PuGing bonus
This is considering 8 man groups, 6 and 4 man will have to be balanced differently. The point is to provide incentive to actual play with real human beings:
Group has 1 human player: No bonus
Group has 2 human players: No bonus
3: 20% XP bonus
4: 40% XP bonus, EoTN 10% more faction
5: 60% XP bonus, EoTN 20% more faction
6: 80% XP bonus, EoTN 30% more faction
7: 100% XP bonus, EoTN 40% more faction
8: 100% XP bonus, EoTN 50% more faction, Better loot drops
Group has 1 human player: No bonus
Group has 2 human players: No bonus
3: 20% XP bonus
4: 40% XP bonus, EoTN 10% more faction
5: 60% XP bonus, EoTN 20% more faction
6: 80% XP bonus, EoTN 30% more faction
7: 100% XP bonus, EoTN 40% more faction
8: 100% XP bonus, EoTN 50% more faction, Better loot drops
Over Nine looo
XP and EotN Faction aren't that good a reward, but it'd be better than nothing I guess.. It's also sad that you'd have to bait players into playing with each other rather than H/Hing. I wouldn't be surprised if players thought H/H > PUG + Your Suggested Reward, tbh.
/signed reason: because it's better than nothing.
/signed reason: because it's better than nothing.

Well maybe add a "Pugger" title track too (ANet already considers titles the ultimate carrot on a stick). With some small passive bonus like "increases your maximum morale capacity in PvE by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5%" or something like that. Your progress would increase based on how much XP you've gained while in a group of 3 or more.
Shayne Hawke
PvE skills and (possible existence of) brains aren't enough incentive for you?
This kind of stuff has precedent in other games like WoW (WoW has an XP bonus for parties), and they don't even have to contend with H/H (hint: they don't exist). IMO, GW is TOO solo friendly to the point where it's not group friendly. That's fine if this was Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, but come on.
Zahr Dalsk
The point is to provide incentive to actual play with real human beings
You already get PvE skills for the entire team. Isn't that enough for you?
No. You are a terrible person and are trying to give a bonus to people who play one particular way while discriminating against people who can't or won't play a different way.
You already get PvE skills for the entire team. Isn't that enough for you? /notsigned |
XP bonus is useless. And it's to late!
Pugging = dead, because they added heroes. And because there are not enough players. Outposts are as good as empty!
Maybe that they added heroes because there were to many empty outposts. Dunno..
Pugging = dead, because they added heroes. And because there are not enough players. Outposts are as good as empty!
Maybe that they added heroes because there were to many empty outposts. Dunno..
What would probably end up happening is that persons in the same guild/alliance will team up and farm the rewards proposed and basically do what they are already doing except they will get an additional title/loot/exp/faction.
This will not cause strangers to get together and play nice together. If you restrict people of the same guild and alliance from participating in this then it would be Dead On Arrival.
This will not cause strangers to get together and play nice together. If you restrict people of the same guild and alliance from participating in this then it would be Dead On Arrival.
Seriously? /unsigned.
Reasons: Xp = brawling, Drops = too insignificant.
Personally, I H/H because people are so damn retarded it makes me /ragequit.
Reasons: Xp = brawling, Drops = too insignificant.
Personally, I H/H because people are so damn retarded it makes me /ragequit.
Good idea, it would counter balance the "no obscene drawing on radar; no rage quit; no over aggroing; no afk" bonus you get from H/H. 
Thx but no thx.

Thx but no thx.
I personally notice a difference in drop quantity and quality if I am helping someone do a mish or a quest compared to being alone and using all H/H
The xtra xp isn't really necessary, and a faction bonus? :S
The xtra xp isn't really necessary, and a faction bonus? :S
Pugging was bad in Factions times and it hasn't gotten better at all.
Well.... since so many people are already max level with max GWEN titles already... this isn't exactly going to encourage a lot of people. The good players will continue to H/H. The newbies will continue to have to group with each other.
It won't exactly achieve your goals.
It won't exactly achieve your goals.
