New Build 02/11
Puddin Cheeks
Before i restart, did they get muh farmingz skillz.
No, SF and 600 are the same.
The Arching Healer
I think they removed the wintersday crap and made the so called preparations for Canthan new year.
Wintersday Priest is removed from GtoB, so I assume they also removed the decorations.
To the .DAT file for potential Canthan New Year special item...
Well i've just noticed some terrific change! After update the characteristic polish letters like ą, ś or ć look weird. :S xD
Karate Jesus
Filthy bastards tricked me into believing the skill update would be on time.
Oh well....
Oh well....
Shayne Hawke
Still February, brah. Maybe you need to stop thinking that updates only come out on the first or second Thursday.

Updated map rotation, and did some CNY prep looks like.
And yeah, it's still Feb. Gives the mods some time to create a lake big enough to hold the torrent of tears that will be unleashed when Farmageddon happens.
And yeah, it's still Feb. Gives the mods some time to create a lake big enough to hold the torrent of tears that will be unleashed when Farmageddon happens.
Lycan Nibbler
Yelling @ Cats
Anonymous IXl
Why exactly again does it take over 5 months for a solid pve meta change? why exactly again did ANET have Regina announce that they were changing SF/600 on Dec. 17th 2009 and here we are almost 2 months later without those changes? Why did Regina post in the same thread a few weeks later saying the delays to the changes were, "to be expected" because of the holiday break, but she posted the upcoming changes BEFORE the break even occurred. I just don't get why we are getting bite sized blocks of information that ends up being incorrect after the fact. It's completely frustrating also to not get the updates on the days(second thursday of the month) that they said they were going to put up. No more Guru for me to check on what the devs say anymore, or what they tell Regina to tell us, because none of it is relevant or pertinent to the community anymore.
Test Me
No more Guru for me to check on what the devs say anymore, or what they tell Regina to tell us, because none of it is relevant or pertinent to the community anymore.
Or they just can't get themselves together to release a simple skill update in less than 6 months. I'd *like* to think that isn't the case.
Eragon Zarroc
Axel Zinfandel
so disappointing. Here I was all excited for skill updates and yet another fail.
so disappointing. Here I was all excited for skill updates and yet another fail.
Phaern Majes
And yeah, it's still Feb. Gives the mods some time to create a lake big enough to hold the torrent of tears that will be unleashed when Farmageddon happens.
...and the more disappointed you'll be. Seriously, its been years since I've seen a thread after a skills update where people were happy of the changes. Who knows maybe this will be the one.
Two skills lol. That's really all that needs to change from what Regina was saying they were seriously looking at. Shadow Form from a "...fundamental level" and a skill that would get rid of the 600/Smite teams. Yeah you have to pick a skill on one of those two bars for the 600/Smite nerf, but really there are 5 skills max out of the 16 that you would need to change, and you only have to nerf ONE skill really! So a nerf to Spirit Bond, Prot. Spirit, Spell Breaker, Retribution, or Holy Wrath. I mean, just pick one and be done with it or stop wasting the community's time by posting things way too soon, or posting things that aren't going to happen at all. Between this, and the misinformation about the XTH(just talking about what was promised on this forum, not the actual XTH) what's the point of reading anything the devs post anymore when none of it is reliable?
Fate Crusher
But, the Canthan New Year came out of nowhere, nobody could have seen that coming. So long as it is more than untested fiddling of numbers I'll be fine.
I doubt there will be any new items. Rediculous amounts of party/sweet/drunk points will be floating around, no one's going to care.
no seriously, what the hell takes so long? I've heard that the test krewe doesn't actually test the skills but discuss it on a forum. wth is up with that too? come on..
no seriously, what the hell takes so long? I've heard that the test krewe doesn't actually test the skills but discuss it on a forum. wth is up with that too? come on..
there's not really any point in nerfing SF now anyway...
Operative 14
Darn, I just lost 5k on a bet with a guildee. >_<
Yelling @ Cats
Maybe your sarcasm detector is broke (older than a year old), because people have been using sarcasm for awhile now...
Yup, I was definately being serious. Now let me go feed my pet unicorn....
Shake N Bake
Well I happen to have a theory:
I think all the so said Anet officials and blogger are just made up by Anet to pull pranks on the community. I can imagining how Anet probably is roflmaoing after they post something about a nerf or fixing that (or not fixing something at all) and when they see the communities reactions.
Further more I think their epic Test Crew conistis of Feng a ex goldfarmer who they have trapped in the basement of he toolshed they call Anet headquarters.
No but realy guys Look at what has happend in the last few months. Bad (if any) updates. More and more people apperntly getting pulled over to work for the WoW for the proletariat 2. Seems to me that Anet is quit francly running out of funds (no subcription fee income etc...). So they decide to put what money and resources they have left into GW 2 and pray that by the time it comes out not aller their costumers have wandered off or quit (for reAsons on this please read the 10000x of GW is dead threAds).
I don't see my self buying GW2 for the reason that they might decide to make GW 3 (a big if all depends if GW 2 fails or not) and then we would have the no update content and so on drama all over again.
