I guess I can ask my other question... Do I have to do every quest in Pre-Searing as I just want to get to the good part (AKA= Giving those charr a big wallooop on the head). I mean, I completed Factions and NightFall Campaigns as they go through pretty fast, but Prophecies is so freaking Slow, and you can't tell me it isn't as I am experiencing it first hand... [In case you haven't figured out yet, I kept deleting my characters for the Prophecies campaign so I haven't quite gotten past the part with the Northern-Wall or something like that]. But. do you guys think it is worth it to create another W/R Prophecies character or should I just go for NF or F? The only thing holding me back is like a really big craving for Walloooping those Charr.
Please DO NOT say just do what you think is best, as I would like to ask all of you out there who completed Prophecies: Is it worth it for it being so God Dang Slow?
I'll be back to edit this post in the morning as it is 3:00 in the morning and there is probably a dozen spelling errors which isn't normal for me, but... Well... I'm Going to bed,
Goodnight Guru's