Marty Silverblade
There is incentive to play with other people. It seems you don't know much about GW, but want to turn it into a free version of WoW.
Hey guys, let's give speed clearers even better drops.
Captain Bulldozer
To the OP: I can personally say that if any of the suggestions you've made here, or in your other recently closed thread were actually taken by anet, I would be a lot less likely to play the game.
Not everyone wants to play with other people, not all players have the same goals, and most GW players don't want to play games like WoW. Just accept it and stop making threads like this one.
Not everyone wants to play with other people, not all players have the same goals, and most GW players don't want to play games like WoW. Just accept it and stop making threads like this one.
to all you pug haters...
1. this is an MMO, not really made to be run solo, although the option is provided
2. for those of you whose teams fail.. have you ever stopped to think "maybe it's just me, maybe i suck" on average, ONE out of thirty of my pug's fail....
back on topic, this really isn't a good enough incentive to get the people who think their pro back to PUG'ing...
@zelga, there would be an easy way around that, just make it not apply to the most common places SC's occur...
1. this is an MMO, not really made to be run solo, although the option is provided
2. for those of you whose teams fail.. have you ever stopped to think "maybe it's just me, maybe i suck" on average, ONE out of thirty of my pug's fail....
back on topic, this really isn't a good enough incentive to get the people who think their pro back to PUG'ing...
@zelga, there would be an easy way around that, just make it not apply to the most common places SC's occur...
To the OP: I can personally say that if any of the suggestions you've made here, or in your other recently closed thread were actually taken by anet, I would be a lot less likely to play the game.
Not everyone wants to play with other people, not all players have the same goals, and most GW players don't want to play games like WoW. Just accept it and stop making threads like this one. |
Captain Bulldozer
I think a better question would be, would LESS people play the game? People still playing GW in 2010 are probably because they really like it, but what about the millions who already ragequit due to the death of group dynamics in GW? I'm sure Blizzard is really happy!
Perhaps you've managed to miss it, but even the suggestion that GW2 will not have instanced zones has caused a lot of players to reconsider buying it at all. This is not to say the GW couldn't be improved, but you're talking about making it a different playing experience which isn't so much an improvement, as it is something which already exists in a different game.
Unless you're a right fool, you must realize your suggestions aren't going to carry any weight for GW1. A few of them might make it into GW2, but since most of the players DO NOT WANT THOSE CHANGES, you're barking up the wrong tree.
Unless you're a right fool, you must realize your suggestions aren't going to carry any weight for GW1. |

The whole WoW vs GW thing is not part of this thread, and thus offtopic. If you want to discuss stuff like that, ask the mods to unlock my other thread. This thread is about ideas to encourage people to play the game together.
joemoe, as I already pointed out, there would be no motivation for veteran players to group with new players, even with your suggestion. Thus, it wouldn't do anything.
It seems this suggestion is based on bitterness and missing the "good ole' days" rather then logical reasoning.
Edit: Though I can respect your views. At least you aren't like Regulus constantly complaining about RA being imbalanced. Though your posts are just as singleminded as his.
It seems this suggestion is based on bitterness and missing the "good ole' days" rather then logical reasoning.
Edit: Though I can respect your views. At least you aren't like Regulus constantly complaining about RA being imbalanced. Though your posts are just as singleminded as his.
Captain Bulldozer
I figure you read the rules, we are suppose to at least pretend on this forum that our suggestions make any difference.
![]() The whole WoW vs GW thing is not part of this thread, and thus offtopic. If you want to discuss stuff like that, ask the mods to unlock my other thread. This thread is about ideas to encourage people to play the game together. |
You've made a suggestion about parties that likely wouldn't change much, would cause the live team time and energy to implement, and would to GW one step closer to WoW. In fact, a quick survey of your previous posts shows that in almost all your posts you are in favor of making GW more like WoW, and this thread is no exception.
At this point, changes to GW are few and far between, so EVEN IF people argeed with you (and they don't seem to) you're doing nothing more than trolling. Stop it.