I would rather invest my money and time in another Game or Hobby where the company actually cares about their costumers.
Just my 2 cents.
I think all the so said Anet officials and blogger are just made up by Anet to pull pranks on the community. I can imagining how Anet probably is roflmaoing after they post something about a nerf or fixing that (or not fixing something at all) and when they see the communities reactions.
Further more I think their epic Test Crew conistis of Feng a ex goldfarmer who they have trapped in the basement of he toolshed they call Anet headquarters.
No but realy guys Look at what has happend in the last few months. Bad (if any) updates. More and more people apperntly getting pulled over to work for the WoW for the proletariat 2. Seems to me that Anet is quit francly running out of funds (no subcription fee income etc...). So they decide to put what money and resources they have left into GW 2 and pray that by the time it comes out not aller their costumers have wandered off or quit (for reAsons on this please read the 10000x of GW is dead threAds).
I don't see my self buying GW2 for the reason that they might decide to make GW 3 (a big if all depends if GW 2 fails or not) and then we would have the no update content and so on drama all over again.
I would rather invest my money and time in another Game or Hobby where the company actually cares about their costumers.
Just my 2 cents.
Shake N Bake
Well I happen to have a theory:
I think all the so said Anet officials and blogger are just made up by Anet to pull pranks on the community. I can imagining how Anet probably is roflmaoing after they post something about a nerf or fixing that (or not fixing something at all) and when they see the communities reactions.
Further more I think their epic Test Crew conistis of Feng a ex goldfarmer who they have trapped in the basement of he toolshed they call Anet headquarters.
No but realy guys Look at what has happend in the last few months. Bad (if any) updates. More and more people apperntly getting pulled over to work for the WoW for the proletariat 2. Seems to me that Anet is quit francly running out of funds (no subcription fee income etc...). So they decide to put what money and resources they have left into GW 2 and pray that by the time it comes out not aller their costumers have wandered off or quit (for reAsons on this please read the 10000x of GW is dead threAds).
I don't see my self buying GW2 for the reason that they might decide to make GW 3 (a big if all depends if GW 2 fails or not) and then we would have the no update content and so on drama all over again.
I would rather invest my money and time in another Game or Hobby where the company actually cares about their costumers.
Just my 2 cents.
I think all the so said Anet officials and blogger are just made up by Anet to pull pranks on the community. I can imagining how Anet probably is roflmaoing after they post something about a nerf or fixing that (or not fixing something at all) and when they see the communities reactions.
Further more I think their epic Test Crew conistis of Feng a ex goldfarmer who they have trapped in the basement of he toolshed they call Anet headquarters.
No but realy guys Look at what has happend in the last few months. Bad (if any) updates. More and more people apperntly getting pulled over to work for the WoW for the proletariat 2. Seems to me that Anet is quit francly running out of funds (no subcription fee income etc...). So they decide to put what money and resources they have left into GW 2 and pray that by the time it comes out not aller their costumers have wandered off or quit (for reAsons on this please read the 10000x of GW is dead threAds).
I don't see my self buying GW2 for the reason that they might decide to make GW 3 (a big if all depends if GW 2 fails or not) and then we would have the no update content and so on drama all over again.
I would rather invest my money and time in another Game or Hobby where the company actually cares about their costumers.
Just my 2 cents.
Shayne Hawke
There are more than two skills that are problematic and worth changing in PvE. And there are different levels to which changing those skills will affect the game, so lots of angles need to be considered.
You don't really believe that, do you?
You don't really believe that, do you?
Originally Posted by Phaern Majes
...and the more disappointed you'll be. Seriously, its been years since I've seen a thread after a skills update where people were happy of the changes. Who knows maybe this will be the one.
I don't see my self buying GW2 for the reason that they might decide to make GW 3 (a big if all depends if GW 2 fails or not) and then we would have the no update content and so on drama all over again.
Also, the main reason that GW2 is being developed is because the GW1 engine (or something) is limited.
Apok Omen
I love how all the PvEer's in this thread are giving their billionth ultimatum to Anet if they don't get an update...
Axel Zinfandel
Yelling @ Cats
nb4"we were really busy preparing for the canthan new year, it should be here in march guys"
Yelling @ Cats
I was referring to the Dec. 17th post by Regina that states that the two things that are getting the update treatment are SF and 600/Smite. They said some other things were, but this was their PvE primary concern at the moment. I believe Regina's post is still on the first page of the Riverside Inn forums bro.
Nah. śćó look normal. Ą and ę are a bit different. Then again, why would you want to use those letters? Most or all of the good Polish players left or retired/half-retired two years ago or more. Only scrubs are left ;/
The A-Net team fails doing Four Horseman without a Perma, so they cannot do the balance update til Februry 2666.
Leave the skills as they are, focuse on GW2 instead.
Why is anyone surprised by the lack of meaningful updates? I'm pretty sure Anet announced they'd release previews before they did skill updates and as of yet, I haven't seen one for PvE changes. Why would you think they'd implement such a thing out of the blue?