way initially for a reason. It baffles me til this very day as to why they buffed it to stupid 1-1-1-L-O-L-1-L-1-O-1-L-1-proportions. I totally agree on that last sentence. Too bad there’s just too many players using them in 4v4 that don’t care and/or want it to go away because they’re winning way too easily and love it!
Originally Posted by Windf0rce
/not signed for all reasons stated above.
Besides, the skill is good, but too specific. Taking Bsurge template (usually an enchant removal, Enervating, etc.) and facing a team of 4 casters / no physicals puts you at a large disadvantage. If you face a team of 3 physicals, you smile... High risk/high reward skill is fine IMHO.
Even versus a caster teams, B.Surgers still deal damage sufficient to help your allies spike them down [unless P.Blocked, in which case.. it really doesn’t matter WHAT caster type you are!].
Originally Posted by Apathetic Tom
12 axe/9 strength/9 domination
body blow
disrupting chop
bull's strike
res sig
Quality skill bar.
+1 for originality. However, it’s pretty sad how ya’ll support sacking utility for this jaundice. You also have to hope that you catch a B.Surge cast where it’s cast time’s unaffected by the 40/40 set. Otherwise, you’ve just spend 15e failing. I’m not going to say it doesn’t work, but since B.Surge is 3/4ths cast and I don’t use a rupt bot macro, it’s kinda tough to P.Block B.Surge while the chaos ensues [especially without the Fast Cast]. Any lag, or if his 40/40 speeds it up, and you’ve just wasted your time and effort. If you always 100% land P.Block on 3/4th cast spells, then rupt botting comes into mind. Sorry, I just don’t trust any players to be legit. Just my personal opinion, though [not that you should take it to heart].
Originally Posted by iTzF3aR
stop whining.
Stop posting [if you can’t post anything relating to the topic that is]!
Originally Posted by The Drunkard
I frequent RA and I have seen very few blindbots recently, most of which are the dual attune eles with blinding flash. I don't think it's that big of a deal but w/e.
Why not just bring back the enchant clause, that way it only punishes the wars stupid enough to bring mending?
You’re obviously either just lying? Or you’re just not playing enough Random Arenas to notice them..! Or you’ve just had a stroke of incredibly good luck! If luck is the case, then let me borrow your Rabbits’ Foot! O0
Originally Posted by obsidian ectoplasm
B surge is OP. ( 4v4)
Does it urgently need a nerf? No
That’s really all you needed to say. My point has been further validated having read that particular segment.