Sucks for you then, because they're much better games. Prophecies was... a test subject, if you will. Once they did that, they continually refined Guild Wars, and the campaigns show the clear progress of their work.
Particularly Nightfall. The inclusion of things such as heroes and inscriptions really demonstrated that ArenaNet knew how to make a game. I can't see how you'd enjoy Prophecies for any reason other than nostalgia. |
Anybody Else Dread The Beginning Of Prophecies Like I Do...
heroes made the game more playable, because who wants to play with the typical half retarded pug? and as far as the in game economy, no one gives a shit, buying a decent looking weapon with good mods shouldn't be difficult.
Didn't know where this should go, so I put it here...
I guess I can ask my other question... Do I have to do every quest in Pre-Searing as I just want to get to the good part (AKA= Giving those charr a big wallooop on the head). I mean, I completed Factions and NightFall Campaigns as they go through pretty fast, but Prophecies is so freaking Slow, and you can't tell me it isn't as I am experiencing it first hand... [In case you haven't figured out yet, I kept deleting my characters for the Prophecies campaign so I haven't quite gotten past the part with the Northern-Wall or something like that]. But. do you guys think it is worth it to create another W/R Prophecies character or should I just go for NF or F? The only thing holding me back is like a really big craving for Walloooping those Charr. Please DO NOT say just do what you think is best, as I would like to ask all of you out there who completed Prophecies: Is it worth it for it being so God Dang Slow? I'll be back to edit this post in the morning as it is 3:00 in the morning and there is probably a dozen spelling errors which isn't normal for me, but... Well... I'm Going to bed, Goodnight Guru's |
IMO the campaign gets boring at some point (mainly the white-mantle stuff) but it's generally fun to play, plus the story is epic compared to that of the other campaigns which are pretty meh...
Was going to agree with you, but then I realised that by "beginning" you mean "pre-searing". I dread the beginning of prophesies because the game is more than half way over before you're out of the tutorial mode, have your full attribute point spread and have the ability to freely switch secondaries. Everything before the southern shiverpeaks is a waste of space.
Trinity Fire Angel
i think prophecies is the best campaign of them all. you level slower and there are more challenges. Ascending is the biggest challenge of all if you don;t have any guiild mates to help you along.
Things that will speed it up are to get a run through to LA and get over to Nightfall and grab some heros then go back and do some quests. Try and get a run to Droks to get some max armour as well to make your journey through the early stages a lot easier. And get some L20's to help out.
Things that make prophecies a challenge are the fact that you progress slowly and the low level of hencies. Personally, i loved the entire playing of guildwars through from the beginning. Trying to do the breach as a L8 with henchies... now that is FUN. you want a challenge in GWs, definitely play proph. the other campaigns really don;t give you any idea of how difficult the game was for all of us who only started with proph
Things that will speed it up are to get a run through to LA and get over to Nightfall and grab some heros then go back and do some quests. Try and get a run to Droks to get some max armour as well to make your journey through the early stages a lot easier. And get some L20's to help out.
Things that make prophecies a challenge are the fact that you progress slowly and the low level of hencies. Personally, i loved the entire playing of guildwars through from the beginning. Trying to do the breach as a L8 with henchies... now that is FUN. you want a challenge in GWs, definitely play proph. the other campaigns really don;t give you any idea of how difficult the game was for all of us who only started with proph
Doom Box
I honestly don't care for Prophecies too much, personally Factions was my favorite. Nothing beats the Jade Sea. (Because it's shiny.)
Who cares wich campaign is the best? GW is one massive combining mecha of a game.
The only thing I had against Prophecies my first play threw was the story.
One minute I was fighting the Charr, then Stone Summit, then undead, then white mantle, then screw all them you have to contact the Gods in the desert. The game forgets all of them except the White Mantle and their gods the Mursaat. Again forget everything because you now have to fulfill some Prophecy by opening the Door of Komalie and destroying the Mursaat. Umm wasn't the Charr the main enemy?
So when you open the door, SURPRISE it lets loose the Titans. So where the Mursaat the good guys for keeping the door closed and Glint evil for making you open the door and somehow a Lich gets mix into the story. Ok Wow
Couldn't you just have killed the Lich without opening the door preventing the Titans from causing havoc? They never did explain once how the Charr found out about the Titan, why the undead roam Kryta or what happened to Ascalon after we left it. Ya they explain it in a book they just now published but they left us scratching our heads about what happened.