To any Mods viewing: Its probably a good idea to close this thread too for the same reasons the OPs other thread was closed.
joemoe, as I already pointed out, there would be no motivation for veteran players to group with new players, even with your suggestion. Thus, it wouldn't do anything.
It seems this suggestion is based on bitterness and missing the "good ole' days" rather then logical reasoning. |

Its a scientifically observed fact that playing video games can actually decrease the amount of blood flow to the brain. Since you seem to have suffered from this more than usual, maybe it would help to cover the points as using as few big words as possible:
Having an 8 human team is good already, if you know who to team with. Henchmen exist because sometimes there arent enough human players.
its not always a matter of choice if your using humans or Ai's; i wouldnt want to see ppl waiting hours to make a human party just because there's more xp to it.
But anyway, i never say no to free bonuses, so i've no objection =D
its not always a matter of choice if your using humans or Ai's; i wouldnt want to see ppl waiting hours to make a human party just because there's more xp to it.
But anyway, i never say no to free bonuses, so i've no objection =D
Deviant Angel
So the title would be something like Legendary Masochist?
Personally, I see pugging as cruel and unusual punishment most of the time. I don't see what is so fun about failing simple missions because I rolled the dice and ended up with people that have no idea how to play the game or use the skillbar they found on PvX.
I find that I'm less frustrated when I play alone or with a couple of friends. You want to punish me for that? If that has to be my reward, being part of a pug that managed to beat the mission should be a good enough reward for you.
Most people do not need the experience (survivors do, but they tend to avoid pugs for obvious reasons) and you can get plenty of EotN rep during the double weekends if you choose to take advantage of it. Don't even get me started on the extra loot for parties of 8...
You're going to need way better incentives to make me choose random people over my friends and heroes.
Personally, I see pugging as cruel and unusual punishment most of the time. I don't see what is so fun about failing simple missions because I rolled the dice and ended up with people that have no idea how to play the game or use the skillbar they found on PvX.
I find that I'm less frustrated when I play alone or with a couple of friends. You want to punish me for that? If that has to be my reward, being part of a pug that managed to beat the mission should be a good enough reward for you.
Most people do not need the experience (survivors do, but they tend to avoid pugs for obvious reasons) and you can get plenty of EotN rep during the double weekends if you choose to take advantage of it. Don't even get me started on the extra loot for parties of 8...
You're going to need way better incentives to make me choose random people over my friends and heroes.

So the title would be something like Legendary Masochist?
Personally, I see pugging as cruel and unusual punishment most of the time. I don't see what is so fun about failing simple missions because I rolled the dice and ended up with people that have no idea how to play the game or use the skillbar they found on PvX. I find that I'm less frustrated when I play alone or with a couple of friends. You want to punish me for that? If that has to be my reward, being part of a pug that managed to beat the mission should be a good enough reward for you. Most people do not need the experience (survivors do, but they tend to avoid pugs for obvious reasons) and you can get plenty of EotN rep during the double weekends if you choose to take advantage of it. Don't even get me started on the extra loot for parties of 8... You're going to need way better incentives to make me choose random people over my friends and heroes. ![]() |
If you have better suggestion for a reward, feel free to share it.

XP is only useful until you get to level 20, or until you have purchased all the skills you want/need. Most people wish there was another use for Skill Points as they have accumulated so many, and do not need more skills. So rewarding people with more XP does nothing to help anyone but new players, and they only get a benefit for a short time.
Faction (rep points) is only useful for titles. Although it would shorten the amount of time required to get those titles, it also becomes useless after the titles are maxed out. And although some people would argue they should be made easier to max, Anet seems to find a balance with the amount of time it takes to max those titles. They have adjusted the amount of faction you get from the various ways in the past, and have stopped doing so. I assume they stopped adjusting it because it reached a point they wanted. So making it easier to get faction would simply make them adjust the amount we earn anyway to keep people from maxing titles faster than they want.
And if you want people to play with people, and not AI, then try finding a way to get people to join GUILDS, and play with them. The name of the game is GUILD Wars. I know not everyone has or wants a guild, but guild/alliance is the best way to find people that know what to do. PUGs is a roll of the dice, and I really don't want to see PUGs become dominant, I'd rather see guilds make a strong statement for efficency.
