02 Mar 2010 at 18:42 - 61
Ok, I admit I haven't read half the posts in this thread, but I did notice people suggesting ways to fix dervs. So, to save time, I'll just address some of the common fixes for that class that people have suggested over time which will likely not work:
Enchantment length: Doesn't help. The dervish is only potentially useful for two things: the scythe and enchantment juggling. Neither is significantly benefitted by longer enchantment durations.
Enchantment juggling: Sucks. Seriously. All it offers are self-heals, utility, and damage, and in none of these categories is it useful. This would require an insane buff to be worthwhile. Remember, we're talking about damage to rival scythes, so you need to consider damage, cast times, removal times, energy costs, aftercast delays, HM armor, and recharges. At the end of it all, you'd be looking at maybe over a hundred damage post-armor for one PBAoE just to have enough dps to come close to a scythe (assuming you have the ability to spam it). Is it possible to make this work, somehow? Perhaps, and if someone can do it, I'd love it. But it's not likely.
More energy on enchantments ending: This would either not be useful or overpowered. If you're using, say, a zealous vow build (the closest thing to a useful dervish build), an energy buff on mysticism will not be enough to replace zealous vow. But on other builds that don't focus on melee...I shudder to think of the overpowered implications (especially in PvP).
Buff the avatars: The only way you could really buff these to be useful without adding to their damage (and even if you did that, I'm not sure it would be worthwhile), would be to make their effects party-wide. Some extra armor and an IMS that only affects you is not going to be very useful no matter how much it is. Neither is condition immunity, + max health, self-heals, hex-removal, or extra max energy.
Now, some dervish fixes that could work.
Better IAS: Every 33% IAS has one significant weakness (Flail has a movement penalty, Frenzy makes you take double damage, etc). HoF is the only one that has two. It can only be kept up 2/3 of the time at high mysticism, and it requires you to put nearly half your attribute points into an otherwise useless attribute. If HoF were maintainable, however, dervishes would actually be worthwhile as a scythe user. Scythe sins would be able to beat them in pure dps, but scythe sins can't bring SY.
Linking AoHM to mysticism: There are various ways one could do this (linking duration or damage to it, or adding a damage bonus for each rank, for example). But either way, this would work.
Some other innate effect of mysticism (% chance for spell immunity, for example), could also work, because it would provide some unique advantage to being a dervish over another profession. However, these tend to carry their own unique issues.
As for rangers, I'm not even sure they should be buffed. Are they weak? Certainly. But they aren't useless. Splinter Barrage is done better by Ritualists (and that's really the only thing I'd change), but every other Barrage-based build is done best by Rangers. It can be combined with SY or Go For the Eyes, for example. It's a very versatile elite.