That's why I like Factions or Nightfall stories. They didn't throw in any story elements without explaining it thinking we where just going to run with it and not question it.
One minute I was fighting the Charr, then Stone Summit, then undead, then white mantle, then screw all them you have to contact the Gods in the desert. The game forgets all of them except the White Mantle and their gods the Mursaat. Again forget everything because you now have to fulfill some Prophecy by opening the Door of Komalie and destroying the Mursaat. Umm wasn't the Charr the main enemy?
So when you open the door, SURPRISE it lets loose the Titans. So where the Mursaat the good guys for keeping the door closed and Glint evil for making you open the door and somehow a Lich gets mix into the story. Ok Wow
Couldn't you just have killed the Lich without opening the door preventing the Titans from causing havoc? They never did explain once how the Charr found out about the Titan, why the undead roam Kryta or what happened to Ascalon after we left it. Ya they explain it in a book they just now published but they left us scratching our heads about what happened.
That's why I like Factions or Nightfall stories. They didn't throw in any story elements without explaining it thinking we where just going to run with it and not question it.
Apok Omen
Off-topic: @josh: Rurik abandoned all hope to defeat the Charr once he knew that they would overpower them sooner or later. So, he ventured the Ascalonians to set up shop in Kryta, where the Charr wouldn't reach them (Mursaat f'ed them up bad in Kryta). However, Kryta was in need of purification from the Zombies and needed to help the White Mantle purge them. The Charr were only a problem in Ascalon, and would only remain a problem there.
On-topic: To me, I dread having to redo every campaign of every game if I ever need wanted to start a new guy. Same reason I don't watch a movie more than once (unless I get nostalgic, or I'm absolutely bored) I've already seen it once, I know what's going to happen, and there's nothing new to see. But, that's just me.
On-topic: To me, I dread having to redo every campaign of every game if I ever need wanted to start a new guy. Same reason I don't watch a movie more than once (unless I get nostalgic, or I'm absolutely bored) I've already seen it once, I know what's going to happen, and there's nothing new to see. But, that's just me.
The real story of prophecies pretty much begins when you arive in Lion arch anyway. The Dalessio seaboard mission can take place weeks after the gates of Kryta mission. Or five minutes later.
Mr. Undisclosed
I can completely understand what you're saying. Prophecies is excruciatingly slow but I sorta think its worth it because it has the best character models. I actually never had to go through to unlock HM because of the teleport glitch a while back lol I am thinking of actually going through soon though.
Shadowspawn X
This is why I think you perceive pre-searing as slow, you keep repeating it over and over and now you are burnt out on it. The pre-searing quests are great for the skills and can be done in two or three hours at most, just bare with it.
Prophs is fine if its your first character. Otherwise it can be real slow and tedious. There's no class you can make in prophs that you can't make in factions or NF so you can pretty much just skip everything before LA.
ok, after re-re-re-reading the OP, I've stripped out most of the fluff and kept the main points:
You want to beat up some charr.
You want to be W/R.
You don't like pre.
Now, in order to completely understand your choices, I need to ask you a couple of questions.
1. Do you see yourself beating up the Charr as a lvl6 or so?
2. How about skills? using any elites? special pve only? bunch of tomes?
3. will you be solo? PUG? low lvl henchies? part of a team? if so, what about them?
4. Wearing max armor and weapons?
5. Will you be getting your attribute points? Ascended?
based on these, the most obvious choices would be:
1. Just bite the bullet and do pre, should take you about an hour or so.
2. Do fast pre, grab r secondary, skip most of the pre skill quests(you get them as soon as you get to post anyway), should take 20 minutes tops. in post, get run to beacons, get run to droks, get armor, get attrubute points in area and run to THK, and get run thru mission for Ember for skill merch. back to beacons for run to LA. get run to sanctum. get run thru mission for desert area. get run to attribute points. If you don't have one, find someone selling good shield (prof merchants don't sell them). wow, just read what I wrote, i used the word "run" a lot. Hope you got plenty of friends/guildmates/cash.
3. Make NF character. run around plains of jarin getting exp and ss points for attribute points. at lvl 10, do EOTN mission, get max armor and weapons. exp farming in the eye is fast and profitable. once you feel strong enough, back to NF. do the 3 missions to get to the mainland, lose Koss(sorry, Spoilers) and get boat to LA. Now, you cna choose to get fast run to beacons/yaks/Ascalon, or you can H/H yourself there.