Faction (rep points) is only useful for titles. Although it would shorten the amount of time required to get those titles, it also becomes useless after the titles are maxed out. And although some people would argue they should be made easier to max, Anet seems to find a balance with the amount of time it takes to max those titles. They have adjusted the amount of faction you get from the various ways in the past, and have stopped doing so. I assume they stopped adjusting it because it reached a point they wanted. So making it easier to get faction would simply make them adjust the amount we earn anyway to keep people from maxing titles faster than they want.
And if you want people to play with people, and not AI, then try finding a way to get people to join GUILDS, and play with them. The name of the game is GUILD Wars. I know not everyone has or wants a guild, but guild/alliance is the best way to find people that know what to do. PUGs is a roll of the dice, and I really don't want to see PUGs become dominant, I'd rather see guilds make a strong statement for efficency.
This is considering 8 man groups, 6 and 4 man will have to be balanced differently. The point is to provide incentive to actual play with real human beings:
Group has 1 human player: No bonus Group has 2 human players: No bonus 3: 20% XP bonus 4: 40% XP bonus, EoTN 10% more faction 5: 60% XP bonus, EoTN 20% more faction 6: 80% XP bonus, EoTN 30% more faction 7: 100% XP bonus, EoTN 40% more faction 8: 100% XP bonus, EoTN 50% more faction, Better loot drops |
The only one worth wiping my ass with is the better loot from an 8 person party...
So...in otherwords to benefit...I need to have a FULL party...even if I was doing it with my guild...odds are that only 5-7 people will want to do it...it's been ages since I've been in a group with 0 heros...its just impractical with how few people play these days...
As for 1-7 person parties...why would my ele with 30+million xp and maxed eotn titles care about the xp and rep points? They're useless...and for someone who does need them it's just unfair to those who can't play with others...
Horrible idea...so what if I am doing something unpopular? I don't know a ton of people who do lets say The Wilds...or maybe at an off hour...should I be punished for playing at a time when no one else is on? or for doing something no one else does?
Despite it being a bad idea...this is worse... The only one worth wiping my ass with is the better loot from an 8 person party... So...in otherwords to benefit...I need to have a FULL party...even if I was doing it with my guild...odds are that only 5-7 people will want to do it...it's been ages since I've been in a group with 0 heros...its just impractical with how few people play these days... As for 1-7 person parties...why would my ele with 30+million xp and maxed eotn titles care about the xp and rep points? They're useless...and for someone who does need them it's just unfair to those who can't play with others... |

XP is only useful until you get to level 20, or until you have purchased all the skills you want/need. Most people wish there was another use for Skill Points as they have accumulated so many, and do not need more skills. So rewarding people with more XP does nothing to help anyone but new players, and they only get a benefit for a short time.
Faction (rep points) is only useful for titles. Although it would shorten the amount of time required to get those titles, it also becomes useless after the titles are maxed out. And although some people would argue they should be made easier to max, Anet seems to find a balance with the amount of time it takes to max those titles. They have adjusted the amount of faction you get from the various ways in the past, and have stopped doing so. I assume they stopped adjusting it because it reached a point they wanted. So making it easier to get faction would simply make them adjust the amount we earn anyway to keep people from maxing titles faster than they want. |
And if you want people to play with people, and not AI, then try finding a way to get people to join GUILDS, and play with them. The name of the game is GUILD Wars. I know not everyone has or wants a guild, but guild/alliance is the best way to find people that know what to do. PUGs is a roll of the dice, and I really don't want to see PUGs become dominant, I'd rather see guilds make a strong statement for efficency.
Well congratulations for beating the game then. If you have max'ed titles, crapton of XP, etc. etc. I am not sure exactly what kind of carrot on a stick would appeal to you? Maybe you get a t-shirt or something.
![]() |
btw keep it to one post at a time...ty

That's just how GW is man. It was not designed to reward power gamers. There really isn't any reason to reward power gamers, nobody is paying any monthly fees so the man who plays 1 hour a month is as valuable to ANet the the person who is playing 40 hours a week. Actually no.. the casual gamer is more valuable because he uses less bandwidth and server time.
If the only reward for playing with people is more xp or loot, people would only play together for farming, not for genuinely playing missions or quests.
I don't think GW needs more of that at the moment. I'm happy with my guild/alliance, with some heroes added.
I don't think GW needs more of that at the moment. I'm happy with my guild/alliance, with some heroes added.
It was not designed to reward power gamers. There really isn't any reason to reward power gamers
To deal with the rest of it...who do you think is more likely to spend extra money on the costumes and such? the people who will see it for an hour a day? or the people who will see it 5+ hours a day...
Power gamers are more valuable in terms of what they can earn...
They will need their bandwidth whether people play for 1 hour or 5 because they will need to cover those peak times when everyone is spending their one hour....so people who play less earn them less money and your bandwidth idea is idiotic at best...
In fact, I think they should prevent people from the same guild and friend list from getting the bonus too. And make the bonus give EXCLUSIVE drops not availible for non pugs and something like 50K difference in reward (exaggerated) and good PvE skills tied to a pugging title and consumables usable only in pugs. Ohh, and armor that can only be purchased with certain rank of pugging titles. See how many "pro" guilds and H/h peeps can resist the temptation with these gigantic carrots dangling.
IMO this is one of the best ideas in a LONG while, too bad its kinda too late to be honest. With SF and 600/Smite possibly being ruined and all of the non farming area on the verge of meeting the same fate as DoA, its kinda sad these kind of stuff that is standard in so many online RPG is not present from the very beginning.
Nevermind.../not signed.
I rather Anet use their resource to implement all these stuff in GW2. GW1 seems to be a lost cause in terms of community quality.
In fact, I think they should prevent people from the same guild and friend list from getting the bonus too. And make the bonus give EXCLUSIVE drops not availible for non pugs and something like 50K difference in reward (exaggerated) and good PvE skills tied to a pugging title and consumables usable only in pugs. Ohh, and armor that can only be purchased with certain rank of pugging titles. See how many "pro" guilds and H/h peeps can resist the temptation with these gigantic carrots dangling.
IMO this is one of the best ideas in a LONG while, too bad its kinda too late to be honest. With SF and 600/Smite possibly being ruined and all of the non farming area on the verge of meeting the same fate as DoA, its kinda sad these kind of stuff that is standard in so many online RPG is not present from the very beginning.
Nevermind.../not signed.
I rather Anet use their resource to implement all these stuff in GW2. GW1 seems to be a lost cause in terms of community quality.
In fact, I think they should prevent people from the same guild and friend list from getting the bonus too. And make the bonus give EXCLUSIVE drops not available(fixed your spelling) for non pugs and something like 50K difference in reward |
Then I saw
(exaggerated) |
I'm sorry that your guild sucks...but that doesn't mean other people should be punished for having friends and decent guilds....
good PvE skills tied to a pugging title and consumables usable only in pugs. |
Ohh, and armor that can only be purchased with certain rank of pugging titles. |
See how many "pro" guilds and H/h peeps can resist the temptation with these gigantic carrots dangling. |
With SF and 600/Smite possibly being ruined and all of the non farming area on the verge of meeting the same fate as DoA, its kinda sad these kind of stuff that is standard in so many online RPG is not present from the very beginning. |
Nevermind.../not signed. I rather Anet use their resource to implement all these stuff in GW2. GW1 seems to be a lost cause in terms of community quality. |
People don't pug because they hate stupid people and its unlikely any kind of reward will steer them back to pugging.
More faction gained will just lead to abuse and isn't PvE skills good enough?
People should pug because they want to pug as illogical as it sounds.
You want pugging again? Get rid of heroes. Course it will more likely cause people quit.
More faction gained will just lead to abuse and isn't PvE skills good enough?
People should pug because they want to pug as illogical as it sounds.
You want pugging again? Get rid of heroes. Course it will more likely cause people quit.