So, there ya go.
You want to beat up some charr.
You want to be W/R.
You don't like pre.
Now, in order to completely understand your choices, I need to ask you a couple of questions.
1. Do you see yourself beating up the Charr as a lvl6 or so?
2. How about skills? using any elites? special pve only? bunch of tomes?
3. will you be solo? PUG? low lvl henchies? part of a team? if so, what about them?
4. Wearing max armor and weapons?
5. Will you be getting your attribute points? Ascended?
based on these, the most obvious choices would be:
1. Just bite the bullet and do pre, should take you about an hour or so.
2. Do fast pre, grab r secondary, skip most of the pre skill quests(you get them as soon as you get to post anyway), should take 20 minutes tops. in post, get run to beacons, get run to droks, get armor, get attrubute points in area and run to THK, and get run thru mission for Ember for skill merch. back to beacons for run to LA. get run to sanctum. get run thru mission for desert area. get run to attribute points. If you don't have one, find someone selling good shield (prof merchants don't sell them). wow, just read what I wrote, i used the word "run" a lot. Hope you got plenty of friends/guildmates/cash.
3. Make NF character. run around plains of jarin getting exp and ss points for attribute points. at lvl 10, do EOTN mission, get max armor and weapons. exp farming in the eye is fast and profitable. once you feel strong enough, back to NF. do the 3 missions to get to the mainland, lose Koss(sorry, Spoilers) and get boat to LA. Now, you cna choose to get fast run to beacons/yaks/Ascalon, or you can H/H yourself there.
So, there ya go.
Out of all the campaigns i Enjoyed Nightfall the most , Prophecies is also great but as a very casual player it took me almost a month to complete , with all 3 campaigns Prophecies by far has the most content and so whenever i make a new toon i concentrate on that campaign .
I like all 3 campaigns but Prophecies is by far my least favourite .
I like all 3 campaigns but Prophecies is by far my least favourite .
Definitely. I've taken a Ranger from creation to level 20, max attributes, citadel armor and a Crip Shot bar capped (RoF) in 8. It's possible, with enough plat or the right friends.
Sephiroph JR
i know. it's goes so slow and once you have experienced it once then it gets boring.
No. but there is a skip-button for a reason.
Why are posting what your lowlevel characters levels are? By the time you posted that you cold have leveled them up. Furthermore, if you are TIRED by the opening of proph, then i'm assuming you've done it before, and that you know that you can change your secondary later. What was the point of this post? If you dont like the beginning of proph, here's a solution....don't play it.
The forth fly
im old skool Prophecies is guild wars,the rest are pale imitations lacking depth and story.
If you hate it/bored of it that much you can get to fire islands in under 2 hours if you get a runner.
If you hate it/bored of it that much you can get to fire islands in under 2 hours if you get a runner.
Prophecies storyline is boring as shit and in some spots nonsensical. factions was worse, but nightfall's storyline is pretty excellent IMO. and pale imitations lolwut? neither of the other two campaigns is so dull it makes them a chore to play.
It's so slow.
Phaern Majes
Seriously why start a new thread when the old one is still on the first page... post there. Get my +1 before the close.
I can enjoy pre-searing but do I enjoy the rest no quite honestly I prefer to start a character in Nightfall then later travel to lions arch and enjoy the game from then on..
If they hadn't created a faster way to reach lvl 20 and didn't have heroes ie if they hadn't spoiled us then I would still be starting all my characters in Prophesies.
Yes the storyline is still the best of all the games but for me its a four year old storyline I have completed again and again, enough is enough.
If they hadn't created a faster way to reach lvl 20 and didn't have heroes ie if they hadn't spoiled us then I would still be starting all my characters in Prophesies.
Yes the storyline is still the best of all the games but for me its a four year old storyline I have completed again and again, enough is enough.
Lord Dagon
lol ofc we all do.. thats why there are runners ;p
Ninja Ninja
Pre-searing is my favorite part of guild wars.
Bob Slydell
Lmao, another anti Prophecies thread. Go ahead and do us a favor: Instead of making posts about it, why not film yourself torching and smashing some Prophecies install Cd's, put it on youtube and imbed it here. At least it will be more entertaining.
I think Prophecies is the most interesting and varied of all the content. And if you choose to do it without heroes as most of us old timers did, challenging. More fun per hour in Prophecies than any other chapter IMO.